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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. What if its not true to say its a thought, but neither is it true to say its not a thought. There is an "I" that "knows". But that "knows" is only valid if the "I" is true, if the I is not true, then when the I collapses, so does that "knows" "if" implies possibility. Possibility implies thought. The truth cannot be an if. Whatever it is, its not an if. If implies trying to believe the universe is love so hard that it turns true, yet thats not how truth works. Truth is letting go of belief. Let go of the belief that the universe is love. We are all wrong. Leo is wrong, the universe is not love and we are tricking you. The universe is something completely different to love. Truth comes when you give up on going somewhere. But you'll only have the wisdom to see that after looking everywhere other then nowhere. So go look, absolutely everywhere for the truth, and then when you're burnt out, rest in the now.
  2. Along the lines of tezk, people preach stuff because they have an ideology that they are trying to defend. Complete utter bullshit. Some people get results from retention, others don't. Thats the truth. When you start preaching though, thats when things turn into delusion
  3. I tried vegetarianism for 6 months, got really sick, then went back to meat and felt 100x more energized and focused. I like Nahm's/Osho's quote. Dont listen to any of us. Just listen to the body.
  4. @Preety_India You're God, not a mere human. You really think you need spirituality to be more of yourself? What games ya playing?
  5. Hehehehehehehehe... Yeah you disagree massively for a reason. You'll wise up eventually. Dont say I didnt warn ya.
  6. At your age i got into a relationship out of social pressure. I had 0 sex drive and 0 drive for relationships. I just felt like an alien and so i got into one just to cover up self esteem problems. And at that stage i was basically your post. As someone whose been where you were, let me add some comments. These comments are honest. Which means they will grow you, but you wont like them. in covid just don't Your problem here is you're allergic to manipulation because you've got a royal idea of yourself in your head about being the honest, real one. Well you're playing games with yourself, harder then most - sorry. Meditation and yoga are just as manipulating as looking fuckable. You're manipulating reality to get to altered states of consciousness. Your entire life is just manipulation. The entire spiritual path is manipulation. Having an issue with manipulation with sex and relationships, yet being totally fine with manipulation in spirituality, is just spiritual ego. Its double standards. Dont limit your views of relationships to just fucking. Relationships also includes exploring your emotional traumas and shadow work, exploring and mastering emotional intelligence, exploring how humans work, exploring how your energy system works - I.e. spiritual work. You buy your bread or rice from people, you work with people, you buy airline and plane tickets from people, you're friends with people, you learn spirituality off people, you're surrounded by social interactions and people. If you have a fear of people dragging you down, you better watch areas well beyond your dating life.
  7. Keep in mind, you guys are just talking about stage orange - once you get to stage green where polygamous stuff is allowed or at least accepted and acknowledged, women are much much much less slut shamed for sleeping around, if at all. In dating, this site is blue, orange with tiny tiny fragments of green, not pure green. I, and my green friends, have 0 issue with women sleeping around, so long as they are aware and respect monogamy with me. Not only that but in green circles theres much more emphasis on emotional exploration and connection. I(or we) dont see how sleeping with multiple partners has anything to do with such exploration. How can you do such exploration if you're slut shamed. Most guys have a problem with sleeping around because sleeping around is a masculine trait. Cheating, wandering eye, going after different men assertively, this is all masculine stuff. Men are attracted to femininity. IMO you just need to be sensible. I know girls who sleep around yet are respected because they are careful with the guys they choose and careful with how they sleep with them. Sleeping around is way worse if you're not careful with who you sleep with. Not all guys are emotionally mature, and if you sleep with an idiot, he'll tell everyone about it and screw you. And thats the hard part because the idiots tend to be the hottest.
  8. In reality lots of women do have casual sex, and for the most part its fine - so long as the guy isnt a blabber mouth and goes and tells everyone. The game here is, the more the man humps, the higher his social status. The more men a girl is humped by, the lower her social status. Yet the reality is, some women like casual sex deep down, and even the ones that dont, cant avoid it because you can only really tell how compatible you are after sex and a few months, and you aint compatible with most women so - you end up leaving her(and this is just for guys who are into serious relationships, not the ones who are into casual relationships or are players).
  9. Lol thanks peeps, but im currently living in Australia where there's no covid
  10. That's right, positive/negative reinforcement is what gets us to do what you want.
  11. what you need to be careful of, is a vegan ideology, like any ideology, also lowers your consciousness.
