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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. NSW has a sub tropical climate. Forgot what climate Victoria has but it's not a desert climate. Central Australia is a desert climate. Even though NSW and Victoria have subtropical climates, their drought is increasingly getting worse AND IMPORTANTLY, THE AMOUNT OF HECTARES THEIR BUSHFIRES ARE BURNING ARE INCREASING. Because NSW and Victoria are not deserts, they have a much larger density of tree and wildlife population than the desert. Now go Google Australia's worst bushfires dude and see what happens. By hectare, this bushfire is 10x worse then the worst bushfire that has happened in our history (black Friday is 2nd worse). No it's not the worse based on people and houses lost, but are you so narrow and selfishly minded that the only thing you care about is destructive, pollutive people? This fire has killed the MOST WILDLIFE OF ANY FIRE IN AUSTRALIAN HISTORY. AND ITS STILL BURNING! HASNT FINISHED YET! ... Sorry assumed people knew how to critically think before posting. Shame that this is not the case. Again you need to be able to critically think. But rather you would like to just look for evidence that supports your self bias beliefs and hatred for the greens and the left... sigh. What you want backburning to solve the bushfire crisis? You want to burn large portions of the very thing that gives you oxygen? Gosh you must support these bushfires with that attitude. Hooray! No trees no fires! You know what we should Blackburn instead of trees? Humans and livestock. Humans cause way more co2(the thing largely causing climate change) then trees, human's waste pollution is much worse than trees for the environment and to top it off they vote in leaders that support large coal and fracking industries which work around the clock to produce co2 for no benefit. As for the policy to stop the carbon tax by Gillard, granted they should have not done that, but there's more to that story then you're willing to know. There was a risk that nuclear power plants were going to be built in Australia. They didn't do it on a whim. Hopefully it doesn't need to be explained why nuclear power plants are a huge huge huge environmental hazard, but who knows on here.
  2. I predict Iran will shoot dozens of ballistic missiles into US military bases and Trump will unexpectedly shrug it off.
  3. Go educate yourself mate. Why is it that Australia is having larger and larger fires year by year? Why is it that Australia's rainfall is as a trend decreasing? Aren't you aware that experts such as Shane Fitzimmons, and climate scientists, tell us time and time again, that the drier the country is, the more likely bushfires are to occur? Aren't you aware that climate change causes drought? What you're one of those bogans that think its arson? Arson has been happening constantly for decades, why are fires getting worse? What you're one of those bogans that say worse fires have happened in the past? Tell me what fire has been worse? The fact is, your selfish liberal agenda relies on boosting the Australian economy through coal and gas, and no matter what excuse you come up with, its all to cover this up.
  4. I want to completely and fully detach from women. I want no happiness to come from them. I want a relationship, but I want to be able to break up with someone after 4 years and have 0 suffering. I value my career extremely highly. I probably value my career as much as Sadhguru, the Buddha, Ghandi, etc. Living a lifestyle with this level of passion for your career makes your life unstable. Which means the chance of having to break up with your girlfriend/wife is higher then the average person. In my career, to fully actualize it, I'm always at high risk of having to choose to move countries, work long hours, sometimes get in trouble with the law, and most dangerously, grow at a rapid rate. This is a problem relationship wise for many reasons. Your girlfriend wants to settle down and not move countries often. Your girlfriend wants you to spend lots of time with them instead of competing for your work. And when you grow rapidly, you tend to grow quicker then your girlfriend which means your values change from your girlfriend which makes you guys grow apart. Right now I'm at high risk of having to change countries, which is something my current girlfriend is strongly against for family reasons. I could stay in the country I am, but the opportunities here are significantly lower for actualising the mission and life purpose I have. And I'm not even sure it's possible. I've only had 1 gf before, maybe these points might seem silly, but I've met a lot of women and I really think 95% of them are not into growth, not healthy, and are somewhat toxic, if not completely toxic. Millennials are fucked. And older people are even more. The girl I'm with is the only one that's passionate for growth(not as fast as me though but much better than average), being healthy, and is not toxic. If I break up with her, I do worry there will be regret because she is extremely rare. Also if I break up with her, I feel a bit sad for making her unhappy. I know that breaking up with her will make her sad and because I care for her, I feel like I'm sort of abandoning my child or a deeply loved sister. She does not have any family members in my current country as she's an international person. And she has friends but I'm currently her best friend. This shouldn't be an excuse, but I'm significantly handicapped in the dating sphere which is also a source of resistance. It seems much less effort to just try to do my career in my current country and keep my gf. If I am free of her, I do have the opportunity to move to the richest suburbs in los angeles, San Francisco etc. Where high quality women are likely to be. I could just put up with my career in my current country, but something doesn't feel right about it. I feel like staying here because of fear of loosing my gf is existentially wrong. I feel like I'm delaying an inevitable problem(going to loose her at death why not just loose her now) and I should be in a state where I can let go with no suffering at any time. what's the best way to train yourself to do this. Has anyone gotten into this state? Is it just continuous mindfulness practice? Is it hard to do? Are there perspectives or ways you could look at this to alleviate the suffering of such a situation? Should I feel bad for making her sad and abandoning her? Sometimes, this sadness dominates my fear of loosing her. I just don't want to hurt a deeply loved person. If I could set her up with someone else when I break up, I would still have the sadness from loosing her but total sadness would be reduced from not feeling bad about abandoning her.
