martins name

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Everything posted by martins name

  1. @Scholar I agree 100%. But I'm not talking about personal will, rather the animating force of the universe. Also I'm talking about how we should use our minds or how we should construct our thought systems. It should be constructed in a way where we don't try to go down the rabbit hole of trying to justify virtue. The only other option is to just say "I affirm it". Again, we are playing the game of thought systems here. It might not make sense to play that game in higher states of consciousness, but if we are gonna play the game then this is how it's should be played.
  2. Saying "all is relative so anything goes" leaves out any ground for how you should orient yourself. But also saying "love is good and should be pursued and that's the truth" is just not true. All conceptual truth is context dependent and that context is always self-referential or grounded in assumptions. Both of these ideas are limited but there is a way to reconcile the two: Ground your morals in will. Affirm that there is no objective right or wrong. Then, ground your morals in your will. Affirm that you will pursue love, not because it's objectively better than hate, not for any reason whatsoever. Just affirm it. Morals always comes from will weather you are conscious of it or not. Until philosophers understand what I just said they will be stuck between a rock and a hard place. @Leo Gura When you just say "everything goes" you are missing a piece of this puzzle. The piece that says "but I assert love and I hope you will be inspired to do so to"
  3. @Natasha The change will be gradual so this would never happen. Even tho vegans hope that everyone switches to veganism tomorrow I think we all understand that this is not realistic. The gradual transition will probably just result in that farmers won't breed new animals, and that way the animal population will gradually decrease along with meat eaters decreasing.
  4. @Raphael Its a contraction of the 3rd eye chakra. I have this too and because I also have increased prana it actually manifests as head pressure for me and my 3rd eye hurts. The antidote is to first be cognizant of how this contraction feels. Become aware of the middle of your head. Then think the most narcissistic thought possible, then bask in the beauty of the thought that we are all gods beloved children. Notice the difference that narcissism feels contracted a d painful and selflessness feels expanded and beautiful and create that distinction for yourself. Now you will be able to discern when you have egotistical thoughts. Most thoughts are egotistical. The antidote is loving compassion for all beings equally and letting go of the thought that you are inherently special. Basically healthy spiral dynamics stage Green. Egotism is the opposite of beauty.
  5. @Lyubov just switch meat for beans, legumes and nuts. They are some of the healthiest foods that exist. Find out how much protein you need in a day and get a sense for how much beans and legumes you need for that, it's not a lot. Protein overconsumption symptoms are more common than deficiency. If you need a boost at the end of the day you can eat some pea protein isolate, it's ~85% protein. Also supplement with b12/vegan multivitamin and eat a tablespoon of ground flaxseeds daily for omega-3. It's super easy. Here are two recipes that you can make in big batches as a start: I also recommend the how not to die cookbook.
  6. @Arcangelo what else will get people to stop participating in the systemic torture of animals? Also would you say that people in nazi germany who were against the holocaust were just unnecessarily divisive? This compassion might seems unfair or hyperbolic to you but it really isn't. The problem is that people are out of touch with empathy for these beings. I've never watched a documentary like this one before and people who eat meat should watch it, then if they still lack the compassion, so be it.
  7. @Rolo Eat the cherry, spit out the seed. If you find something redeeming in explosive orgasms then it's valuable. But there are also negative sides to ejaculation. So it seems like a package deal. But usually in life there are ways to cherish the positive while discarding the negative. An easy application of this principle is spit out the porn. It's quite damaging and it doesn't make orgasms that much better. But even better, here is an exercise that give you the good sides of orgasm, pleasure, tranquility and release, but not only is it not draining as an ejaculation is, it's actually healthy and replenishing.
  8. @Leo Gura I know but if I had to find everything out for myself I'd have to reinvent everything humanity ever created. I prefer delegation.
  9. @Leo Gura oh ok. I take your word for it
  10. I agree on unity. I worked in it as a programmer on a 25 person team. What's not to love about it? Other developers know it so it's good for collaboration. It's easy to work with in 2d and 3d. Big marketplace. Joe Biden likes it Big stack exchange. You can't go wrong. Never gotten into unreal. Maybe it's good for non programmers for its blueprint system. Idk.
