martins name

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Everything posted by martins name

  1. @Thoth_tehuti I'm guessing you didn't start of at an hour a day, most people don't. Every enlightened master was once a beginner. Let everyone take their time and don't be an elitist jerk.
  2. Funny this thread got posted now, since I'm currently recovering from having my lower right one removed 4 days ago. It went without pain with local anesthesia. I would keep the drugs to a minimum. I don't know if anesthesia is that bad but it ain't lettuce. I lost my appetite afterwards which I saw as a sign from my body to want to fast so I did for 3 days. While relaxing and not doing anything challenging the whole time. Animals always fast when sick or injured so I think we should too.
  3. I would think a Kundalini awakening is one of the requirements.
  4. This is a must read for anyone going through energetic problems such as head pressure, fatigue, anger, sleep problems, pain and more. I also recommend it for anyone on the energetic path such as kriya or kundalini yoga. Even though you might not experience any adverse effects yet it's good to be equipped when they eventually show up. It's also a very insightful about the energetic path in general. Tara is a kundalini therapist who have a lot of experience and success in helping people deal with their kundalini syndrome.
  5. @TheDao Can you link some resources on daoist energetic practice? I've never been in contact with it.
  6. @Evil Raccoon I didn't mean to say green isn't, they booth are. Turquoise is like the divine feminine tho, in my opinion. I'm describing the heart of turquoise rather than contrasting.
  7. @Evil Raccoon This is the heart of it. Turquoise is feminine. The highest form of feminine cognition that has emerged in the human spicies. Then the memes that gets created from that cognition has a lot to do with holism, interconnectedness and technologies for healing.
  8. People who are open-minded enough knows there are aliens. I'm thinking maybe that's by design.
  9. Russel Brand, his audience doesn't overlap too much with the idw folks. Would be great reach. Also the Weinstein brothers. Someone needs to straighten out JPs believes, you are perfect for his audience too. You could also create your own podcasts with authors like Ken Wilber, SantataGamana, Om Swami, what have you. Call it Cutting Edge Conversations.
  10. @freejoy go to the mega threads of the specific stage and look as a few example. Turquoise is generally missunderstud on this forum tho, don't look at that mega thread.
  11. Motivation is always prior to truth seeking. You could se awakening as truth from one perspective and perfect happiness from an other perspective. But happiness is what motivates us so I see that as a more fundamental perspective. All motivation is a desire for happiness which is boundlessness which is non-duality. Do not take on truth seeking as the highest good as an ideology. Follow your intuition, it will lead you to infinite happiness. Desire is profound, it points so god. With wisdom and discernment you can appreciate desire without falling for its traps.
  12. @RedLine great! Ye energies can mix in all kinds of ways. What is is. The chakra system is just a map, although a great one at that. If it's the heart then it probably comes from not having revived the love that you needed as a kid. As you get to know the chakras you will learn a lot about yourself. I forgot to mention, I recommend doing these techniques for 20 minutes to an hour. There is almost no end to how deep you can go in developing chakras. This is great feedback. Pay attention to throat rather than focus on it. There is a subtle difference. Focusing contracts your attention down into the area. When you do that your heart pain tells you "hey don't ignore me I'm hurting to, don't freeze me out of your awareness." Paying attention doesn't contract your awareness down into the area, it is aware of both pains but brings the throat to mind. I would say that you should strive to never contract your awareness like this unless you are struggling to go into the liquid state of an emotion. Then going fully in to the pain could get things moving a bit. This is a last resort. Does this work better? There is going to be many subtle distinctions to make here this is really an art. Learning about intuition is very good for excelling at this practice. Teal Swan, parts communication, books on chakras and healing etc
  13. @RedLine Jesus this turned into a monster if a text hehe. Pain is really negative emotion that you are not cognizing as emotion. It's good that you are cognizant of this pain and have some insight to it's nature, most people are too numb to even notice. All emotions exist in the body. The placement of these emotion are mapped out by the chakra model. The way to resolve all this is to fully go into the pain, get to know it and then transform it into the positive expression that it seeks to become. It's clogged up energy but it's still energy and thus has tremendous potential. It is seeking to go from its current solid form to a more moving and transforming form which is liquid form, and then to a blissful, spacious, liberated gas form. This pain will not disappear into nothing but rather unfold into something positive, something you have been seeking for a long time, like grounding, power, self-assertion and self-expression. This is an intuitive, gentle and intimate process. Using hard shit for this kind of healing is the wrong paradigm. Psychedelics could aid this intimate process, a low dose of something like lsd that doesn't give you hallucinations could be a good aid, but any crazy psychedelics seem unfit for you right now. You can fix all of this sober. With the right understanding, wisdom and techniques