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Everything posted by Arzack

  1. Believes don't make you more worthy than anyone else anyway, you were just lucky enough to hear beliefs you think make you better than those who didn't hear/believe them yet.
  2. Lol, the good old "intent" befuddlement; what makes you more worthy of people who don't have a "good intent" when taking the substance? It's a common psychedelics misconception. You're gonna get bitchslapped anyway if you need it.
  3. Do you know how much ayahuasca you need to breakthrough? You puke your ass out after ingesting 1/10 of what is needed of that foul substance to reach a breakthrough.
  4. It's the same for me, I can't enjoy smoking weed anymore. You have to realize that the hell weed let you have a small glimpse of is what you're gonna face after death anyway. That's the strong pull you need to gather the courage to take psychedelics breakthrough doses, which bring the same irreversible soul changes spirituality work aims to. EACH BREAKTHROUGH DOSE YOU TAKE IS EQUAL TO ONE LIFE-TIME/REINCARNATION AMOUNT OF WORK. See my website for all info and sources on this:
  5. What I'am implying in the previous post is that seeking actualization is still a material game, it's kind of a mindfuck/paradox I know (it doesn't mean you shouldn't seek it though, it's still the BEST game out there).
  6. I'm not hostile, you're just projecting it and that should already make you question yourself a bit. It's not completely off topic so I'll answer you. Look at your post deeply, it's very revealing... You think yourself "superior" because you're out of the material paradigm, but you're actually not yet actualized. You use your "out of the material paradigm self-belief" as a complacency mechanism. Sorry I know this is a bit of an "ad personam" argument but the same thing happens to most seekers nowadays, because they don't know the bigger picture yet, and they think "self work" (whatever they read it is, 99% of which is MISLEADING) is enough for permanent actualization, which is not for most people (see my website linked above and OP for info on this).
  7. Yeah ok, tell me where this magic "know this directly by fucking being the damn thing" button is then. You're just being mislead by questionable teachings/gurus like most seekers right now.
  8. You are not more conscious, you just have more knowledge about reality, but it seems to me that you and most other seekers are using this as a complacency mechanism (I do too, no judgment intended).
  9. No I can't, there is no erase button, source: my experience and Kryon channelings. That's just your ego talking No, it's more a question of "how much ARE YOU NOW suffering", or, even more: "how much are you afraid you're gonna suffer if you don't take the painful dose" (reincarnation sucks balls if you don't attain actualization before death, see my website for info), your phrase is just proof that this is just your ego (I'm superior to you, even if just spiritually) talking.
  10. It's kinda simple: people who attained before the "soon to be established entheogenic spiritual era" did so "by meditation alone" because of processes which take form after physical death in between previous lives (where the soul travels through the same astral plane reached with breakthrough doses), which bring equal irreversible changes to the soul as these psychedelic sessions, source: "Younger souls" need multiple reincarnations, just like our ancestors, or psychedelics.
  11. Does pure evil exist? No, if it did, anyone failing to attain nirvana would be sent to hell forever. The paradox is that at the peak of a breakthrough dose bad trip (right before the switch to bliss/nirvana), it feels like eternal hell even though it actually lasts for 1 or 2 breaths at most. This is why people who have NDEs say they felt like they were in hell for weeks. Taken from my site here: And to cite Epicurus: 'don't be afraid of pain, if pain is intense, it doesn't last too long; if it lasts for long, it's not very intense.' Anyway you can't have the good without the bad, even angels feel like hell for occasional short periods of time, I can't find the source but it was a channeling from the Micheal Teachings.
  12. I even met him in person, I'm not 100% sure but imho he is an avatar (enlightened in previous lives and reincarnated just to help humanity). Then there is the common misconception that enlightened people are God incarnated, and the Lyricus discourses (see say that ALL humans are still not at the highest level of spiritual evolution even if "permanently enlightened" and having blissful out of body experiences. So what I'm trying to say is: be a light on to yourself, understand the bigger picture or you might be easily mislead by ANY doctrine/teaching/guru. To get the bigger picture and find ALL sources of what I just said check my website here:
  13. All breakthrough trips go from hell to nirvana unless you're an high-level old soul (a Michael Teaching concept), in which case you go directly to Nirvana like it happened to Grof (even sub-breakthrough doses seem to work for them, see Leo and many others, although this fact is misleading lots of people who think they can just drop an acid and many even think that they experienced nirvana just because they felt a bit high and some "spiritual thought" they read somewhere before came in their mind in that moment). I speculate that higher-level old souls spend less time in hell before the switch to bliss but I'm not really sure about this. Anyway Martin Ball says that you can vape up to 30 mg, so 60 mg plugged is far from an overdose, how longer is the effect when plugged? We might make some calculation to establish safe non-OD rectal doses.
