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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. So Tinnitus is a physical sound and not sure of the cure. The kundalini sound is clearly not physical, feels closer to mental than physical but not mental either, and its associated with non physical vibration. With the kundalini sound, if you focus very intensely on it, you can get an ecstasy feeling. If its bothering you, I would encourage you to just focus very intensely on it, until you have a kundalini awakening. Its very similar to how you need to masturbate if you cannot hold the sexual feeling. Just go very hard core with focusing on it, let go completely and see what happens. Once the kundalini awakening is other you wont be bothered by it anymore, things will settle.
  2. well I guess the mistake I'm making is I'm making a vision too far into the future. What will truly fulfil you in 10 yrs time (assuming you grow) is not what will fulfil you now. What will fulfil you in 10 yrs time would seem silly now, because you're at a different state of consciousness, maslow's needs, level of maturity, etc. So when it comes to planning your life, its really hard to plan 5 or 10 yrs into the future, because you will not get motivated to do those things, even if you were mature enough to know what those things are. For example, what might fulfil you now is billions of dollars, because your living on the streets, but what might fulfil you in 10 yrs time is actually being on the streets as a buddha, but there's no way you will motivate yourself to do that now. But being a buddha is the thing that will fulfil you in the end. So the irony of it all is, you think happiness will come when you leave the streets and become a billionaire, but in reality the happiness you're looking for already exists on the streets, paradoxically the only way to realise this is to get off the streets. So it seems like, you just need to be ok with the fact that the skills you develop now are not going to be useful(will be a waste of time) to you in the long run. The skills needed to make a billion dollars will not help you be a buddha on the streets. Maybe enjoying the process rather than aiming for the end result is the solution here. This is what I've noticed in the past 5 years, the things I dreamed of 5 years ago are completely different to now. Even the things I dreamed of being 1 year ago (dreamed of being an Einstein) are completely different now, because after doing some scientific work I've realised that no matter how much I do and how enlightened it is, it wont fulfil me, fulfilment comes above thought -> from experience.
  3. But doesn't having lots of money, without consciousness get very very very depressing after a while? Like you always get sick of too much of something, and then you're stuck in this pit of suffering with no way out.
  4. I'm currently doing what you're doing: I'm making a startup which definitely isn't my life purpose(but its much more altruistic and high valued than what startups normally are), and part time I'm building skills for my true LP. Its very challenging doing something that isn't your LP because in a lot of moments you will like you are wasting your life/soul. You will wonder whether starting from you LP from the beginning was the better alternative, etc. Motivation is a massive problem here, and to be honest there is no quick fix/solution to it. You need to roll with the punches when it comes to motivational problems. If you're making a startup you will also be under a lot of stress. On the contrary depending on how esoteric your LP is (mine is being a guide for deep levels of consciousness, in other words a religious leader for yoga and shamanism) it may be extremely hard to make a living off of it. You need courage, deep giftedness in your craft, communication and conviction skills, resistance against corrupt sceptics and rationalists and even irrational religious types, etc. Because you are poor, money may corrupt your life purpose, which in the end will ruin it and give you a bad reputation. I hypothesise that Its much easier to build your life purpose from a place of lots of money then not because you will have less materialistic fears and more opportunity to do stuff. What Leo said here logically makes sense, and may be true, but I've got no experience with that. This is a tricky one, and people are going to give you diverse viewpoints, but most people don't start off with their life purpose, not necessarily because that's the better route.
  5. "There is no path to enlightenment, but one needs to walk it to see that" ~winterknight 2019 some time
  6. Right so if wars didn't happen, everyone would want a war. Sounds like it would be paradise if wars didn't happen. There is nothing outside of God
  7. Definitely incorrect. Possibly, but ive been in many wars with my own ego, and the war is never a loose loose situation. Its always a necessary step to growth. Civil wars are the equivalent of growing pains. They are necessary to push the general public out of their comfort zone through force, otherwise it will never happen. World War 2 WAS the cause of the 1960 hippie revolution - without world war 2, the hippie revolution wouldn't have happened.
  8. Is mescaline an effective drug for consciousness work? What are your experiences on it?
  9. Interesting what Sadhguru said at 7:20. The physical universe is just one tiny aspect of duality... there are many other layers.
