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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. The point he was making was that degrees do nothing for your learning or development, the only thing they do is give a boss a reason to hire you, and cover their ass if something goes wrong. You don't have a boss being an entrepreneur, so you don't need one. And in silicon valley, people who don't have degrees are respected more than people who do. We are seen as they awesome rebel geniuses that was too cool for school. Firstly, the people who have figured out the programme are not wise, they are people who are really good at office politics, skewing research data to suit their self biased agenda, making up thesis projects that having nothing to do with helping humanity, but instead reaffirming their supervisor or school's ego, covering up mistakes they made in their analysis or experiments and people who are very good at following rules, but not going outside of those rules. Secondly, "teach you the important bits in the correct order" is personal for everyone. Some people are highly visual, and would suit core units in geometry first, then complex and imaginary numbers. Others are abstractly inclined, and so would suit complex numbers first then geometry. Some people need to be taught more visually, while others need to be taught more audibly. People learn best with different personality types. Some people like extroversion, while others like introversion. Everyone has different passions, and so learning particular units based on specific passions (web design vs AI) would improve learning. Universities teach with poor learning techniques: They use lectures rather than interactive sessions. Instead of project based learning (studies show it to be far more effective) they use exercise based learning. Appreticiships are far more effective than the current system for programming, yet why are they still teaching with these stupid tests and exercises? Real life doesn't have tests and exercises, and the fact that industry types don't trust people straight out of college is a sign of that. Everyone requires a different learning style, yet because university is interested in money - and not education - they standardise all of this into 1 set of core courses, making lots of people feel isolated. If you study yourself, you have the power to control all of these aspects, and learn 1000x more effectively. But worst part about the university system, is it doesn't take into consideration your life purpose. It trains you to be a cookie cutter: follow the rules, keep within your field of expertise, and maximise the amount of value you can give to some ruthless boss some day. What if you're a light worker? What if you're a reiki healer? Good luck getting a degree to help you here. What if your life purpose is to build code that helps tarot healer do their work? Hahahaha Uni got no chance with that. If you follow uni's advice, both in and out of college, you're destined to be a wage slave helping some dude rip people off to get himself rich. University only has a few real unique value propositions: access to expensive lab equipment (if you need it), credentials (so that when you construct a bridge and it topples over, your boss can cover his ass and say "oh but he had a degree! How was I suppose to know!") and access to relationships if your uni provides that. And of course some degrees need credentials (like being a doctor). No ways about that. The actual learning is best done by yourself. But if you really care about your career (and you don't have a profession that requires expensive lab equipment, or is very strict on credentials), doing self study, finding powerful mentors, going to conferences, doing a startup, for 4 years! Is going to grow you 100x as much as someone who goes to uni. But do you have the balls to not rely on credentials to get jobs and be successful? Going into an interview for a high end job without a degree requires the same level of EQ as cold approach does - harder but grows you more, and you save more time.
  2. Bread is absolutely terrible for you. Any meal involving bread gives you cancer.
  3. @Aaron p That's called psychosis About 1 to 2 week ago I was in China. My cofounder had an idea for our current startup which would be highly popular but would ruin lots of lives by ripping people off. I told him that this idea is literally like a virus, spreads well but posions the world. He said that nothing bad would happen to him or me if we do this idea. The next day he got the coronavirus.
  4. @StarStruck Doesn't matter what people think. How are you going to revolutionise the world if you care about people staring at you? You think watching people's reaction of you not having a job is bad, wait till you become a spiritual teacher, where not only you don't have a job, but you don't have an ego or physical world as well hahahahaha. I think you need a job to be independent of your parents. But if you can be independent without a job, my god that's a great place to be! Go do spiritual courses, self study, etc! That's an amazing place to be!
  5. @TheAvatarState maybe the self destructive patterns enables the existence of non self destructive patterns.
