martins name

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Everything posted by martins name

  1. @kag101 Not at all. But since then I've had a similar experience with yellow when I did 5-meo.
  2. It's called spiritual bypassing
  3. @Coldbrain The past is nothing more than a thought. Solipsism is half true in that there is no other. Solipsism is wrong in that there is no ego at the center of it.
  4. @Coldbrain Because when all thoughts are gone you realize that consciousness is all there is. So there couldn't be a reality without consciousness.
  5. @Coldbrain This is so. I don't know if it could be logically proven but it becomes glaringly obvious when you have an enlightenment experience.
  6. It boggles my mind that someone with non-dual realization could think like this. Goes to show that there isn't just one interpretation of the experience.
  7. @Snader he took some initiatives in life afterwards but seemed to forget about it after a while. Still it was a wake-up call he's never had before. He's a very asleep person with very little ambition, someone you maybe wouldn't think would benefit from psychedelics, but he did. Any positive nudge for someone is a success.
  8. Gave my weeb friend 100ug lsd once. He listened to metal and contemplared for a couple of hours than he emerged and told me he regret messing up highschool and that he needs to try harder in life. Success.
  9. @Godishere 5-meo can open doors in our minds that doesn't close after the trip is over. It's energetic changes in our 6th and 7th chakra rather than remnants of psychedelics. It's not a negative nor dangerous thing.
  10. @eggopm3@eggopm3 The bottom line is: does it make you feel lasting happiness? Healing dysfunctions in chakras could free your consciousness more than say witnessing-meditation. Also when our energy isn't clogged up in the lower chakras it raises and the more you get into your 3rd eye chakra the more present you become. That's the yogic path. I think the contractions you were feeling is the reason it felt hedonic. Contraction creates duality and it's hedonic to become addicted to a side of the duality. The trick is to let go deeper into the pleasure and, as you said, dissolve the contractions. I updated the instructions slightly: Any struggle shows subtle psychological dysfunction that you will be so much freer without. It's so worth it. Let me know if it's not working after experimenting with the alterations.
  11. Heaven is subconsciously symbolically connected to the heart chakra, to love, to longing, to our place in the world. Or perhaps you mean the Christian thing?
  12. Leo as mentioned DPT is stronger but there are other psychedelics still that he haven't received. But idk why you would need anything more than 5-meo, it's so perfect.
  13. @Muhammad Jawad when you are looking for the 3rd eye, let your intuition guide you. You are looking for an energetic phenomena rather than a physical sensation.
  14. I'm reading Wheels of Life currently. Loving it.
  15. Self actualization is what is happening. Egoism/suffering is being attached to it. You don't have to be, but if you are trying to actualize hate, anger or self-agrandizment egoism it Will bring karma which brings egotism and suffering.
  16. Pain ≠ suffering Suffering = duality = resistance. You can resist both emotional pain or 'physical' pain.
  17. Ground morals in will. You are right that morals are relative, there isn't objective good or bad. Even suffering isn't objectively bad. But if you stop you analysis there you have no grounds for construction. The solution is to say: yes, love isn't better than hate but I will act from love in spite of its arationality. This is transcending and including relativism. Next question is what would you assert? Happiness for all. It is important to know that we all share the same consciousness and that you will reincarnate into everyone you hurt. Happiness is how our system expresses psychological and physiological health. Human happiness comes our chakras and how they manifest as the hierarchy of needs: safety, belonging, power, order, self-actualzition, harmony. Which corresponds to comfort, pleasure, joy, love, psychological integration/emotional purification and beauty/sublimation. Total Sublimation is non-dual enlightenment. Utilitarianism is how this is achieved.
  18. Grace and Grit comes out soon. It's about Ken Wilber and his wife.
  19. @Elevated We have to make a distinction between civilizational development and individual development. We can observe large sets of turquoise individuals and gain knowlage about their behavior. There is a limit to what can be learned from measurements and questionnaires tho. The only way to truly understand a stage is intuitively by observing it in yourself. We don't need to observe a turquoise society to understand the priorities and way of thinking of turquoise individuals. SD shouldn't be equated with cultural epochs. That green talks about transgenderism is dependent on cultural context. It might not happen in japan for example. Blue looks different everywhere, subjection of women is not a given. Spiral dynamics is about the human operating systems that underlie these cultural epochs.
