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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. In monasteries, even if you discover something deeply profound, the monastery leaders will dismiss it and harshly tell you you're getting distracted. As uncomfortable and disheartening this is, its the only way to make a completely effective, distraction free spiritual space. The ego will find any way it can to distract, and a supportive, positive environment literally = a growing ground for the ego. Sorry but this is a harsh fact For this forum to be truly effective, 80% of the stuff that gets posted on here should be locked. Mine included. 80% of this forum is mental masturbation, and Leo is THE MOST lenient and tolerant teacher I've ever seen; not to his credit, he must be this way because he advocates questioning authority and with that comes all of the liberal devils Also this is a forum, so there's inherently more freedom on here. If you feel this place is too intolerant to posts, go to forums run by Mooji, Matt Khan, Teal Swan and Eckart Tolle. These guys are very supportive and liberal. But have you noticed that 90% of the audience of these people are full of shit? Go talk to a follower of Matt Khan and he/she will tell you she eats potatoes because the spherical shape they make symbolises consciousness and makes them more enlightened . After living through as a follower of one of these groups, you will feel greatful for posts being locked on here, and furthermore you will have an urge for more posts to be locked. Bullshit free spirituality is not a fundamental element of the universe, its because of the work Leo puts in to make sure his content is precise and pure, and its because of the work of the mods trimming this place so that the bullshit is controlled. Let spiritual people loose and you will get the new age movement: i.e. a cesspool of people who have sex with their children because social rules are a social construct, people who quit their jobs because their astrological signs told them to, people who are extreme vegans because their karma and egos have built up an identity of supporting animals, rather than actually having compassion to animals, people who don't understand that machine elves really aren't real and are just ego(well machine elves are as real as the physical dimension), etc.
  2. @carlowillo well done, great video! hahahahaha. Very down to earth. You might want to try being more nuanced in your videos. While I liked it, I wanted a bit more precision in your interpretation of facts. For example: 1. 200 parameters in the context of what? In the context of environmental atmospheric factors? Cosmological factors? 2. from unconscious to conscious life -> Not quite nuanced enough. Scientists don't see a problem with a hot soup creating life and consciousness. Furthermore they don't even know what consciousness is. 3. its not correct to say that scientists have not detected dark energy. They have indirectly detected it through postulating the effects of matter that revolve around dark energy. But I do agree with the essence of your message, you just said it in a slightly sloppy way. etc.
  3. Back in the day when I was trying to understand the problem of science, the thing that stood out to me the most was Descartes duality. Descartes Duality says that there is an objective world outside of us, and then there is a soul which is somewhere in our brains, and this is seeing the world. The best way to understand the problem with science is, it refuses to explain how that thing inside your head works. It even refuses to accept that its there.(to the non dual people here, I'm not saying it does exist, simply that people who are in duality don't even acknowledge that they are in duality). Notice that the majority of people on this planet don't care that science cannot explain this duality. Notice that most of them just say "hmmm that's interesting, but I would much rather continue finding the nature of redshift. This problem of trying to understand duality is boring to me". The ultimate problem with science is that, the practitioners of science don't care enough about truth/understanding reality. If they did they would deeply care about understanding duality and be deeply concerned and intrigued that this duality even exists. Science isn't wrong, it does explain reality correctly, it just doesn't do it deeply enough. You need to be real hungry for the truth if you wish to go beyond science.
  4. If you had a non dual experience, you would have a satisfactory answer to your question. Some short answers taken at different angles: 1) you misunderstand imagination. The imagination IS YOU. You can't imagine yourself out of existence. 2) You (with a capital Y) don't want to fly. So there is no will or strive to do it. Everything You want to do is being done right now. That's why everything is the way it is right now. 3) Suffering is not caused by not being able to fly. Suffering is being caused by you not recognising that you are God.
  5. what inquiry types of techniques did you use that gave you the most benefit? Was it inquiring about who you are? Or inquiring about relative truths? What specific inquiry did you do?
  6. Proudly boasting about how you were the one who started a non duality war anti ban rule does come under #3 to Leo. Maybe it doesn't come across that way to you. Maybe you really do think that you're altruistically helping Leo and this forum by correcting him? Maybe you see a huge benefit to correcting him in the way that you do. And if I were you (which I am), I would definitely think that. But Leo, and the moderators(especially back then) didn't see it that way. And that's all that matters because its Leo's forum, and no matter what you think, you can't change that. Do yourself a favour, continue the path you took before coming on this forum and enjoy your life to the best way possible. Coming back here is a trap(for you personally, not for everyone), and wont make you happy.