  5. Money donated to the bushfire relief goes towards helping to rebuild infrastructure. It does not go towards plants and animals. Helping the wildlife would be donating to political parties that support the environment, or environmental groups that actively lobby governments. None of the links you posted redirect towards groups that do that.
  6. What for? Studies have shown that 80% of the Australian population does not believe it's carbon emissions are linked to climate change. A good 40% believe climate change isn't real. Australians will keep voting in prime ministers who deny climate change, use sneaky tactics to get out of carbon emission deals with the UN, put environmental protesters in jail for protesting against malicious corporates that are causing climate change, even when these bush fires are happening. Go look at the comments from news.com.au most Australians have a pathological hatred for the greens, labour and the left. The silent majority of Australia hates climate change and believe it's some sort of evil plan by the left to take over the world. If you donate to the Bush fires, youre donating to people who choose to deny climate change, vote in anti climate change priministers, a surge of people who are strongly against progessive values. Let Australians burn, we are going to need more then 2000 houses and 20 people killed before they wake up. Watch after these bush fires, everything will be forgotten and the liberal PM will be voted back in. Just like how everyone forgot the black Friday fires.
  7. I disagree. There is a belief in the hierarchy, and that belief collectively means you must do what your boss wants, but the hierarchy doesn't give you power like how it did back 500 years ago. The thing that gives you power is having an inspiring vision, being extremely talented in your craft that it makes others look at you like a jesus, and having the emotional intelligence to make others trust you, and feel like you keep them safe. Hierarchies give power to societies that deeply value respect. In these societies, they value the person above them just because of the hierarchy alone. Countries like the middle east, Russia, North Korea and China are like this. Western countries have a disrespectful culture where they think they are better then their bosses, so they do what their boss says because they have to rather than because they believe in hierarchies. If you don't belong as a boss, in business you will get fired. In government, people below you will leave and if your boss notices this, you will get fired as well. If you don't get fired as a bad boss, it usually comes down to laziness, superiors don't want to fire you because it's too much hard work. And If it's government then there's no pressure. In primitive cultures like China, or medieval Europe, you place in the hierarchy was more to do with family heritage, ties, social class, etc. Not these days. Hierarchies are problematic because they impose gender inequality, wage slavery, lack of fairness, strategies that serve the business instead of humanity, etc. We need to end hierarchies for these reasons, but not because of the reasons in medieval Europe.
  8. yep. that's what Sadhguru means by absolute involvement. No matter what you do, whether you're cleaning shit, watching a movie or stopping a conflict, if you do it with total acceptance and consciousness, to the point where it's simply enjoyable just by there being an absence of resistance, everything becomes joyful. But people aren't like that. They have karma, where they like this but don't like that(karma acts as a way of helping you survive) so people are only ok with partial absolute involvement. And this is what modern day passion is. If you're passionate about science, you basically accept science and resist everything else. It's possible to be passionate about everything, but it's extremely hard to do.