  20. Sleep is supposed to nurture and empower you. Don't compromise on it. Your sleeping schedule should be what nurtures you the most. The real issue is getting up from bed and having a solid morning routine. Self domination is not sustainable. It's better to support yourself than to demand of yourself. Do things that naturally supports healthier sleep like: exercise, healthy diet, no sugar, don't eat for at least 3 hours before bed, spiritual practice, drink lavender tea before bed, keep you room dark and noice free, have a nice bedtime ritual with gratitude practice. If your body and mind is healthy you will naturally pounce out of bed so focus on healing yourself. Our computer/phone screens and artificial lights messes up our natural need for sleep. Try not using screens for a day and only use dim lights during the evening and see when you naturally feel like going to bed. Good luck with the meditating and examine if it impacts your sleep in any way.
  21. Yellow seeks universal thriving. Turquoise seeks universal healing. Coral seeks universal power. Don Beck calls them chaos masters. They have been observed to exist but not in large enough numbers to be scientifically proven by researchers. Here is an interview with the guy who found them: Note that spiral dynamics doesn't refer to over all human development but rather a way of cognizing the world. Spiral dynamics is one aspect of many of our psyche. Ken Wilber's third tier is in my opinion a branching of human development that branches away from yellow. This is all interesting but don't strive for coral before you've nailed turquoise. Which is no easy task.
  22. There are 3 levels of lsd. The optimal dose for an insightful experience. For me this is 100 mcg The less than the optimal dose which is insightful like the optimal dose but you can go deeper. Too much. It just gets crazy and disorienting. Makes it harder to learn anything profound of value. You want to go as high as possible before it just gets crazy. There is a sweet spot. Working yourself up the the required dose as peanut said is the safest and most comfortable wat to go about it and it is important that you feel comfortable. But since you've already done it you might feel like jumping right into it in which case I recommend 100mcg. This is my opinion form 3 lsd trips. I recommend doing a media fast for a few days before the trip to keep your mind clear. If you mind isn't preoccupied with gossip and stuff it naturally goes deeper into your unconscious.
  23. @Forestluv so many systems and people will be dependent on a UBI that i don't see how people would vote it away. It would be like indians voting to remove the Ganges river. I think we need more trust for people than to fear that they would. I think it's a terrible idea to promote a convoluted and inefficient welfare system just to defend it from libertarians. They have a point in being concerned that it creates perverse incentives and that it impedes individual creativity. If we ignore those concerns libertarians will win in the long run. The simplicity of ubi is one of its strengths.
  24. Involuntary motions are called kriyas. Tara springett has written extensively on energy problems. I recommend her book Healing Kundalini Syndrome for everyone walking the energetic path. Basically kriyas are manifestations of energetic blockages/psychological dysfunctions. It's fine to have them but they don't serve a purpose. Don't repress the kriyas but also don't be proud of them. Kriyas are not causing your spiritual benefits. Rather, they both have the common cause of increased prana. The increase of prana both exacerbates spiritual experiences, positive emotions and makes negative emotions/energetic blocks manifest i various ways. Every time you feel a compulsion to do a kriya you are also experienceing an energetic/emotional blockage. Find it and relax/dissolve it. This calles for a deeper understanding your emotional/energetic system.
  25. We don't see the things we visualize, we feel them. As an example, look at this green square ? you see the color green with your eyes and you simultaneously feel/know/think the color. If you now close your eyes and try to imagine the color you get the exact same feeling but the sight is no longer in your field of view. Since the feeling is the same we trick ourselves that we actually see it. The practical lesson here is that if you do visualization, yoga, meditation or problem-solving using your inner vision, know that you are really looking for a feeling and if you try to find an actual sight you will just spin your wheels.