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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. @How to be wise what do you think fried chicken and burgers are mate hahahahahahahaahah. How about you actually read the ingredients of fried chicken and burgers first before embarrassing yourself.
  2. Is specialisation a necessity in our careers these days? What will a specialist be able to do that a polymath will not? Leo talks a lot about specialisation in his life purpose course, but I'm the type of person who doesn't generally enjoy specialisation.
  3. Intelligence isn't always a good thing. You can be intelligent but still want to dominate the universe. Psychopaths are insanely intelligent, probably more than Terence Tao. Intelligence is like the sharpness of a sword, the more sharp you are, the more effective you are at manipulating and playing with knowledge, this doesn't mean you will produce topics and opinions of beauty, it just means they will be insanely complex and advanced to what you're able to comprehend. My computer in some instances are insanely intelligent, my machine learning algorithms can approximate functions far more advanced than Terence Tao could ever do, its clever, but its not necessarily beautiful or mysterious.
  4. right, suffering can happen at the same time of growth, but its not a prerequisite. This reminds me of a story indian yogis use to say: Back in ancient india, bracelets were banned in temples because they were considered a sign of misfortune, but one man really liked his bracelet so he kept it on during meditation sessions. One day, coincidentally heaps of people were getting enlightened in the temple, and at the same time this allowed people to have more awareness, and they noticed the bracelet on the man's hand. They said "wow they day you wore that bracelet is the day we all got enlightened. We shall make a rule that everyone must wear a bracelet whenever they enter the temple" Even though he had been wearing the bracelet the entire year. This reminds me of your theory about growth, you saw a few people get in pain from getting enlightenment, plus after all the Eric thomas and Tony Robbins bs its now trendy to enjoy suffering and aim to suffer, and now you've turned it into a culture, a sort of ritual.
  5. @Shin good point
  6. I think its fine to defend yourself in a conversation, as long as you're aware of the mechanics happening within yourself behind the scenes. Ask these questions when your in the middle of an argument, defending yourself etc: -> Why am I defending myself? -> What am I afraid of if I don't defend myself? -> How will this defence help (not me) the happiness of the world in general -> If everyone did what I did, how would the world look? Or if everyone didn't have this defence mechanism how would the world look, be like? Also treat the answers you get back from these questions very skeptically. Don't believe them, don't believe yourself, for sake of methodology, you are just as wrong as the next person, if say you were to ask a stranger on the street these questions. Also I disagree with Shin's view where you should literally NOT do something. Its fine to defend yourself, infact you shouldn't feel bad about defending yourself. The point here isn't to make your life miserable, allow the ego to do what it wants, just be aware of how the ego works while its doing it. See this is why a lot of hardcore, empirically minded Christians and Buddhist people never reach enlightenment, because they treat themselves like computer programs and unconsciously suppress themselves from egoic pleasures in life like having sexual fantasies. You're not growing by supressing yourself, you're just putting more pressure on a balloon that's about to explode. As Leo says, you don't have to surrender to other people's opinions, you just have to question YOURS.
  7. I totally disagree. As Sadhguru says "its not about working hard, its about doing the right thing". Suffering also = setbacks and decline from growth. Consider a case where you have social anxiety. If you go out and expose yourself more, studies show that you get more traumatised and are less likely to go out again. Suffering might = growth, and might not.
  8. If you do something that annoys someone else, admitting you're wrong seems like a spiritual thing to do. The contrary to it is defending a position of righteousness, which in the end feels like clinging onto a piece of shit that's smelly and isn't that good to be around anyway. But what if the person gets angry at you so much that it makes you feel stale inside and posions the rest of your day? Where is the line between admitting you're wrong, and not tolerating someone posioning your life? Is there ever a situation where not admitting you're wrong is the spiritually acceptable thing to do? Or is it all ego
  9. I don't physically apologise, but try and let go of my opinions about defending myself, but is there ever a point in time when defending yourself is the less egoic thing to do. +1 Don't focus on the confession but focus on why things happened. Instead of trying to let go of defending yourself, ask why the situation happened and let go of every opinion that was just grabbed out of thin air, and put all opinions that were deduced in the situation in context (on the chopping block) rather than just letting go of opinions without assessing the situation. So basically give your defense a second chance rather than immediately dismissing it.