  9. Extremely radical open mindedness required. This is not the truth. .......................................... The greatest Sufi is not Rumi, the greatest Sufi is your father and mother. They conceived you at birth. They sacrificed for you. They lowered themselves so that you can be raised up. There is no person who loves you more, then your mother and father. Even Sadhguru. Isn't that just survival? Just what my mum's biology is doing to help our species survive? Like in richard dawkin's selfish gene? What is the selfish gene? Where did the selfish gene get its love from? You think the selfish gene's love came from nowhere? But my parents are not spiritual, their mindsets are highly dysfunctional and full of devilry. I am not saying your parent's mindsets are the Sufi, I am saying God created your parents as a way of expression His love for you. Survival is a divine process. Listen, whenever you feel down or are struggling, ask your mum to pray for you and see what happens But reality is non dualistic, getting my mum to pray for me is Dualistic. I am not saying reality is dualistic. The very process of asking your mum to pray for you is a non dual process. There is a lot happening subconsciously to do with love and your connection with your mum. Who taught you all of this? Do you have your own version of the Quaran? No. True spirituality is not about learning from spiritual teachers. True spirituality comes from within. Sufis do not have teachers. They do not have a book they learn from. They pray and listen to what God says. Sufis learn from reality as a whole. Sufis learn from the train driver, the garbage collector, stories on the news. In all of it, God is speaking to you, teaching you spiritual truths even if they don't seem like the ones your new age teachers have taught you. Be careful of your new age teachers. They are not doing what's best for you. What about Sadhguru? He seems pretty legit. Sadhguru is a showman, he tells you amazing stories about Enlightenment and spirituality to get you sucked into his videos. But these videos are not the best for you. They are not where God resides. They are distractions. You listen to him because you're too afraid of looking inward. You don't need others to tell you the truth. You just need to look inside. How can other teachers know more about the truth then you? God is within you? Isn't looking outside a distraction? Be very careful of Sadhguru. He is into black magic. Black magic? Yes black magic, the tantra traditions. Tantra means cast spell onto others. Tantra is about magic. A lot of Sadhguru's stories, the ones you get excited about, the ones where he controls water for example, is all black magic, tantra. He uses tantra to get a following. Are you saying that if someone is trying to attract a following, they are conducting evil? The Sufis are the smallest religion on the planet, because they have no need to have a following. Have you noticed that the most pure religions are the ones with the least followers? To get a following means to lie, cheat, conduct black magic. But what about doing it out of compassion? Do you really think brainwashing people with profound, magical stories is the most compassionate way of helping people? The Sufis are not against helping people, but we do it in subtle ways. We share our love to all that's around us. We offer our food, we comfort people in need. Most importantly we always direct people to look inward, and never give spiritual ideas, theories or thoughts. Because everyone is unique, everyone is different. Everyone needs a different path to God. Listening to spiritual theories is a huge trap. It distracts you from looking inward. These non dual philosophers you talk about are distractions. Connecting with God is not some highly advanced skill that requires a PhD to pull off. The hardest part with connecting with God is wanting to. Its accepting the fact that you don't need a PhD to connect with God. That's hard for most people. They can't handle the fact that connecting with God is so simple. They want connecting with God to require a PhD, because then they can look outward to find God while tricking themselves into thinking that they are supposedly looking inward, when they aren't. So what about yoga and meditation? Do you need those? Yoga, meditation. Tsk Tsk Tsk. You've got time to do yoga and meditation, but you don't have time to look inward? Focusing on the breath, doing all of these strange poses, what for? Must connecting with God require you to prove your worthiness by doing these gymnastics? Do you think God is looking up there, checking for all of the people that are closing their eyes in some corner of a room and saying yes to them, while saying no to others? If it sounds silly to you that God only allows people who follow the 10 commandments, then why does it not sound silly to you that God only allows people who sit down in a lotus position while saying AUM? But I have meditated before, and it does help me I guess the Sufis pray to God, and you can describe this as a form of yoga. But our prayer is much more organic. We don't just connect to God while we pray, we are connecting to God all of the time. We live a lifestyle that supports God. This is far more powerful then meditation or yoga. Don't let yoga be a distraction for you to look inwards. God is not found within meditation or yoga. God is found in all of this. Within you. Don't go looking for a Sufi teacher, a meditation or yoga trick. Just look within and you will find. This is the most I can say. Beyond this would be a distraction. Do you get bad karma from killing animals for food? Killing a single animals is as bad as killing all of humanity. God is not here to suppress you. God is here trying to support you. If you pray to God while having a bad time, he will help you get through your problems. God has a desire to support you through suffering. If someone causes suffering on you, the desire for God to support you is what causes the bad karma in the other person. It is absolute love which causes bad events for the ones who get bad karma from their actions. All bad karma is caused by God's love. the bad events is what helps the world become more loving.
