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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. I think that would lead to me getting no where, being a couch potato playing video games while eating pizza.
  2. That's your opinion, not fact. There is already a deep stigma against non binary people in English culture, and this has severe mental traumatic effects. Pier is on a channel with the power to influence the behaviours thousands if not millions of people, and instead of taking the issue seriously, he's significantly perpetuating the problem, making non binary individuals even more distressed. This is deeply irresponsible and taking him off television isn't such a far fetched idea. He shouldn't be taken off air yet, but the government at least should step in and give the television channel a warning. Some people do beat up non binary people, and that is due to individuals of influence normalising stigmatisation against non binary people. Be even if they don't, many cause passive aggressive emotional abuse to non binary people for the same reasons. Indirectly Piers is fuelling unacceptable and damaging behaviour to some groups in Britain.
  3. No you don't get it. Green people like that opponent in the video actually perceive what piers is doing as evil violence. Piers is literally making fun of people who are in a state of uncertainty with their gender, which is very damaging to that person. Its perceived in the same way you perceive someone as being bashed or punched because someone has a weird body type or is fat. And being forced to be fired is just a way of stopping the evil suffering inflicted on non binary people.
  4. struggling to understand how states vs stages helps this problem
  5. The point of non-binary is its a nice, effective social mechanism for removing bullying and trauma around people who are struggling to identify their gender. This is an extremely positive movement with huge potential to decrease the suffering in the world. And Piers is being in compassionate about the issue. But at the same time, he shouldn't be forced to be fired. And of course this little social trick can be exploited and his points on that are valid. Its just he's not seeing the value of such a system.
  6. Strictly speaking I don't believe it has helped me in my day to day life but I can describe why I enjoy it. 1. Kundalini energy feels good and is deeply interesting to experience 2. Understanding more deeply what the ego is has allowed myself to redesign my life in more happier ways. For example, changing your values to something more fulfilling, changing your goals to something that will make you happier in the long term rather than distraction. 3. Opening the heart chakra enables you to act in ways that are morally Right from an absolute level, which makes you and other people happier, and makes sociological systems healthier. 4. Having the experience that you are the present moment takes away the concept of death, and physical limitations, enabling an unboundedness of happiness to occur. 5. Having a no self experience is deeply interesting as it's radically different to ordinary POV. this makes you want to explore deeper to unravel the mystery. 6. Letting go of a deeply held belief which you didn't realize was a belief takes away certain mental limits and this is deeply exciting. 7. The present moment is deeply interesting in general.
  7. Just doing my research and there is some evidence and: - most girls who are 6/10 or above are already taken because they are attractive - some PUAs have the mindset that women who have bfs stay with them for the wrong reasons and that you should go after them. Did you find these 2 reasons to be correct? Did you find most suitable girls have boyfriends and you had to chase after girls who had boyfriends to get a suitable girl?
  8. Is there a RSD Tyler for picking up egalitarian/feminist girls? Where do these types of girls hang out (apart from Sweden and Norway )? What parties do they go to? What do they like doing? What shops do they go to? What pickup techniques focus on picking up this sort of girl? I'm just reading posts from this forum about pursuing girls... and honestly it makes me nauseated. I'm not into games, I'm into genuine authentic attraction. I'm not into playing hard to get, showing off your social status, wealth, being the alpha male, etc. I'm into providing a safe, loving, caring environment for a girl with the goal of helping her grow and be happy. Also I'm not a cold call type of person. I get it works, I get it can be fun. I've done it a lot in the past. Its not that I'm shy or nervous or have low self esteem, its just whenever I do it, I hate it because it feels so superficial. I go to a random girl, that looks hot but have no idea who she is. I say a cheesy pick up line that I don't really believe but have to say it because it makes them feel special. I then start a superficial conversation which is basically just there to get her attention, make her ego feel good, and get later dates... it just feels so immature and pathetic. It goes so against what my authentic self wants to do. "Oh did you see that post <some idiotic billionare celebrity> made on instagram yesterday? OMG how weird right??" holly fuck do I really need to waste my soul on this shit 1000 times to get a girl? I'm looking for feminist, egalitarian girls who are ok with making the first move(not that I have anything against making the first move, I just think the fact that I socially need to do it is silly and goes against my morals. I can't be with a girl who thinks this. Its silly), love nature, love altered states of consciousness, love deep meaningful conversations. And Don't tell me I'm looking for unicorns(girls that don't exist). Check out the girls on this forum, on Teal Swan's forum, and I've dated girls before who were like this. I'm just completely lost on how to get started. There's no real pathway to get there. But some of you must be on this path.
  9. I resonate completely with you when you're in the first 6 or so months of dating a girl. What you don't see is when things get serious, girls start looking for how wealthy you are, how well you can raise children, how stable your job is. I think there might be an age difference between me and you, or you are dating girls for short periods of time. There's a lot more to a long term relationship than just a guy who is 'fun'. Sounds like you're casually dating in college. I totally understand where you are coming from, because I have a lot of Filipino friends. In Asia the whole concept of dating a best friend is non existent. They look for sexual traction, how masculine a man is, how wealthy they are and how much you can raise children. Especially Chinese women look for wealth because their relationship means more than just their sexual gratification but also its about pleasing their parents. I think Filipino women are the same here. Masculinity is very important here. Your advice is perfect for picking up blue staged women(like women in the Philippines) and some blue/orange staged women in the US. But I'm looking for egalitarian women. To get a feel, go to Norway or Sweden and see how the guys are like over there. Of course sexual tension is important, but emotional connection is just as important. I would be curious to see if you've ever come in contact with a woman who gets angry if you pay for them in a date, based on your mindset you've never encountered one of these before.
  10. tldr; ive spent literally 10-15 years of my life looking for my life purpose. I haven't found it and am depressed and exhausted. Should I continue looking or just accept doing a job I hate? I've got this idea in my head from an early age(since primary school) that if you find your life purpose, you will find something that will make you excited to wake up early every morning, something that gives you deep gratification, something where if you do it you get instant bliss, a flow state. In 10-15 years of searching intensely(searching to exhaustion, every day, causing my family, teachers and professors stress in the process) I have not found it. What keeps me going to this day is I know and can strongly feel there is happiness in this world. It exists. I can feel that if I do something(not sure what) I will feel that bliss and love I've always wanted. It feels immersive, expansive, beautiful, deeply joyful. I get images of a transcendent life form; a heavenly realm, ancient Egypt, the advanced complexity and lovingness of mother nature; awe inspiring, the hippy movement, plants, ecosystems, the greatest of the great of ancient greece like Pythagoras. Deep deep wisdom. It feels huge, like it would suffocate and swallow whole the entire universe im in and then dissolve into bliss. While I can smell and feel it, I cannot find it. Its like the sweet scent of a delicious cake, I can smell it but cannot find it anywhere. Summary of my journey Maybe its contained in science. So in middle school I ace my science exams. But for some reasons science feels mechanical and I get the sense that this logical mechanicalness removes that scent I'm looking for. So I try computer science. Maybe its computer science. I love building things that impact the world. Maybe the happiness is located inside of the satisfaction from building some really marvellous code. But as I do computer science, that happiness evaporates. It turns into suffering. Computer programming is highly myopic. I can't see the big picture, and even if I can its so rule based. Its dry and dead. So then I try biology. But you don't really build things in biology, and also it has this very horrible tendency to reducing living systems into logical, process driven units that interact with each other in ways that aren't inspiring. Then I thought, ahhh the scent must be in something inspiring. So then I go to mathematics. Maybe the scent is contained in the mathematical beauty of building an equation that is so advanced its transcendent, like that image I have of ancient egypt. Then I try and realize that mathematics is more about meddling with made up, completely dead rules that have nothing to do with the happiness I'm looking for. So then in haste I leave university and make a startup. Things are going much better but while doing the startup I'm a programmer and hate it. So then I think, how can I benefit the startup without using programming? I need more inspiration in my life, more liveliness. So then I try adding value by making meditation techniques and being sort of a company yogi. But the problem is, a large part of that work involves thinking. And there is no happiness (that im looking for) in thinking. Its in experience. So then I try visual arts. I spend 6 months learning how to draw, trying to feel rather than think. But then the intuition in my head says "No matter what you try, if you're trying to create something which is made of thought, by doing that you remove yourself from that thing you're looking for". So then in my last attempt to find that life purpose, I double down and for the 4th time do Leo's LP course. I love big picture thinking, beauty and wisdom. I dream of advanced cities. Maybe my LP is law and political governance. But as I attempt to spend heaps of resources in exploring that option, I'm reminded of the amount of times I thought I had found that happiness, my LP, but then after a while realized that there was some problem or misunderstanding, and withing a few months that happiness that I was looking for was gone. What should I do? Should I continue exploring and looking for my LP or just accept that I will have a job I hate, or try to be a millionare and retire early?
