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Everything posted by Arzack

  1. Yeah sure we're all masochists choosing to suffer. Makes total sense to me. If there was an easy "non-duality realization button" we would be all enlightened.
  2. Yeah sure we're all masochists choosing to suffer and it's all our fault. Makes total sense to me. Intense suffering is still a thing, modern technology didn't take it away. It's just that now people believe drugs can always take the pain away. You will feel the pain of your body being cremated after clinical death. Pain is part of life and how we evolve spiritually. Either you go through it with psychedelics or through reincarnation.
  3. Well some psychedelics are recreational on lower doses (LSD/mushrooms), just tell them to try higher doses (but prepare to get fired/sued after their first bad trip).
  4. It's way more complex than that, if it was just about "pushing the right or wrong buttons" we'd already be all enlightened. Also, God is not a separate thing, Everything is god.
  5. I don't get it. Care to explain? Google ad hominem, that's what you're doing.
  6. A small world minority of old souls is ready. Others will either not care or run away after the first bad trip. Anyway I went to an 'innermastery' (probably the biggest legal international psychedelic "school" at the moment) retreat and they gave me an ayahuasca dose so small that it did hardly anything. Nothing wrong with being careful in delivering high doses to the masses, but this practice can be detrimental if done in the pursuit of monetary gain (the retreat was way too expensive in fact).
  7. @Loving Radiance I don't know what you mean with "discovered the fire". What is non-duality mumbo jumbo? I'd summarize it with this: the belief that mediation and all its multiple variations of it, is the way to enlightenment for everyone. Imo only old souls can attain by doing it. Others need multiple reincarnations or psychedelics.
  8. I tried so I know I can, but there's always another one coming up. No enlightenment... ever. So what's your point? Again, that's just non-duality mumbo jumbo imo
  9. No, but I'm intelligent enough to know what sources to trust (see my signature). Have you experienced covid-19? Yet you trust the preventive measures which are being set all over the world to prevent it. Yes, daily, but never I have experienced nirvana through it. And I know there has been plenty of people who did it their whole life in vain. And others who did attain it without meditating a minute ever.
  10. Darkness is obviously a thing. It's just that modern society make you believe that drugs can take it away, even when we are dying. But that's exactly the main lie/misconception right now. We'll suffer after clinical death. You say "keep shooting the messenger". That's just more "non-duality mumbo jumbo" imo.
  11. @Nahm Tell me where the magic "stop maintaining the stories" button is because I didn't find it yet. That's just non-duality mumbo jumbo imo.
  12. And it's shit, I'm not enlightened. I struggle everyday to get little glimpses of happiness, in vain.
  13. @Nahm Honestly I don't understand most of what you're saying beside "Remove all that is assumed rather than direct experience". If we stopped at direct experience we would still be hunter-gatherers in the Jungle. If it was so easy we'd all be already enlightened and there would be no wars. Maybe I'm too focused on darkness/hopelessness right now, but you seem to be too focused on the opposite.
  14. A "purely rational" reality would be a perfect balance of 50% light 50% dark. The "promise" of enlightenment is that light will prevail in the end (I guess we all would agree on this). So this is proof that reality isn't entirely rational, but why can't it just be entirely irrational, 100% light 0% dark?
  15. This is a common misconception I see in the current "spiritual environment" (this forum included). I'm not that, you are not that. Are you enlightened?
  16. I've been reading threads on this forum for months and my impression is that the common "trend" is to write and glorify "rational explanations of enlightenment". Anyone with a high enough IQ can appreciate these explanations and get a kind of subtle ego satisfaction from it. The problem is that this sort of satisfaction (like any other, recreational drugs included) is making us COMPLACENT like those "un-spiritual sheeps" we regard ourselves superior to. Attaining enlightenment is an "experiential process", nothing wrong with getting inspired about nice words, but let's not get too complacent about it, shall we?
  17. Yeah sure, we're all enlightened buddhas now, even that one guy who just killed another human being (yes, it happens everyday on Earth).
  18. Reincarnation is a thing imo. Past/last life karma determines what shitty/blessed life you'll get next time. But never mind that, did you know that you "consciousness" will not cut its tie to the physical body after clinical death? So in short you'll feel the physical and emotional pain of your body being cremated/slowly decaying in a coffin? This intense pain is a thing of life that we think modern technology made obsolete for most of us. All sources on these theories in my signature. That's how the soul/consciousness evolves spiritually (intense suffering after/during death), now it's the first time in history when we can choose to take breakthrough doses of psychedelics to avoid reincarnation and make the process of attaining bliss FASTER.
  19. I tried already, and I don't agree with that. How do you explain people not attaining after a life-time of intensive meditation and others attaining without meditating a single minute in their life? Again, imo only very old souls can attain without psychdelics, see my signature for more info/explanations.
  20. Beside my experience with constant bad trips with sub-breakthrough doses, I can cite Chris Bache and Stanislav Grof countless trustworthy reports. lol I know, fuck me, fear is a bitch, but intense suffering is a thing, even if very brief, it's still fucking scary as fuck.
  21. I appreciate all the advice... but soul age/reincarnation is a thing. Google The michael teachings soul age, and you'll find many similarities with Leo's "colors stages".
  22. I know guys, I just don't have the guts and motivation to take breakthrough doses. That's because of my soul age which is only 3rd lv. mature. I know for a fact that the trip to hell of a breakthrough dose would only last few seconds but I'm still too lazy and scared to do it. You old souls (most probably you all are in this forum) couldn't understand...
  23. I'm not saying you should start with psychedelics with a high dose. And I'm not saying that you can't have mild bad trips or "mental insights" with sub-breakthrough doses, but to think that by doing it over and over again you'll eventually reach permanent nirvana is a common misconception. Raise the stake/dose. Then tell me how different it is from your 3.5 grams dose.
  24. I don't argue with that. That's why set and setting also play a role. But level all these out and you find that "effective/breakthrough doses" don't vary much. For example: I was close to committing suicide on my first medium-high psychedelics dose (ayahuasca) because of wrong internal believes (beside the intense drug-induced fear): I thought aliens would appear and torture me to death to prevent me from divulging my discoveries (yes, I know, WTF? See my signature). So why not kill myself instead of going through all that shit?