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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. Because hitler gassed people out of excitement? hahaha. No he gassed people out of fear.
  2. @Sustainable Keanan prepare for heaps of resistance from humanity, not because your idea sucks, but because society will resist change as much as it can. If you would like to discuss anything in relation to software or electrical hardware, give me a message. I'm always doing software side projects for the soul purpose of compassionately helping society at large grow into something more thriving. A collaboration could be a starting point, or an open door to something that investors like the look of. One of my ideas is to produce smart cities that are 'alive'. The building infrastructure uses organic compounds and DNA computing to self repair itself, but to also evolve and morph depending on its interactions with the natural environment but also social environment. We could have human beings interacting with physical structures, changing policies to suit it, but at the same time have an organic city morph and evolve based on the surrounding politic and natural environment, coexisting in harmony.
  3. @Sahil Pandit yeah mate, but its not always black. Not sure why it is and I just ignore it. Usually my dot I see is blue. Actually if you meditate hard enough, this dot has the ability to expand and cover the entire consciousness field, leaving you in a trance.
  4. @brugluiz That's sort of like one of Ghandi's quotes. Resistance to your life purpose is an interesting and very important field to study, I agree.
  5. @Truth Addict how do you even know an orange exists? Mathematics independently isn't an illusion. Its an illusion precisely because its trying to talk about other illusions. If the word 'god' wasn't a concept, and 'god' was real, saying god + god = god (the laws of an infinite set) would be a truthul statement, a statement outside of the mind. Mathematics is a dream layed on top of another dream, the physical word. If the physical world was real, then mathematics would be real. The reason why mathematics isn't real isn't because of naming conventions, like 1 + 1 or 2, its because its a language, and languages are pointers.
  6. What are some areas, spiritual practises/lineages that focus on the sort of intelligence leo talked about in his new video? Any sort of Zen-Nous practice out there? There are many practices out there that focus on energy and consciousness, and love but none that focus on pure intelligence and order of things. What about creativity as well? Maybe tantra? I know that Nidra yoga focuses on some techniques that supposably eliminate blockages in a certain chakra to cause you to be more creative
  7. when star gazing, its nice to really contemplate on the idea of space, and question how far away those stars really are, if they actually inside you rather than a million lightyears away from you.
  8. laziness doesn't come from 'cultural baggage', it comes from not understanding yourself thoroughly and figuring out which job you should get. Suffering isn't a necessity in life, unlike what the elders have unfortunately been mislead to believe. Living a simple, enlightened life wasn't invented by Millenials, that sort of thinking has been around since societies like the ancient tamil siddhas back 15000 years ago.
  9. I have somehow developed a dislike for interacting with others. I see a lot of aspects in mainstream society as pointless, meaningless or unwise, and so have consequently developed a fear or prejudice against socializing. I suffer from a lot of judgments against other people's ideas, and actions when within their presence. I have also developed a bad case of envy or jealousy that pops up occasionally. I also have an irrational primitive rejection of the current scientific and religious establishments due to mis interpreting leo's videos and not keeping aware enough of my ego reactions to those videos. I also have completely lost sight of any form of divine/infinite love. My meditation practices focus on elements of voidness and emptiness, not love. Lastly due to a complex with masculinity, I have completely suppressed any feminine qualities within me, and this is starting to hurt very badly. I am always trying to hide vulnerabilities, and have resistance to showing it. Strong resistance even popped up writing this post. I looking for some healing methods to get me over this hurdle. What practices are there that could help me express and authentically enjoy the presence of others, even people that would be considered bad nature? I have a strong longing to accept people of all shapes and sizes, who possess all qualities from deep neurotic jealousy, jerks, deeply selfish, etc. I really want to infinitiely love all opinions, and actions of people, whether those actions are watching Kim Kardashian, real housewives of OC, opinions that are racist, sexist, or who advocate in support of Trump. Any ideas are welcome, and I would be forever grateful for anyone who could offer me something.
  10. This video series is suprisingly good at teaching you on how to have a sophisticated, holistic understanding of the world around you.
  11. EEG machines aren't the be all and end all. Their use does not replace a good hardcore meditation session. It is not a good replacement for strong intuition or general common sense in interpreting subjective experiences, but they are still a good tool to use and they do have their advantages. I have discovered, by using one for over a month, that an eeg machine is capable of improving one's meditation practice. I'm going to make a website sometime in the future, dedicated specifically for sharing eeg machine experiences and training protocols as I have found that an eeg machine has its uses. Before doing that, I was wondering of you guys have some good eeg training protocols, or know of any community dedicated to this?