you have that power. If the pain in your chest comes from fear then I would guess that its strongest in your solar plexus and emanates from there. This is a minor chakra that's between the naval and the heart chakra and can negativity impact both when closed. In its open state it's tranquil and serene, in its closed state it's anxious. This functionality is closely related to the root chakra which is in your perineum, near your anus. In its closed state it's fearful and uncomfortable and in it's open state it's grounded, secure and comfortable. For this I recommend the protective bubble technique, it will sooth both chakras. Protective bubble technique Imagine that you are inside a bubble with the diameter of roughly your length. The ball is about 4 inches thick and made out of a transparant material that is glowing with beautiful light. The bubble should be felt as an intelligent energy, rather than dead materia. Inside this bubble you feel completely safe, embraced, tranquil, joyful and loved. Both feel these qualities emanate from within you and feel like you are receiving this from the bubble. The walls of the bubble are semi permeable, good energy such as love and joy flow freely through the walls. But negative energy such as domination, suppression, unloving expectations or anything that is less than completely loving and accepting, is kept out by the walls. I’m talking about negative energy both from people and our thoughts, perhaps the idea of our mother or father. This bubble subconsciously symbolizes your boundaries. If negative energy gets through the walls against you will, it might be a sign that you need to set and articulate boundaries in relation to the negative entity. This is a function of the throat chakra. In your head, talk to the intruding entity, be intuitive. Ask it what it wants and establish boundaries with it. Listen to what the entity wants but don't comprise with it. Try to articulate why it's wrong. Let love be the mediator here. If the bubble feels limiting in any way that means that you are not letting good energy flow through it. Let go of the limiting feeling but keep the healthy boundaries. The visualization itself is only a tool to get in touch with the subtle sense of how your boundaries should be. Keep the subtle sense and the attitude throughout the day. The point of this is to cultivate healthy boundaries and the attitude that we won’t tolerate negative energy, boundary violations or threats from the outside. There is absolutely no good reason to ever be affected by other people’s unloving, negative energy. There is no good reason to not be fully happy right now! It’s about allowing yourself a level of happiness that is unwisely seen as unacceptable by others and our culture. When you have established a health bubble, just sit and bask is self-love, self-acceptance and happiness, while protected by the bubble. You can stay an bask in this wellbeing or you can continue into the other techniques. The contracting of the throat is the throat chakra. As you know, it's repressed stuff. You have things that you want to say and it remedy is to say it. Self-expression technique - can be done after establishing the protective bubble or by itself. In your head, say the things that you hold back or anything that pop into your mind. Some key words here are "I feel ...", "I want ..." And "I like ...". Example: "When this person did that I felt unloved and betrayed. I want him to apologize and I feel resentful that he hasn't." Like this you articulate in your mind clearly whatever you are thinking. Let it be a stream. Really get into it. As you keep going you might want say things aloud. Let the process evolve naturally. Whatever works for you is the right way to do it. When you really get into it you might want to scream and shake and go crazy as your energy gets unstuck. That is progress you don't have to verbalize your screaming but definitely flow with the energy and don't suppress it energetically. When you have purified your emotions you will eventually find that these emotions have clouded a profound gratitude that will reveal itself. Don't force it. Express good things if it comes naturally. Pay extra attention to your throat while doing this. You can try to incorporate the breath into this by breathing deeply and relaxing your throat and do the self expression on the out-breath. Start with this exercise as it will begin to purify your other stuck energy, not only your throat chakra. I'm guessing the reason you have become accustomed to suppressing yourself is because your parents suppressed your will and your expression of that will as a child. A suppressed will is an angry will. So some of your anger might be directly liked to this suppression and might be remedied by the self-expression technique. The bubble and the expression technique should dissolve some of your blockages but probably not all of it. For that you should get into the chakra and open it to it's happy state. Overview of chakra system, find more precise placement of chakras on google: Chakra name Solid, closed, repressed state, passive Liquid, closed but active and transforming state, has a will to seek catharsis in gas state Gas, open, happy, blissful, cathartic Element(the solid, liquid, gas form of energy is only metaphorical and not related to element which is a deep aspect of our psyche and cognition) Root Ungrounded Fearful Grounded, secure Earth/physicality Sacral Alienated, lonely Horny, approval seeking Embracing, passionate, lively, connected, orgasm Water/movement Navel Submissive, victim complex Angry Joyful, benevolent power Sun/warmth, change, vitality Solar plexus(minor chakra) Withdrawn Anxiety Tranquility, serenity None Wish tree (minor chakra, located right under heart chakra and is connected to it and it's