  14. Oh shit, that might mean that we need quite some more because if one breakthroughs for a too-short period it doesn't switch from terror to bliss/nirvana. Keep us posted please, thank you.
  15. People even on this forum have no idea what the actual in-between lives process is like. The Michael Teachings channelings and other sources explain it in details and it's kinda terrifying actually. For example, the soul doesn't cut its tie to the physical body after the modern-era usual drug/pain killers assisted clinical death, so in short you feel the emotional and physical pain of your body being cremated/slowly decaying in a coffin, then (I imagine) you have a long period of PTSD, plus the inability to interact with physical matter (try dry-fasting alone with no internet, nicotine, etc, for a day only and tell me how it feels... I tried yes, add the ptsd to that, also: you can't just go to sleep like we do here 1/3 our time); then it doesn't get better for a long time unless your beliefs/knowledge tell you that the friendly angels trying to make you move on to your next incarnation aren't just some devils in disguise trying to trick you and bring you to hell forever; then there's the life review, which can be really bad if you have made significant bad karma in this life. Sources can be found here: This fear is not all bad though, it's the most powerful pull to try to reach enlightenment, and if you know how bad psychedelics breakthrough doses can be (right before the switch to bliss/nirvana) for "non high-level old souls" (another Michael Teaching concept), you know you need a strong pull like that to get the courage to take them (this assuming "non high-level old souls" can't reach actualization without psychedelics breakthrough doses, which I'm sure of, the why is explained in my site linked above).
  16. I know man thank you, I vaped up to 6 mg and I had a close call to the hell I'd be going through with a breakthrough dose. Martin Ball says that 5-15 is the usual range people need to breakthrough. I know that sub-breakthrough doses don't bring irreversible changes to the soul and since taking it rectally lasts a lot longer (which is needed or you have to vape/smoke it 3 times in a row, not an easy task after the usual terror trip of the first dose) I don't want to have to test the water with a long sub-breakthorugh rectal dose bad trip. I actually don't - 100% - agree on the "learn to navigate the experience" argument, at breakthrough doses you only need to make sure you're handcuffed/good strong trip sitter assisted to not kill yourself on the come-up before the effect is so strong that you couldn't move anyway, then the experience is too strong and you have absolutely no control over it. Anyway for info check my site here:
  17. Probably you developed tolerance, so your 800ug doses weren't as powerful as they should have been. 600 is enough to breakthrough if you have no tolerance.
  18. Did the guy who breakthrough by plugging 5-meo used 60 mg of freebase or salt form? I'm afraid of dying of overdose, if he used salt form it might be safer to use only 50-55 freebase, I guess.
  19. Just boring useless theory, switch to the practice:
  21. Can I convert freebase to acetate salt using vinegar and plug the vinegar solution directly?
  22. What strong entheogen's but still sub-breakthrough experiences thought me is that: ok, you felt like you were surely gonna die, the first time you even thought some alien would appear out of nowhere and torture you for a long time before doing so, so you tried to kill yourself and Synchronicities fucking saved you, then came the Avatar neighbor living upstairs banging on your ceiling at the perfect/right timings, then the dark entities (they never actually showed up physically yet though, same as for the aliens and the neighbor, very nice person if you meet him, lol), but now you are still alive and you have perfectly functioning hands to plug some 5-meo DMT up your ass (but I still didn't take a single breakthrough dose in my life yet and what's scary is that I don't know if I will ever take one in this life). Also, you get a "kick of relief" when surviving these experiences, see below. Taken from: Homepage:
  23. Timing coincidence? = Synchronicity
  24. Channeling from the 'The SETH AUDIO COLLECTION • Cassette Five SELECTION 4 - EXCERPT A' When he talks about out of body experiences he's referring to taking breakthrough doses, obviously. 'Now, the voice was your own interpretation of what I might have said to you. But it is your interpretation, and so you should by rights tell me what it means. But for now I will give you a clue. Sweetness and light comes hard. It is my interpretation of your interpretation. But it is easy for others to talk and tell you it is easy to be spontaneous, and easy to get out of your body. But therefore the responsibility, it seems to you, is stronger. If there were trials put in front of you, if I said it is difficult to get out of your body, if I gave you trials and said you must do thus and so, and then get out of your body, you would feel safe, because after all it would not happen right away; you may not pass the trial. But when I say it is easy to do, and tell you that you have the ability, then you face in yourself your own obstructions and your own fears, and they are heavy.' P.s. and BTW: and also: