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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. ensure this forum is moderated. Back in the day, the current forum was intended to be heavily moderated. But then due to complaints from the forum users, the moderation became slack. Lets not let it happen to this sub forum. In 2 years, we don't want you to create a sub sub forum, intended to be heavily moderated, for sharing resources. Where this sub sub forum is located in this sub forum.
  2. After the body dies (in your experience) will You forget that You incarnated as all living beings simultaneously? I wish to come to your house and stab you, will you forget everything you learnt on this journey? I understand from your perspective, God's perspective, that this question does not make sense, because it assumes duality to be true. But But But, what you're missing is this perspective is a perspective, God's perspective is still a perspective. Just because you are conscious that you are all beings at once, might mean you're conscious of the macro, but it also means you're not conscious of the micro. If you were conscious of the micro, you would be able to tell me exactly what city and suburb I live in. But you can't because you're only conscious of the macro, the fundamental philosophical/infinite insight of the situation. You are conscious of everything in the universe, yet you cannot tell me what stars are made of scientifically. You cannot tell me what's going on in the president's mind right now. So try to answer this question not from the macro, but from the micro. If the body dies, will you be conscious of everything you are right now? Or is your consciousness at a level where you cannot accurately provide an answer for this question? Can you predict what level of consciousness will occur after death?
  3. on top of that, how are you sure other people are conscious and not a philosophical zombie, if you are not experiencing their POV right now?
  4. How can meditation techniques and DMT wake you up, if according to adviata vedanta/Leoism, they are imaginary/illusory
  5. Right now, if I meditate, I feel like the universe will drop away. It doesn't sound that bad in words, but during the moment it brings fear. This has been happening for some time now ( 1-2 years) and I've sort of just danced around this issue and terminated my practice whenever it go this far. In the past year, I felt that I wasn't ready to take the leap into the unknown because I was still building my career and thought that this leap would fuck up my motivation, also there's nothing wrong with duality, why rush into the unknown? The unknown is right here waiting for me, I can jump in whenever I like. So I decided to hold it off. But now I have realized that the time to take spirituality seriously isn't in the future, its now, no matter the consequences. Because I've realized my life purpose is a purpose revolving around the absolute, not some dualistic facet of reality. Its not obvious where this will take me, but its deeply scary because it feels like the universe will drop away, there is a sensation of energy buzzing in consciousness when it happens, and it gets bigger and bigger. The fear gets bigger and bigger too. So I can't get myself to go further even if I continue to meditate, because the fear "omg what's going to happen! Am I going to die????? Omg what about my loved ones? Where will they go????" distracts my from focusing on the 3rd eye(I practice kriya yoga). But I must because the alternative is suffering and depression. On top of that, my wife is complaining saying that I'm turning into an alien. The fact that I can't get excited over gossip, all I want to do is immerse myself in nature, all psychological issues I look at them as if they are not big issues, are scaring her. Because she thinks they are big issues. Imagine what's going to happen if I jump into the unknown!? She's gonna freak. What to do?
  6. 1. What is a mystical state? Is feeling a vibratory, buzzing, flowing, ecstasy energy in your spine or head a mystical state? Or is it just feelings? What about the sensation that ordinary consciousness is 'fading away' or the external world is fading away, much like when you fall asleep, except this time it's happening while you are highly alert? Have you experienced these before? Do they have a name? 2. Are you suppose to feel these sort of sensations while you meditate every time? Do you ever get phenomena where on some days you don't feel anything? Is this a sign that on that particular day you performed the technique slobby? Does this mean you should try to do the technique again until you get the mystical state? Sometimes I do a practice and I will get little or no feeling of a non ordinary state of consciousness and it really demotivates me. 3. In your spiritual practices, have you ever noticed that the mystical states are actually not the same each day and progressively change form day by day? Is this ok and What's suppose to happen? for example you feel heaps of kundalini one day, the next day you feel immense calmness and stillness, then next day it's a massive vibratory explosion of ecstasy. Is this suppose to happen? Possibly do I need to go back to the technique's specification and see if this is what the creator of the technique intended?