  11. @Nahm When I realize I'm not the ego, will I see the ego disappear? ~ electroBeam 2017 hahahahhahahahahahahahhahahaha
  12. Super great post. +1 Some PUA may be healthy and of value but the dark side can be very problematic. Its not only that the dark side of PUA doesn't lead to a successful relationship, using manipulative techniques makes you feel inauthentic, guilty, like you're wasting your time. It can make you feel incongruent with your higher self. If you are too conscious, doing manipulative techniques can really hurt yourself, once you see the big picture of what youre actually doing.
  13. Yes this. Exactly why my current relationship is falling apart. We don't fight, we are both loving to each other, but because I meditate my personality has changed and this is disturbing her to the point she doesn't see a future with me anymore(she thinks the fact that i don't get jealous is a sign that I don't love her for example). No point in faking attraction and using manipulation if this is what comes of it in the end. Yeah you make a lot of sense. Guess PUA has got some good stuff in it. I never thought of those attributes being green, but you're probably right they are probably what humanities and arts majors have.
  14. I know that all girls are driven by nature to a certain extent and of course basic flirting is needed. Of course the basics like approaching girls and getting a first date is needed before we talk about anything. But women all get attracted differently, and ive noticed that when I approach egalitarian girls they tend to appreciate different things to the traditional Orange stage girl. For example the egalitarian gets more turned on by my interesting personality, and is ok with my money situation. The Orange stage girl is ok with my personality but gets turned off by my money situation. The egalitarian girl enjoys going on dates in the park. The Orange stage girl gets offended if you ask her out to anything other than a high fine dining place. Asian girls with blue stage mums care about whether I have money and skills to run a house hold and give no fucks about anything else. The majority of pick up(like Neil Strauss) assumes you're talking to a girl who cares about wealth, social status etc. This isn't what every girl is after. And I'm not after a girl who cares about these things. I'm looking for pickup which is designed for girls who value their independence, cares more about living meaningful experiences over wealth and social status. What I found is these girls care the most about how genuine and honest you are. They also care about how comfortable they feel around you. But I want some pickup experts to back these nooby observations and build on top/teach me how to master it further. If it doesn't exist guess I'll need to be the pioneer but surely it does.
  15. Its not apart of having a long term relationship. Doing this stuff is great for attracting girls - and having fun with it if that's your thing - but if your thing is to have a long term relationship, going deep with all of this attraction stuff is a waste of time. You might be able to attract any girl, but that wont help you sustain in a long term relationship with that girl. If you want that you need to chuck all of that pickup bullshit out of the window. When I'm looking to start a relationship with girls, its more of a best friend connection. Its not some sort of expressing your masculine alpha male dominance like what you're trying to get out of it.
  16. Really hating my part time job - totally burnt out. Contemplating on making a job change. Re identified my top 10 values. I need adventure and appreciation of nature in my life. I also need creativity and imagination, I want to design things. I'm looking to see if I can make a business out of drone photography. A close runner up is conservation science. I really like the idea of drone photography - gets me out in nature and allows me to fly drones which are cool. But art tends to be highly subjective and therefore its hard to gauge your performance in increasing your skill in making good photos. I could make a science out of it though by trying a bunch of different art techniques and themes and gauging which ones are most popular.
  17. A journal documenting my struggle to get the life purpose I want. Will post and review progress to determine future strategy. Posting here publicly with the intent of using it to get advice on situation, hopefully if things go well inspire others, connect with like minded people. Will post weekly: what emotional traumas I had to overcome or have to overcome. What fears I endured, what mistakes I made, what achievements I gained. Current situation: 1. Doing a startup(as a CTO). been doing it for past 2-3 yrs. Medical startup therefore will take a while to exit. 2. Working part time as an AI engineer to pay bills. Hate both of my jobs. Hate engineering and science. Dropped out of uni to pursue startup. Hate being the CTO. Passion lies in the occult. My dream job(LP) use occult practices to prescribe therapies to reducing suffering of individuals(sort of a physiotherapist who uses occult instead of body movements). Current plan to get there: full time do startup. Part time practice OBE and astral projection. plan: get financially independent through startup, then proceed to practice LP 10+ hrs a day not earning money(doing off donations). I will practice LP part time to hone skills while startup takes time to exit.
  18. What is valuable about it? What do you use it for? What do you not use it for(compared to Psychedelics)?
  19. Yes that's correct. But not always(like Amazon, Uber, etc).
  20. @Anna1 When the ego goes, where will I go?
