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Everything posted by Onecirrus

  1. I wanted to learn how to reprogram my mind. Why would I buy some alien-love-consciousness course if I can't even get being human halfway decent? What about my survival, Leo? I am sad.
  2. A true slave does not know he is a slave
  3. @Leo Gura Do you think the oligarchs around him still support this war with all the sanctions?
  4. @Alex_R China just watched Russia get raped by sanctions and modern military aid, Taiwan is off the table for good.
  5. The rising tension between NATO and Russia will end civilization if strategic decisions aren't made. I understand the animosity toward Russia after this unprovoked attack on the sovereignty of the people of Ukraine, but we can't let our emotions dictate our geo-politics, we NEED to eliminate all possibility for a third world war. I propose the west do everything in its power to holistically weave Russia into the rest of Europe, this includes NATO membership, EU membership, open trade, supply-chain linkage, foreign investment and venture capital, open borders, and generally anything that will meteorically stimulate the Russian economy. The key here is to make Russia so rich, and so politically and financially interdependent on its neighbors, that the idea of Russia invading its neighbors becomes as absurd as France invading Germany. With a standard of living as high as western Europe, Russia could liberalize and the collective spiral dynamic stage of its people and leaders will begin to lean more toward stage-orange and later even Green. This could also lead to effects such as denuclearization, less corruption, pro-democracy populism, better education, less nationalism, less ethnocentrism, less debt, and over all, less reasons to behave like a nineteenth century empire! This will probably take decades of diplomacy, but what are the alternatives? War with Russia?
  6. @Dryas Fuck Off! I'm not that cringe. Did you have a better idea?
  7. @Knowledge Hoarder This is about the long game. Putin won't live forever.
  9. you should see how many people the virus killed
  10. I swear it's like every time I think I'm starting to escape, I get sucked right back into it again. This year has been nothing but one failed endeavor after another. Escaping wage-slavery feels like a long arduous journey where every single step is a long arduous journey. I regret to admit a small part of me doubts if its even actually possible. I've tried sharing my ambitions with others but I find it so disturbing that absolutely no one I have ever met has ever seriously entertained the possibility of having so much wealth that one can live totally as one pleases. Like, there mind literally cannot fathom it, you might as well be talking about martians or something. I guess I would just like to end this post by thanking Leo and everyone else who has ever transcended the miasmic, soul-crushing, mediocre standard of life that the vast plurality of this poor planet is drowning in. Histories greatest and brightest have inspired me to dedicate my entire life to building a life worth living. We are such a gifted species, yet we've used our gifts so foolishly. I think humans are the most beautiful and wonderful of all of natures creations, yet I also despise them for wasting such awesome potential and dragging me into this neo-fuedal dark age society where I have to rent out my own body to others just to eat. May God help us all!
  11. The people of my fucking country never cease to amaze me! You censor a man who shed blood to preserve the freedom you enjoy because he was critical of trump? What a fucking cultist lol
  12. @Yarco You're talking to a former business owner. I did it once, I'll do it again!
  13. I listened to a free hypnosis audio on her website and noticed a significant rise in my consciousness afterwards, it was very mushroom/LSD micro-dose like.
  14. I am a beacon of sin so I can't judge any woman. Also traditional men are losers, be a fucking baller!
  15. @Leo Gura Its not as dangerous as the alternative
  16. @Javfly33 I go out every night and rate every night 1000/10. Even if everyone hates you, rate your night 1000/10 or you'll just give up. Also, you descend from a 4 billion year old bloodline of success and overcoming adversity! The elements of the cells that make up your very body were literally forged in the Heavens!(Cores of Stars!), so that means you are literally divinity! You are a literal SON OF GOD!!! To not have an infinite surplus of confidence is BLASPHEMY!!! Listen to this with headphones once a day, it helps me.