  10. @Eph75 I use the word detachment in a Buddhist sense. Detachment means happiness comes from within, you feel emotions and sensations but they do not provide you with happiness, your acceptance of the present moment and your consciousness of what emotions actually are is what the happiness. Instead of being a slave to them you enjoy them. Your definition is more in line with stoicism then Buddhist detachment. You seem to imply that you think me choosing my career over a woman and wanting to drop them is morally unethical, wrong and hurtful. Never thought of it that way to be honest, thanks for that. I wonder if it's seen that way in more progressive places like Low angeles. It certainly wasn't the last time I went there. @Preety_India I don't know how others use it, but high quality is just women who have less dysfunctions and are easier to manage in a relationship. They tend to be independent(progressive), healthy feminists(whether they proclaim it or not) relaxed and chilled, are confident in themselves and are open minded and have a desire to try new things, drop their deeply held beliefs, for the sake of growing themselves into a better person and making themselves, and the world, happier.
  11. Of course you can. Liberation has nothing at all to do with how the material world manifests. You can be a liberated scientist, thief, Christian, Muslim, athlete, fighter pilot, banker, garbage collector, etc. The Buddha was a billionaire. Thinking that consciousness determines how the material world is going to turn out for you is the very thing that is actually unconsciousness. Consciousness is a perspective, not a behaviour. There are awakened people all throughout the spiral, purple awakened people like some shamans, plenty of blue awakened people in India, plenty of orange awakened people like OSHO, green awakened people like some new agers such as mooji, turquoise awakened people like Adyshanti. I think you've mixed up consciousness and spiral dynamic stages. What you're actually asking is can you be a green staged billionaire. If the entire world was truly green (not neo green or green in disguise) there would be no billionaires, maybe people with a billion dollars, but no billionaires. Money is very valuable in this day and age because our society, policies and values are Orange. And so if a green stage person wants to revolutionise the world, getting a billion dollars is valuable. And so many would probably go for it. You can get billions of dollars off people without being a cu**, but it's significantly harder to do that then to get it off in an orange stage way, because the norm is for people to get billions of dollars using Orange stage tricks, and you will be competing with those people. Maybe the answer is to not try and be a hero and get money off people in a green way, but to consciously observe that there is nothing wrong with doing things in a healthy Orange stage way and just get a billion dollars that way.
  12. Past lives are an interesting thing because not many people have them - including people who do a lot of consciousness work. But some do, and those that do don't really describe them. It's sort of a strange concept. Why would past lives occur? Are you implying that we go through reincarnations? But if so how do you know that reincarnation exists? Well I just had an experience before going to bed. There's no real standardised way of classifying experiences, because everyone can literally call an experience whatever they want. But... After the experience, the first words, without a doubt, without any slight hesitation, was definitely "past life". What was it? Well we all have memories of our past. Some of the memories don't feel that real(can't tell whether it was a real memory or a memory from a dream) some are like that but not all. Some memories feel very real. They immerse entire consciousness, make you feel like you are literally going back in time. Almost as if it's happening right now. These real memories, make sense, they align with your ego structure, other past memories, basically all of the beliefs about your entire worldview. This memory I had just then was also very real, more real than the real memories. But strangely enough, it did not align with any other memories, my ego structure, or current beliefs. Funnily enough this experience does not directly imply reincarnations. Instead it sort of implies there are literally many lives all happening at once in the present moment. And I just got a quick view of one. But apart from that this experience did not imply that after we die we go to another life, or we have a soul or any crap you hear about past lives. In fact it was very metaphysical and not personal to me at all. Another interpretation was God's imagination had a bit of a hiccup and it made a completely unrelated event appear in consciousness. That's also what it felt like... like the world just randomly changed to a different movie for some reason lol, then went back to this one accidentally. Anyway if this is what they call past lives, this is very different to what they say.