  7. yes that's right. You can't remember because memories are a product of illusion. The only thing that exists right now is the present moment, and literally everything is inside it, including MIT, CMU, the milky way galaxy, and you! You are literally in my present moment right now! You're hiding in the nothingness, you're not in Canada! Your in that nothingness! I can see you right now literally! But the best part is, at the exact same time you are in Canada aswell! Non duality and Duality are both true, and this entire post is both a big joke, because there are no memories to remember, but at the same time its not, because you can use memories to wake yourself up, even if they are illusions. Remember what Ramana Maharshi said about spiritual teachers? Yes spiritual teachers are illusions, but they are illusions that can wake you up! Just like how a lion in a dream you could of had last night can wake you up from sleeping!
  8. - Einstein - Leibniz - Pythagoras - Max Planck - James Jeans EDIT: sorry didn't read the word 'modern'
  9. hahahahahahahahahahaha the ban hammer. Classic! Several people on this forum just make new accounts. Guess there's an infinite amount of accounts to ban. The beauty of infinity strikes us again.
  10. Hey guys. For the last 3 years, I have been developing myself to be a world class expert in artificial intelligence. My plan was to be a leading AI researcher at my company. I was aiming for this because research is the sort of thing I like doing. I find the brain and existential intelligence absolutely fascinating, and I love expanding my perspective, changing paradigms, etc. So research + AI seemed like the most thrilling thing I could have done. I have been working extremely hard to actualize this vision. I've made a company that is an AI startup and its almost about to get revenue. I've worked part time while doing this at a highly advanced AI company. I've done lots of research in AI, I've developed my own algorithms which has given both my company and other companies heaps of money. I quit university because I knew that without the dogma of university I could produce products and technology that are much higher yield, this was very hard to do because my parents disapproved of it, but through pretending to be better than I am to other companies, through doing work that is demonstrably high yield, through doing a lot of online courses and critical thinking, developed myself to be a scientist without formal university training. But at the same time, the thing that's most important to me is doing something I love, rather something that will make me successful. So I had a recent experience, long story short its changed my entire view of reality dramatically. My admiration and curiosity for AI has just completely dropped. My desire to be a world class AI expert has also completely dropped. I thought I would wait a few days to see if this was just a phase I was going through - its not going away and I cannot see it ever coming back. Its like believing in the bible after you have been indoctrinated by atheism. My passion now lies in something else: planetary sciences, ecology, environment and astronomy(I've always had an interest in these things, they were just secondary). I have a very strong desire to discover the origins of life. My desire for success has just completely dropped. I now want to try DMT and just have experiences that show me where 'home' is. Its all because of this new perspective I have, it just completely makes sense to do this, and now my previous goals just seem totally stupid and low yield/waste of time. I cannot get rid of this new perspective, and even if I could I don't want to. I don't know how to go about this. Has this happened to you? If so could you please describe your experience? The point of this post is just to get some perspective of how experiences like these work, and what to do about them.
  11. Hi Mihajlo Tovivic, if this is a valuable resource, we could start a thread where we all post valuable material for this specific life purpose. Lets make a renaissance 2.0 together! Here are several books which have helped me get a grasp of my life purpose: 1. The structures of Scientific revolutions 2. Einstein's biography 3. Monadology 4. Rupert Sheldrake's book on science 5. Douglas Hofstadler's book on Godel6. This book on chaos theory 7. Max Plank's biography 8. Newton's biography: his works on alchemy and God are particularly useful insights. 9. This book on how to be a good scientist. 10. this book gave me a great foundation for how authentic science should be done I've still yet to read books on quantum mechanics. I've also read and applied several shaman books, astral projection books, etc. And I've taken several online courses specifically on mathematics and science to develop that area Also politics are valuable to master as the biggest challenge with becoming a scientist is changing the beliefs of the scientific community.
  12. like integrating AI with ecology? Did you experience the same thing? If so how did you go about it? What was the outcome?
