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About ConsolePeasant

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  1. I'm afraid I still don't understand. Aren't all those words just synonyms for happiness? Regardless, isn't it still a "positive" experience (opposite of negative)?
  2. People often speak of enlightenment and being one with everything as a joyous feeling. But I am having trouble understanding how this happens. Isn't happiness an emotion- something that comes from the ego? If you are experiencing pure awareness without the ego, how can you be happy? Also, isn't happiness a concept of duality (happiness vs. sadness, love vs. hate etc.)? Thank you in advance for your insights
  3. Thanks everyone for your responses so far, I am starting to get a clearer picture. What I've understood based on the replies here, is that there are no "bad" hobbies and you can do whatever you want- but some hobbies are more beneficial to your progress than others. I guess another question would be, do you just naturally gravitate towards more beneficial activities as you progress down your path?
  4. Hi! Brand new to the forum, and relatively new to self-actualisation, so I have a looooot of questions As someone who is finally beginning to "see the light", I am starting to look more critically at how I spend my time, and whether or not some of my hobbies are simply feeding my ego when I should be trying to minimise it. Here are some questions/thoughts relating to hobbies that may not be considered "worthwhile". Do you think there any activities that are simply a waste of time no matter how you practice them? For example, psychedelics can both feed or minimise the ego depending on how you use them. But are there hobbies that are just "objectively bad"? Further, if the point of meditation/mindfulness to just be happy in the moment, regardless of what is happening around you, does it really matter how you chose to spend your time? If you enjoy engaging in simple stimulation, such as watching TV, could you not still do that while being mindful? What hobbies do you participate in that help you realise your authentic self- that other people might not consider "worthwhile"? And lastly, how do you know if your ego is tricking you into thinking a certain activity might be good for your development, but is actually just feeding itself? Looking forward to reading some interesting answers