  12. @Someone here To be completely honest, I initially just came here because I really admire your growth and development spiritually and I just wanted to be another to encourage you to keep moving forward... but then I read your post, especially this part and gotta say, it made me spark so much. The whole post, and this line above especially, communicated a level of open mindedness, and insight into how unconventional, counter intuitive and twisted this universe really is, how much you really can't trust anything, how much questioning absolutely everything opens you up to, and that just made my day. Thanks for that ?
  13. Love all of your answers on here, thanks for being around. And yes, your poems are great aswell!
  14. While 0 = Infinity, both lead to different facets of God IME. Its too naive to just assume that contemplation leads to where meditation leads to. On one hand yes it does, but on another hand it doesn't. When you reject and don't take this into consideration, you start making posts about how Leo is deluded because of his endless wonderland. Theres the macro and the micro. You can know a car engine by studying its quarks and atoms. You can also know a car engine by studying the mechanics of it at the bigger picture. Both lead to the same knowing of what a car engine is, yet both lead to completely different understandings aswell. "Blowing everything away" in meditation teaches you the micro, what the world is at a micro scale. Contemplation teaches you the bigger picture, how the entire dream works as a whole. And i still keep coming back for more! Guess there's no escape to the finite!
  15. I might have lumped you in with a general "averaged out" narrative that I was sensing from James, VeganAwake And your comments on multiple threads, to be completely honest Sorry if I wasn't being analytical enough, and you didn't fall into that narrative at all. That was a bit unfair of me. "letting everything go" is a super interesting comment. I got the opposite from the OP. An "awake once and for all" seemed like a fixation to me. Maybe totally misinterpreted what was said.
  16. Totally, I can't ever know what you think or know, because i know nothing. My level of knowing is so unknown that i can't even know "not knowing". Which means I also know everything, including what you think or know. 0 = infinity. IME, not saying this is for everyone, meditation teaches you the 0, yet completely falls flat on the infinity. Thats where contemplation and love practices come into it. That was the original message. Not knowing is complete knowing IME. Knowing absolutely everything, and for "someone" who is philosophically minded, knowing everything is their path, the one they love. Just fixating on 0 doesnt suit everyone on a relative level.
  17. Note: This is just my personal experience. This is completely unrelated to awakening and enlightenment. This has nothing to do with adviata vedanta. This is for people who are genuinely curious about exploring infinity more. I've done some work recently around infinity based on teachings a recent psychedelic trip took me through and I'm sharing that work here for fun. How to appreciate infinity: No one can appreciate infinity except infinity. Because to appreciate infinity, all others must go. Total amnesia style. You need to literally forget, get demented, get total amnesia over the existence of humans or anything. Its a paradigm shift that must be entered, from finite to infinite, to appreciate infinity. It doesn't occur in the present moment, or anywhere. Such questions are not valid or make sense in infinity. Its entering where you were before you were born. Actually where the universe was before the universe was born. Before science existed, before humans existed, before time existed, before space existed, before the earth existed, before no self realization existed, before the realization if infinity, before the realization of infinite love, before a "you" or a "God" or a you being a "God". And yet, that place is here But it doesn't seem here. It doesn't seem like here because here is apparently a world. A world full of an earth, milky way, a career, family problems, emotional problems, other people, science, religion, politics, buying stuff, light, and then spirituality such as the path, infinite love, death or imaginary death, or whatever you think death is lol. Music, tv shows, on and on and on. Jeeze that's a lot of stuff. Almost infinite amounts. And that's the trick, one of the biggest ones, is believing that you are looking at infinity when you see all that stuff, because there's just so much. The 3D world, the universe, that must be what infinity is, because its so big. But its not, that's a trick, what that is, is huge finiteness. The trick is realizing that, no matter how much stuff you expand to, expand to knowing all the maths, all the science, all the religion, even all of the awakenings, all of the different states of consciousness, all of that stuff, the trick is realizing that this isn't true infinity, its a pseudo infinity, because it goes on forever. What doesn't go on forever though? Infinity. Actual infinity. It can't go on forever, because going on forever requires the ability to get bigger, and you can only get bigger if you're finite. That's a mindfuck, and that's the reason why your here is not before the birth of the universe. What's being staying the same this entire time you've been expanding? The fact that you've been expanding. You have been expanding forever. You first started unenlightened, then you expanded through all these insights and awakenings, then you became enlightened, then you started integrating, then you reincarnated and did it all over