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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. found an interesting answer to a software question https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/7217/frankly-do-you-prefer-cowboy-coding Can you see the parallels between spiral dynamics and this post? How interesting? There are many, but my favourite are these: - the quasi engineers are dogmatic about their coding paradigms, just like stage blue. It manifested due to seeing the limits of the previous stages (just like spiral dynamics) - the last stage (duct tape programmers) look just like the cowboy programmers. Yet they are completely different. Just like how yogis look exactly like religious fundamentalist nutcases. And the reasons why this is so are the same! And the cowboy programmers are completely ignorant of this. Interesting how spiral dynamics incorporates mini spirals within specific domains of expertise (such as programming!)
  2. I've had procrastination problems all my life, basically compulsiveness. I've tried many personal development books. I've even tried ADHD clinical books and applied it to myself. Unfortunately these methods don't work because they are just too superficial. The problem I have is too deep for these books to handle. I had an insight recently that the reason why these compulsions are occuring (personally, its not expected that most people have this problem, my body is the only thing that probably has this specific issue) that the reason why this compulsion problem occurs is because of a viscous cycle. Every thought you have is prana/energy. And when a thought occurs you are using up prana. If the thought is very intense, you use up more prana. In most people's minds this prana is chaotic, there is no focus or direction, the prana is just going everywhere. So the common way to solve this (in PD circles) is you use visualization techniques, affirmations or the like to motivate yourself to stop procrastinating and therefore stop your prana from going a certain direction. But the problem is this uses up prana too!!! So you're trying to fight the chaos of prana using prana. How stupid. The more prana you use up, the less prana you have to try and control the pranic forces in such a way that it becomes stable. So the problem here is, how do you control the prana without using prana? How do you conservatively control your usage of prana, and only apply the prana when needed? If this is possible, this is how procrastination is resolved (for me anyway, not sure about others). Has anyone got any books on managing and controlling prana? Very in depth mechanics, methods and practices on mastering the flow of prana? Golden flower meditation comes to mind. I'm not looking for PD books. PD is too superficial for my personal problem. Its at best a band aid solution that flops off after a few days.
  3. So in this forum (and not just this forum, but the majority of new age circles) there is a lot of discussion about spiritual states when they have them. Some people even go as far as to call them spiritual insights. The people who discuss them, are usually super excited, because the state has moved them emotionally in some way, and the people who listen to the states, are also super excited, because what is being said sounds super interesting. Some listeners (and speakers) may even feel that they are now somehow elevated above humanity just that little bit more. A spiritual ego (subconsciously of course, but if you listen to your mind close enough, you can feel it developing) may also start to be created. I don't know why I'm compelled to write this post, but for whatever reason I am and will to keep the peace with my emotions. Spiritual experiences, in my experience, are largely traps. They are not to be taken seriously, emphasised or to be appraised by the listeners. This is because, no matter how amazing this spiritual state may feel to you, it isn't what it seems. Just like thoughts and delusion. I am not saying that there is no reality to them (usually there is) and I am not saying that it wont radically change your life for the better (it usually will) but if you think, remember or interpret your spiritual state in any way, you will fall into a trap and get deluded. This has been said a million times, but what is in front of you right now, is the only thing that is real. When you have a spiritual experience, like time stops or doesn't exist, or you can feel a 'really real' energy in one of your chakras, or you feel an emptiness in your 3rd eye, or your head starts to feel like an empty shell when the ego disappears, or your mouth and body starts moving without anyone in the drivers seat or whatever else you experience, these experiences are not what they seem. You do not understand them and never will. And these are not states or spiritual experiences actually. These aren't states at all. These are not 'what you have always been' either. What is it? Its your mind interpreting stuff that's it. It is a very well trotten path to take these experiences seriously, and then to try and 'obtain' it again. To try and chase it. You cannot chase it because these spiritual experiences are not real (yes, they are not real, they are in your imagination). The point of meditation is to see what is in front of you right now and that's it. You are not there to get a spiritual experience. You are there to rest in what's already there. I need to remember this personally, as its a trap I always fall into. But its important for everyone here to follow this advice as well. Leo is an amazing teacher, but the biggest problems with his highly conceptual teachings is its very easy to fall into the above trap if you're not careful. Keep meditating and always remember this.