  10. Are you struggling to leave/with a left loved one? If so, read on... Assuming you are in a relationship. Just imagine that your spouse actually loves you and you actually love her even if you don't believe so. Now really try to imagine the following scenarios. Scenario 1 You have just left work, and a person rings you up on your phone. He/She says "Hi is this <your name>" "Yes it is, who is this?" "This is the police, we regret to inform you that your loved one has just been in a car crash and has died on the scene". Imagine being at her funeral, and you lay down flowers, or a name tag with a cute name you called her, or maybe the first gift you gave her, etc. Imagine how sad that funeral event would be. Once you're done, go on to scenario 2 Scenario 2. your loved one have just left work, and a person rings your loved one up on your phone. He/She says "Hi is this <your loved one's name>" "Yes it is, who is this?" "This is the police, we regret to inform you that your loved(you) one has just been in a car crash and has died on the scene". Imagine your loved one is at your funeral, and she lays down flowers, or a name tag with a cute name she called you, or maybe a gift she gave you, a really special one. Or a cute card. Once you're done, move on to this: I want to you to ask yourself, in which scenario were you more sad? If you were careful you would have noticed you were more sad in scenario 2. Isn't this strange? You're so scared about you loosing her but in the scenarios above, the saddest part was about her loosing you What does this say about your attachments to her/him? Lets do 1 more set of scenarios: Scenario 1 You decide to make it up to your loved one before she fully commits to her lover. As you walk up to her house, you see her and her lover, but she's holding a baby. You mourn and cry over this fact, realising its over. Scenario 2 Your loved one decides to make it up to you before you fully commit to your lover. As she/he walks up to your house, she sees you and your lover, but your holding a baby. She mourn and cry over this fact, realising its over. Again which scenario is worse? Omg its scenario 2 again! "Oh electrobeam, but this is because I truly care about her, see its proven because the scenario 2s are the ones that hurt me more, because I care about hurting my loved one" Ok if you think that, go back to scenario 2, and identify WHY it makes you sad. Is it because you care about hurting your loved one, or is it because you are sad about loosing your old self, the old self that has the current loved one? Have you noticed that in all of the scenarios, the sad part is about the old YOU being lost? Its got fuck all to do with your loved one... So I beg the question, are you really worried about loosing your girlfriend/boyfriend?
  11. This is a hunch still, and not totally verified but... I'm starting to think that there is no difference between absolute and relative truth. There's something very strange about truth. Its not a 'thing' or a 'state' or an 'experience'. Rather its in everything. For example, its not right to say "is a tree true or imaginary?" Rather there is some part about the tree that is True and some part about the tree that is False. I was contemplating/reflecting about "why do I meditate? How do I know meditation is the correct way to truth?" and from Leo's philosophy this should be a relative question. For starters meditation is a technique in duality, and your idea of what truth is, is a belief. Also you're assuming there is a path to truth. So I was assuming that I would get a relative/imaginary answer. An unreal answer. An answer that depends on the imaginary self and would be different depending on the self you have. But I didn't. I got an answer that was universally True. Because truth didn't seem like it was totally outside of this relative question, or totally detached from it, it seemed like there was an Absolute, truthul answer to it. All of the relative stuff fell away: the path, the idea of meditation, ideas of truth, and all that remained was that consciousness. And that consciousness WAS the answer to this relative question. So I'm starting to think, there is no difference between absolute and relative truths... there may be an absolute answer to who we should elect as president. EDIT: The only caveat is, you can't ask the truth for how to get rich, a hot girlfriend, etc. Because consciousness doesn't know it exists, or rather the truth is, it doesn't exist, so the truth can't help you there. Like you realise hot girlfriends never existed in the first place, so asking the truth for how to get it doesn't make sense.
  12. I feel like my spiritual practices are turning me into a robot (from society's POV). I don't enjoy pop culture music at all anymore - and this is because the part of my ego that got enjoyment from pop culture has literally dissolved. Not even spiritual ones, because lets face it - people who listen to spiritual music are doing it because they have spiritual egos. I don't have any interests anymore... because the part of the ego that entertained them has dissolved... All I do these days is hang out in the present moment and connect with the deep love inside consciousness and try to actualize it. This is making my family, girlfriend, colleagues and other people in society very disturbed. They think I'm a robot. And I get what they mean, I'm so detached from pop culture it seems like it. How do you guys go with fitting into society? What's life like for you? How do you fit into society even though there is not enough ego to enjoy the things pop culture enjoys?
  13. Just felt like sharing because it was interesting. My Gosh, had an awakening experience (for a minute or so) just by going through Leo's latest video and asking 'how am I alive' Was so easy, and happened after asking for a second or so. 2 things I personally got from his latest video: 1. question everything (radical openmindedness) and putting probabilities on things is actually assuming something! So can't even do that. 2. to get to the truth efficiently, ask very very deep, fundamental questions. This is how you can save yourself looking under every bed for a space kangaroo.
  14. I've been going through a problem for the last 3 years and just cannot solve it. In a nutshell there are currently 2 things I'm passionate about right now: providing value for the world, and experiencing alternate states of consciousness. My motivation for these 2 things oscillate extremely on a month to month basis. One month I'm deeply into meditation and go hard core at it. But then I realize no matter what states of consciousness I realize, that realization doesn't help the world: US broken healthcare system, animal cruelty, poverty. So then I oscillate to being super passionate about my career... Until I realize the material real is extremely boring, I start feeling like what I'm doing is pointless and I just get very sick and bored of it. So then I go back to consciousness and the cycle continues. This brings me a lot of suffering. Because when I do get sick of the thing I'm currently into, I'm in a really low place. And at the beginning of the cycle I put a lot of effort into motivating myself to do the thing, but then get no rewards for it. This has been going on since mid 2017, and honestly a bit earlier. There have been so many times where I thought I solved my problem. Yes! it's because I need to do the life purpose course again! Oh it's because I need to combine the 2 into 1 thing! Oh it's because my motivation techniques aren't good enough... I've tried so many times and have failed. Every time I come up with a solution I feel like I've just advanced to a new state of consciousness, it's exciting, relieving... Until I realized that the solution was all an imaginary fantasy and things are different now. Just 2 days ago I thought I had solved the problem. Now ive realized i didnt because i am again sick and tired of materialism! and the solution didnt work. I know that I will be sick of consciousness again in 1 month... Has anyone had this problem and how did they fix it?
  15. In that sense of the word, yes definitely. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if everyone on the planet has experienced kundalini before but had 'written it off' because they just assume its a feeling or dopamine in the brain or whatever. I've thought for some time now that everyone has actually had 'spiritual' experiences before but just not recognised it as such. This was the case for me. When I first heard of kundalini, I was suprised that it wasn't something from a different dimension, something totally different. I was suprised that kundalini was just 'a feeling' that was amplified using meditative techniques. Prana, kundalini, there are all just 'feelings'. But actually when you channel kundalini to the crown chakra and have a massive explosion, you realise there's more to this 'feeling' that's beyond physical reality. How interesting.
  16. It is a write off, but its also very useful for healing. Just because something is imaginary doesn't mean it isn't useful or highly valuable. The theory and practices revolving around kundalini are super effective for healing, but I'm very sure no one has actually verified the existence of kundalini. The sensations and experiences for which people use the word to point to are very real though.
  17. @lukej But a lot of great things actually come out of being more forceful than what you're currently doing. Bernie Sanders is an example, other political figures too. Gandhi was more forceful than that. So was Martin Luther King. They forged change by making people aware of the current situation they are in and communicated a really inspiring vision for how to move forward. What happened with your family could of been the result of a communication issue, or 'teaching' them something which is above their head. At the same time I have noticed that some people will never change even if they have a radical psychedelic experience. Some people are really locked into their current paradigm and will take 1000 life times before they even consider changing it feels like. So I don't think its as black and white as 'just let them come'. There is value in being a bit assertive, and sometimes its necessary to uphold justice. But sometimes people are extremely stubborn and you certainly cannot change everyone, no matter how good of a teacher you are or how powerful their psychedelic experience is.
  18. you nailed it on the head, survival is fighting with the 'role' of the mediator or explorer consciousness. Yes I can really feel the body is shit scared of not getting enough food and not having shelter. But the role of the meditator feels so suppressed and limited by this view. I'm currently earning just over the poverty line and work 40 to 60 hours a week. But even so I don't like surviving, go as far as to say I hate it. Fuck this is a hard problem to solve. Now I see why suicide is so rampant on this journey.
  19. Why do these 2 layers cause oscillations?
  20. Rejecting philosophical consistency doesn't mean that, in fact it doesn't mean anything. It mean logic is totally irrelevant. Logic isn't needed to see the suffering imposed by trump and Piers - all that's needed is observation. Logic is a way for you to build a wall around life and see this suffering. To see it happen. It gives you a reason to feel good about supporting Trump. And yes you will call this ad hominem again, precisely because it takes the focus off this wall you have created, takes the focus off the observation that trump causes suffering, but non binary people don't. Saying I don't care about philosophical consistency means I'm not going to play by your language game - what you call 'philosophy and logic'. I'm going to tell you what can clearly be observed if you go out there and try. There is no 'truth' in premises. And there is no philosophical consistency in real life if you OBSERVE. It's all made up in your head. But good luck trying to convince you of that, this fantasy has been used for hundreds of years now as an excuse not to observe, and you've clearly been sucked into it. Saying ridiculing Trump is different to ridiculing non binary people is a fact that is clearly observable. But it's not logically sound or consistent. But it's still a fact.
  21. I don't care about philosophical consistency - I care about making the world a better place. It's not ad hominem. It's called reading between the lines and talking about the real issue here. Even if it hurts your precious ego. Attacking your argument is exactly what you want me to do - because attacking your argument rather than talk about the real issue is a red herring.
  22. Have a long distance relationship and see her every 2 months. Speaking from XP.
  23. Well its nice to think about Trump vs non binary people relative terms: non binary people can't be ridiculed so therefore Trump can't be ridiculed, but this isn't the way to lead a healthy society. Sorry some cultures, opinions and ways of life ARE better than others, and they are not all relatively the same. The latter is a diplomatic side step to excuse your precious values and beliefs. The fact is, non binary people are not hurting as many people - trump is. Trump is not comparable to non binary people, Trump is literally more evil than binary people and that's the way it is. And if you disagree, its not because everyone's opinion is valid, its because you CHOOSE to not see what damage he is doing out of fear of loosing some toxic attachments you have. Violence shouldn't be imposed on Trump, that's not leading to any resolution but making matters worse, but ridiculing him IS different to ridiculing non binary people - and its crazy that this has to be outlined. Just like how ridiculing a white male in the 1700s IS different to ridiculing a black slave.