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About iamme

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  1. It's the best classic website we have at the moment on the Internet, after the awakening section of the old davidicke forum was taken down. That was the ultimate, raw, real deal, old school awakening place to be, back in the day. Yes, I am still nostalgic about it! There might be something to be found down the rabbit hole of Reddit, but that is something else, lacking the structure, the identity, the intimacy, the stability and the leadership of actualized.org <3 We should enjoy, use and appreciate this priceless website and the persons that are keeping it up! Thank you lots @Leo Gura
  2. Yes, everything is inside the self which is you and me and I and no I and everything and nothing. Eternal, unchangeable, immovable, all knowing, knowing nothing, undying, death searching, immaterial, yet dreaming of flesh and bodies. How shall it stop the dreaming, that is the big question.
  3. Excellent! And True :))
  4. This seems like a very valuable point of view. Especially appreciating this: "But as soon as you stop imagining them, they will disappear. As will your own body. So it all boils down to how unconscious you are of your own imagination." And this: "Since you are God, if you decide to play denial, there is no one in the Universe who can stop you. Only you can stop yourself." Gotta love some beautiful truths shining through <3
  5. It means you know everything is you and it was like a dream that never was. Or a nightmare. But you woke up and the truth is infinite splendor and nightmares are let go.
  6. The point of spiritual mastery work (which is what this website is about) is to examine within why certain words or emotions are "triggering". A goal of spiritual mastery is equanimity. When you know who you are it's pretty impossible to be triggered, so work on that. Leo is pretty good at pointing where is work to be done
  7. Hey @Leo Gura are You using these mirroring tactics to show someone that it's wrong to cast doubt on the integrity of the election? There are videos and witnesses from the election that cast SERIOUS doubts on the integrity of the election. And gaslighting is employed both ways :> By the way, where are the Emojis on this website?
  8. What are the odds that at the lower levels of delusion God is also assuming the delusion thus deluding itself properly. I wonder how badly does God as a unit actually want to snap out of delusion. God can't or won't stop deluding itself even though it deep down really wants to. How crazy is that.
  9. Alcohol numbs the mind, relaxes the mind's filters, even quietens the activity of mental programs to an extent that allows the body to operate more on primordial feeling and less on acquired mental judgments. In regards to spiritual development, alcohol helps some and sets back others, depending on circumstances.
  10. Nice and so freaking true <3 Pity it might take forever for most of us to catch up.
  11. Yes, this is basic methodology. In every day life, being non reactive can prove to be challenging as such a determination might invite a test. It's quite easy to be non reactive to your thoughts but then a person might come and do their best to challenge you. And it's quite an achievement to realize that there is no difference between a person's shenanigans and the shenanigans of your own mind :)) When someone has a large family and many friends, this method you describe is like doing things the hard way!
  12. As one of the posters aptly pointed, you can't really die. What dies is the ego (your sense of separation or your false beliefs/programs). The only thing that can die is the ego body mind, the separate body mind. Of course you don't want to kill your physical body vehicle before you kill the separate ego mind. Could get rid of ego through methods that work best for you, there are many.... They all involve single pointed focus. Whatever works best. For a positive / affirmative approach focus on the sense of oneness or on the sense of being. For a negative / elimination approach focus on removing your sense of separation and your false or limiting beliefs. For getting back on track, use self inquiry or belief inquiry / investigation.
  13. @Leo Gura Hey Leo, why shouldn't you have your cake and eat it too. You sure can as God. Heard of people who left the body during awakening trips and then came back to the body and restarted it. If your goal is to help human kind long term, you should preserve the physical body for as long as necessary. Oh and many thanks for your help, your platform is one of the best in the world at the moment and you're an inspiration too. Thanks very much <3
  14. Nice. The Alan Wats quite in your signature is also nice... so powerful. I've dropped the mind veil once, happened suddenly and unexpectedly, lasted for a while that afterwards could only be described as timeless... absolute peace suspended in eternity. And then it was over and I started to think
  15. @WaveInTheOcean maybe this was asked before in this thread (I just skimmed the content), so what's your take on the subject of "everything and nothing". Some enlightened folks perceive our self as nothing rather than everything. What about that? Also, thanks for reminding us that we are good.