  13. I'm about 3 to 4 years ahead of you. My circumstances and train of thought is slightly different but similar. Everything you worry about is bullshit. Don't worry about your parents for now. Go be a neuro feedback psychologist or whatever. Your parents will need you in 30 years time... not now. Your parents are adults, they can handle not being around you. I get though you're asian so you probably have a deep attachment to parents, but even asian have to leave their parent's houses eventually. You can't put too much on your plate at the beginning or you will burn out. Have a very narrow, single focus mind, just go do your LP. Doing everything at once never works. My parents at this moment are extremely disappointing with me because of my LP. They wanted me to be a successful scientist... instead I dropped university/college and made a startup which will take another 10 years to provide financial freedom, if it will at all. But this is your life, not you're mum's. Even though your mum has brainwashed you to think that she knows what's best for you more than you do, its not true. Actually that's just passive aggressive bullying. Take responsibility for your life dude. Do you think Jesus's mum approved of him being on the street telling everyone to love each other???? C'mon. Nelson Mandela's first gf/wife divorced him because he decided to sacrifice his freedom for his people. Even if this decision is stupid from a asian sort of 'financial security' perspective, and even if you struggle to survive through this path, the growth from the struggle far outweighs any benefits you can get from financial security. If you're planning to do anything worth while, you will not get approval from your parents or family. You're on your own, and that is scary, but necessary for a good LP.
  14. https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/extraordinary-weather-event-led-to-death-of-firefighter-samuel-mcpaul-20191231-p53nsf.html God the madman.
  15. What's funny is that pre Trump's election, half of my family members liked Trump, while the other half hated him. Now all of them like Trump and think he's doing good for America. If my family were American, more would vote for him now then before.
  16. If you want to toy with this sort of reasoning about God, a much more productive direction would be to 'prove' properties and qualities of God, like infinite intelligence, properties of the evolution of God, etc. This would be much more beautiful because you will actually get somewhere, and contribute to the creative process God exhibits.
  17. Take mescaline instead of LSD and shrooms then. If it's too scary for you right now. Then after 100 trips of mescaline, go back to taking heroic doses of shrooms. With Psychs in my opinion, it's much like gym training. You pick a weight that puts you out of your comfort zone, but not so far that you break an arm. You build up to heavier weights by going through safe amounts of pain, discomfort, fear and agony. Psychedelics are definitely not meant to be pleasant experiences. They are meant to "hurt".
  18. Yeah the tolerance is a real downer. Because of that shrooms are not that good for microdosing. Something like DMT or a non tolerance building psychedelic may be better for it. Kriya yoga doesn't develop a tolerance, and it may be interesting to try kriya yoga daily and shrooms every week (or 2 depending on tolerance). Some portion of psilocybin gets broken down and excreted in your body due to premature digestion, meaning not all of the psychedelic gets to your brain. Syrian Rue allegedly prevents break down, ensuring a larger portion of the chemical gets to the brain and not excreted. While this is scientifically what happens, in real life things don't quite work this way. Not only does the experience get more intense, but the experience changes from a regular shroom trip.
  19. I've taken Syrian Rue with approximately 0.5 grams of shrooms, and the potency caused an infinite ego death loop. Can't say for sure but syrian rue probably multiplied the trip by 3. Instead of microdosing, why don't you take shrooms every 2 weeks (to wear off the tolerance) and take something like 13 grams? Then you're bound not to fail even if you are a heavy weight.