  17. So after being an introverted incel all my life, I've been going out every night and practicing socializing for the last month and a half. I have made a very odd discovery... girls... ACTUALLY LIKE ME WHAT!!!!!????? I've consistently had women tell me "I love your energy, your such an air sign!" or "Oh my god, your so funny and bubbly, are you an Aquarius?" And what I find even more disturbing is they always guess correctly!!! Are girls fucking psychic!!? I didn't know literally all of them were into this astrology shit!!! I get it every single time I interact with them!! I THOUGHT WOMEN HATED ME!!! I THOUGHT I WAS UGLY!!! NOW THEY HUG ME AND TELL ME THEY LOVE MY ENERGY???? I HAD A GIRL TELL ME SHE LOVES ME IN FRONT OF HER BF TONIGHT! I KNOW SHE PROBABLY MEANT IT PLATONICALLY BUT STILL!!!!! I'm honestly kind of shocked how I could've been so wrong... I think the human mind is a cage that literally all of society should be focused on breaking out of!!! God knows what dark path of devilry I would have taken if I was a more dogmatic person and didn't try to explore reality for myself. I literally thought girls were just allergic to me, like I was cursed or something. I thought it was literally impossible for me to get a GF, now it feels so inevitable I have a no GF rule because I don't want to be distracted from getting my life together.
  18. I sort of feel... strange. Like a giant portion of my ego just went poof. My identity just feels... undefined now. Whatever, I'm just gonna keep going out, it's what I'm passionate about!
  19. After going out every night for a little over a month, I've discovered many "Mechanics" that govern human social behavior. I thought you'd all find my notes insightful and perhaps helpful in your journey to social mastery. Everything below isn't just armchair philosophy, I've had direct experience or observed all of it in the field. Enjoy! Social Temperature: What I've dubbed 'Social Temperature' is the degree to which a human being can uninhibitedly express themself through vocal, facial, and bodily action, or more generally, the degree to which a human being is open to and capable of social activity. High Social Temperature: High Social Temperature implies the human being is currently 'warm' and can easily and effortlessly express to others through the body, face, and voice. Extroversion, humor, laughter, sexuality, and an array of positive emotions are only accessible to humans who currently have a high social temperature. High Social Temperature is attractive and seems to be contagious, in my experience, even just seeing a group of people laughing triggered a rise in my social temperature. People who are currently 'warm' exhibit the following: smiling, flirting, touching, kissing, strong eye contact, story telling, cheering, speaking loudly, and relaxed but attentive posture. Low Social Temperature: Low Social Temperature implies the human being is currently 'cold' and is inhibited from expressing to others through the body, face, and voice. Introversion, staring at the ground, avoiding eye contact, hands in pockets, anxiety, depression, mumbling, monotone, and awkwardness all indicate a human being with a Low Social Temperature. Low Social Temperature is repulsive and contagious! The temperature of others can be pulled down through awkward interaction and emotionless, dry conversation. People who are currently 'cold' exhibit the following: Stiffness, shyness, sadness, weak vocal tone, hands in pockets, leaning against walls, scanning a venue, being on their phone, restricted/uncomfortable body language, expressionless face, introversion, and even aggression. Room Temperature: Room Temperature is the collective 'warmth' of an entire venue. Every human being in a venue contributes to its collective temperature through their social or anti-social behavior. The social temperature of every individual in the venue is pulled toward room temperature, whether their temperature is higher or lower than the venue's. Cold room temperature implies the place is pretty dead, people are generally not open to social activity. Warm room temperature implies their is a high volume of social activity within the venue, hence people are 'warmed up' and far easier to socialize with. Social Damage: Social damage is anything, internal or external, that can significantly lower ones social temperature. Rejection, embarrassment, being the target of hostility, needing to pee, telling a joke no one finds funny, being ignored, losing phone/wallet, spilling drink on self/others, and getting thrown out of a venue can all trigger social damage. As Social Damage accumulates, the human being becomes 'colder', facial, vocal, and, bodily expression restricting as their social temperature plummets. If a human being is inflicted with enough social damage, they may become anti-social