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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. @Gili Trawangan No I meant if you are not awake, instead of spending 10000 hours meditating a quicker route is suicide
  2. hahahahahaha I've tried that aswell and it failed. My desire for change was too strong and restless to just be happy with whatever floats your boat at a particular moment.
  3. How do you even know some people are winning the birth lottery? It's all your imagination. Those different angles you're talking about may not even exist. You may not experience every angle, because the angle you think exists doesn't actually exist. All of those angles assume that duality is real. What if it's not? If you think one day you're going to reincarnate into Trump, you're already assuming that imaginary story in your head exists. Maybe you won't reincarnate as trumm, because trump doesn't exist. You only think trump exists because you believe in duality. Heck youve never met Trump before. Maybr trump's real life is totally different to that story of trump's life in yoyr head. If it even exists at all. Maybe there is no such thing as experiencing starvation in Africa, because it's a story in your head. These angles you're talking about, you aren't even sure they exist. So you don't know if you will reincarnate into them. The angles you actually reincarnate into may be angles you didn't even know exist, like machine elves. How do you know you will experience yourself as all people? What if people don't exist?(which if you look carefully they dont; or more humbly they may exist differently to what you think)
  4. Los Vegas is astonishingly liberal when it comes to having sex and who with. The shit that happens there would send a respectful Chinese man, Christian pope or jewish rabi into a coma. And yet Los Vegas is in the US. The majority of the center of the US is quite non liberal when it comes to sex, but this is only part of the US, and even then its no where near as non liberal as the majority of the planet(Saudi Arabia, India, pakistan, Poland, etc).
  5. Yes whenever I stare at the ground sober it waves, when i look at an object it looks like its made of light or pixie dust, sometimes i see insects crawling on the ground when others dont see it, and it's been like that for decades. In the past I just passed it off as irrelevant or my eyes are playing up. I've never contemplated the possibility that it's real.
  6. @Leo Gura you said that God still needs to look to experts to ensure he doesn't fall into a blind spot. But at the same time you say that God is a black hole, there is no one outside of him, and all experts are imaginary. You say this needs to be done because God can still have blind spots. But that doesn't make sense at all. How can God create something, and be deluded about what its created? So deluded that it needs its on creation to expose itself to its deludedness. I'm imaginging I made a game like minecraft. I'm so deluded that while making minecraft I forget what a sand block is. I then need to ask a non playable character what a sand block is because I forgot it. Isn't this just stupid? If I created the sand block, I know about the sand block more than any non playable character. This goes for everything in minecraft.
  7. Which books/workshops and courses do you find most valuable for channelling to deities? I have recently researched a bunch of books, but its hard to really figure out their validity from the comments. There are a lot of rationalists who project their views onto the reviews, rather than sincerely comment about the books. At the same time, there are a lot of channellers that get carried away with themselves and end up believing in a lot of things that are nonsense. Psychedelics is of course the easiest way, but I'm not in a position to look for them at this time in my life. And I can't rely on something that gets used up and you have to constantly buy it. Are there any non psychedelic courses/books instead?
  8. isn't the absolute Nothingness, while creation is the dualistic stuff which nothingness creates? For example part of creation is the sun and stars. As a human you can access nothingness but that doesn't mean you can change the colour of our sun to blue
  9. but i would have remwmbered creating minecraft. How can you forget building something so much larger than a NPC. Wait how is God, the most intelligent and wise thing in the universe, make a mistake like becoming a psychotic in his own game.
  10. Has anyone experienced deep adrenaline rushes while doing kriya yoga practices? Do adrenaline rushes occur when taking 5-meo-dmt?