  20. Yep you read the title, its another cringe worthy critique on actualized.org.............. or if you're a brainwashed, adamant actualized.org follower, its another 'great insight!' or if you've been brainwashed by actualized.org's dogmas to the point of no return, its an 'ego backlash', a 'projection' of actualized.org, 'devilry', someone who hasn't gone 'full circle yet' hahahaha, someone who hasn't become a mod yet and therefore doesn't know what he's talking about. Because lets face it, what Leo preaches in his videos, how Leo and his followers sometimes act on this forum are 2 very different things. An ego backlash was meant to describe someone whose ego has overly distorted their reality after a spiritual experience, but in reality is that always how its used here? Or rather is an ego backlash a term someone uses when they have genuine critiques of certain dogmas of actualized.org, and people don't like that so they cover it up with that term? Projection was meant to describe someone who distorts the words someone says based on their biases and beliefs, but is that also how this term is always used? Or rather is it used when someone is exposing the biases and devilry of a particular user's, or group of user's beliefs, and that user or group doesn't like it and so throws the 'projection' card? devilry was meant to describe the illusory nature of the mind, but in reality, at least part of the time, its used to enforce a dogma of actualized.org, which is that non duality is BETTER than duality. Disclaimer These critiques are generalisations, and therefore are inaccurate by default. For if they were accurate, it would take 200 pages to write. What's written here is not designed to persuade users one way or another, for if it was designed to persuade users, I would be falling into the trap of 'trying to be right' which is another unhealthy trait this forum sometimes has. So don't expect to get persuaded. And even if I did, the dogmas of actualized.org is so dense that plenty of egos here would find a way to twist the terminology of Leo's preachings to 'prove' I'm wrong. Rather this is an account of someone who is purging the belief system built up from Actualized.org as a whole, from his current perspective, with all of the egoic errors and shortcomings that perspective may hold. It feels right for me to give an authentic account of what I believe actualized.org is, and because its authentic I think this is something of value to share. Not to debate over though. Also these critiques will have no evidence to support them, for firstly I am not trying to convince anyone of anything, and secondly providing evidence would give people the opportunity to distort that evidence to their, or actualized.org's mega ego's agenda and cause a debate, especially in such a hot topic like this one. I would rather people call me a liar than get into such a debate. Also, in the unlikely event people do get persuaded by the stuff here, its not meant to be used as ammo to further corrupt Leo's preachings, or as an excuse to fall into unhealthy habits such as being lazy, procrastinating, being vicious. Nor should it be used to slander Leo in any way. It should definitely not be used to prove another side is right, such as Rational Wiki. I expect this post to get locked, or severely criticised(assuming people read it), for if it didn't, I wouldn't be highlighting valuable critiques, I would somehow still be conforming to the dogmas of actualized.org. This should feel wrong for most people, because anything that goes against their belief system should feel wrong. And therefore I should look like a devil to most people on this forum. The Critique These critiques are not categorised, they are in line with the stream of thought coming out of my mind. Some Spiritual Dogmas of What is Preached in Leo's Videos The Seriousness of Pursuing Enlightenment is Toxic Enlightenment here is taken too seriously. There is too much enthusiasm, passion and desire for enlightenment. This causes actualized.org followers to put massive amounts of focus, time and energy on thinking about enlightenment concepts, talking about enlightenment concepts, dreaming and desiring enlightenment concepts (even though they think they are desiring enlightenment because they are not aware that there is a difference between the concept of enlightenment and enlightenment itself). Too much passion and desire and energy around spirituality leads to actualized.org followers subtly believing the concepts without experiencing them(because they are too passionate about spirituality to not drop those beliefs), leading them to misinterpret or have the wrong ideas about what the concepts are actually pointing to..... or even worse, having a spiritual experience and then subtly misinterpreting that experience to reaffirm their incorrect and absurd notions of what they THINK not KNOW what the spiritual concept is pointing to. Too much passion, desire and energy around spirituality leads to actualized.org followers dismissing elements of life that are not deemed 'spiritual'. What's deemed spiritual is completely relative and arbitrary, but actualized.org followers are unaware of this. Some believe everything Leo talks about (and possibly other spiritual teachers) is spiritual, while everything else, like arguing with your mum, is not. This leads to focusing on life very narrowly, not appreciating, accepting