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Everything posted by sergeyrar

  1. Hi, I find it really hard to pick just one thing that will be my main focus in life. I believe that all people are born equal, and that no one has a pre-defined purpose or a set of tools or advantages given by birth (maybe except very few people). I know that it is in my power to know everything I want, and to do anything I want... and that eventually I can master it all to the highest levels! (thanks to google) So what's really the difference which one I pick? I don't feel like I have any passion, but I do know that I want to live a happy fulfilled life => But for that I need a life purpose in the first place. I also came to realize that money won't ultimately fulfill me ( I now earn 40 times more than I've earned 3 years ago, no difference in fulfillment levels) Please advise, Thanks! P.S Congrats for the launch of the forum :-)
  2. I think attractiveness is simply achieved by feeling good about what you already have without needing someone to complete you.
  3. I once heard an interesting perspective on that whole life purpose matter. Could it be that our life purpose, is generated by a deep dissatisfaction and a need of revenge? Could it be that our life purpose is a side effect of misery and a feel of weakness ? O_O Has it occurred to you that if everybody would do pretty well and pretty much the same in all fields, and would not fail - ever... then there would not be much progress at all. It may be that the real big things, come from huge failures and a deep feeling of hate and jealousy ! Tell me what you think about this.
  4. "Stop being so spoiled" My mom.
  5. Isn't one of the ingredients to a happy life is a life purpose? D: This is the ultimate goal I agree.
  6. I don't think we have natural abilities.. all of our abilities are acquired and can be learned. For instance, once I used to really suck at mathematics... once I've put some effort in it, I got really good and even started loving it. I feel that life purpose should be something very challenging to achieve, that would add something of value (from our perspective) to the world or the universe.
  7. Sure they want !!!!! They want everyone to be like them! They want all people to be influenced by their believes. Imagine how powerful would they feel, if all people on the planet would be transformed thanks to them.
  8. I also believe that we are all selfish, but who said its a bad thing?? - maybe it's just our nature. Even if it seems that someone has helped you, with no need for some kind of payoff or reward ... that actual act of expressing his knowledge to you , and influencing you by some degree is in itself a selfish act. Even if you feel you help someone just because it makes you feel better... but why do you feel better? Because you influenced someone with your beliefs, and subconsciously (i think) you feel superior and valuable to this someone. You feel that you have some power that others want and need - a good feeling indeed. Would you ever want to learn something, or make some form of art .. or invent something that has no value to no one? ... I think not.
  9. Thanks for the advice, So in fact, it doesn't even matter which one I choose, as long as I make a choice. I've invested the last 8 years in my career as a network engineer, so maybe this is my purpose and I should just stick to it. However, I don't have any clear goal, of what to accomplish in my career. I really want to invent something great, but have no idea what it is yet! Perhaps it's just a matter of time until I find it ... ?
  10. Thanks for the advice! It was my goal for a while, but it no longer motivates me for some reason... maybe because I've heard so many people say that it doesn't bring lasting happiness anyway - so why bother ?? Plus, I may not be a millionaire, but I'm not short on funds.. and can afford myself lots of things.. which I feel I don't need anyways .... lol