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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. I would just say that seriousness is a necessary attitude for people who are TOO wound up in their ego. Just like how a blue stage attitude is necessary for red staged individuals, seriousness is necessary for egoic individuals. If an egoic person takes on your advice, they will instantly corrupt it and use it for justifying dysfunctional habits such as laziness. But if a non egoic person maintains seriousness beyond its expiry date, it will limit that individual, for that individual will need to do things and act in accord to what the seriousness prescribes, which will literally block activities that go beyond seriousness but are necessary for growth.
  2. Lets start a massive movement for liking curvy girls, and then call ourselves a minority that gets bullied, then have orange and blue freaks attack us with stupid arguments, then we get benefits like scholarships and welfare programs dedicated to us.
  3. Leo's first video on spirituality, something like 'a shocking truth you wont believe' or something like that. After contemplating that video materialism took a massive crack.
  4. If you research trip reports from LSA as opposed to LSD, and trip reports of 5-MEO-DMT as opposed to NN-DMT you notice an interesting pattern. NN-DMT tends to be highly visual, there are deities, spirits, etc that you interact with and teach you stuff. On the other hand 5-MEO-DMT is the utilitarian brother. It cuts the crap and goes straight for what you're after: god realization and awakening. There are pros and cons to each approach. Based purely on research, people find NN-DMT easier to take than 5 meo. Probably because spirits, entities, etc is still dualistic(even if its of a higher dimension) and therefore its more comfortable for the ego(guessing?). But on the other end, its a distraction, a red herring. These entities are still imaginary. Interestingly theres a similar thing going on between LSA and LSD. LSD seems to be quite visual, and some do report spirits or entities(my friends). LSA is different, again it cuts the crap and goes straight for ego death. On low doses(what most tripper do) they call it 'contemplative' LSA might be an under appreciated psychedelic for spiritual growth. You wouldnt want to use LSA for parties. Most bad trip reports of LSA comes from people's misunderstanding/foolishness on best practices for taking LSA. A few come from the fact that it "cuts the crap". There are very little or no visual hallucinations. A lot of trippers take psychedelics for parties and recreation rather than for spiritual growth - hence their dislike for it. LSA is located in side woodrose or morning glory seeds. These seeds are posionous. If you take them, just like if you take the shell of cashews, or if you take rotten chicken, or any other posion, you will incur very negative side effects: Nausea, Lethargy, basically sickness. you will also get vascular constriction, but apparently this side effect is present in LSD, AL-LAD and lysergic psychedelics. And alarming amount of trippers chew the seeds, therefore eating the poison, resulting in bad trips. There is also the cold water extraction technique which reduces the poison, but not enough for a complete nausea free experience. For that you need to do an extraction with similar complexity to NN-DMT. Anyway just thought this was interesting and valuable for spiritual work. I'm going to personally keep exploring it because I quite like the "cut to the chase" aspect of it. Plus it's less powerful that 5 meo, making it gentler for noobs. AL-LAD looks good too, but what's great about this one is it's availability. Its legal in many more countries than AL-LAD is.
  5. sounds like LSA is a component of LSD https://science.howstuffworks.com/lsd2.htm LSD must be LSA + chemicals for visuals and spirits.
  6. @Schahin you have a point there, the seeds don't affect everyone badly. You must really hate synthetic drugs like LSD with that attitude haha. pharmahuasca is also made by 'raping' the ayahuasca vine with different chemicals, and trip reports suggest it's as natural of an experience as the original brew.
  7. would you eat the leaves of a psychotria viridis/ayahuasca plant to get high from nn-dmt? then why would you eat the seeds of baby woodrose?
  8. You will be forced to do things that you're ego was not designed to do. For example if you were a creative artist, you would be forced to be a highly logical, masculine manager who makes up rules and procedures. If you were an accountant, you would be forced to learn marketing skills where you have to draw really feminine creative banners. If you were a software engineer, you would be forced to stop living off your identity as a 'nerdy, anti social genius who cares about precision, scientific accuracy' and you will have to be a showman speaking to investors, bullshitting your ass off like a Donald Trump. In a business you need to completely change your ego to the point where you are no longer you anymore. You are someone else.
  9. Ego Backlash. You're ego is very upset that you've chosen to go on the dark side and be conscious all the time. Its angry and its letting you know. Do you dare to stand against it? To detach from this 'realm'? To detach from the idea that you've become less conscious?(which of course is exactly what the ego wants you to think is happening, because it doesn't want to be conscious)
  10. In the last trip I did on baby woodrose: I didnt quite manage to go to ego death because I was scared shitless of entering a "no mans land" a place where even colours, sounds and shapes dont exist. Like literally nothing. Awakening experiences Ive had in the past were not like this. They were realizations that the present moment is all there is, and everything is One. But that didnt mean everything dissolved completely, like what was happening on the trip. Im wondering, is entering this no mans land even useful for spiritual work? How on earth does sadhguru joke, drive his motorbike, etc. If he is in this no mans land? He musnt be, which means this experience I had on the trip musnt be enlightenment. And if it isnt enlightenment then what is it.
  11. Yes this is what I mean by void, the 'objects' in the universe start to 'loose its shape' or in other words, you think the object has substance, for example a computer has a metal casing, has electronic components inside it etc. Void is simply realizing those are beliefs and they are not real, so the computer turns 'hollow' like its a hollogram, no substance. Same with your your girlfriend, you might think she's the love of your life, but that thing that makes her 'special', 'right for you', etc is actually a belief. Same with her being made of 'skin', having 'organs' inside the body. Its all a belief. You might as well walk up to her and look closely at her and see just light illuminating from her body, because that's all she is, just light. Nothing in there at all, nothing special about her, just light. Same goes with your parents, they are all illuminations. SAME GOES WITH EVERYTHING. I don't quite see how love is involved here tbh, just a bunch of hollograms of light walking around. But guess with enough trips will see.
  12. Oh im the biggest fool in this forum, I probably follow leo more religiously than 90% here haha. Dont get fooled. @petar8pNo probs, we went a bit of this in our meet i think.
  13. You say it like its obvious, I find this to be deeply interesting. This puts a whole new perspective on the importance of theory and belief! God wants to create infinite facets, so he creates infinite amount of beliefs, and gets lesser beings to set intentions on all these different beliefs, and wola infinite amount of facets created! Then again this is just a hunch, guess I will need to set my intention on how this facet stuff works in my next trip.
  14. @Nahm thankyou for that message. Love is what's True. The void is the mechanism that allows God to forget what it is???? To be honest I have never experienced God as Love, only as the void, and the void just gets more and more voidy. The world gets more and more hollogramish the more meditation that happens. So it is hard for me to understand how the void is not True? The void is simply a mechanism for forgetting??? But isn't the fact that every object in the universe is hollow and made of nothingness True??? Oh well, guess I'm doing too much zen, time to do some bhakti yoga.
  15. @The Blind Sage lol yeah told you privately about that Lets trip sit each other when you come back! We can discover God together!
  16. You're 200% right there, exactly. Zen and Peter Ralstone followers see the void, while Christians see Jesus, and Yogis see Krishna. But I'm not sure if that's imagination... The void does not seem to be a misinterpretation of some absolute, whatever that absolute is. Rather it seems to be a facet of the absolute, and our preconceived beliefs, and the teachings we use influence what facet we will experience. I try and explain it in more detail here. I started to notice this phenomena by watching responses of trip reports in the forum. A lot of trip reports in the past were seeing the void. As soon as Leo made videos about love, people all of a sudden were tripping and feeling absolute love. Which made me hypothesise that these facets were being influenced by the belief system and teachings that a particular person followed. Also that doesn't explain how 2 people from completely different belief systems can see the same thing. The samadhi states in the yogic system for example has been experienced by some Buddhists. And kundalini has been experienced by some Christians (they called it the burning holy spirit). So maybe its a mix of both: some very deep imagination and some absolute facets. Hard to know.
