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About plaruno

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  1. @Fearey Thanks for the response I will try , it looks cool
  2. I have been using OneNote heavily for most things (taking notes from Leo's videos, to-do lists, ideas, and contemplations) for the past 5 years. I think OneNote is a good tool for taking notes but I started to get bored because of its unlimited page structure and I see myself hesitant to read old notes lately. Also, for a long time, I was curious about other note-taking systems but did not have the time to try them. Recently, I give Notion a try and spent some time on it. I felt that it has the required order and useful templates which I think OneNote lacks. Mostly I sit on a couch and use my work laptop, but it is 16" heavy and kinda gets hot and I can get distracted quickly with some work-related stuff. I think I remember from Leo's ultimate commonplace book video that Leo uses a OneNote with a dedicated MAC laptop just for taking notes on Windows operating system. So I also want to do something similar and want to buy something which is lightweight and convenient to use on a couch because I believe good ideas come when I chill, and relax while looking at the sky through the window. I see the power of taking notes so much that, spending some money to buy a laptop just for taking notes might be life-changing. But at the same time, I am not sure what to buy I have never used an apple product. or this idea of buying a new laptop might be overkill and unnecessary. What is your note-taking setup and environment look like? Also, @Leo Gura that video get old did you make any changes in terms of the setup and the software ? Thanks
  3. @Leo Gura I have watched shamanic breathing episode several times it definitely helped to my depersonalisation which is present after that traumatic event. But i could not manage to do it regularly. I always wanted to thank to you million times. After watching most of your episodes. What i have realised about my self is i have to do the inner work along with trauma healing. Also as you said i did mental masturbation and focus mostly on theory. Even though i watch your episodes with taking notes on onenote i did not take the necessary actions. But hey it is never late thanks again.
  4. Fascinating to hear. I also struggle with breating problems after I experienced the painfull trauma. As a result, i have extremely high hemoglobin levels to the point where even donation ceters do not want to collet my blood because it is so thick. Every doctor i have visited told me do not smoke even if i am not smoking. Thank tou for sharing i also might try this afer doing my own resarch and wathing leo's last episode.