  10. having an argument multiple times a day over petty stuff.
  11. @Patang Sure but you didn't really have control over whether you chose to put attention on it or not right?
  12. have you got any example research papers that is open minded? I trying to figure out how to publish a paper without relying on assumptions that someone a century ago just arbitrarily made for convenience. Now that assumption is apart of the ritural of the specialization of that field. Some examples of assumptions: - there's a brain - A measurement is real (like get a ruler and measure something) people think that distance actually exists. I get that its possible to rule something but that doesnt mean that distance exists. - In scientific experiments, everyone assumes that they are observing some phenomena. For example for figuring out gravity, not only do they assume that distance exists, but also that there's something observing the measurements happening (the falling down of a ball) this might seem like I'm nit picking, but this shift in understanding that there might be no one observing the phenomena is huge. Its what the empirical side of science is predicated upon. If everyone in the world had a mental disorder, all scientific empirical evidence would be warped to that disorder. - If you repeat an experiment 5 times, it will repeat forever. Repeatability apparently proves reality will be of a certain form forever hahahahahahaah - (this is the one am concerned of the most, because im trying to do research in this area) The physical phenomena is more important or real than metaphysical phenomena. This is a terrible belief that needs to stop. They have it backwards, they think that feeling pain is less real than an atom that we cannot see, all because Descarte just assumed there was an outside world. So any research I do on Metaphysical qualia gets either discarded straight away, or the peer reviewers will read it with an external cognitive lens. See happiness comes from the inside not the physical realm (if the physical realm exists we cant touch it anyway) so we should be focusing on qualia rather than atoms and cognitive science. Is there any paper that acknowledges these assumptions? Its very hard to publish a paper and get it passed while acknowledging these And its very hard to get a paper published if you decide to just chuck out the euclidiana assumptions all together. I'm not saying scientists are wrong, maybe distance does exists. But I think its highly unethical to just assume that these things exist because youre too lazy to do anything else...
  13. @Patang What exactly do you mean by "you have to work hard"? Do you mean resistance from your mind is a requirement for spirituality? Why so? How did you control yourself to work hard? I find in myself that I completely have no control on whether or not I can work hard or not, let alone anything in the path really. If, say, I am judging people, I can place awareness on the fact that I'm judging people, but whether I judge people or not is completely out of my control. If the mind has too much will to judge, it will, like a tsunami I can't control it.
  14. Integrating the scientific method, and using it as a tool rather than a belief system in conjunction with meditation ( metaphysical method) isn't practiced in society. So the question is, who is practicing these 2 things? Who is putting science in the appropriate context? And what are some resources for stretching your mind and changing your perspective in life to use these things together, or to develop a scientific (university research) career that doesnt make the epistemological traps that every other university researcher is making
  15. do you mind sharing with me some of your work so i can get a sense of what you're doing, how you're convincing other scientists that theres more to life than just their assumptions and formulas, and how youre integrating the stuff you do in a unversity setting?
  16. Yes it is rare, but spirituality is rare in general. Have you found anyone at least half getting it? Like I know of 1 quantum physcicist doing it, but thats it. Surely there's others out there. Its so hard because spiritual people hate science and scientist hate spiritual people.
