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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. What genuine book do you know of that teaches secret, proper siddha medicine? Kind of like Ennio Nimis's books?
  2. @Leo Gura Sadhguru tends to dismiss anything that isn't related to india. He's a strong Indian Patriot. He also dismisses shamanism and other hardcore religions as well. This is to be expected, most enlightened people tend to dismiss other streams of spirituality. This happens on both side, not just yogis.
  3. What I learnt about life purpose work is, every single thing you could do is related to consciousness. Even being a soldier is partaking in the creation of consciousness. It doesn't matter that your career isn't being a spiritual teacher, or a 'higher consciousness job', as long as you enjoy it its what you should aim for. If you enjoy shooting birds for a living, go and do that. Don't worry about the 'higher consciousness' or 'seeking for truth' dogma on here. Fulfil your desire for the universe with yoga, fulfill your personal desires with your LP, whether that's cleaning garbage, or being a yogic teacher, it doesn't matter.
  4. @Salvijus thanks mate! very insightful!
  5. Yesterday I did holotropic breathwork for 50 minutes. Long story short. Lets suppose that in ordinary consciousness, what is going on is that, there is a 'you' seeing through a round window. Its like there is the round window, and you're looking through this round window, from behind. What happened was, this window collapsed, and the thing looking through the window rapidly faded away. It was like a lazer was slicing and destroying whatever was behind the round window. Next, there was this extremely strong presence just there. It was obvious that this presence was all that there was, and nothing else existed except that presence. Now that presence extended out and expanded in every direction and length. So I could literally feel everything, things very far away. Imagine that you turn into this formless gas, and you rapidly spread everywhere so that you can feel everything. That's what happened. There was still a body, there was still a perspective from 'the head', but the body didn't need a 'me' to function surprisingly. The body, with all of its emotional neurosis and worries was just like anybody else, it was just apart of consciousness, doing its thing independent of the 'me'. Unfortunately the experience went away after about 5-10 minutes. Point of this post is that, I wanted to share the possibilities of shamanic breathwork, and what it can achieve.
  6. friends are just a pointless distraction... time you could be spending else where like in meditation or your life purpose. If you're loosing friends, think of it like loosing the love of playing video games... because that's the level talking and hanging out with friends is.
  7. I apologies in advance for making this, I dont usually post my insights and experiences online, but the ego is waay too excited over this one. I tried Leo's shamanistic breathe work techniques 20 minutes ago background relevant to trip report I have read a lot about the shaman spirit world I am very eager to try psychedelics, yet cant because of my living conditons. setting Me and my girlfriend were going to our local gym. Theres a beautiful park out the back, so while she went to the gym, I went ans lied down in the park, facing this beautiful tree that looks like the willow in avatar. So i started doing the shamanistic breath. 5 minutes in: I feel the normal sensation: my chest gets tight and feels like a piano is on it, my head feels light, my body vibrates a lot. 10 minutes in: Same stuff happens, yet I begin to contemplate about the tree, and its connection to the earth. my mouth is dry, my chest is in pain from the workout its doing. 20 minutes in: the pain in my chest starts to leave. its like my body has given up fighting me to stop breathing heavily. I also feel quite still... not as still as I am during my meditation practice, but still quite present. 35 minutes in: The fun cool bit: I began to see the objects in the world from a different perspective. Words dont give this experience justice, yet the tree started to look as though it has a spirit. It was like the 3D world was connected to a 4D world, and in that 4D world was a spirit, yet this experience was directly accessible in awareness. It was like an optical illusion, I saw the tree 1 way, then saw it a completely different way. And that way was just as real as the 1st way(which is ordinary consciousness) In fact, the way I saw it back then felt more real. The interesting part was, it wasnt as though I had left my current world, and gone to another world, I was still in the same world, still in the same park, next to the gym, except the gym wasnt a gym anymore, it was a structure with a soul. Still looked like a gym, but it wasnt a gym. Its like the 'gym' part was an overlay my brain laid on it, and ive uncovered that sheet and seen what's behind it. Same with the trees and anything else. And it wasnt like being drunk either. My perception was the same, it was just that I saw it from a different perspective. 40 minutes in: my girlfriend came back and I walked off. Everything was the same, except that cloth was pulled off. It took 3 minutes to get out of that state, and now it seems like a dream. Takeaway: I dont believe what I saw(rven though what i saw felt more real than the reality im in now), yet its opened me up to the realization that the world can literally morph depending on how you look at it. I didnt experience hallucinations, or strange visions, or even bad emotional trauma as leo repeatedly talked about. And im skeptical of whether this experience is worth pursuing, rather than just for fun. Post your trip reports or questions below!
  8. Sadhguru, Leo, Osho, Ramana Maharshi, Franklin Merell Wolff, Rupert Spira. Ranked by relevance
  9. @cetus56 No, I'd imagine they would be appropriate for shrooms, so I never bothered, did you?
  10. and the fact that they actually worked with it so precisely and had so much mastery over such a subtle form is amazing! Wow they healed people through this perspective. Its hard enough to just experience it...
  11. Yeah almost, I've had experiences similar to "reality morphs into a single infinite field". This experience was very similar, yet less profound. It is of a different flavor to the experience you're describing. The experience you're describing is more of a merging with god directly. In the contrary this experience wasn't necessarily a merging with reality (felt more like the pre stage, or the stage that's directly prior to the merging) and the objects in the scene were not recognised as being apart of absolute infinity, but rather of a different form. It was like seeing an optical illusion (the one where the square changes direction). The tree changed from being a tree, to (I can barely remember now as the experience has no words in english) now I'm going to just try my hardest to describe it (this is definitely a map rather than the territory haha) as if it was apart of an eternal source, a source that had access to other forms of the world. This to me was percieved as a spirit, because it was connected to a 4th dimension so to speak.