  12. @Outer 16 channel is fine, but 8 channel works just as well. 16 channel is only required if you're doing very technically advanced things with eeg, stuff that would require years of study and practice. here are some basic protocols: https://brainmaster.com/wp-content/themes/brainmasters/kb_file/White_Collura_workshop_-_Basic_2channel_EEG_Training_Protocols.pdf These protocols don't work that well, and just out of a month of tweaking I made a protocol that works better for me. That's why its valuable if we get a community together to try out different protocols and report on what works for them.
  13. I found zazen to be infinite times more effective than David Dawkins techniques. Everyone is different, don't forget that.
  14. When practicing concentration, say looking at the hand of a watch or clock rotate, is the objective to focus on the hand of the clock with 0 thoughts in mind? Or can there be subtle thoughts in the background of your mind, and that's ok as long as you still have the hand of the clock in mind.
  15. Incase your concentration abilities might increase if you allow the subtle thoughts and move onto the next excersise. I'm not sure, I just want to get the technique down pat.
  16. concentration is not meditation, but its an important stepping stone for meditation on the jnana path. You can't achieve proper self inquiry without the ability of very very intense concentration.
  17. thanks for the reply cirkussmile, but I was speaking about a concentration practice more like raja yoga, not zazen.
  18. ignore it, worrying about it is why its happening in the first place
  19. @Xin Make sure you listen to this piece of advice very carefully. Why are you meditating? If you have a reason to meditate then you wont get any results with your practice. If you have a goal or state you're trying to achieve, then the best you are doing is wasting time and fresh air that someone else could use. If you loose your desire for getting results, for being in a perfect state of mind, yet you still meditate out of instinct, then that is what getting results looks like. (don't make this a goal, god can see right through the games you play) Only when you are able to meditate for the sake of meditation, without any goal, or reason, you are meditating correctly. The reason why you aren't getting any results is precisely because you're looking for results. You meditate out of instinct, like breathing, and when you are fully free from looking for results, that's when you know you are getting results. If you can't do that, then you are not ready for god to reveal himself to you.
  20. What are some books that further explain the experiences one has during kriya yoga? Books on biographies of kriya yoga teachers, or books that explain certain phenomena that occur during kriya yoga. I find that just reading the instructions for a technique isn't enough, you need to also contemplate on the philosophy of where that technique came from and experiences of other people to fully get the most of a practice, otherwise you're just driving without knowing a destination. Your mind must be mentally prepared and placed for the technique to work. Its really hard to find books that talk about kriya experiences and philosophical phenomena that masters experience. Which book has anyone found that covers that topic?
  21. What's the distinction between these 2 fields of study? I find that a lot of spiritual paths actually include shadow work, and in fact, a lot of techniques used to become one with god, actually end up helping you in personal development, even more effectively than specific personal development techniques. For example, I have greatly reduced my social anxiety through self inquiry. I tried cognitive behavioural therapy, and the typical tony robbins 'exposure' technique, but results only started to happen after being aware, and questioning the thoughts that cause the fear. Either the fear gets literally eliminated (which is the dream that cognitive behavioural therapy aims for) or you end up being ok with the fear arising, and accept the fear, and end up being ok with putting yourself in those positions because you're not afraid of the fear anymore. What does a person who doesn't do personal development loose by only doing spirituality?
  22. @dharm4 and for the ability to see RIGHT NOW, you first need to have no monkey mind going on, an appreciation and open mindedness to the subtle, a thorough knowledge and experiential understanding of what awareness or the NOW feels like, no neurosis, no attachments to prejudiced or opinions, and a bunch of other things. You're underestimating the massive influence your state of being plays a role in this. If it was that simple, everyone would be enlightened. The inability to see reality RIGHT NOW is because of not ingesting dmt, etc.
  23. @pluto the more you mentally masturbate, the more deluded one becomes. If a thought like the 3D world, a thought so ingrained in us, turns out to be an appearance, then what chance does a conspiracy theory have in being true? This is not helping people, this is mental masturbation - dust fluctuating in the wind of pointlessness. 99% of People around the world already discuss topics like the one you posted, this place is somewhere different.
  24. some of what you say is true, but I challenge you to join a real cult, like the ku klux klan, so you can get a sense of what a real cult is. Someone being dogmatic about your opinions in no way implies this place is a cult, just that some people on here are lazy and would rather listen to leo than do the work themselves, which is to be expected considering the current condition of society. BTW your fear of the shamanic breathe technique is the exact same fear keeping you from self realization. You've fallen for the trap.
  25. Do you just accept them and move on? Do you question them, or deconstruct them, or something else? Fall into the trap of believing them?