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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. were you scripted by god to say that?
  2. did this really happen? If so where? I can't see anything?
  3. @Leo Gura which one is it: 1) You don't exist, you're just imagination. you are MySelf(capital S) pretending to be real when you are not. I am making you up now, for my own entertainment. But if I look close at you and actualized.org, you're no less mechanical, and no more real than a non playable character in elder scrolls. 2) I don't exist, I'm just your imagination. I am YourSelf(capital S) pretending to be real when I am not. You are making me up now, for your own entertainment. But if you look close at me, I'm no less mechanical, and no more real than a non playable character in elder scrolls. If the answer is both why can't I experience your perspective right now? Why can't I teleport my soul into your body right now, see the couch you're sitting on, see the camera you use to make actualized.org videos right now? In my empirical experience, you don't exist at all. Yet I cannot tell you you don't exist, because you can say the same about me? In my experience I am the only one who exists right now and all of you are just non playable characters. But you can say the exact same about me???? Who is right here? If I am just a perspective, and you reached total omnipresence, you should be able to experience right now my perspective(if both of us are just endoscopes) you should be able to switch between endoscopes. In my experience, there's just 1 endoscope, which is me, and all the other endoscopes aren't real. and this is the exact same experience you're having, except about me and everyone else on here. Are you just made up? Are you just pretending to be some enlightened teacher when in fact you're just my imagination, and I've dreamt you entirely up? Tell me if its true? if not, show me how im made up, and only your experience is the legitimate and real experience?? Show me, me as your imagination, that I am made up. Go on. Have fun, play with your imagination, and show your imagination that its not real. Whose right here?
  4. Its a well known fact that you're the average of the top 5 people you hang around. If you want to be a good musician, you go to LA. If you want to be the best scientist, you got to the hotbed of science, which is CMU or MIT. One big reason why Bohm was successful was because he was mentored by Einstein. Same goes with Carl Jung and Freud. This is because the best way to learn and become a master is to surround yourself with the best and then to learn from their actions and feedback. Basically work with them(or this is how mastery works in my experience). So if you want to do this for understanding reality, where do you go? Amsterdam? New Delhi? Its really easy to find the places for becoming a master at mainstream stuff like the above, but its hard to find the best places for understanding reality.
  5. @Barna I'm moving there aswell in December (temporarily 1-2 yrs hopefully).
  6. Interesting, that's awesome! Where abouts in California? I know Sedona is a good place to be, but I live in Australia and Byron Bay/Nimbin seems to be about the same in terms of spiritual density. A place that seems like it could produce a lot of results is Amsterdam. Also apparently you can take shrooms in Canada quite easily. Canada as an entire country is beginning to legalize weed.
  7. @mandyjw ok thanks! What happened when you were looking at the branch? Did you have an insight while looking at it? What was the spiritual experience like? @Shinok but I can't see why it would slow you down. I know spiritual communities can, but that specific procedure does too? How so.
  8. ok then, sounds like people have very lofty/airy fairy ideas about gurus or learning from masters in spirituality. Not sure why that's so. Instead, does anyone have an experience they can share of how they encountered their guru. Specifically why where they in the environment they were in(context). How did they notice that the guru was calling them or how did you convince your guru you were worthy. What do you think contributed to finding your guru the most? @mandyjw How did you encounter your sacred tree? Did your sacred tree wink at you as you walked past? @SalvijusHow did you encounter your guru? @ShinIn most spiritual traditions, there is a pattern: a group of people practice a technique, they then experience stuff, they then discuss it with each other and see if they are experiencing the same stuff. If they are that means its legit. If they aren't it means they are getting deluded. "here now" and using that as your guru is the perfect way to get deluded, even though it's very attractive for the spiritual sages on here that like to do everything from their mother's basement.
  9. @Salvijus where do you find gurus? That's an even harder question. What city has the most high quality gurus?
