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Everything posted by Freakrik

  1. Are you Sure? Can you Give me an example of person who has that low level of consciousness?
  2. There is a projektion of me. And that projektion is Very afraid. If my projektion goes to hell Then the projektion would lose the ability to understand that it is just a projektion. And because of that suffer an untold suffer forever. All because that projektion wanted to play around with mystery method, Julien game and Speed seduction etc
  3. not really. Leo has said that hell may be a very real thing in spirituality. Religion takes spirituality and twist it. I want an answer that is closer to the truth. Not religious dogma
  4. NOTE: when i say hell i mean hell as in after death. Not the ego "hell" i am in right now
  5. If i have understand this right. When you die and believe in hell you go there?
  6. I am not a religious person at all. But i am afraid of hell. Leo talked about that in one of his videos. I want a non dogmatic answer on how to avoid it
  7. Let's take a stage red person. Is hell waiting in the afterlife instead of becomming one with everything?
  8. Yes i want that and that is why i created this post. To know What i must avoid in order to not go there. So i can feel safe
  9. Idk. I am not so curious as i am afraid of hell. Hell after life
  10. the hell realm i want to avoid is the afterlife hell realm. So in order to avoid it i must know how to get there. So how do i get there? I am fine with the ego hell realm i am in right now
  11. i'm confused. Is looks the thing that have made girls attracted to me. They guy from the channel have Said that he have used pua stuff and over time realized that looks is the main thing girls want. Can someone explain?
  12. Ok but if jmulv is legit Why would he try to bring them down? That means if people find out that he lies about Rsd they are gonna think he lies about his laycount to. When the guy has legit game as you said EDIT: he keeps talking about lies from rsd. How their students have little to no results etc.
  13. Jmulv pickup seems to be a toxic dude. He had Said that Rsd Tyler is a scam with a laycount of 50 girls. I Went into his ask me anything on reddit. One user Said that a Long time student of rsd had little to no results. 15 min with john he pulled a hottie. He had a intreview on onepercentbetters yt channel. I know many here has Done game and pickup. And i want to know your thoughts. On the pickup side. We all can see how twisted his mind is. But in the comments people seem to back this up. And Onepercentbetter is a good yt Channel so i Don't see why he would do this with him if he did not trust him. Is he right?
  14. He seems legit in pickup stuff. But is it true of what he says about tylers 50 laycount? And All of the other Rsd stuff? EDIT: i have a hard time to bellive that Rsd call their bootcamp students fa*gots for belliving in their teachings.
  15. Oh. I staded that because i wanted ppl to know that i have a good endgoal. But i want also to experiment with pick up. And testning NLP and mindgames. I think as long as you don't cause any big suffering it should be ok. And that is the statement i want to be challange for. EDIT: The problem with most of the people who uses this stuff is they are only able to seduce women with the help of these instead of working on their looks, humor, confience, charisma. Social skills etc and becomming an awesome guy. Jeffy Said that it is much more furfilling to attract people with being awesome rather than mind tricks. True. But i still want to experiment with these now i very motivaded to work on myself to become awesome. But i the future i want to experiment with this.
  16. The thing is i planned on making the next 6 years of my life learning game and pickup. Most from Todd v. And experiment. Even if i know It's manipulative. But i feel like i have to get it out of my system. Experiment with the techniques like Toys even if it is selfish. (Note, even if i am manipulating i am honest with myself about it and i am not buying into the pickup dogma, i am not gonna try techniques that can harm a woman Long term) To prove to my ego that no matter how much you test you are not gonna be happy. And have a end goal of finding a wife. Start a family. Doing spirutal work. But i my ego dies before it kills itself (mindfuck but you get it, that i am gonna go to hell and suffer forever) and i know you are not gonna like what i am saying but that' whats my ego and lower self tells me to do. As i feel like i need to give it what it wants to be able to ler go of it. And because of the rise of feminism my lower self feels every tempted to use the techniques that are outright manipulative. i know because it's a low conscious behavior. I am afraid that if i am not fixing my low conscious in time i end up in hell. But sometimes my ego have a burning desire to do it. The more i try to get rid of the desire the more intese it gets. I agree with most of the points with leo in his rant against pickup. Like cheating. It's the game and the techniques itself my lower self want to test. I don't want to hurt women. But my lower self really want to use the techniques and master them. Stuff like leo talked about in his video like try to get a women to sleep with you even if she does not really want and regrets its is borderlane rape or being an asshole to other guys in the set is wrong. I agree with leo's list about what not to do. except the manipulation because that's the techniques and the toys Here todd talks about techniques that are not pc. And i want to use such techniques because experiment. And because i want to experiment i want to use almost all techniques that are not gonna cause long term damage to a women. Like emotional enslavement. I would never even dare to use such things even if i wanted to. And i don't want to hear that i am gonna go to hell if i do todd v style of pickup and that's why it should not do it if it's not true.