and enjoying the non spiritual elements of life. And even if they are, some are only appreciating those elements of life because they have labelled those parts of life as 'spiritual' so long as they apply Leo's teachings to those non spiritual elements of life. Whenever you label something as spiritual, you are assigning constraints on those particular elements of life unknowingly. You are assigning Leo's teachings, Leo's attitudes and values (which are purely arbitrary beliefs), your standards of what spiritual is, how you must behave in front of it, etc. To those elements of life, effectively limiting your liberation. For most people on this forum, suggesting to them that they should try to live a happy, loving, joyful life, 'unspiritual' life(a life with no spirituality whatsoever), would automatically be rejected because they have developed a spiritual ego around being spiritual. How are these 2 toxic points sustained by Actualized.orgs's Preachings? Multiple things, here are a few: This passion is sustained by Actualized.org's teaching style. Actualized.org's teaching style is highly captivating, getting people sucked and in love with his content. He uses key words like 'profound', 'shocking'. Uses rational words like 'results', 'success' to describe spiritual content, which causes laymen to misinterpret them and get overly passionate about those misinterpretations. Elitism in Spirituality One of Actualized.org's dogmas is projecting elitism into life. Firstly he's created a duality between what's 'spiritual' and what's 'not spiritual'. Then he's created an entire belief system around what constitutes as being 'spiritual' and 'non spiritual'. Then he's projected an elitist 'pedestal', where he places 'spirituality' way above 'non spirituality'. This belief system runs very deep and would take pages to outline, but we all know what it is because we follow him. He uses words 'high conscious' vs 'low conscious' to create a duality between superior activities, beliefs and people vs inferior ones. He specifically indoctrinates his followers to believe that 'spiritual', 'high conscious' activities, beliefs and people are better, superior, more intelligent, survive better, etc. To 'low conscious', 'unspiritual' people. Making actualized.org's followers egos try to avoid the 'unspiritual' stuff because they fear being inferior to a group of people. They have a fear of developing low self esteem from being low conscious - very very fucked up and twisted. He projects this in a multitude of ways: he implies that unspiritual people are 'monkeys', 'apes', are low on the yogic chakra system(implying the yogic chakra system is a measure of superiority), low vs high on spiral dynamics(again spiral dynamics is implying a scale of superiority). He pushes us to go up the spiral, chakra system, so that we can become more superior. Attack and Suppression of Duality Duality is considered inferior to non duality. Multiple critiques on rationality, western science, etc. Have been made. While critiques on these topics are valid, Actualized.org has critiqued them from his 'elitist' perspective (mentioned above). This enforces the notion that western science, rationality, is below, inferior to spirituality. This is a dogma, and its wrong. Just because scientists are wrong about Truth, this does not make scientists or science inferior. It just makes them wrong. They are as spiritual, beautiful and superior as any of us are. And besides whether they are wrong or right, science itself, as looked at as a creation of God, is not more wrong than any of Actualized.org 's spiritual dogmas that he makes in his videos, not just the ones where he's aware that its a story, even the one's he's not aware of. They are 2 sides of the same coin: duality and non duality, and neither one is more True than the other. This makes any claims he makes about some aspect of duality being superior or more true than non duality as completely dogmatic. His claim that 'Self-Love' is a higher teaching to 'warp teleportation machines' is wrong. They are both as high as each other, again duality and non duality are 2 sides of the same coin. Having such a mindset causes the problems mentioned above, but also creates an artificial spiritual ego which separates you from reality. It reduces your ability to appreciate duality and makes you opinionated about spiritual concepts, and causes you to debate and fight over non duality vs duality, which is absurd. Elitism In The Forum The elitist beliefs have had an impact on the way the forum works. Moderator's views are appreciated and taken seriously much more than non moderator's views, because moderators are 'high conscious' while everyone else is 'low conscious'. Followers have an urge to be Right (I don't need examples for this, surely). Because if they are not Right, they will be deemed by others as being 'low conscious', inferior, not as intelligent, not on the same page and are below everyone, below in spiral dynamics, etc. Which means egos are afraid of getting low self esteem if they are disapproved by the others (especially moderators) on here. This re-enforces and ensures actualized.org's dogmas are kept and not changed (unless Leo makes a new video then all of the dogmas switch to that, completely independent of critical thinking of the followers). If users do begin to disagree with the dogmas of the group too seriously(like