martins name

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About martins name

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  • Birthday 06/17/1998

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    Stockholm, Sweden
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  1. Good to see The Integral Stage on the blog. I have been a fan for 4 years.
  2. @Davino There are many different ways for a stage to be toxic. Demonizing other stages is one of them. All tier 1 stages have that to some extent but some people are way worse than others. Another toxicity is how all tier 1 stages can be twisted by fear in particular ways. Beige becomes greedy and cowardly, Purple becomes hostile to outgroup, Red gets antisocial, blue becomes hateful of deviants etc.. All Tier 1 stages are driven by fear to some extent but some people more than others.
  3. @Davino Santagamana's books and Tara Springett's, and some random YouTube videos. Tara's techniques are great but she uses the inferior Buddhist chakra system. Also wheels of life on the chakras. It has some mistakes but it's decent but doesn't have any good techniques. There aren't any great resources on the chakras that I'm aware of unfortunately. I've relied on personal observations mostly.
  4. @Davino From my somewhat extensive experience, the heart with its air element, lightness and spaciousness is the only chakra that is uplifting. The root and earth star chakra are the only grounding ones. All soul star chakra meditations I've found have descending energy.
  5. Ye common sense. I like that
  6. Since all stages have these what would distinguish between a healthy and a toxic version of a stage?
  7. @Davino I like it, it has a complimentary Soul Star chakra ~2dm above the head. Imagine it shining divine light down on and into your body. On the out-breath make that feeling stronger.
  8. That has not been clear unless what you mean by toxic is ridiculous parodies. If toxic means not having integrated other colors then my principle seems like a better articulation of what you think if electoral viability is also added to the formula.
  9. The so-called earth star chakra
  10. @Leo Gura There is no room in that formula for avoiding extremism. Green extremism, meaning green without healthy blue and orange, just happens to not be a political threat in America right now and I think it makes you biased.
  11. Voting for the highest spiral stage never sat right with me as a Swede looking at Swedish politics. Finnaly I think I've found a better principle. Vote for a the best balanced politician unless it's time for a political revolution. It's time for a Green revolution in America so the principle of voting the highest works in that particular context. In Sweden, we had that political revolution around the sixties to nineties when we became a social democracy, which I support. But now I think the blue/ORANGE/green moderates are better managers of that social democracy than the GREEN left. If it's true that Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist(Which is way left of social democracy. I know, it's confusing.) as he has said himself, then he would be further to the left than is healthy for America. But if he were president it wouldn't matter because he wouldn't be able to turn America as far as he would if he was a Dictator. Americans don't practically need to think about what is too far left for a long time as that is so far away from the current system. After the Green Revolution has happened in America American leftists will have to face that question and I think the conclusion of wise people will be to seek politicians with balance of all the different stages.
  12. I'm 26 and don't have children. I've never wanted children and don't plan to. Just not for me. All I know of childhood is suffering.
  13. My understanding of Putins thinking has become clear to me recently. Putin believes the grand conspiracy theory of an American deep state cabal of puppet masters that are behind every pro-democracy revolution in the world including Maidan. What's become clear to me is that Putin believes he needs an Empire to counteract the American deep state. So Ukraine is just a pawn in that game which is why his rational for the war is always a bunch of weird non-sense at the same time as he thinks of himself as the good guy.
  14. @koops I attended an event for dynamic meditation. I brought a friend from work and it was just us and the two organizers. Turned out, they were part of Osho's commune in its hay day. One of them said he witnessed poppy smuggling. Probably the stuff that Sheila used to tranquilize the commune with when it got routy. Fun times