  6. Yep that's the exact experience I had when my ex wife told me the reasons she broke up with me.
  7. I have frequent peaks of ego backlash(every 1 month to every 2 weeks). And it lasts usually 3 to 4 days, maybe 5. During an ego backlash I go on a mid-life crisis where I feel like being a cocaine drug dealer living in the ghettos and having highway speed chases with cops. It's sort of like being drunk on alcohol except you're sober. Most of the time I don't notice this is happening until I do something stupid. I just think this is what I value and this is who I am. The values that I have usually are almost the opposite to what is experienced when these mid life crisis happen. This value shift happens frequently, and it makes it hard to sustain stability in life purpose, meditation habit, etc. I want to have a stable life purpose and meditation habit without being knocked off the pedastool by these ghetto desires every 2 weeks. It usually happens after being in a state of non dual awareness for 3 or 4 days. Or if I'm finding myself or other spiritual stuff. So it's not going away easily. How should one keep on track while you feel like you're a badass thug that's gonna sell some cocaine to some niggas while having a shootout with the cops?
  8. Everyone reacts very differently to spirituality. Some people (like you) enter altered states of consciousness quite smoothly, others experience manic and psychotic episodes. Neither is better than the other. In my experience its not coming from lack of shadow work or an increase need of letting go of emotional baggage. You can think of it like different cognitive makeup in the brain which causes different things in people regardless of emotional or psychological trauma. One way to make sense of it is to say you're more spiritually gifted than someone else. Other ways to make sense of it are things like you having a spirit animal (shamanism) while others don't, etc. Another way to make sense of it is some people a psychic and don't know what they are doing with their psychic abilities (lots of schizophrenics). I don't experience extreme levels of mania or psychosis, but I experience them to a moderate extent (even that's hard to objectively quantify because its all relative), and I experience them (in my opinion) frequently (every 2 weeks to a month). In the past my psychotic episodes were caused by an oscillation between 2 chakras, this one, after analysis, was caused by a misrepresentation of values from the life purpose course. Its not a problem, its not better or worse then your smooth ride, but its different, and its different for non sensical reasons.
  9. Ahh yes very nice distinction I forgot about thanks! I might be taking values in the LP course too seriously. Manic and psychotic episodes are quite common on the spiritual path. Going to a therapist actually has a high chance of making the problem worse not better. Therapists won't understand the problem from a non dual perspective and therefore give you medications or treatments which don't solve the problem but aggravate it(just pointing that out for future reference). If you do want to see a professional, reiki healers or energy based yogic practitioners tend to be more reliable and gentle.
  10. For getting a job, college is better. For become a world class software engineer, coding bootcamp + self study, self run projects, reaching out and coding with admirable mentors, presenting at meetup and conferences, online courses (where you do it for learning, not for marks) etc is a better option.
  11. Such questions usually come from a place of 'spiritual conditioning'. Whereby you set arbitrary archetypes for what constitutes as being spiritual or not. Its best if you drop these conditions and follow your vision/dream board. What's spiritual does not depend on the content (software vs art) but on the structure (context in which the software or art is being used in/for). While this isn't directly software, software is said to be the direct application of mathematics, and an example of mathematics increasing consciousness is this book.
  12. @Elisabeth Imagine being away for 1 month every 3 months for the next 4 to 5 years... Also (I won't ever do this but this is her perspective) what if the place I go to every 3 months I enjoy it a lot(let's say it's the US) and I end up wanting to live there? Then I leave her for it? What if it starts out as a month, but due to career restrictions it grows bigger? like 3 months every month? On top of that she's known as being 10x more clingy than the average girl. She's a clingy type. She's a clan/tribal sort of person(because she's from Latin America hahaha). Also she hates my cofounder to death and fears he will take me away from her. And she has noticed that my cofounder puts more pressure on me the less I go over to China. She worries about my stress. She also thinks it's unfair of her to restrict me to my home country. What if it's best for me to leave my home country to grow myself? What if I'm still a kid and I need experiences to grow up and mature? I disagree with all of her points except the last one. Deep down the last one is really important. I feel sheltered and feel like I need to explore the world more, explore different cultures, customs, try building a business is different countries, deal with different user needs, manage different engineers of different races, etc. To sort of understand the world more. I think what's ideal for me is to not use the startup as a way to get rich(I honestly don't care about money at all) but rather use it as a vehicle to grow my life purpose: to expose myself and adapt and learn different cultures(do business and live in different cultures for a while) and to learn from highly talented people about engineering(my passion is engineering: the research sort of creative type of engineering). Maybe go to the US and get mentored by the world's best engineer. At the same time I have no desire of living in a different country for long (beyond 3 to 6 months) periods of time, because your growth(mind expansion) stops after about 3 to 6 months. After 3 to 6 months the culture shocks go away, etc. So you're in your comfort zone by then. It would be nice to work maybe for 3 to 6 months in a different country per year for a few years(or possibly 4 to 5 years) for growth. But yeah this is where I'm at. I think my ex is convinced that we should split at the end of the year and use this year to slowly detach from each other(for my benefit aswell). But she also acknowledges the ideal scenario would be for us to get back together when i stop this travelling business. Yet theres no guarantee that will happen.