  17. I have personally inferred/observed a lot of 'structural garbage' or devilry in how this forum is setup. This forum is a system like any other system: political systems, corporate systems, household unit, etc. And as with most systems, the system itself is designed to mislead the people within the system for the sake of keeping the system going, rather than making people happy and expanding their consciousness. This system's lifeblood is people's misunderstanding of the system itself. The issue of the mods having a hierarchy stems much deeper than just people subconsciously valuing the words of mods over the others. It also indoctrinates actualized.org followers into thinking that such a system even exists in all of spirituality. There are certain personas being subconsciously implied: 1) that there are people 'more developed' or 'above' others, and those people are valued by a group(be it actualized.org) and then there are people 'below' and these people are not valued. Therefore it implies that your spiritual development is based on the approval of this group. 2) The ones that are above take on a supportive role, rather then a learning role, and as a corollary the ones that are 'below' take on a learning role rather than a supportive role, implying that the ones that are above do not need to be taught and are fool proof, and the ones below need to be taught 3) the ones that are 'above' are above spiritually and mentally(through spiral dynamics) and therefore their words are of higher value and are more accurate than the words of others in this group. There is also a persona to this entire group, which was artificially created by Leo as part of his branding and company. This persona is very deep and is learnt or indoctrinated through the values and concepts/statements he makes in his videos. This persona is a direct reflection of the karmic patterns of his ego/psyche. For example 'working your ass off and hard work', deep valuing of 'insights' and 'wisdom', 'thinking for yourself and the maverick approach', 'precision', 'masculine compassion' etc. This is just a persona, it has nothing to do with truth. The moderators have embodied this persona, and Leo picks moderators who best fit this persona. This is how he maintains the persona in this group, and maintains his entire branding. He indoctrinates people into thinking that this persona is not simply a persona but Truth itself. And he reinforces this by giving them moderator status. You really need to give Leo credit, because if every person on this forum actually practised his work seriously, they would deconstruct this forum to the point that they would no longer get indoctrinated and act according to this made up persona. But people on here don't really, they absorb his persona in his videos like a wet sponge, and in doing so serve Leo's persona and branding, maintaining it as a system, an entity with a collective ego. Leo probably knows this and that's why he has the balls to share the very thing that would destroy his business. Just removing the moderator vs non moderator hierarchy isn't going to do much for misleading people. As said, people are being mislead on this forum well beyond that hierarchical system. While people are being brainwashed by this forum, how could it be any way? for you to "kill the buddha" there needs to be a buddha in the first place. Do you really think Leo's work could really function without it brainwashing/misleading his followers? All practices, teachings, schools, etc that have large bodies of people following and learning from them mislead their students . Its part of a greater functioning/wisdom of the universe. Highly advanced teachers that teach very small sets of highly advanced students CAN mislead their students much less because the system is much smaller, has less people in it and the students are advanced. Strangely while I see devilry in how this forum is setup, if it wasn't for this devilry I wouldn't have seen this forum as devilry. It was thanks to the teachings that I could see it. A strange loop/snake that eats its tail.
  18. @The Blind Sage downloading before this gets pulled off the internet. BTW thanks for uploading it again, though this will probably be deleted like the last one.
  19. guess you're going to have to change your name to noshroomdog
  20. My sister watched a trick similar to this and thought it was stupid/a waste of time. I wonder how such people would ever realize the significance and implications of such alternative perception. I wonder what would make these people click, if they could.
  21. Everything is a controlled substance in Australia Including good politicians.
  22. @Kazman How did you feel about increased heart beat if you ever had it? Did it scare you? How did you overcome the fear?
  23. Your observations may be true, but your judgement towards them are not. The mistake you're making is judging a true insight, rather than lovingly accepting it and embracing it. This is going half way, this is half assing the process, this is devilry judging an aspect of God. And so suffering occurs. The more conscious you become, generally the less desire you will have for such things, and this is to be welcomed lovingly. But right now, what's important for you to do is live out your desires as if you never had the insight.