love. Many think these are one and the same chakra and they almost are, so you can see this as an aspect of love) Nihilistic Longing Fulfilled, purposeful None Heart Apathic Hatred Loving, healing Air/spaciousness, sky Throat - doesn't have an emotion in itself but is rather a conduit for previous chakras Suppressing Expressing discontent Expressing content, gratitude Ether - irrelevant Head - also doesn't have an emotion in itself. Is the ego itself, the master chakra. All other chakras are mirrored here as thoughts and are controlled from here. Unconscious Dualistic, ego awareness, closed-mindedness, dissociation Non-dual, boundless awareness, happiness, open-mindedness None Crown - melting together with the cosmos - irrelevant in this context All chakras influence the others and all are effected by physical conditions like lack of sleep or poor nutrition. So your healing won't take as long for every chakra as when you open one you positively impact the others. The heart chakra has the biggest impact on the overall system as it's the healing chakra. So you want to fist focus on the heart chakra to then use its love in healing the other chakras. You wrote that the chest pain also is anger which I would guess is actually felt strongest lower down around your navel area and parallel vertebrae. You wrote that you also experience anger in your head. This is a missing of the anger in your navel chakra. All lower chakras are mirrored in our head as thoughts. If the energy is stuck in our head tho I would think it means the anger is combined with dissociation from the anger. This is healed by going into the anger and resolving it instead of avoiding it. Own up to the anger instead of casting it to the shadow. Use this technique to open the remaining chakras (although use the previous technique for the throat chakra): Chakra catharsis release technique - can be done after establishing protective bubble or by itself Choose a chakra to work on, this can be changed after a while i you like. Find where in this area you feel the most energy, either in solid, painful form or in liquid form. Take a deep breath. On the in-breath, bring up the liquid form of the chakra you are working on the most energy-dense point. Feel the energy radiate outwards from this point and don't restrict the energy to this point at all. Make it as intense as possible, the intenser the liquid form, the more solid energy is transformed to liquid, and the stronger the eventual catharsis. On the out-breath transform the liquid form into its cathartic gas form. The liquid form has a seed of the gas form in it. Find that positive crenel in the liquid form and go into it while letting go of the negative aspects of the liquid form. There are two additions to add to the out-breath step that you can add when you got the hang of the basic technique: Combine the positive expression of the chakra with love. This turns root chakra comfort and security to flourishing, sacral chakra pleasure into loving embrace, naval chakra joy into generous nourishing, and head chakra awareness into loving surrender. On the out-breath also tune in to the chakras element. Root chakra: tune in to the physicality of earth, the space you are in and your body sitting on earth, feel grounded. Sacral chakra: tune in to the water element, it's a warm and embracing water, feel it all around. Feel the density of the water. The world is in constant cyclical movement like ebb and flow. Flow with the world, breath with that flow and feel your stomach and chest expand and contract. The water element is what connects us with the world. Feel that connection with nature as you breath with the world. Just like nature ebbs, flows, turns from night to day your body ebbs and flows with the breath. Like Bruce Lee said: Be like water my friend. Naval chakra: feel a sun in your belly, radiating your powerful love outwards, warming and nourishing the entire world with it's blindingly bright light. Heart chakra: tune in to spaciousness. The spaciousness of the room you are in, of your body and lungs. Imagine your body being hollow. Breath the spaciousness, breath love and feel how spacious love is. Feel how still and how peaceful it is. Breath deeply. Feel that spaciousness expand infinitely. It's soothing. It's indestructible. Let's use the navel chakra as an example, on the in-breath feel a powerful anger radiating from your gut. On the out-breath find the kernel of joy and benevolent power in the anger and go into the happiness of that while letting go of the painful negative aspects of the anger. As you breath out you radiate that cathartic, powerful joy. Hold the out-breath for as long as comfortable and just bask in the bliss of the positive expression(gas form) of the chakra. Once you have gotten in to the positive open gas form of the energy, stay with that on the in-breath too and forget about the liquid form if it feels right. It can be a bit tricky to get this technique right, there are many subtle distinctions to make and you have to experiment a bit to get this all right. Take this process in your own hands and follow your intuition. Whatever feels right to you is what you should do. Be a little careful with going into the power of the navel chakra as it can increase your overall prana and make the painful chakras even more painful. If you feel this happening, then focus more on the blissful joy side of the chakra and less so on the power side of the chakra. Or switch your focus entirely to dissolve other pain or focus more on the heart chakra. For more information on these techniques and more complementary techniques, I highly recommend 5-Minute Miracle by Tara Springett. Pro tip: make the last meal before doing these exercises only fruit, preferably water rich fruit. Fruits are the most prana rich foods on the planet and will get your energies moving. I myself am enjoying good vibes and high energy on an entirely fruitarian diet. I'm glad you reached out with this because everything is healable and everyone deserves healing. Hope all this is insightful and helps. Let me know how these techniques work for you or if they don't, or if you have any questions. Lastly here is a great song about life and healing:
  14. @Mosess @Yog I'm replying to yog specifically here but you both should read this. Kriya means action. It's not directly linked to kriya yoga, it's just the same word that are pointing to similar things. What you are experiencing is classic energy symptoms. You can increase your prana by any kind of sadhana but energy based sadhana like kriya yoga or kundalini yoga does it more deliberately. Every emotion is energetic. Every emotion has a force behind it. This is the intensity of the emotion. You can be irritated at something and you can be so enraged they you punch it. Same emotion different energy level. The energy calls forth action. The only emotions that call forth action is emotions that feel incomplete. The reason you would punch something is because you know you would feel satisfied and a sadistic kind of joy from it. Unresolved emotions seek catharsis. One more thing you need to understand about emotions is that they energetically exist in the body. Love is in the heart, anger is in the guts etc. This is mapped out perfectly by the chakra system. There are 7 main chakras and many minor chakras. You should read about these. So when we get an increase in overall prana, unresolved emotion in our chakras become stronger. This energy then wants to be turned into action, so moving the area that the energy exists in gives some relief to this stuck, congested energy. So, a kriya is a subconscious way to relieve unresolved emotion. If you move in circles during meditation that is really movement of the lower abdomen which is probably a way that you subconsciously relieve unresolved emotions in the root or sacral chakra. If it's the root chakra it's some kind of discomfort or fear that is seeking catharsis in grounding. If it's the sacral chakra it's some kind of alienation, loneliness or horniness that is seeking catharsis in embrace. Energy has 3 forms, solid, liquid and gas. Unresolved emotions will feel like a lump. This is solid form it tenses up surrounding muscles. For example if we repress something we want to say we will feel a lump in our throat (throat chakra) and it will tense up. The liquid form is when this energy starts to move. A kriya is prana in it's liquid form. The gas form is catharsis, it's spacious and complete. An orgasm is a great example of this. An example of an emotion that goes from solid to gas: We are horny/solid sexual energy. We do a sexual act/sexual energy becomes liquid and moving. The sexual act pays of in a orgasm/ the sexual liquid energy becomes cathartic gas form. Kriyas are a call to action in getting to know what energy you have that now becoming liquid that is seeking catharsis in gas form. Find that unresolved emotion and open the chakra that the emotion is an expression of. I've written an exercise for opening the second chakra that you might want to try to get a sense for how to open chakras in general: Does this all make sense? Let me know. If you guys seek more information on kriyas and other energy symptoms i could not recommend Tara Springett's Healing Kundalini Syndrome more. Tara is earths most experienced kundalini therapist.
  15. Leo said in his latest blog post that nutrition is hard because it's not like God gave us a handbook on how to do it. I beg to differ. What would we enjoy in it's natural state without tricking our taste with added salt, pepper, refined oil or refined sugar? Meat without salt, pepper and oil/butter is bland as hell. Grains, beans, mushrooms and most veggies are the same. Leafy greens taste alright once in a while. Nuts and seeds taste alright. Fresh and ripe fruits and berries taste amazing. No species on earth dislike the taste of food that is healthy for them and it's crazy to think that this would be the case for homo-sapiens. Mostly eating fruits and berries and occasionally nuts, seeds and leafy greens is what god has guided us to do. Our closest relatives, bonobos and chimpanzees eat mostly fruit. But we all have the adaptability to eat meat and starches if we must. It's trading quality for quantity. Fruits and berries have evolved to nourish its seed spreaders(us) as well as possible. For example, if all animals who live on papaya would be malnurished they would die out and so would the papaya species. So the existence of fruit proves their healthiness. Banana have roughly the same amount of protein per calories as human breast milk and babies grow like crazy so protein content should be no concern. If you feel like you need more fat than avocado or nuts are a good option. I've just started the fruitarian diet and my IBS-D that has ruined the last 4 years of my life is gone. I can eat all the FODMAP I want so long as it's fruit as it passes through the body too quick to ferment and cause trubbel. I've gotten an incredible amount of energy/prana and I've started to feel kundalini vibrating in my feet soles, ready to be released. Currently going through some gnarly detoxing symptoms tho but will soon get to enjoy amazing health. Preferably eat monomeals for easiest digestion or food-combinde correctly. Make sure to get enough calories. This diet can be as cheap as you make it. Depends on how much you want to rely on cheap staples like bananas, oranges, apples and pears. Both strength trainers and runners thrive on the fruitarian diet: Fruitarian ultra marathon runner: Fruitarian power lifter: I also recommend Loran Lockman and Robert Morse on youtube.