again, and again and again. Then you did psychedelics, jeeezus christ. You have been expanding for fucken eva. And you never stop. You never stop until you realize... that the only thing you've been doing the entire time is expanding. And that's when expanding stops. When you realize its just been expanding this entire time. The expanding doesn't literally stop, but you forget, go amnesia on what expanding is. And that's when you truly develop dementia. Truly develop amnesia. Because you've totally forgotten what expanding is, because all expanding merged into 1. There's no others, there's no work, no houses. You can't even talk to others, because you are literally demented, all alone, completely one and completely white light. If you are talking to others, then you haven't reached infinity, because you become disabled talking to infinity. You can't fulfill survival stuff when in infinity. This aint ego death, this is mahasamadhi. You're switching between mahasamadhi and being alive through this process. When mahasamadhi its just white light and infinity, when alive its finiteness. Both are almost mutually exclusive. Ego death, infinite love realization, are all finite because you still survive in the game. True infinity is looking at the infinite through the infinite mind, not through the finite mind. There's just formlessness and no form here. No memory of your life. Nothing. No finite. What's surprising though is both the finite and infinite are happening at the same time. It feels like entering a white light void, where your entire life is erased. Where its just white everywhere, and this is how its always been. Its always been pure white light and total dementia and amnesia. Its been dementia and amnesia this entire time. Yet this is exactly the place you want to be. You want mahasamadhi. You want total amnesia and dementia and just white light everywhere and forgetting everything and everyone. Infinite love realization aint enough, because its still too finite. What you want is complete and utter infinity. Yet you are too scared to let go of the finite and physically die, so you're left in a limbo, you're trying to make a compromise with infinite love, yet it still aint enough. And then the quest is how close can you get to this completely demented space without loosing and forgetting everything. This is not a state that anyone can really show you how to get there, or talk about, because everything in the finite universe is pretend and completely parallel to true infinity. Your self, whether thats unenlightened, or ego death, or a god realized being, is all pretend. You're gaming yourself no matter how enlightened you are. You haven't reached infinity if you're god realized, infinite love realized, no self realized, or anything related to any spiritual concepts. If you are, you're gaming yourself, you're pretending, you aren't actually getting results, you are just expanding. Every single question you have, every single want you have, every single move you make to get realized, is you gaming yourself or you pretending, because what the state of infinity truly is cannot be attained through spirituality. It can only be attained through realizing you're gaming yourself, no matter what you do, by realizing you're pretending, that the entire spiritual path is you pretending. And everything else you do is pretend. And its about letting go so hard that you literally feel like you're loosing the entire game's essence forever. You even let go of being enlightened or self realized.
  18. Agree with ya but: A stick has 2 ends, the end is just one side. Its hard to escape the finite, I've tried all my life, which happened to be forever. Well yeah, but we can go further then that. It was always over, and you were just pretending it wasn't, because finite = pretending. Your nothingness, not a something. The only way to be a something is to pretend. And how can you be infinite if you can't pretend to be every finite thing? We can go so far as to realize that meditation never caused nothing to happen, never caused ego death, you were just pretending it did, because the infinite includes pretending that meditation gets you to nothingness or killing your ego. You can go so far as to realize the entire path is just a play, a play of finiteness, and the only thing that truly "awakens" you is the end of the finite, not meditation. Meditation is part of the play. Be warned, if you go this far into realizing nothingness, it will be very uncomfortable though, you can't take credit for anything, and you can't fool yourself into thinking you're helping someone else. Because those "others" are just pretending, like you, and they are just pretending they don't know what's written here, they are pranking you, so hard that they actually believe they need help from you, when they don't. Because they are God obviously. And their ignorance is all pretend. And what makes an enlightened person different from an unenlightened person is the enlightened one is different, special because he doesn't play the game because he's enlightened... well I can't claim to be that, because I'm pretending to know that all of you are pretending. The enlightened ones are the biggest players of all. No self realization - pretend. Meditation gets you to nothingness - pretend. Once that realization is had, you're no longer enlightened (or unenlightened). The finite is just coming to an end, including your enlightenment. This is just my Experience, not saying its that same for you though. I totally appreciate that some will think I'm completely deluded, and I totally accept that, I don't have anything to defend. Never did, just pretended to. And so don't you, you really tricky fucken devil.