  4. yes Leo, but I think its time to acknowledge that the people on your forum are no longer in 'low egoic states'. These people are having really profound experiences, and when they get to this stage, they need to let their experiences go. When you first began actualized.org, the userbase were orange stage personal dev junkies. Those times have changed.
  5. Nope. I love functional programming. But there are many programmers out there who use it not because they see value in it but because it is cool and different. FP is misused and that was the comment I was making. One of the greatest things about functional programming over imperative is its 'if it compiles, it works' element. Also the fact that it can be mathematically reasoned and analysed. Generative and proof based testing is becoming more and more essential as the world heads to more and more complex software projects. As software evolves, more and more software becomes abstracted. This leads to higher and higher programming languages (away from the metal). But if programs are getting more and more complex, does that mean it takes more work to write it? My argument is no it doesn't. This is because the compiler is doing more and more work to resolve the complexities of the abstractions. BUT!!! And here is the problem: The compiler is capable of sorting out compile time errors, but not runtime errors. So while the complexity of compile time errors (and therefore workload) is being mitigated, the complexity of runtime errors are not! The solution? Functional Programming! Because functional programs can have their runtime errors fully resolved by resolving their compile time errors. How amazing! You can really feel this problem in the imperative scene. I've seen some companies use over 1000 test cases for 1 project (albeit it was a big project). Whereas on the other hand, having 1000 test cases for a functional programming project is just silly, especially with quick check. Because of FPs mathematical properties, you can automate the runtime errors as much as you can the compile time errors. In fact, for any project I do, even imperative ones, I always try to automate test cases. Automating tests cases in an OOP setting is one of the hardest and most challenging things there is you could do, but its necessary to produce code that really does work.
  6. So let's just say you see a bunch of microbes under the microscope, and a microbe suddenly gets infected by a virus and is struggling to survive. Now you feel bad for this microbe and 'mourn' for this microbe and have a desire to heal it and make it feel better, is this Egoic? What about the desire a doctor has to heal others who are sick and about to die? Is this Egoic? What about a shaman's desire to heal someone of suffering? To help them survive from a disease? Like if surviving death is just the act of surviving realizing your true nature, why then are we so geared towards relieving sickness, helping others survive when they are about to die? Further, does God not care about war if war is simply reality changing from 1 form to another? Like a person changing from a living being to a dead being on the ground from a gun shot?
  7. subjective as in delusion? The experience arises, not sure where it's from. Higher virtues of man is where God starts. The stuff you want to do that inspires you.
  8. @ajasatya Seeing someone suffering is a real phenomena within reality/God. The desire to help this person survive(regardless of its relation to me the ego) is also a real phenomena. I am trying to figure out if this is an Egoic response or an existential one. Where is God? in every atom of that war. And God manifests suffering, fear and sadness during that outbreak. Does God, the thing in every atom, not desire to change that? Or is that the ego?
  9. @integral ooooo what an interesting take on it!!! Wow what a mind blowing article you posted!
  10. no no. I love haskell and the functional programming paradigm, its absolutely beautiful. Sure! we can talk more about it in the future.
  11. and LISP is stage coral https://github.com/hylang/hy
  12. @bmcnicho why must you abandon science? I strongly believe if you abandon science, you will not be happy. Combine your passion for truth with science. As Einstein once said "science without religion is blind, and religion without science is lame" Come up with a few theories, that holistically combine multidisciplinary areas of science into a beautiful cohesive portrayal of some aspect of God, then publish it on a blog. Trust me, you will get (as I did) a lot of attention from the right people. Do it part time if you need to earn money. Einstein was a post office clerk while making his theory of relativity. Ken Wilber was cleaning the butt left overs of people inside a restaurant while making integral theory. @Norbert Lennartz stop being a pussy man. Get off your ass (in your part time) and start doing Real Science!