  12. Too hard to answer with good judgment since this is the first time I have done it. But the best answer I can give you is, I believe the beauty of the nature around me helped collapse some of the views I had about objects in the 3D world. The tree was particularly important, and catalyzed the experience or realization. I could sense that, without that stimuli, the experience probably wouldn't of been as profound, or at the very least very different to what I witnessed.
  13. I actually agree with you on thar point. Its true, if you want to take spirituality ro the limit, you need to base a career around it. A spiritual job can involve teaching, but also healing. Like reiki or old school siddha medicine. Really if you contemplate, you will notice that all jobs in the world generate an income by somehow affecting people in a certain way. Most jobs do it in a shallow sense, but spirituality does it in a deep sense. Now there are more options out there except for teaching that affect people in a deep way: theres also councelling and healing, and other more esoteric methods. For example, I'm currently working at a startup, but I intend this job to just be a stepping stone to my next job. My next job is to extend the work of Franklin Merell Wolff. He used something called mathematical yoga, and im going to use that method to further develop techniques that will help people navigate their 5th dimension (yogic sense) more easily. Also I intend to generate art using mathematical formulas, which will provoke people to look deep within themselves. And I'll use a range of constructive logic techniques to design that map for people. This isn't a teaching job, but it does infect people on a deep level.
  14. The more consciousness work i do, the more I notice that, intuition seems to make better decisions than cognitive thought. Even in cognitive related subjects like mathematics, computer programming and physics. And in the inverse, the more monkey mind I use to make decisions, the worse those decisions turn out to be. Has anyone else observed the same phenomenon? I have doubts though - surely cognition is better at, at least some situations. But my experience is telling me otherwise. Also Sadhguru is under the impression that intuition is not that smart, and isn't to be relied on. So I'm doubtful and possibly being deluded.
  15. @Truth +1 been feeling the exact same way as you! And I've failed to really devise a plan to both obtain psychedelics, and use them. Its trickly to find people who are into spirituality and psychedelics. Really we need to focus on treating our yoga and meditation as if they were a psychedelic trip, to give them full potential
  16. For those of you who use to do tradition meditation and yoga, then added or switched to using psychedelics, do you feel like your daily(PERMANENT) state has become more meditative, or do you understand reality better? If so how much of an impact has it had and where would you be if psychedelics didnt exist.
  17. @Aimblack 1. I come from the southern hemisphere, so its the opposite for me. 2. Differences of opinion 3. Actually, Nimis is much more reliable than J.C. Stevens, every serious spiritual teacher will tell you that and if you do cntr + f and type in "24 breaths" you will see Nimis instructs you to (of Lahari's words) to start with 24. 12 is absurd, that wont get you anywhere, that's like 1 minute of work. "To start, you will practice 24 breaths. In time you will increase by 12." page 96 I'm not saying this to dispute you or argue, but to show you that your interpretation is not the correct one(mine isn't either), but a different one. I was instructed specifically by a teacher to face west because we are from the southern hemisphere, and my zen teachers I've had in the past had different views of what chanting was. I wont bother to continue my questions here, because I can see it will just turn into a debate rather than useful advice, but I'll just put this out here to show that just because someone practices a different branch doesn't mean they aren't following Lahari's teachings.
  18. @AMS wait, all of that happened only in 1 week?
  19. @Aimblack Already did, useful insights in there, but doesn't answer any of my questions. I tried to not half ass yoga by trying really hard to follow all of the steps exactly. I even got out a compass and faced west because that's what Lahari strictly said to do. But honestly following everything to the nth degree seems impractical and even impossible, hence why I asked these questions on here.
  20. yep sure is just another source of external happiness, just like your external desire to eat food, have showers, go and earn money, and feel important.
  21. @Leo @Leo Gura Do you actually use the term 'OM' in Kriya Pranayama? I tried it for 2 weeks, but I don't understand the meaning, so I switch to instead of chanting OM, I visualise and feel into a heap of energy, because that's what OM means in english. Also I get extremely frustrated during Kriya Pranayama. Because its so hard to simultaneously do all of the stuff needed, while making sure you're feeling into the chakras rather than just visualizing it. I only do 24 sets as well. Is frustration an impediment? Or is it ok to be frustrated? Also it takes me probably 10 seconds to go up the spine, because if I do it quicker, I'll either miss a chakra, not feel into it properly or forget about visualizing the ball of energy there, or forget to do it within the 3rd eye. Should I worry about these things and just be quicker anyway? Because I'm so slow I hold my breathe half way through my spine because I don't have 10 seconds of inhalation space. Also I haven't been getting any results from the practice. The only thing I've noticed is sometimes I feel very still and the ego dissolves, and the practice just happens, but this isn't really a mystical experience. Maybe this is a sign that I'm doing it incorrectly? Or this path doesn't suit me? I've been doing it for at least 3 weeks now.
  22. When you have a strong desire to do something, do you see it as something you must actualise or a distraction? Without actualising your desires, your quality of life decreases, which makes the spiritual path unbearable at times. But Desires never end, we always want more, so in a way if you follow your desires you'll end up not getting anywhere at the end of your life.
  23. @Shanmugam +1 I've had the exact same experience. When I do yoga, all it does is put me into deep meditation or occasionally a samadhi experience, but self inquiry is the thing that is most potent, problem is its so potent that its very easy to get caught in intellect. But I find that yoga helps with stopping yourself from getting into intellect when doing it.
  24. I can't help but think that the CIA and KGB are too materialistic to every be successful with these types of experiments.