  7. You need to really emphasise kriya yoga. After all my searching, I've never witnessed a technique as amazing/awesome/shocking as kriya yoga. Its highly effective, and while you say spiritual teachers have a low success rate, in my research and experience kriya yogis have the highest. In Sadhguru's shambhavi(inner engineering) 2 day event, over 1000 people developed no mind(including me). The bliss developed in the 3rd eye area was just insane. I witnessed marks on my skin that looked distorted(almost burnt) from the kriya yoga - that's how powerful it was, it caused physical changes to the body. I witnessed the entire stadium compress into the present moment and then explode into infinite form, geometries and sounds. WTF! Sadhguru thought this experience was normal and expected from the yoga Kriya yoga(Lahiri's) gives you powerful energy moving up and down your spine in the first week of practice. Compare this to zen which takes years to get anywhere for most people. Jann Esmann's kriya yoga is even more unbelievable than both above. When practicing that yoga, I experienced the present moment be nothing, and that nothing was somehow infinite love(not love, infinite love! That's love in multiple directions and velocities, multiple shapes and forms WTF!) and that was on the first day of trying it. All of Jann Esmann's student's get self realized, and he told me personally that jnana yoga can't get you beyond realization. In my experience that's true. I've(ashamed to say) done little spirituality work in the last 4 years due to motivation and trying techniques that are ineffective and just assuming all of spirituality is too hard, but after trying these techniques above for the last 2 months seriously, am absolutely stunned that no one else is doing this stuff. I've tried the other techniques you've outlined here, but the problem with them is because they are so ineffective(in zen you probably get a tiny/nano mystical insight every 5 days or so) its hard to keep motivated. Furthermore they require many hours to get anywhere with them, furthermore they miss out on a massive part of spirituality which is the geometry of the body. I'm sure there are some value to them for specific cases(like increasing concentration or something)
  8. @Leo Gura How do you keep motivated about enlightenment if you are conscious that you will reincarnate as a tree? Also why do you care about truth?
  9. No that's definitely not true. I was thought to have dyslexia by my teachers, a disease which prevents your left side of the brain functioning in the same way as most others. It is definitely possible to be bad at maths, and realizing so has many benefits. I was called lazy by my parents and punished for my bad marks even though I studied hours upon hours. Imagine if the world was aware that you could actually be bad at maths? No punishment and acceptance of the grades and a focus of doing a different subject you enjoy.
  10. I've had the exact same experience, but concluded a completely different answer. Why I say this is because I've literally been in, and experienced being stuck, and being non stuck, being spiritually gifted, and being spiritually non gifted. I Know, and have observed that the things that have made me unstuck were watching Leo's videos at the exact right time, and at the right place in my life. Materialism broke down when I started watching Leo's videos and miraculously I quit university - the materialistic pumping machine. Such coincidences was not a partial support but the CAUSE of materialism being destroyed. Leo has a point, everyone isn't the same and is certainly different. In University I use to study at least 40 hours a week for maths and still failed. I knew friends who didn't study at all and passed. I also clearly(with evidence) identified WHY I was failing, and observed within myself that the way I was thinking was the cause of the failure, and others clearly didn't have this way of thinking. Also cognitive abilities like memory change massively. As he says, it is a massive relief and joy to admit and realize that my failures were not from being lazy, but from this innate different way of thinking.
  11. This idea that spirituality is a born gift really goes against my experience. I've been through periods of my life where I was very spiritually attuned, and periods where I was less attuned then a drunkard. These periods did not go linearly. Infact they went cyclic! The difference between whether I got lots of mystical insights and was interested, and whether I didn't was 100% determined by the organisation of my mind. It was determined by how many dysfunctions I had and how many beliefs I had. It was also determined by whether I was watching Leo's videos or not! It was determined by whether I was fighting with my parents, or we were happy. If I was spiritually gifted, I would be having mystical insights no matter the environment or dysfunctions. Likewise for when I wasn't. I have experienced, and have been as a small self, both deeply spiritually gifted, and spiritually illiterate. And that's in the same life, heck in the same month!