  10. I have a situation which would be nice to get input on: my career: I work a lot, because I'm doing something which has a real good chance of giving me financial freedom in 5 to 10 years time, and a job that I do love now, and will continue to love for the rest of my life. If I work less than I am, its very risky and could potentially knock me off this course. Its a startup. my wife: I have a wife who is very emotionally mature, funny and fits my personality. But she is needy and requires a lot of attention and time. This is really the only challenge to dating her. my situation: I just dropped out of university (2nd year in) to work for a startup. Consequently I'm still living with my parents(but have enough money to move out, if I'm willing to take a risk). Because I live with my parents, my wife does not have much personal time with me. This affects her emotionally. She 'wants to live a life with me, not my parents'. Also my workload is affecting her. Because I work on the weekends usually (and try to fit in dates as much as I can, but its not much) + I live with my parents (lack of privacy) + because my wife is emotionally needy, its hard to manage the entire situation. She has in the past cried over my lack of time spending with her. I have spoken to my startup founder about it, but he is of Asian descent, and asians have a very different concept to love than westerners, so there's a lack of wiggle movement there. How do you emotionally support your wife in this case? I have failed a few times, she is not happy with the amount of emotional support given right now.
  11. Thanks for your input. I could look into the first one. hahahahaha. Ooooo this is very hard for some Asian people. My cofounder is very understanding, but this is very sensitive cultural difference that's hard to manage. His wife doesn't live with him and hasn't for 3 years. In the Chinese culture they value hardship. Chinese people are very rational and don't understand emotion. He is about 10 years older than me and so I look up to him like a father(not intimately, maybe as a role model). Its hard to tell him I need to spend time with my wife without it seeming like I'm not ready to take the startup seriously or take responsibilities seriously. Because if I was Chinese that would 100% be the case. And it seems unfair that I'm allowed to spend time with my wife but he isn't (his wife isn't living with him because its necessary to keep the company alive at this point of time). Tricky.
  12. 5. Cosmos metaphysics invented by Pythagoras. 6. Not sure what category it belongs to, but the hermetic tradition doesn't fall into the above and it is a form of metaphysics. 7. Phenomenology metaphysics
  13. Are you saying masters are not important? Masters are important in almost any other field for developing mastery: want to be the best musician, study with a master. Want to be a mathematician? Study with a master, want to be the world's best soccer player? Get coached by a master, want to be the world's most advanced yogi? Don't look for a master and learn it yourself in the woods for a month...
  14. yeah don't take AI too seriously. The idea that AI is smart is an illusion. AI is simply a magic trick. it's statistical methods developed by smart men in the past, but these methods are like any other mathematical algorithm. They are simply a process and nothing more.
  15. Here are a list of political questions that are needed addressing: In big organizations, a lot of (probably orange stage) people feel like a small cog in a big machine. Is it possible to work with people in a large organization and not feel like this? Is it possible for everyone to take on a role where they don't feel like this? What political structures (in business) facilitate such a state in their employees? These days in science, there is a trend in regards to reputation from success. In the past a single person would win a nobel prize(like Einstein) and get the credit for it. Nowadays the world is way too complex that a single person cannot solve the universe, but rather groups of people (companies, research organizations, etc) need to work together to solve problems. Nowadays the ones that get the credit are teams of researchers rather than a single researcher. What are the best ways to develop such organizations? Specifically organizations that are less money focused and get more titillation from curiosity? What is the best way to learn how to do this? Find a mentor and do practical excersises with him or build a company with his strict supervision, read books? What's the way to get good at this? Someone who thrives on changing the world and achievement, how does this person mould himself/herself towards company or organization centric, rather than individual centric? Maybe see the beauty and excellence in other people and try to support their excellence? How does someone who is individual centric get over the fear of trust with other people? Fear that a person or group will not fulfill their promise? Fear that they will backstab you? Fear that they will take away something important of yours for personal or group gain? A lot of these issues do actually happen in real life and are not irrational fears, how do you get good at avoiding these problems when developing a political/business structure that involves a lot of people, partnerships and deals? Society is very toxic. How do you not get entangled in the toxicity of society, while connecting to it, responding to it and being a full participating society of it? How do you work together with a university to solve the world's greatest mysteries, while not getting entangled in the political games such as status seeking, sucking the assess of dysfunctional professors who 'don't like you'? How do you successfully change the status quo? How do you motivate people to take action with you when the stakes aren't that high?(who really cares about solving the world's mysteries these days? No like REAL mysteries? Like examining the beautiful intracies of the experiences people have with the 3rd eye and the hallucinations that come with it?, Imaging how cool it would be to work at a research organization at a top university, mathematically measuring the emotional and spiritual effects people have of temples, and integrating it with the ratios pythagoras found for musical harmonics? Finding a relationship between musical harmonics and the geometrical formation of temples?).