  21. no, people will be watching entertainment for centuries before they grow past it. Culture changes incrementally, not over years or even decades. It moves so slowly that people don't even notice it. Just like tectonic plates. Did you notice that slavery was recently abolished? Did you notice that recently the internet has pretty much replaced television channels for movies? In the same way if people go beyond watching entertainment and focus on impact, you wont notice it happened because of how slow it would have moved. etc: there are a lot of interesting properties associated with large corporations compared to small ones. If you like theory you can check out complexity theory applied to business.
  22. Amazon is much bigger than Disney. The bigger the company gets: - the more control it has over the planet - the more likely its going to collapse over its size (similar to Roman Empire) - the more likely a smaller startup will provide value to a niche segment of its target market and take that over - the more likely a smaller startup will totally disrupt it - the slower it takes to adapt to its environment, making it suceptible to a collapse with rapid change of environment, making other smaller startups take it over. etc etc etc.
  23. I'm struggling with some issues and need guidance on how to get better. I have been in a relationship for 2-3 years. As far as im concerned this person was perfect for me. Understood me, satisfied my intimacy, gave me love and support. I have sacrificed part of my career, my parent's relationship with me, and uni for this person. Recently she said she doesn't have feelings for me anymore. She use to love me but now we have just grown apart. She is attached to me and loves me but can't see a future with me. Our interests are different(mine is spirituality, shamanism, etc hers is having a baby, having a family, etc) and feels we are not compatible. This is surprising, I didn't expect this. We barely fight, we do activities together, we have intimacy. She doesn't want to break up now, but I can feel it's going to happen some time in the future. I sincerely appreciate her for giving me a warning rather than just leaving randomly one day. True respect for that. I basically have no friends, haven't talked to girls in ages. I barely connect with human beings because I'm autistic, so different than everyone, and view the world differently. I am concerned i won't find anyone again. How do I find someone who is mature, caring/loving, open minded and accepting? What spiritual groups are great to meet people? What type of personal development do I need to do to overcome my fears? Therapy? Self esteem? I don't want to make things worse with my current relationship. I regret not being better and for the last months of it want to make her feel as cared for as possible. I don't want to have any regrets of not trying my hardest or being my best. If it's going to end, I want to end it on a very good note.
  24. Why don't I connect with people? 1 Concious step closer Background I dont(and haven't since I was a child) felt connected with friends, relatives, etc. The biggest issue with this is I care deeply about my career, and not having the charisma, or ability to connect with people affect that. People don't trust me, aren't interested in talking to me, and don't help me. I have no idea why. I can feel I don't connect, that I don't relate. Everything he or she cares about, I don't care about. His/her opinions about life do not align with me. She/he sees the world one way, I see it another. The person cant find a common thread to connect with me in, to share a common experience, im different in every way. They feel like they are talking to an alien, someone outside the social norm and this scares them. Its uncanny, something isnt right. They can sniff im being inauthentic, trying to be normal when im not. They hate being in this feeling of uncanny. Am I wasting my time with this person? Is this person safe to talk to? Is talking to someone as uncool as this affecting my social status? They leave at the first instant possible. Having said that, it's not like this with everyone. There are some people out there that are just so joyful, so charismatic, so happy that they can turn the uncanny sensations they feel from me into something comfortable - if they even need to consciously put effort here at all. But this is 1/10 people. Insight What i experienced today was awe striking. I was at a networking event. I was alone, which is quite normal, watching everyone around me having their conversations over beers. There were clusters of people all mingling together. As I was listening to their conversations, suddenly all of the semantic meaning of their speeches just dropped. Instead of listening to their words I listened to the energy that their words were spoken with. I became conscious of their auras, their vibrations. And I saw with my own eyes, that rapport was not being developed by what they were saying, but rather by the orchestration of people's energies/vibrations dancing with each other in a synchrony. Wow all your life you've been brought up with the importance of the words you use and how you use them. Then I just had the experience where the semantic meaning of what people said was not a cause, but a side effect of the interactions of energies between people. Why can't I connect with people? Its not my body expression, it's not my smile or lack of, it's not the way I dress. Its non of that stuff. Its my energy, my presence, my aura. What I say is almost unimportant(surprisingly!). Its literally the energy in the words i say that count. I could say "your dick is quite small but i like you" and if i say it with a strong, present, comfortable presence and energy, they wont feel uncomfortable. If i say "Hi pleasure to meet you" and say it with an anxious energy, they will run a mile. At the end of the day, it doesn't solve my problem because my vibration/energy does not resonate with theirs, but it gives me a deeper appreciation for what is causing me to not connect with people, which is significant for me personally.