martins name

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Everything posted by martins name

  1. I heard Ken Wilber saying that the fastest method for moving people up the spiral that they have found is meditation.
  2. thanks for letting us know
  3. ye. both forum and main site doesnt load sometimes
  4. Eat it with full grain rice or quinoa, we need full grains. Add lentils and/or beans too for protein.
  5. thanks. this touched me deeply. hell of an insight
  6. @MM1988 Do you have link? It wouldn't be suprising if it happened so don't troll about this.
  7. This would depend a lot on what culture you're in. Swedish guys are not as flirty as Americans for example.
  8. @purerogue It's true that we can't know anything for sure. But we still gotta make educated guesses about how we should act.
  9. This is true but as the guy in the video points out, if you then use that to justify blindly following the role that 'if your child triggers a negative emotion in you it must be something wrong with the child' then that's not good. Both make good points. The right way to go about this is to not use the rule blindly but to make finer distinctions. Which of the child's behaviors will make others dislike him, and which behaviors are only triggering to your own shadow(or "hidden away traumas" as the guy put it)?
  10. @theking00 interesting. It's like binge eating vegetables lol. I guess I do that to sometimes, but the distinction between 'reality' and meditation is very blurry for me so I don't mind it. Leo still does some spiritual practices but if he wouldn't it would be because he is in the meditative state effortlessly. There is no going back from non-duality.
  11. why no more?
  12. @theking00 ok nice Good luck on your quest. Also do you meditate?
  13. @theking00 Do it but there got to be some boundaries, like: don't rob a bank, don't give away your money, don't allow yourself to get raped and don't do drugs. It could be enough to just say yes to events and don't skip out on an invitation to handout with anyone. Facebook usually shows me like 3 nearby events a week that i don't go to. You could make the rule that you have to go to 2 or 3 of those a week.
  14. SD stage blue maybe?
  15. You need whole grains. Whole grain rice and such.
  16. You cant just ignore you bounderies without psycological consequences. If that movie was real life more then half of those people would need therapy after a while.
  17. @theking00 You need limitations for what you are going to do. Some people will try to take advantage of you when they start to see the pattern. There are better principles to have then this one.
  18. Also remember that there are healthy and unhealthy versions of all stages. Becomming a delusional newager is unhealthy. We are only after the healthy sides.
  19. The most important factor for my transitioning into healthy green is meditation. Like leo said in his latest vid on SD, it's the fastest way we have found to move up stages. I recommend metta meditation if you've never tried it to get a first hand taste of the sweetness of green.
  20. @okulele Hotline miami was made in gamemaker. But if you wanna transition in to a professionall programmer later, then don't use it.
  21. @okulele Game Maker!! Don't bother doing things from scratch. Use a nice editor instead.
  22. new banner looks great