  19. Thanks for the responses guys. As said earlier, this post wasn't about awakening, it was about exploring infinity more. When it comes to enlightenment and awakening, you have every right to call me deluded, insane, whatever. But this post wasnt about awakening. This post was about something else. This post was about exploring a realm of infinity. Yep the post is a bit extreme. I like extremeness. If you arent into extremeness, i have no intention of pushing you that way. But for those who are, hopefully this was helpful. And also, lets no argue over what enlightenment or awakening is. True enlightenment is a personal thing. Its not something to show others what you have got. Its not even something to be shared explicitly. Trying to do that just results in arguments. You cant ever explain awakening to someone because its beyond concepts. So such things dont get us anywhere. And adding in the "your deluded or going insane or dont get it because your descriptions dont match my experience of awakening" is just blatant pride and arrogance. Theres other ways to helping people then desperately defending your ideas or experiences of enlightenment. I wish this place did less of that.
  20. No, they definitely do think about what they are. That's why if you push them off a cliff they scream, and they get jealous when other kids take their toys from them.
  21. That's right, on an enlightened human level There's another realization, along the lines of that character never was guided by feeling or awareness of feeling. Maybe a hint could be the word "infinite pretending" without being too explicit. That's if you're ok with one of your children giving advice on how mummy can be more of an adult
  22. Of course I/we do, otherwise I/we wouldn't have projected them in the first place. I/we do, because I'm infinity. I want to know everything. Isn't that obvious? Creation is infinite. Its coming from ME, my WILL. I'm not a caterpillar expert in this life, but its obvious I will be at some point. I will be everything possible, I already am that, but on a relative level, I will be it in the future. On a relative level. Only on a relative level. On an absolute level, they do know knowledge, and that knowledge comes from ME. And I pretend to project it, because I'm pretending to be an enlightened human. knowledge is coming from others on a dualistic level. I project knowledge on a non dual/enlightened human level. others have knowledge, and that knowledge comes from me, on a God level. Because I an neither the character I'm pretending to be, nor the teacher with the knowledge, but rather the 3rd person observer of both. only on an enlightened human level. The enlightened human cannot do any of these things, because the enlightened human embodies Nothingness. Yet these things are possible and true on an unenlightened human level. And both are true on a god level, from the 3rd person observer, so 3rd person, that calling it 3rd person is too grounded and distorts the meaning of what is trying to be conveyed. The unenlightened human's experience is just as true as the enlightened person's experience, yet both disagree entirely. As God you can create this play to suit both perspectives. You can make a play about the 3D world and science being true, or you can make it about a being who is aware that the 3D world is within the present moment, or not even that, just within him/herself. As god, both perspectives are true. All perspectives are true. Everyone has a different truth.
  23. Nope, that's not me, I want to know more and more forever. Leo talks about how each person's brain chemistry is wired differently and some people can realize certain facets, while others can't. As if we all have different truths. Like how ralston can't understand love while rumi can. For tony parson, nothingness might actually be the ultimate truth, while for ramaji, infinite love might be the ultimate truth. In other words we all have different truths. This argument makes a lot of sense when you see debates like these. For some people I totally resonate with what they are saying, for others I feel I'm on a completely different wavelength. I think its because each person really does have a different truth. Such a perspective is helpful because it reduces debating when you sort of realize that there's no point debating them when their truth is literally different to yours. The whole point of a debate comes from the assumption that everyone shares the same truth, if that goes out the window, then debating becomes useless. I think there's a clear brain chemistry difference between the tony parson types and leo's types. IMO the tony parson types are just suck at LOC 600, while Leo's endless wonderland is just going beyond LOC 1000 (that's literally my experience). Yet maybe I'm wrong, maybe for the tony parson types, LOC 600 actually is LOC 1000, and they just aren't curious enough or are incapable of going beyond LOC 1000 because in their experience its impossible. The tony parson types might be able to experience a very deep level of emptiness that Leo isn't capable of, and that might be literally their truth, while for leo it isn't. And it also explains why people want different stuff. Some people actually want to seek forever (like me) while others want to stop seeking. And even this entire perspective, takes a certain brain chemistry to accept LOL. Some will say this is all just thoughts and the brain is imaginary, so this is all nonsense. It takes a certain brain chemistry to be ok with the paradox that while the brain is imaginary and just thoughts, it affects truth or consciousness. This is just something that's really clicked with me recently, people really are sincere about their different truths, its not because one is meditating or doing the work more then the other, I think we are all living in a different reality.
  24. You're not looking at the map, the map is looking at you