  13. The problems women have with men are almost the same problems men have with women. Here's an example: https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2016/09/13/man-finds-out-missing-wife-is-alive-in-the-worst-way-possible/amp/ @Keyhole Yeah all women seem to consistently interpret the message that way. But all men interpret it a completely different way. Including the one that wrote it. This is just a very obvious example of female vs male bias. It's completely and very clearly off the mark that theres no doubt there is bias lurking in the brains of the ones interpreting it. Men interpret it more as: Feminism is a solution, not just for women, but for men too. There is a cultural expectation that men must be horny and love sex, more so then a 'safe harbour' or oxytocin, and this causes men to repress their deep need for love, which manifests into neurological and mental disorders. Men don't cry, men don't need love and support, because those things are 'girly' and ooo I don't want to date a girly man, I want a real man, a tough man(Orange stage girls are like this have no idea what you're like). If women(and men) stopped thinking of men as just people who want sex(in other words, we took a more feminist approach), maybe they would be given the space to fully realize their need for love and intimacy, rather than sex. Guys have a lot of stuff suppressed in them because of culture. They have a lot of expectations to do with what a real man is. The patriarchy is affecting men just as much as women, and mental health, suicide and physical assult stats(where all are dominated by men) is clear evidence for it. What if I told you that men are only more violent because of the patriarchy? Sounds far fetched? Let me remind you that gender is a social construct, and even if you still think it's in our DNA, bonobos are very peaceful. Much more than humans. You get what you wish for, if you think men only care about sex, and you subconsciously let your man know that's what you think in your relationship, guess what? He will probably not admit his need for love in fear of become less of a 'man' I have in the past, fully surrendered my need to be a man(even if women expect me to be 'a man', I just say 'fuck you' to them. I've got a bit of feminine needs in me and you either deal with it or leave). And in a relationship, I'm fully open and transparent with this need. Of course most men are waaay to scared to do this, so dont expect your average guy to do it. With this mindset(if the women isn't too stuck up and can tolerate and accept this) the relationship ends up being 100x more loving. I'm not saying for you personally, because you've clearly decided the celibacy approach, but for others reading this: if you want a man to not just be about sex, you also need to take a bit of initiative. You need to be ok with him being a bit feminine. If you can't tolerate a man that cries, cares deeply for things like the environment or his family, is vegan, does womanly things sometimes or thinks like a woman on occasions, then youre part of the problem sorry to say. I know a woman who broke up with a man because he was too 'girly' and was worried he was gay...Sigh. Find a guy who is ok and in touch with his feminine side(plenty at sweat lodges(the shaman stuff) psychedelic retreats and environmental meetups) and if you dare, fully surrender to it. The more the masculine side dominates the man, the more in love the women gets, but the more problems the women gets in the long run. This is why only high consciousness people can date each other, because only high consciousness people are willing to sacrifice, or see through the patriarchy to form a better relationship.
  14. No that's wrong. You've just been dating the wrong people. https://medium.com/@GoodMenProject/the-one-thing-men-want-more-than-sex-98a801833e39 Guys like oxytocin as much as females, it just takes the right guy, and the right amount of time, to get there.
  15. I'm suprised that people take an online forum so seriously. When you get banned, you don't get bashed, bruised, sent to solitary, even identified. Plenty on here when getting banned just change to a new account (because IP is dynamic so its impossible to ban based on IP). Unless they are attached to their account? LOL. Its like the account is somehow intertwined with their identity.