  16. Nice! Make God great again! legalize weed, legalize LSD magic mushrooms 5 meo dmt. I'm not a fan of the other drugs, but to be fair we must legalize those too. People will naturally gravitate towards the better ones because it makes them more happy. Subsidise meditation and yoga centres. Secular ones not religious ones. Give people incentives for meditating(sort of like what they did in Singapore for unis, but for meditation instead). Don't make uni free. Uni can be learnt with online courses. Make apprentiships free. Uni is a waste of time. decriminalize all drug use. Get rid of 'victimless crimes' if there's no victim then it's not a crime. Any opposing opinion is karmic and dogmatic. Actually think about climate change and environmental impact. Australia - put more incentives in AI and technology. stop encouraging people to be lazy, also get rid of all those good for nothing conservatives. Also give more support to startups, they are the lifeblood to your country - not your farmers, they are old school. America - stop worrying about the military, put more money into science. Canada - keep going you're doing great! Along with Amsterdam. Infact Canada is the only country really acing it in the West.
  17. @Leo Gura I have a grandfather who acts like he knows the world very well. He tells me all about politics and what religion is right, what political ideologies are wrong, and he sounds very smart. He reads lots of books and does a lot of critical thinking. The problem is, he has never left his home country. I fear you're following the same trap. Have you ever lived in a country, apart from the United States, for more that a year? Heck have you even done it for more than a month? If all you're doing is watching videos and reading books, you're falling into the same trap as my grandfather. It might be wise for you to put more effort into your profession and actually live in a place other than the united states. And its not an excuse to say 'I'm God so I have all the answers, no matter where I am". This is not a critique on your views about libertarianism, its a critique on every view you have.
  18. Yep and this approach your taking enables the public to not get sucked into dogma. It's the best system out there for teaching spirituality. I've lived in an ashram for a while, what youre talking about is stage blue tactics, not some higher principle law. Ashrams are largely conservative and blue in their rules. This does not make them better than libertarian though. I think you haven't studied libertarianism. The dirty work the police do can still be done in a libertarian society. America is probably the most libertarian society out there, there is still a strong police force controlling the streets. Libertarianism isn't about letting devils do whatever the fuck they want, it's about giving each ego a space to make their own decisions, and not follow others. If an ego encroaches on another's space, they are classified as devils and the police can be called. Libertarianism is about making contracts and agreements with people and then following through with mutual consent agreements. If you don't the police have the right to punish you. If America was truly libertarian, you would be free to take 5 meo dmt legally. You could never do that at an ashram, you would need to abide by the dogmas of the temple. Furthermore your freedom to make this channel and say what you do came from years of high conscious liberals in the past pushing their agendas. Without libertarianism you would have been called a socialist and been put in jail long ago. Freedom as an ego Leo has given you so much rights to do the stiff you do. Go to China and try to do the stuff you're doing(another country I've lived in for a while). You would have been put in jail ages ago: 1) for breaking the firewall and 2) for criticising your government.
  19. Yes and it's impossible to communicate to someone without projecting. You must make statements and claims, even about observations(a number of times I've seen the word observation used on this forum incorrectly - they should say inference or better yet hypothesis) and when you make those claims, you inherently project. Furthermore the others will read your post in a different light to you which is their own projection. I've come to the conclusion that the following games are pointless and should just be ignored: - telling people you 'didn't say something' such as a word or belief, regardless of whether you did or didn't - telling people you don't believe in something - telling people to stop projecting beliefs onto you(they must, that's the only way they can communicate to you). - Telling people they didn't understand what you said or wrote(they pretty much don't every time, even when you articulated your point very well).
  20. You solve that by doing what I wrote to you in the first post: not believing society is real. No other way will get you there. I've noticed you have never suggested a political ideology which is better than libertarianism, and you have denied that the problem is solved by dropping ideology all together. Sounds like you would rather just complain about the system instead of solving it.
  21. yes, but society is not useful. Enlightenment is not a survival strategy, but it's a reduce suffering strategy - that's what we need.
