martins name

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Everything posted by martins name

  1. I'm 26 and don't have children. I've never wanted children and don't plan to. Just not for me. All I know of childhood is suffering.
  2. My understanding of Putins thinking has become clear to me recently. Putin believes the grand conspiracy theory of an American deep state cabal of puppet masters that are behind every pro-democracy revolution in the world including Maidan. What's become clear to me is that Putin believes he needs an Empire to counteract the American deep state. So Ukraine is just a pawn in that game which is why his rational for the war is always a bunch of weird non-sense at the same time as he thinks of himself as the good guy.
  3. @koops I attended an event for dynamic meditation. I brought a friend from work and it was just us and the two organizers. Turned out, they were part of Osho's commune in its hay day. One of them said he witnessed poppy smuggling. Probably the stuff that Sheila used to tranquilize the commune with when it got routy. Fun times
  4. Here is how to learn dancing the best: Ocho's kundalini meditation. It starts with shaking to loosen up your energy and then spontaneous dancing. Doing it with eyes closed is crucial for not getting self-conscious. Here is the music track for all four parts:
  5. Submission is mainly about two things: feeling the power of the other and the relaxation of letting go of control. Rape fantasies are about domination, but in these fantasies, the fear that a real rape would cause is removed and only the domination remains. It's very rare that a person who fantasizes about rape would enjoy a real one. Or you know, so I've read😇
  6. Bleak. I can't believe it.
  7. D: wtf didn't know that. I wish I could talk to him. I like to think I could fix him.
  8. This whole election cycle makes me nauseous. That smart people can bootlick a fascist trying his hardest to destroy democracy frightens me.
  9. If I had Trump's confidence and Joe Rogan's endorsement I couldn't have hatched a better scheme to make Trump lose myself. Hats off to Tony, the brilliant Democrat plant that saved America😄
  10. Non-political women feel threatened by Roe v Wade so there will probably be record turnout for women. Pollsters are bad at predicting first time voters. There are many factors against Harris but this is a HUGE one. fingers crossed🤞
  11. There is some truth to this but Putin has taken this belief to an Alex Jones level. He believes that the whole arab spring was puppeteered by the US deep-state, the same thing with the Maidan revolution in Ukraine. The absolute crackpots that originated this conspiracy should give you a clue to their validity: William Engdahl, who was an employee and a disciple of Lyndon Larouche. I can't empisis enough that Putin and his actions can't be understood without understanding this conspiracy. This video explains it: It's long and dense but worth it. The Obama administration broke from the Bush doctrine vis-a-vis Russia in that Bush sought to expand NATO while Obama did the appeasement that the likes of Maersheimer recommended. In the article you sent it says: Look at this with skeptical eyes. Does Hillary Clinton control the oligarchs? Russian media is heavily controlled by the regime so how would the US "deep state" control it and the population? Such an influence campaign would have left big footmarks, but there are none, just a ghost that leaves no trace and controls everything that is against Putin. It's paranoid schitzo shit.
  12. There are more dimensions to spirituality than just awakening, it's also embodying divine qualities, like love. His irresponsible community didn't show the seriousness and responsibility that embodying love brings. It's ultimately hypocritical to prioritize our own enlightenment over others'. When that realization is taken to its conclusion you get a life of purpose like that of Jesus or ghandi instead of the Buddha. I still get value from listening to his talks and his kundalini meditation is great. He's still great at enlightenment.
  13. I'm 26 and I don't feel bad about being a virgin at all. What you are really struggling with is feeling unworthy of and disconnected from intimacy. One way of dealing with this is connecting with the divine feminine as a spirit guide. It's basically about imagining the feminine ideal to receive wisdom and energy from it. I recommend reading Tara Springetts Higher-Consciousness Healing.
  14. @CARDOZZO Don't talk about
  15. to get the miraculous health benefits you must rest for the entire duration. That's when the body goes into healing mode. I did a 14-day fast and it was like upgrading my body to a new level. I lost it after some months. Going for 30 days as a beginner seems extreme and a little dangerous, especially if you don't have professional guidance.
  16. The nightmare scenarios of societies where censorship becomes draconian are all lowly developed. I think we can trust highly developed countries to strike a balance. Censorship is not inherently bad, it can lead to extremes which is bad. But not striking a balance can also lead to the opposite extreme by creating a powerful pendulum swing.
  17. lmao😂😂😂 Wonder how good of a rapper Donny would be? A Lil Pump and Big Trump matchup would go hard.
  18. @jacknine119 Therapy is mostly about asking the right questions. And listening.
  19. @Leo Gura Consider going to a bunch of smaller channels to get practice before using the big opportunities. If I where you I'd ask the interviewer beforehand what their biggest personal questions they have both in philosophy and in their lives. Your biggest strength is that you are the great synthesizer. You can bring answers to questions like no one else. Take the approach of trying to bring the most value the the individual interviewer as possible. The lasting impact you can have would lead to great things. And who wouldn't want to talk to someone who is known for bringing such value to people?
  20. @Leo Gura Isn't childish appeal all Republicans have? No policies, just vibes, when in reality they don't pass the vibe check.
  21. @Leo Gura I don't think you should pass up on any big opportunities. There is sooooooo much more to your teachings than god-realization. That I love about your teachings the most is what you emphasize: survival, corruption, bias, so on. Talk about how you integrate everything and how your approach is unique. Meet the podcaster where they are at and start from how you can help them, like I know you can. If they need help understanding dating talk about dating, if they need help with masculinity talk about masculinity, if they need help with systems thinking talk about system thinking. Make them talk about what an impact you've had on them for the rest of their lives. You are the greatest philosopher of all time, act the part.