  11. Is it possible to be anything other than human? Would you do it if you had the chance?
  12. self inquiry is a path. Its a path from non enlightenment to enlightenment. When you meditate, you think you are becoming more aware. I.E. your changing states. Yes self inquiry is not about experiences, but it is about states. It is fundamentally a path towards something. Psychedelics are also a path. Psychedelics are a type of meditation technique, where you use chemical substances + mental procedures instead of just mental procedures. I've had the realization before that meditation techniques(including self inquiry) cannot get you to the truth, because the truth(as you wrote) isn't a destination. Meditation techniques are existential placebos. Placebos for God. God doesn't need a technique to realize who he is hahahahaha. My point is, meditation techniques and psychedelics have both the same function. They are a dream/imagination designed to wake you up from a dream/imagination. Just like how Maharshi said that gurus are a dream that can wake you up, like how a tiger inside the dream you had last night can wake you up, even though the tiger isn't real.
  13. The same is true for meditation practices. let me rewrite what you wrote above, but replacing psychedelics with maharshi's self inquiry: Anyhow, I respect self inquiry, and have practiced it many times, though I'm no expert. I certainly believe it can be helpful -- for the right person -- in opening the mind up in certain ways. However, from where I stand, the problem with believing that self inquiry can take you to Truth is that it misunderstands what Truth is. Truth is not a place to which one can meditate to. It is not a state of consciousness, no matter how amazing, mind-blowing, or infinite. It is not a samadhi, no matter how extraordinary. Nor can any samadhi, no matter how profound, result in the realization of Truth. These -- at best -- can be glimpses or intimations or partial awakenings, but never Truth itself. Not even with integration and embodiment. Actually, Truth cannot be integrated and embodied. To realize Truth is to understand why that's so. The realization of Truth -- and there is only one such thing, and in fact not even that -- is fundamentally the destruction of certain incoherent unconscious beliefs which are at the root of suffering. These beliefs are based in thinking, that is, in words. These beliefs can only be unraveled through a sincere, spontaneous, conscious investigation of them. That investigation happens not through any meditation technique, but through being sincerely aware of your beliefs, not through any particular experience or method. Words destroy words, logic destroys logic, thinking destroys thinking. No quantity or type of experience can do it, because what is investigated is something common to all experiences. It's a belief that has to be unraveled through sincere awareness of experience itself. So it can have nothing to do with any particular experience, however cosmic, nor can it be the result of such a thing. If it did, it would then become provisional -- temporary -- limited -- and that would defeat the point of Truth. Truth is effortless perfect peace eternally. If that isn't the case, it can't be called Truth.
  14. @Leo Gura If you hallucinate without psychedelics(like see a real life spider walking on a desk when it isn't actually there) would you suggest this phenomena means you shouldn't take psychedelics? What if these hallucinations only happen when deeply contemplating what your videos say? EDIT: The fear Wes Thoughts goes through exactly happens when seeing these hallucinations. I'm not actually sure if they are hallucinations, all I know is these sights are not consistent with other human beings(hence why I call it hallucinations, not because I actually think they are unreal).
  15. The law was generally created by people who were less conscious than you. Obeying that law because you have an egoic insecurity with getting caught is very unconscious. Truly conscious people wouldn't let the law control them out of fear, and would do things against the law simply because the law is not the Right thing to do. Following the law in a lot of respects is a very Wrong thing to do. Following the law (in saudi arabia) means being a muslim and not practicing spirituality. Following the law in the US means allowing big corporates to control the majority of the population for their own sake because they can. Following the law in Rome in 0AD meant not practicing unconditional love and spirituality(and dieing on the cross if you didn't follow it). Following the law in India in 1948 meant going to jail if you protested against racism. Following the law in Africa at the same time meant going to jail if you refused to let black africans be mistreated. Following the law in Brazil means if you disagree with cutting down your very own lifesource(trees) you go to jail. And lastly following the law in the UK(where the law states that all psychoactive substances are illegal) means refusing your communication with entities(machine elves) who are loving, caring, want to see you grow, because you would rather let unconscious people control you. This is not the conscious way to live. Grow some balls and break the law, be a leader and show unconscious people the light by not following them but getting them to follow you, like what virtually every spiritual master did before the 1900s Without breaking the law, you wouldn't have the freedom you have today. You take for granted the lives of Martin Luther King, Ghandi and Nelson Mandela, and forget how many laws had to be broken to give you this freedom.