  16. ohhh ok. Yeah so if you ever get a husband who is deeply clingy and needy and can't handle you leaving for a week, and if you ever get a supervisor who heavily invests(sold his house and car to buy part of the patent license) in an invention/scientific discovery patent you made as part of your research; an invention like small pox vaccine, massive social impact, and its only gonna make money if you live overseas for 4 to 5 years(because your home country in Europe sucks at commercialisation) and that supervisor is an old traditional, but ambitious, ruthless man from China, you might be in a similar situation hahahaha. But I don't think you will be. I think going over to another country for 4 to 5 years is awesome if you can. It doesn't sound like you have a long term boyfriend or husband, if you don't go for it! And do it in a country that will shock you like Japan or Brasil or India, etc. Best growth of your life. @tsuki Sorry to hear you think I ignore you. I commonly don't reply to posts that provide me lots of value. I tend to just acknowledge it silently and apply it. If I reply it usually means I don't agree with it or I think I need to ask more questions to understand it.
  17. Just pointing out that your sex drive might be stupendously higher than average. I'm straight, when I see a hot chick, I do feel like having sex with her but I don't feel like fucking her brains out.
  18. Yes that's very normal in Chinese culture and if you disagree with them they think youre an immature baby. All of them. Women there seem to only date for money. It's like the West in the 1800s where they dated for wealth. That's exactly what it's like in China. That's what my cofounder is like. Love marriages are frowned upon. Arranged marriages are the norm. The culture shock hahaha. Chinese people care a lot about family. Their family comes first, then their wife. So marriage to them has nothing to do with their wife or husband, but with pleasing their family. When looking for a wife they look at the wife's family, the wife's cooking and cleaning skills, how submissive they are, and whether their family will think it's a good deal(just like the 1800s). It's all about increasing their family's wealth and propagating their family's heritage. So their relationships have nothing to do with love. It's almost and arranged marriage. I've told them this, that they dont love their wives, and they get deeply offended. They try to tell me that they love their wives more than westerners because our love is lust while theirs is true love. They are forced to work together because its about their family not them. Of course that's bullshit. But yeah try convincing people like that that you need to live and see your wife. They don't get it. It's very tough. But you don't have to change countries? You've just got to go to conferences for a few weeks? That's because you're in the US. Try doing that in Belgium or Spain or a poor country. Then you would have to permanently migrate for your career. I come from Australia a country where they spend less on grants than Belgium and Spain. You either have a mediocre career or migrate.
  19. Thanks guys for the responses! They were great and really helped me get over the few days. I've had a few days to sit down and reassess my situation. @Raptorsin7 yep looked at your past and amazed to see how you've changed. really inspiring. @Nahm maybe I'll give you a call for a few minutes some time this week if you don't mind? @Elisabeth I think there are some important contextual points I should have pointed out. Because on second look someone who doesn't know my situation personally would read it as bizzare. its a really strange situation to wrap your head around if you don't know me or my situation personally. Aren't you a quantum physicist? From an academic perspective partnering with such a CEO sounds crazy. But you need to appreciate that almost all succesful CEOs are sociopaths. I read a study once that showed that the most common trait that all CEOs have with each other is lack of empathy. You need to appreciate that business is extremely cut throat beyond imaginable. And China is 10x more cut throat than the US. 90% of startup fail. Unfortunately 1 big reason is because CEOs are too empathetic. Besides, when I first partnered with him, he was highly charismatic. I had no idea he was this way. I was manipulated and abused a bit by this guy for about a year or 2 before i realised he might actually be a sociopath. It was too late, I gave up too much before I realised. And even still hes not that bad of a guy really. You also need to appreciate that the Chinese culture is extremely brutal. They all lack empathy. Go there and live and work with them. Go and work in a 3rd world country. You will see and be forced to do some shit that will give you PTSD. My ex (or is she an ex? I don't know) loved me and dreamed of living together with me in my home country, starting a family, enjoying life together, etc. I never knew or realised that startups had to work overseas and I always planned to stay in my home country. I come from a country town, where people are all hobbits who stay in their own place and