  22. I'm aware that freedom is a social construct that hinges on waves of support from governments. What I'm saying is this way of doing things is good. it's a good way to do things which reduces suffering, compared to other systems. Also unlike you I don't hold anything against survival and selfishness. Selfishness is a natural part of this world, it's how things must be. Cooperation is done on mutual agreements in libertarianism. it's one of the most passive ways to collaborate. Whether that's done in practice, and whether I do it personally is irrelevant. We are talking about libertarianism not me. There is a difference between libertarianism and me.
  23. @Leo Gura most of these sane people don't take that approach. Sadhguru tries to convince you, but doesn't force you to take on his ideology. He respects you as a human and stops encroaching on you at a certain point. One of the teachers in your kriya booklist said you would be a fountain of truth, for others to drink out of.(notice not a warlord of truth) This is the approach of most spiritual teachers, getting together and limiting your right to be a devil is usually a tactic stage blue tries out. These are quite similar actions a libertarian would take. While spiritual teachers are not libertarians, they do follow libertarian ideals, suggesting they see value in it. Also that's a very simplistic view of libertarianism. It's more than just a hopeless naive ideology trick for covering up your selfishness. Yes it selfish(in Leo's philosophy of life) but it is a sustainable selfishness which reduces suffering. Never has there been a time in history where people haven't been frequently enslaved. This is because only recently have governments taken on a more libertarian approach. libertarian is basically "you mind your own business and I'll mind mine. If it's your life I wont touch it, but if it's my life you don't touch it". This is very sustainable, not only that but it allows a country to be truly secular and tolerate multiple religions under a single country. Because governments mind their own business, they are not expansive orientated, which means they lack the desire to spread to different countries. This keeps a lot of peace in the world. What you're suggesting is totally unattainable for most people right now, you need to be enlightened and have no ego to live by those standards, so the best thing for an ego is sharing selfish activities equally(i.e. libertarianism).
  24. well that's one perspective of libertarianism(and yeah its definitely true, in a way that's exactly right) but the other perspective is, people who don't believe in libertarianism are people who try to take away the freedom you have because they think they are entitled to your freedom. If you are someone who believes in libertarianism, this is extremely threatening. You're taking away a precious right, and really who are you to take that right away? You're infringing on territory that's not yours? As with your first point, calm down that anger. I'm not trying to tell you your problems are less real than they are. I understand you are suffering a lot from society, and just telling you its an illusion doesn't help, it just dismisses your problem and makes you feel bad about it because I'm not acknowledging suffering that is clearly there. BUT, if what I say is true, what ramifications does this have on your life? What if you really did realise it was an illusion(instead of just believing it)? What if instead of getting angry at the comment, you explored what society was existentially? Could you still have all of your petty problems then? Would you really take those problems seriously? Would you be in a better position to change the world if you're ego was not entangled in it? Realizing this has very practical results for your wellbeing and ability to change the world. And if you do observe society for what it is, you will overcome the problems that caused you to get angry at the comment in the first place. This is a cure not a dismissal.
  25. No actually there is a bit of truth to what he is saying. There is no denying that you can't see society right? Can you see society with your eyes? Is it a tangible thing that you can see? Surely you agree you can't. Society is a social construct. Its a construct of the mind. This is important to understand. if everybody understood this, society would not be dysfunctional, because there would be no society. Society only exists(no I'm not confused, I know this contradicts the above sentence, but bear with me) because people like you (well everyone almost) thinks it does. If you don't believe me, why does the ego exist? Because you think it does. All illusions are like parasites(no bad judgments or connotations intended, I don't have any feelings for parasites, they are simply phenomena in the universe, that's it). that feed off a host(consciousness) believing in something(believing is the food). If you stop believing in the illusion, you cut off its supply of food to exist. So cut off the supply of the illusion of the society. Then it goes away, because its an illusion. Then there is no need to wear the best ear rings(if you are a girl) because there is no society rules telling you to do so (because the illusion is gone), there is no need to drive like a maniac because there are no society rules telling you to do that to get chicks or whatever. Literally every dysfunction would be cut off by the root. And paradoxically you would be free to cheat on your girlfriend, because there would be no society rule telling you its wrong, therefore its not a dysfunction(unless its causing suffering, which is not a society thing but a separation of Love (with a capital L) whereby the problem is about being disconnected by god, nothing to do with not following society rules). Then, the challenge is not to understand politics, or make it better, but to increase perceptivity of the human being. This is the root of libertarianism.