  12. Isn't past lives environmental factors - but over lifetimes haha? If the differences is explained through past lives, then the individual still put in heaps of effort and time, just in his past life.
  13. In a way, your personality is a collection of all of the experiences you've had, and indoctrination your society has told you and you've believed. Its not some inherent soul that's unique to you - this is false. The buddha, as an entity, is fundamentally a collection of life experiences and indoctrination by society. You can think of the Buddha as a book shelf full of books which describe the experiences and indoctrination from society. Now from this perspective, does it really make sense to assume that the Buddha was enlightened because he as an entity is special? How important are those books on his book shelf? Of course there are genetic components involved, but I find it really hard to be convinced that genetics plays a big role in success of the person. The majority of spiritual success is determined by how high quality the software is in your head. How loose is that software? How easily does it change? How easily does it keep you from being trapped? How many issues are within that software? How dysfunctional is it? These are huge huge factors when considering enlightenment.
  14. A deep insight which you're overlooking is the strong effects of the environment on one's consciousness. I can only speak for myself because 1) I know myself 100% truthfully(and its not hearsay) and 2) I haven't read no where near sufficiently to even judge hearsay at the levels you are able to. The environment plays just as strong, if not stronger role on how enlightened you will be. Be careful not to misunderstand me, I'm not supporting the 'talent is not born its made, 10000 hours' argument, I'm saying that we even in duality we are strongly tied to our environment. No matter how individualistic you are, the environment determines(subconscious/unconsciously) the actions you choose to do and the success that comes with it. If you try and enlighten yourself inside a ghetto, even if you're the buddha you will not be able to do it. If you try to enlighten yourself in an ashram, no matter how dull you are, the chances of success increases significantly. This is because you become a cell, a part of the ashram/ghetto system, and the system's properties get meshed into your individualistic properties. Of course, you may still come across as an outlier, you may still be totally different to the people in the ghetto/ashram depending on your tendencies, all I'm saying is the place you put yourself has massive consequences on your behaviour. Have you taken this into account when looking at spiritual people? Would the buddha ace yoga if he tried to inside a ghetto? Would shinzen young not be able to access higher levels of consciousness if he was in the presence of the living gautama buddha? Don't fool yourself into thinking these people are individualistic entities separate from their environment, their environment moves their being massively. You need to distinguish talent from environment if you wish to explain the phenomena you're trying to explain properly. I did an experiment with myself. I watched your videos and talked on the forum for 6 months. I then didn't for 6 months. My personality and talents changed dramatically between the 2 periods. When I went and immersed myself with Sadhguru's community, my talents and personality changed massively again. This really showed me the power of the environment on talent.
  15. WTF are you doing man??? Many find dogs to be their best friend, they're more loving than humans, they love affection. Should dog lovers ditch dogs because they are somehow 'above them? If you think you are above someone, without even going into the egotistical issues that raises, the solution isn't to run away from them but to help them be happier. Jesus didn't run away from people. So didn't the Buddha and Shiva.
  16. I would enforce everyone to get a 'I learnt politics certificate before voting
  17. If when you die physically, you will be God, why is suicide discouraged? Wouldn't it be the best if everyone just died now?
  18. I 100% agree with that. Holidays are toxic - they are an escape from your ordinary reality. I agree with sadhguru, make everyday life and work your holiday, you have no excuse not to
  19. I have a problem with opening up my feminine side. I want to love and be loved and show empathy to people, but I can't because it makes me feel too vulnerable and I feel like people will think I'm weak.