  11. @Someone here I think we have to make a distinction between beauty and beautiful. Beauty is a purely subjective experience that I described. Something being beautiful is a meaning we apply to an object the same way that we apply the meaning symmetrical or pointy. To understand beautiful we have to understand qualities and meaning in general. I think a quality is a material process described by how photons bounce of the object, enter our pupils, goes through our neural net to finally fire the neurons that represent that quality. Different people's neural nets are similar which gives the illusion of objectivity.
  12. Just what I was going to say. Different emotions happen in different places in the body. This is described by the chakra system. The second chakra responsible for pleasure, intimacy and passion is in the lower back and when it's closed/contracted/up tight then the surrounding muscles and organs tense up and blood flow. I wrote a post on a technique for how to open the second chakra that i recommend you try, and then feel how relaxed your lower back becomes. Also strengthen your lower back with exercise, for example pilates. Don't let this problem get worse, it will if you don't fix it.
  13. @zeroISinfinity Exactly. Or perhaps self-realization refers to an intellectual facet of enlightenment. Creating a duality between spiritual happiness and cardinal happiness is unhealthy. The understanding that they are the same is the basis for discernment/wisdom
  14. I can't do paranormal things but I like producing huge amounts of comfort, pleasure, joy and love. I mean if you want fun, then producing that feeling is more direct than to get it indirectly from beating challenges. I wrote a post about how to produce huge amounts of pleasure that I recommend reading. It can be appreciated for joy. Recently I've also gotten to know my 8th chakra. Roll up your eyes so they are pointing to the ceiling. Keep your eyelids slightly open but without letting any light into your pupils. Feel the 8th chakra(soul star chakra) ~2 decimeters above the crown and feel a cone of moonlight energy emanate from the chakra and encompass your whole body. Especially feel energy flowing down sushumna.
  15. Also try the Wim Hoff method. It's less extreme with similar results so it can be done on a daily basis.
  16. Happiness = boundarielessness = union = non-duality This happens in the 3rd eye chakra. Everything is mirrored in the 3rd eye chakra. If you feel joy, pleasure, love or comfort, our 3rd eye chakra opens and we become boundless for a split second. Enlightenment is pure boundarielessness and is therefore pure, perfect happiness. The boundarielessness we feel from the comfort that we feel from shitting and eating is the exact se happiness we feel during spiritual enlightenment.
  17. If you define God as everything then asking God for things work exactly like affirmations and visualizations work.
  18. @Someone here Plato's idea of the abstract realm only made sense back then because they didn't know physics and how the brain works. Our brains' neural nets in combination with our bodies result in the phenomena of beauty in consciousness. Then we can describe how this body mind system works: Beauty can come from the complexity, order, harmony and symmetry of sense perception. For example a beautiful landscape. It can also come from ideals, the way we find virtues people beautiful. This is more emotionally based. If your 3rd eye chakra is open/if you are present everything you wittness will be beautiful.
  19. Phenomenologicaly, beauty is when you melt in the witnessed. The duality between you and the witnessed disappear and only the witnessed remains. It's non-duality. It's a taste of the essence of spirituality. Beauty is not a meaning but a phenomena.
  20. I'd love to hear how the technique goes from anyone who try it. How intense is it? How does it impact your sexual drive? I only know that it works wonders for me and I've done quite a bit of energy work, so i wonder how it works for someone who hasn't.
  21. Grounding vs ungrounding is not a function of the heart(heart chakra) but rather the root chakra. Being stuck in your head you miss out on more than your heart. Listen to your entire body. I recommend reading Wheels of Life, it's about the chakras/the different intelligences of the body. Also incorporate any kind of energetic practice to your meditation routine, such as loving kindness or chakra meditation.
  22. I wrote a post on this exact topic. Basically you can get pleasure without ejaculation with the meditation technique i describe. Which means that you don't get any of the negative effects of ejaculation, to the contrary, you get lots of psychological benefits.