  16. na dah. of course. I was hoping you were questioning mastery, even if the thing you are mastering is something you enjoy. I've discovered, over the past few years, that mastery isn't for everyone, and its actually possible that you shouldn't aim for mastery. This is counter intuitive for most orange stage personal dev people on here, but its true to my experience. mastery is basically the process of learning, practicing a skill over and over again until you can replicate that skill very precisely, elegantly and profoundly. In this day and age, we are beginning to see a phenomena where 1) practices, techniques and skills are quickly being surpassed by better practices, techniques and skills and 2) forging your own path, rather than following the path of others is both more accessible and more fulfilling to the individual. for example for 1) mastering sword fighting was a great honour in the 15th century for Japan. The Samurais were valued greatly. But then came guns, and basically made mastering samurai fighting redundant. Now mastering guns was the new thing that was valuable... until attack helicopters came on the scene and surpassed this skills too... until drones came around and automated the jobs of attack helicopters. for example for 2) with the global economy you can make a living as a youtube celebrity. So its possible that mastering a particular skill isn't your thing. If you're the creative type that doesn't like to follow the rules of others, it may be wise to forget mastery and just focus on being creative, meditation, etc. This is my path, and I can only speak for my experience. I'm now focusing on meditation and creativity, because these are the only things that cannot be surpassed. These are also the only things I'm truly fulfilled with. I cannot stand following rules which will be redundant in a decade anyway.
  17. Hi I just wanted to verify my experience to make sure im not going crazy. So the physical universe's material/what its made of has shifted a bit. It use to be atoms(even though I couldn't see them, just believed them), and material. Now its looking more like metaphysical energy. So its like the physical materials are illuminations or its literally made of energy. Not the physics or chemistry type of energy, just pure energy. Its sort of like a hollogram or a projector. Maybe light energy? Its very similar to a video game. The characters aren't made of atoms, they are made of light(from your screen/monitor). The physical world is more of a surface, and there's nothing behind the surface. If you look through say the skin of your hand, there will be nothing. Because there's nothing inside your hand. Its like its made of light energy. I think this is a more accurate description of reality because its more empirically valid. There's more evidence for this than atoms. Is this also what you're experiencing? Or am I going crazy?
  18. Hi @Leo Gura I remember you said you made orange stage videos to reel people into actualized.org, and then tried to slowly transition them to more spiritual videos. Did this strategy work effectively for you? For retaining people? If you had to go back into a time machine and start actualized.org all over again from the beginning, would you still follow this approach(assuming you retained all of the spiritual insights you have now when you went back in time)? I'm asking this for my own life purpose. If my purpose is to develop a physics/mathematical foundation for spirituality, should I approach it by slowly adding and modifying the materialist paradigm over decades of time, or should I jump right into providing mathematical laws for spiritual phenomena straight off the bat, and hope the right people find it?
  19. wtf! I've looked in sydney for 2 years for a legit spiritual teacher, how I did I not come across this. Are you sure this is Sydney?
  20. @Girzo have you experienced 4-ACO-DMT? I know people who think it's more powerful that 5 meo dmt.
  21. @Leo Gura I think the drug is 5-MEO-DiPT
  22. @Leo Gura and whoever else. Do you agree that psychedelics cannot be remembered and therefore that renders them useless? I've never taken psychedelics before, but have done astral projections countless times. I suffer from the same problem, its very hard to remember the insights. I can imagine that it would be the same for DMT
  23. How dangerous is it to brew dmt yourself using plants? Like if you have no chemistry background and no testing kit? Like I meant plant to dmt?
  24. @RendHeaven How did Jesus and the Buddha do it then
  25. @ajasatya hahaha yes very good!