farm and live normal lives until their death. I was about to do the same, with my ex wife. But as I grew older I realised that to fully grow into the person I want to be, I need to explore the world and put myself into positions that make someone grow. Plus my cofounder has pressured me severely to move country. The startup was like the old wise man in the hero's journey: I first rejected entering the startup, because I didn't want the responsibility, but my cofounder insisted, saying I was bright and smart and had a lot of potential to revolutionise the world. So i took on the challenge. Also my ex believes it's also best for me to leave my home country because I'm very sheltered and inexperienced with life. I need to grow up. But this is what her logical mind is saying. Then her emotional mind gets a hold of her and tells her to keep me with her for the rest of her life. So she oscillates back and forth between these 2 states. Not knowing what to do. Last year I went to China for 1 month. My cofounder was upset saying that I'm not dedicated enough. 1 of our employees had not seen his wife in 3 years. My cofounder's business partners were talking behind my back about how westerners are dedicated enough to their future. I was in this guy's house and I felt lonely, insecure and threatened. My wife couldn't handle that i was gone for 1 month because she's extremely clingy and attached to our physical intimacy. I was working long hours in China. 1 day I forgot to ring her(forgetting to ring her is like cheating). She got extremely angry with me for it. Then i cracked and told her "look if you can't handle me leaving for just 1 month, this relationship isn't going to work!" As expected(women's immortal memory) she's never forgotten this statement. And this made her question whether or not we could have a future together. A year after this month she thought and thought and thought. And finally she made the decision that we aren't meant to be, because For the next 5 or so years I will need to travel to a different country for my career, and she needs someone to sleep with and cuddle every night. She went back to her home country and talked about it to her friends. She was still deeply attached to me, but had to break it off because me leaving her physically is too hurtful. So her friends advised her to be best friends with me. That way she can still have that emotional connection, but her stress anxiety and fear of me leaving the home country can be let go of. Her friends specifically told her not to have sex with me because she will get attached again. But she hasn't listened to that advice hshshahaha. So she finally told me let's be best friends of benefits until I have to leave. (Maybe next year I'll migrate to China?). So in the last few days we have tried being friends of benefits. But honestly what we say and what we do are 2 different things. We live together and we are basically doing the same thing a couple is doing and we are trying to draw boundaries but it's not working. We are just too intimate. So now we are thinking maybe we should just be in a relationship for another year then break up next year. But that sounds like delaying the inevitable. So now we are thinking maybe we should downgrade our relationship to an open/casual relationship. And If we find someone in the future that we like more than each other, then we downgrade to friends. Although this has problems because what if 1 of us finds someone and the other doesn't? The other will be deeply hurt. It's still something we need to put some effort into resolving. I'm thinking casual relationship is best and we slowly live our own life. IDK. If she doesn't get the visa, she won't have enough money to bring her mum. She loves her mum and regrets putting her through so much stress eith the money on migrating to my home country. And she relied on my this way because it was 100% certain that we would live happily every after, so it wouldnt be a problem. But things have changed. So now everything is screwed up. We've tried breaking up but it didn't work. Because we really don't want to. But we sort of have to because I may need to leave the country for the next 4 to 5 years.
  20. People on here seem to not be appreciating the difference between relative and absolute truth. You're not gonna get to absolute truth without meditation or yoga. Western science won't do that, and so won't chakras. The only thing that gets you there is direct experience. So debating whether science will get you truth is stupid. Of course it won't, so won't chakras. But if you're talking about relative truth that's a whole new ball game. Western science can get you to relative truths if it's done right. If it's done correctly. Western science, when done properly, can explain and give insight to paranormal activity. There are theories, scientific explanations and formulas out there for paranormal activity, if you look. Rupert Sheldrake has made an entire scientific journal documenting them. There are also some really deep, insightful theories on metaphysics: the chakra system, phenomenology, Hegel's theories, etc. I think we are conflating absolute and relative truths here.