  20. Machine learning/AI models can predict waaaaay better than you can. Are they good models too?
  21. What function does suffering have? Leo wrote in a post that suffering was created by the devil to stop you merging into God, and that if you mindfully observe suffering you will be God. So does this imply that avoiding suffering should not be done if your goal is to be God? Where I'm confused is, this goes against the functioning of eastern karma; what comes around goes around. For example lets say you saw someone drop 1000 dollars on the ground. You have 2 decisions, 1) pick it up unoticed or 2) tell the person they dropped it. If you choose 1) you will develop karmic patterns that cause you to suffer more. This can manifest in many ways including developing your ego to be more selfish, or having a fear of being caught. If you choose 2) you will suffer less. Originally I would choose 2) but if avoiding suffering is a development of the ego to stop you from being God, then 1) may be the better option. Shadow work and psychopherapy are methods wholly designed to relieve suffering. Are these methods therefore keeping you from realizing God?
  22. its either trying to tell me to do a job that is much much more bigger picture and holistic, or its leading me down the wrong rabbit hole and what I actually need to do is not listen to it and just meditate and forget about LP
  23. Its very hard to summarize, but it can be pointed to with a few specific points. In general, society is currently driven by accumulation of wealth, social status, jobs with power and dominance(like a CEO) at the expense of mental wellbeing, authenticity, sharing and caring for others. This causes many unpleasant issues, but the one which affects me the most is the toxic atmosphere/energy. When an entire society's mission is to individualistically accumulate the stuff above, it spreads a subconscious mindset throughout society that you must suffer, and go against your natural instincts of empathy if you are to avoid suffering. It causes people to fear each other instead of trust each other. An alternative drive for society may be instead of accumulation of stuff, we focus on collectively supporting each other individual in a common higher goal which doesn't necessarily make you wealthy, but makes the environment of the entire society much more about caring for others and your environment, which would in turn make the lives of each of those individuals much more happier than it would if each one strive for wealth and status(even if they get it). Specifically: - awareness programs/ units in school of the beauty and importance of how the human race unconsciously collaborates with plants to survive(oxygen carbon dioxide), and then action steps of applying policies which advocate this awareness, like reducing one's taxes if they buy more plants and spread the word by making drawings which represents their connection with plants then spreading that through facebook. - Reduction of closed mindedness when it comes to exploring unusual states of consciousness. Instead an encouragement to do so. Celebrating the awesomeness of exploring different states of consciousness and how it helps you live a more fulfilling life. Specifically practising meditation and then discussing what they experienced. - Reforming the educational system to focus more on getting students to make an impact that affects more than their paycheck. For example getting them to critically think about society and focus on solving problems that society have rather than focusing on how to climb the corporate ladder and make your family proud. - Showing the world that happiness is found in collectively helping overs overcome suffering, rather than getting heaps of money. Showing them how their entire life, from the moment they wake up, to the moment they fall asleep, becomes joyful when their goal is to help someone overcome a psychological disorder, help a country overcome poverty, get rid of policies that were made for the betterment of a small portion of a political group, etc etc etc
  24. unless finding a satisfactory life purpose is like finding a pot at the end of a rainbow, in which case you will never find it because it doesn't exist. You will need to try something different to be happy. Like meditation, retiring early, mindfully accepting suffering/depression from doing a job you hate until you retire.
  25. @Aeris I listen to music like mirabai ceiba and try to figure out how it applies to my life to open new perspectives within me, thats as far as I go when music is concerned. Yes sounds like a tough situation you're in. The next thing I'm trying now is to abandon the whole life purpose thing all together. Whatever career path I'm on, I'm going to let it unfold without investing in it. Screw desire, this experience of trying to find my purpose has really shown me the true meaning of the Buddha's quote "the root of all suffering is desire". Rather I will do what is needed to be happy, and try my hardest to avoid all of the egoic problems that come with it. No more trying to be something great, trying to emphatically impact the world and make it better. Just simply meditate; not because I have a desire to enlighten, but as an immediate reaction to the realisation that what I've tried in the past has massively failed in achieving what I wanted.