winterknight) they will be controlled by being given warning points, being banned, etc. To ensure that posts are encouraged to fall in the line of dogmas of actualized.org, posts that showcase the dogmas are put as 'Featured', which re-enforces the dogmas by other actualized.org followers and encourages them make posts like that. If you want to see how these are dogmas, just look at how the beliefs of the forum changes based on what video Leo makes. Dogmas and Collective Spiritual Ego is Reinforced by Repetitively Using Terminology, Sometimes in a Corrupt way. Words that Leo preach in his preachings are repetitively used in actualized.org to reinforce the dogmas of the group. Its important to note that most, if any, of actualized.org followers have not experienced what the words are pointing to, and so repeating these words in the forum creates a dogmatic belief system. A lot of the words Leo uses are unique to this belief system, and are not found outside of it. Some words that are used: 1. ego backlash 2. projection 3. devilry 4. Going full circle: actualized.org followers use this term to describe things which have nothing to do with going full circle, or have nothing to do with Leo's original intention he wrote in his infinite insights blog. Reinforcing a dogma and distorting reality. 5. Love: lots of times used out of context to describe beliefs and dogmas 6. vibrations 7. Creative Intelligence etc etc etc. The Path After This Purge This path, the actualized.org path, is finally doing me more harm then good. The more I study and practice what's here, the more suffering, delusion I go through. This belief system fundamentally doesn't serve me anymore. I'm now on the lookout for a teacher or teachings which takes the beliefs of spirituality much less seriously, laughs and enjoys life, lives a normal life rather than a 'spiritual' life, and including spirituality as part of that 'normal' life rather than the other way around, has a very minimalist lifestyle, lacks opinion (especially heavy ones), lacks talking about spirituality that much, appreciates and enjoys duality. the way of meditation comes to mind. Final Notes Am I saying that actualized.org hasn't helped me at all and is a cult? Of course not. Infact, because of how theoretical it is, its helped me a lot. Back when I started, I was an atheist, and as an atheist I needed a teaching like this. I looked at 'the way of meditation' as being boring, because the spiritual concepts were too boring, its taken me 3-5 years to get to the point where I'm sick of such a teaching like this. Actualized.org nails a lot of teachings on the head, and that's why its able to be so dogmatic. Because people get complacent and start to trust actualized.org because its teachers are TOO accurate and TOO good. So in a way its a high quality teaching. But its not right for me anymore, so now after 3-5 years, I'm finally leaving, to go find a 'boring' teacher that just wants to enjoy life, and doesn't take spirituality too seriously.
  21. You made up this idea of a 'circumference', 'planet'. And you are using those made up ideas to lift off from the planet. But that's not the only way to lift off from a planet. You can make up a bunch of different stuff and lift off a different way. You can take a psychedelic and lift off through machine elf technology. You can channel energy and lift off that way. You can induce kundalini and kriya energy and lift off that way. Perfectly possible and many have done it before. And you know what? Scientists who revolutionise science know this. You think the theory of relativity existed before Einstein invented it? Nope. Relativity wasn't real until Einstein made it real. The universe literally invented it on the spot when he created it. Then the world changed. This is what it looks like to be conscious that 'planet', 'circumference' are made up, and to use that fact to change the world.
  22. There was so much wisdom in this post that it even made God question whether he was actually God.
  23. If I interpreted it correctly, Leo suggested in his latest video that the ultimate teaching is Self-Love. That's certainly a high teaching, no doubt about it, but is it the highest? We need to consider that its possible Leo hasn't completed his journey quite yet. I remember watching these 3 videos about a year or 2 ago, back when naked reality(Rali?) was around: There was also a video with an interview of naked reality/rali, but can't seem to find it. Anyway I haven't watched the above in a while but I remember the main points of the 3 videos were(these points might have been in Rali's interview): There is stuff beyond God Realization, and Buddhists have only gotten up to God Realization. Jan Esmann has accessed something called the 'blue being'. This is not Self-Love by the way, according to him its below Self-Love. So of course this is all theoretical, but its an interesting idea to put forth that God-Realization/Liberation eventually stops. And according to Leo stops at Self-Love. According to Jan Esmann (and a few others I can't remember) it seems like God-Realization/Liberation is never ending, you can keep realizing more and more facets of God forever. Like the 'blue being' whatever that is. Anyway, was curious to know how the experiences of Jan Esmann and the like integrate with Leo's experiences. Blue being: 8:16 8:06 of first video, also called blue pearl.