  21. hahahahhahahahahhaha "oh you Americans have such big penis. Omg so big. I have very small penis, so small, not like you Americans"
  22. You use the word science too concretely in your discussion. This is an important mistake you're making. You intertwine science with Western bias and materialism. You don't appreciate the essence of science, which is far more effective at gaining insight. Science can be done right(even though 99% of the time it's not). You can use science to explain paranormal phenomena if you tried. It can happen, because science and western dogma are 2 different things. When you fundamentally understand science in essence, what you begin to understand is western science is actually just 'cosm'. It's the idea of order and consistency. In other words it's fundamentally Infinite intelligence. The chakra system is a form of western science(if western science is separated from the materialist dogmas). So is quantum mechanics, and so can be paranormal phenomena. Yoga is a form of this sort of science too. It's important for people to realise this because we cannot be lead to thinking that science cannot evolve. It can. It can evolve to help us explain metaphysics, phenomenology, paranormal psychology, etc. Most critiques you and others have against science is actually critiques against materialism, which has nothing to do with science. What part of the chakra system is materialist?
  23. Just felt like sharing an interesting enlightenment experience. I don't need help with techniques or anything, just felt like sharing. So I was having a conversation with my ex, telling her that we can now be friends because I've done the inner work to get over her. Since the beginning of our relationship I hated my country of birth. It's too unambitious, and I feel like I cant make an impact on the world there. Since I was a kid i wanted to migrate to the US. During our relationship I had been vocal about this and tried to convince her to come to the US. She (an international student) fiercely refused because she hated the US. I always had a strong purpose, and flew to the US every 3 months, because I'm a cofounder of a company that's based there. I dreamed of being there, the ambitious people, the skill, the drive, it was heaven. Felt like I belonged there. But because my ex didn't want to go there(and she always tried to stop me from going there and build the company in my home country). I accepted and tried to keep working from my home country. I had a lot of fights with investors, and my cofounders, but managed to find a way to keep working from afar. About a year ago, our relationship changed tune. She became a lot less clingy, and was ok with me going to the US more. I just thought she was maturing. She broke up with me a month or 2 ago. She told me that it was because we have different hobbies. She weirdly wanted to be best friends but no sex and able to have partners. I was deeply offended and hurt by this. I sacrificed my company for this??? These problems are fixable! I tried to get back with her, she didn't let me. I finally decided to tell her that I got over her, and that I wish her well in her future relationships. She finally told me that the real reason why she broke up was because she saw that I wasn't happy in my home country and that broke her heart. So she decided to try and detach from me over the year, and she tried to get me detached from her, because she felt it was very unfair I couldn't achieve my dreams. She couldn't break up with me and tell me that it's because of this reason, because she knew that I would change my company's plans to be with her. So she had to wait until there was no turning back. She told me that now that I know this, she's ok to have sex with me so long as we don't have partners. We can continue being together till the end of the year. I just found this experience to be the definition of unconditional love. It's harsh, cruel, but also deeply loving and kind. Forward thinking, and doing what's best for the greater good. The entire thing was specifically designed to maximize love. This was the way of maximizing love. I then descended into a spiral of depression for a moment, as I just realised I lost someone I love because of my career. Someone who is as forward thinking as this. I mourned at the 'fact' that 99% of women are not like this, and I'll never find someone like that. I just marvelled at what she had done, how she planned this for an entire year, all for ensuring we have a better future. As I thought I would never meet someone like this again, and marvelled at the act at the same time, I had this realization that this entire thing was not done by her. 'Her' became an idea. This entire thing was done by the raw intelligence and love of the entire universe. Her was not a woman, her was Myself, literally giving love to Myself. Her, was actually Me hiding/playing hide and go seek, behind a veneer of a 'woman', and it revealed itself to Me, like a child playing hide and go seek revealing their location. Her was God's way of structuring life to maximize love and happiness. The entire thing orchestrated to maximize love to Myself. I thought that there would be no other women out there like this, but this experience showed me that there can be an infinite amount of women like this, with this calibre, because this women is Me. Behind 'Her', or another way of saying it, I saw through her(as if she was a window) a DMT alien like being that has the soul goal of loving and connecting the entire universe. All this time I thought I loved her, but actually I was loving Me, pretending to love her.
  24. It's not debate, it's correct understanding. It's figuring out whether the work resonates with you and is correct for you You may be right or totally full of shit from a certain perspective. Thankyou for the response, its probably great for some advanced people on here. I think we have the same goals, but that way of getting there isn't for me right now. I will try your expression of creativity technique though to try and increase femininity.