or even hostile! Soak: Soak is the capacity of a human being to 'Soak Up' or incur social damage without their social temperature being lowered. Soak can be increased through cold approach, public speaking, performing, and developing a high self esteem. The average man has developed very little soak, and because the average woman never approaches, I imagine they haven't developed any soak. Pick-up artists, musicians, performers, and bouncers seem to possess a high amount of soak. Collective Social Damage: Collective Social Damage is any occurrence which lowers the social temperature of a collective of humans, tanking room temperature! Things like fights, the police, rain, and the bathrooms being closed cause nearly everyone in the venue to incur social damage. When this happens, social activity plummets, causing even more collective social damage as the entire 'room' gets 'colder'. Low room temperature is repulsive and people may begin to flee the venue for a 'warmer' environment. Temperature Degradation: A human beings social temperature is under constant incursion! Throughout the day, things like work, traffic, boredom, sickness, excess heat/cold, stress, discomfort, and even it simply being winter can lower ones social temperature. Even something as insignificant as an itch on your foot or pumping your gas taxes your social temperature to a small degree. Overtime, external and internal influences gradually make the human being 'cold'. Temperature Management: Temperature Management implies engaging in activities or practices which keep your social temperature 'warm'. Dancing, listening to upbeat positive music, positive affirmations, binaural beats, meditation, staying hydrated, masturbation(If female, but I'm unsure), abstaining from masturbation (If male, I find it makes me irritable and tired), eating chocolate, positive hypnosis, listening to standup comedy, and generally just socializing help to keep you 'warm'. Cultivate a life that keeps you 'warm', you deserve it, it feels good and makes you happy! I've found that Leo's satisfaction meditation is very effective at maintaining a 'warm' social temperature. Spiking: Spiking refers to using Vocal, facial, and bodily expression to raise the social temperature of another. This is the key to social success! Humor, storytelling, flirting, smiling, laughing, and even just having a High Social Temperature can raise the social temperature of others. When this is done successfully, others will spike you through their social expression, creating a positive reinforcing feedback loop of your collective social temperature! Congratulations! You're making friends now! People want to be around you! They want to be spiked by you! I've accumulated all of this knowledge by going out every night. Unfortunately, I've exhausted my soak and have incurred so much social damage I think most people in my shoes would be crying. I'm so 'cold' I can say hello and people ignore me. From now on, I'll only be going out on 'warm' nights because people are far more receptive to me and easier to spike and socialize with. I'm unsure if my social skills are inadequate or if 'cold' people inherently cannot be engaged, further research is required. So what did you think? Not bad for an incel, huh?
  20. @aurum You have a good point, a real master should be able to warm themselves up at will! I will practice this.
  21. @Karmadhi Thanks! I think I'm only scratching the surface though. I'm thinking about writing an in depth book on social dynamics once I acquire a holistic understanding of it.
  22. So after being a nearly friendless incel for my entire life, I've devoted the entire last month to going out every single night and socializing and I've never had so much fun!!! It's scary how good I'm getting at this, I think I'm a natural! For the first 22 years of my life I thought I was an introvert, but then I took LSD and spiral dynamics stage green erupted within me. People are what I'm passionate about! I love them! I go out every night to make them feel good and laugh! I'm actually making friends and discovering girls don't hate me, in fact, they think I'm the funnest guy they met that night! I think cold approach, romantic and platonic, should be taught in schools! There are people double my age who can't even look me in the eye when they speak to me, this is fucking absurd! Why is social interaction so deeply feared by everyone? The worst thing that ever happens to me is a set of girls pretends I'm not there when I try to open them, and so fucking what? The next set is literally down the street and happy to talk to me! But how on earth do I make a living doing this? Should I look into becoming a RSD coach or something? I took the LP course and decided to focus on creating a green energy company one day, but what if I'm not really passionate about that anymore?