  16. @vladorion @vladorion Interesting, It's going to be interesting to see the long term effects of this on me.
  17. @vladorion If you enjoy fasting then it's the body telling to that you need to fast. When we get sick we lose our appetite and in some cases puke up food we do eat. That is our bodies telling us to not eat. A lot of animals fast and rest when they are sick. Lots of people need to heal so their bodies tell them to fast. Fasting works because our bodies are capable of healing itself, but digestion takes a lot of energy that the body rather spend on healing. The body already has lots of energy available in the form of fat and muscle. At some point in fasting you won't like it anymore and your body will tell you to stop. Have you ever tried raw veganism and made sure you got enough calories? That should not leave you hungry. I don't experience hunger as long as I eat enough. I'll check out what an ectomorph is.
  18. @Leo Gura I never get that, and obviously the other fruitarians doesn't either. Strange.
  19. 98.7% of our dna disagrees. If you ate just grapes for 3 days you would know, your body would feel it. The prana, the calmness and the mental clarity. First day i tried it I couldn't stop smiling. Assuming your disease wouldn't cause trubbel.
  20. @Village bonobos and chimps are both frugivores. We haven't evolved to become 100% carnivores since then. Never tried fresh meat, would be an interesting experience admittedly. Carrots are not fruit. Humans are native to tropical forests so obviously it's impossible to get our natural diet in north america. My point is that we have strayed from god the garden of eden that he intended for us, metaphorically speaking. I do sympathize with the raw meat diet but I don't understand why you all don't at least eat some fruits, berries and melons, they are clearly natural for us. We run on sugar. Granted they are cultivated, some more than others, but so is all modern cattle. 50% fruit 50% raw meat seems more sensible. Tho I personally don't think the extra protein is necessary. I doubt fresh meat tastes better than a ripe wild plum. Also aren't you afraid of parasites and disease?
  21. If there is any doubt about the fruitarian diet just look at my amazing before and after pictures. Before fruitarianism(very beta, low testosterone, virgin): After fruitarianism (very alpha, testosterone make up 3% of total bodyweight, have 3somes every hour):
  22. @Leo Gura we came from the jungle where there were fruits all year around. Bonobos, chimps and orangutans manage to get most of their calories from fruit so it can't be that rare where we came from. We are not made for the swedish or american winter. We think of fruits as nice snacks but that is not how nature intended them. If we come across a fruit tree in the wild we pick it clean. 20-50 percent of our energy goes to digesting food. Since fruits are made to be easily digestible you won't need as many calories as the once you do eat are so efficient. One kilo of pealed banans for breakfast lunch and dinner is doable and the water content makes you hydrated. You're said you snivel a lot, that's your body getting rid of toxins. Fruitarians are known to not have any kind of mucus, because their diet is not toxic. God realized Robert Morse ND is healing people who have MS, cancer and just about every autoimmune disease there is with fruit and herbs, you should check him out on YouTube or his book The Detox Miracle Sourcebook. @Roy Lots of moms who say so die of cancer, alzheimer's, heart disease etc. Fruitarians experience a new level of health and energy unimaginable to most people. Try it for 2 days, mono-meals only and see the difference for yourself. People who eat this diet and then try sub-optimal food notice a clear difference. Fruits are evolved to be nutritionally perfect. If we needed more protein, fat or carbs then fruits would have evolved to meet those needs. Eating unhealthy food for the sake of centrism is not wise. It's like people who think drinking wine once in a while is healthy, it's not. All food exist on a healthiness to toxicity scale. You want to eat only the healy once.
  23. I should also recommend Healing Kundalini Syndrome. It's written by the most experienced kundalini therapist there is.
  24. The gut could be the navel chakra. It partly controls digestion and heat production. Emotional blockages are anger and victimhood. Open navel chakra is joyful, capable and it feels like life flows through you. To open this chakra assume a gentle smile and visualize a sun glowing in your stomach, shining life giving energy to the universe. Feel the joy of it. The sun should not be hot, violent or straining if you don't want to aggravate the kundalini. Do this and just see how it feels.