  13. if I see someone dying and I feel bad, is that survival? on the one hand it's not, but on the other hand I feel bad because I always feel bad when a story ends.
  14. have you heard of a sprite sheet? you can display images in python very easily. I'm not sure how to do it in pygame but im sure its a one liner. for example just say to display an image you do this: cv2.imshow("images/image1.png") so a sprite sheet is a collection of images: 1.png, 2.png, 3.png, 4.png to display a different image, you simply change the python argument: cv2.imshow("images/1.png") or cv2.imshow("images/3.png) now imagine that 1.png is an image of a guy walking left, 2.png is an image of a guy walking right, 3.png is an image of a guy walking forward 4.png is an image of a guy walking backwards. so in your game, when you press the left/a key, all you do is: cv2.imshow("images/1.png") then when the right/d key is pressed, you do cv2.imshow("images/2.png") you get the drift? this is what a sprite sheet is. Play around with doing this sort of thing. When you get good at it, you can add more and more images so that the person looks animated.
  15. hahahahah stage yellow programming language! Let me tell you, the people who love haskell are much more bluey-dogmatic about their precious language.
  16. What are the best meditation methods for honing in on your concentration abilities - so that you can meditate with lazer focus, great intensity, and for long periods of time? Is this method able to enhance your ability beyond meditation? Such as increasing the concentration ability to do mathematical and computer science/programming work?
  17. 1. Leo said something along the lines of: God is ok with creating evil and monstrosities. He loves it all. Speaking from the perspective of an eyeball, why does compassion occur when that monstrosity occurs? And why is there an urge to change it?
  18. What are the dos and don'ts, best strategies and activities to do in a long distance relationship for a maximum of 2 years?
  19. spirituality isn't a practice but a lifestyle. May I suggest that probably what happened was, you stopped taking spirituality as a pracice, and rather started taking it as a lifestyle?
  20. @kieranperez it's definitely linked. The only reason people have the willpower to meditate hours and hours is because they can directly intuit that it's a valuable investment. They have vivid visions for how their life is going to change through meditation. They can smell God's scent, and are chasing it. This isnt open mindedness, this is direct experience.
  21. Yes, but every person who is practicing spirituality(practicing your content) are doing it not because their parents told them to(I wouldn't be surprised if 90% of actualized.org parents think their children are crazy for watching this) but because they are spiritually attuned. So does that mean everyone who chooses to practice your videos rather than go to a club with friends are slightly spiritually gifted? That's not a rare amount of people that's at least 100000(or however many are following your content) plus other spiritual YouTuber content.
  22. yep, there's nothing wrong with Orange. Moralizing the spiral dynamics stages is a trap! Orange is just as beautiful as turquoise. Just watched the first one, embodying this will add lots of value. thanks! Lets try and embody them!
  23. This is a very stark example of what modern day materialism looks like. Very interesting, shows what materialism is capable of.
  24. Is a child who became enlightened at 4 a noob? Just because they haven't practiced anything? Advancement has nothing to do with how much hours you've done a spiritual practice for, it has more to do with soul maturity. There's a high chance your soul is mature enough to do Kriya, if it wasn't you would have given up already. Kriya chooses you, not the other way around
  25. @Leo Gura I have 2 experiences which I wish to know whether they are particular to me or not: 1) I get massive massive amounts of pressure located on the 3rd eye. The pressure overwhelm's my consciousness. 2) My worldly affairs start to drop away - my stresses in life, my ideas, my opinions, my identity. My consciousness goes from being filled by my life to being filled by a massive black nothingness that has literally nothing in it. 3) My physical body starts to drop away - in that moment only the energy/prana of my body exists, but my physical form drops away. Surrendering to 2) is a bit concerning because I feel like I'm going somewhere dark and that I never will come back. I'm worried that I will develop a kundalini disease, loose my spirit or personality, or some other problem by surrendering to 2. Are my fears to be taken seriously?