  17. Wherever you go, add an online component to it. Its easy to set up... just need an internet modem/hotspot on your phone, a camera/computer with a camera, and an online platform to answer online questions. You'll get to answer heaps more questions and a greater opportunity to be more relevant to your viewers, and practice your seminar skills, which will be priceless for the future. The problem is, your audience happens to be very spread out throughout a lot of countries, and you aren't gonna get a big concentration just by travelling to 1 location. Your tours overall will have a lot of people coming to them, but not individually based on a country. Your particular scenario suits an online presence. I admit I'm slightly bias to this proposal, considering I live in Australia, which setting up a seminar in my country would admittedly be very undesirable for you, considering how much of an audience you have here, and how far away it is, but message me, and I would be more than happy to help you set up an online system that other spiritual teachers(and really other speakers from a wide range of topics) use.
  18. There's other ways of gaining knowledge. You can read Leo's book list, or you can spend an hour in a buddhist class, or hang out with a group of hippies, or sit in nature for 2 hours. Nature speaks great lengths if you listen to it. You don't need to spend 1 hour reading a day, that's just 1 tiny way out of many for allowing your subconscious to 'connect the dots'
  19. describing spiritual artworks and music with Mathematics. I am striving towards making people's lives more magical, mysterious and peaceful through creating artworks and music with mathematics. Following the route that shamans, Sufis, and Indian sages, where they would alter people's consciousness with materialistic items. I envision one day, capturing, using mathematics, intuition, and meditation, the beautiful and elegant designs of temples like the Al-Mulk Mosque in Iran, and using it to give people a more beautiful life. Whether that happens doesn't matter, as long as I'm doing it I'm happy.
  20. its because semen is used to go through a kundalini awakening, which women ofcourse don't have. Now why are you so worried about not being able to become enlightened? Do you even know what enlightenment is? How do you even know if its real or not? See the whole point of the message from enlightenment teachers, is that to be happier you need to let go of all of the stories in your head. And here you are, scared of loosing a story called 'enlightenment' all because you heard another story about women not being able to achieve this story called 'enlightenment'. You shouldn't be seeking enlightenment. If you are you're no better than someone who seeks money, fame, success in general. All of you are seeking a made up story, a pot at the end of the rainbow. Its pretty obvious that the more intune you get with understanding what's not real, the happier and more peaceful you are. Is it really that hard to just do that? Why do you need to masturbate over what buddhist monks say and what people say enlightenment is?
  21. What's the difference between dying in 5-meo-dmt and dying in real life?
  22. 1 hour of meditation is nothing. Of course it can be ego. Meditation is just an idea, a construct in your mind. Its a story about a magical practice, that can lead you to this other cool idea enlightenment. Mate, you need to be more diligent. Why do you even care if its ego that's making you meditate? What's wrong with meditating because of ego? Are you afraid? Afraid of what? Losing something? Losing maybe, achieving this cool story called enlightenment? Your ego is afraid of your ego taking away its cool idea of enlightenment hahahaahahah. I wouldn't be so hasty as to post about the amount of hours we all should be meditating each day. What you should be doing is turning inward and understanding where your fears are coming from and why you're afraid of the ego so much, why you're afraid of loosing something. Follow your inner muse, follow your higher intuition. Not some dude on youtube. That's obvious but you're not doing it.
  23. How easy is it to make a living, where the work involves understanding reality on an empirical level, making ceremonies, possibly constructing temples and other consciousness altering devices, doing meditative chants, and using other spiritual tools to provide value to someone? I don't see many people out there partaking on that sort of career, if any really. Maybe the occasional person doing volunteering work involving this stuff, but not any paid work or work that provides a living. To make a living these days, it seems like the only way forward is to partake in an intellectually heavy task, where the end goal is very logistical and myopic towards growth. Is the reason why we dont see many partaking on the career is because its too difficult to do? Not enough of the public believe in the methods or it costs to much to maintain? It would be amazing to construct a career, where the work is magical and mysterious, where the work advocates peace of mind and overall tranquility, and encourages being kind to the earth that you belong to. Shamanism is one of these careers that would be amazing to do full time.
  24. @student What job do you do? If you're honest, does it really make you grow spiritually? Does it really work off divine love?
  25. Interesting resource that is good to keep documented.