  13. I'm not going to debate about this as its pointless, but if you have read most of my threads(where I'm the one who started the thread) you will see I rarely reply back to comments given in those threads. This is because I read, take notes, and then move on(not because I ignore them, I actually take note and am greatful for the replies). If you look at the first question I posted on this thread, Leo and you both gave me answers to it. I didn't argue further on it, I just accepted it. You didn't notice that didn't ya? If I am arguing, I'm arguing on a completely different question. Furthermore I'm not arguing with him, I'm inquiring an answer from him about something that is deeply important to my personal situation. I'm not just going to accept and move on if I feel I didn't get enough from his original answer.
  14. yep agree on that, but why would the public? The majority of the public are also heavily into christianity or atheist, and changing their opinions are just as hard as changing graduates at uni. On top of that, the public is not obliged on giving you money. People will only give you money if you help them with their orange stage problems. At a university though they can get away with doing stuff that doesn't lead directly to getting money off people, because its sort of a cultural thing for universities to just get money for the sake of it. So at a university, you don't need to worry about getting money off people, just convincing professors. I don't know, the latter just seems easier. yes but the goal isn't about becoming popular. The goal is getting money to live off through making content that you enjoy. There might be a professor out there that is known by 10 people, but if a university is paying him 200k a year, his popularity doesnt matter. theRadBrad might be known by 1000000 people, but does that mean that 1 million people pay for his content? Not necessarily. Yes theRadBrad is more popular than Leo, precisely because he is lower conscious than Leo. The more conscious you are, the harder it is to get popular.
  15. the purpose of language in spirituality: 1. to provide a map, to organize the memories of your spiritual experiences so that you know where you're at and where you need to go 2. To arouse spiritual experiences, but not communicate them. Provide a basis to contemplate on.
  16. Why didn't you increase your popularity through making research papers about philosophy and then slowly etching your way to non dual idealist papers. Wouldn't that have been a lot easier to do, rather than make a YouTube channel and get random people on the internet liking your lectures? The univesity system basicallu hands you a path, and you chose to create an entirely new path.
  17. Hi Myegolikestacos could you please tell me what that other video was, and what I wrote to make you think that? muito gracias amigo
  18. yeah that seems to be the trend I've noticed. The more powerful the drug and the less time it lasts, the less you remember. Shrooms and LSD may be better.
  19. but is a psychedelic trip enough time to embody an insight?
  20. This is really profound, these gets to the root of knowing what a realization is, how realizations work, what they are made of, how god creates realizations, etc.
  21. ooooooooo nice one! in the present moment, literally, like everything outside the present moment doesn't exist, where are these people? Imagine your eyeball is a computer screen. So all of reality is a computer screen. Imagine that these other people are behind the computer screen(not somewhere in the globe). Imagine that these other people are merged into the computer screen, you just can't see them because they are hehind the computer screen. Imagine the computer screen is all there is. are these other people really not apart of you?
  22. cofounder of a company that makes healthcare robots. I do mathematics and research and development. I'm currently trying to steer my career towards being a leading scientist. My dream is to make physics and mathematical theorems and concepts describing the nature of the work of shamans, yogis and paranormal phenomena. I'm getting there slowly. I've managed to merge spirituality and my career into one thing, which is great because I've centered my entire life and survival around spiritual insights.
  23. nope, confusingly contemplated on what Leo wrote until it hit.
  24. shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit I just realized the mistake/misunderstanding I was making all along. there really is nothing outside of you!!!!!! shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit 3D space doesn't exist, God is improvising the entire thing up. There is no walking to your house or car. Its god making up a bunch of experiences that make it seem like you are travelling across space, but actually God is just generating stuff. shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit you're actually not 1000000 miles away somewhere in a house in Los Vegas. OMG YOURE RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! How the fuck did I not see you there before??????? So is everyone on this forum! They aren't spread out somewhere in the globe, they are all right in front of me! I'm in your trouser pocket, and you're in mine! Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit The entire cosmos! The milky way! The atoms! The stars! ARE ALL IN FRONT OF ME!!!!! Its all compressed into the nothingness IN FRONT OF ME! fuck me shitless what am I seeing! The idea that I'm sending you a message through the internet is a joke! The internet message is going nowhere!!! Its looping back at itself. hahahahahahahahahhahaha what a joke! We are all in the same place!! Physically! Wow! it really is both! You're right!