  17. That Sounds Very Good but i Don't see were you are disagreeing and challaning with me about about experimenting with mindgames and NLP based seduction. It's important to always be Open minded
  18. O agree the best way to attract is to be a awsome guy. And ofcourse i would want to do that. But do you think is wrong to experiment with NLP, speed seduction and mindgames? (The scrambler for example) Just because you want to expriment and not because you think you can't attract in any other way? Because that is my motivation for that. EDIT: I can see why people thinks that people who wants to use this stuff don't think highly of themself. But i think when it comes from the place of experimentation rather then a place of thinking "I am not good enough to get girls with being awesome so i NEED do use this" is diffrent than "I don't need to use it but it's seems intresitng to use" is a diffrent place of mind i think. feel free to disagree and challange me. I played with the tought of only using this stuff to attract. And i got an empty ,cold and depressing feeling inside
  19. I see what you are coming from. You are right in that Pua starts when i get out and talikng to strangers. Battle with my AA. And i don't feel like i NEED to manipluate to get liked. I can just work on my looks, confidence, Charisma etc. But i am facinated by the art of seduction itself. You see what i mean?
  20. Hahah of course. But it's just a facinating art form. Just interesting to explore. But the ultimate goal is non duality of course
  21. Haha i respect your inspiration. The 2 main reasons is of course get better with girls and get an understanding of the field in the art of seduction
  22. From my research there basicly 3 types of manipulations when it comes to seduction 1. Nlp and hypnosis based tactics. Some of the coaches that comes to mind here is Ross jefferis and Derek rake. Can this manipulation be harmful? Yes (some of the stuff is really potent and used without controll can cause damage) is this all bad? No. Not if it used under controll. But there are definitely some things that should be left as just theory. especially form the the stuff derek teaches. (I don't know the potential of speed seduction. I don't know if the highest seduction state of Speed seduction is love. More research needs to be done) 2. Mindgames Some of the stuff that comes to mind is: art of seduction, Bobby rio, Rod judge. And many pua stuff like mystery and even Rsd stuff. Check it out if you want to know more can this manipulation be harmfull? kinda. Not really. It's less harmfull and from my research you can disable the effects with needieness and desperation very quick. I tought Love was the ulitimate seduction state. It's not. There are more stages in seduction. (They are optional) I will never use stuff that goes beyond love. Why? Because then there is no way going back from that. From my research no matter how hard she Loves you can just be a be low confident, Boring, needy and desperate and the Love Will wannish no matter how hard it was. So it's safe. And from my research non of these mindgames can take you beyond Love And i think anything beyond Love is unhealthy. The only suffering this can cause if you use it to make a girl fall in love with you and dump her. That is irresponsible 3. psychological abusive manipulation. this is a mix of things. This is some stage red level of manipulation. The minor stuff that comes to mind is negs. That harms a girl and lower her self esteem. (At least temporary) some bigger things for example is gas lighting, verbal abuse and indoctrination. This manipulation is harmfull. It's causes suffering to the women. Does it work? From my research. Yes. Do i think it's still wrong? Yes. This is mostly used by stage red dark triads. It's intresting to to research but It's definitely not something i would use. (If you want to see a fascinating example of seductive indoctrination watch film theory fifty shades of grey theory, and how he uses it to get controll over anna) so now you have a better picture of what i mean. Notice that i have Said from my research because i can be wrong. critique is welcomed do i think i need to most stuff? No. But It's not just for the sake of getting girls. It's more like a field i want to explore. What do you think @Nahm? Your opinion is welcomed.
  23. I will not use techniques like negs (negative compliment) because that might help but it's hurting women. You have to understand women play mindgames with men to. But mindgames are not really hurting women. But negs do. Yes it's about sex but it's also to for the game itself. I understand that this is not a path i will follow to the day my ego die. 6-7 years the most. Find a wife, Make kids, working with consciousness and find the Truth. EDIT: i understand that i don't need to use all of these stuff to get women. i want to study seduction as an art and as a science.
  24. Right now i living in an medium size citie so i have to be selective with approaches. To not mess up my reputation. I have studied diffrent types of seduction so far. It's fascinating. When i get older (17 right now) i can approach more and not have to mess up my reputation