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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. @Visionary Love it. From my perspective, the body is not legs, feet, stomach, etc. To me personally that all is illusion, or its projection. Whats not(or less ) of a projection is energies felt in consciousness that are beyond the mind(im very careful here not to day these energies come from the body, because while it seems that way, its not exactly true) and not getting sucked into the mind, and allowing these energies to have awareness placed on them(body awareness) is necessary not to get depressed. So i agree with you, I just dont think its the body, its energetic perception. Like if you watch closely, the chakras are not in the body. Thats a dogma you learnt because your kundalini teachers needed a way to teach it to you materialistically so it would make sense to your brain. All of it is actually within consciousness or our awareness field, and the thought that its located in the body... is just a thought, its not, its more accurate to say its in the mind, God's universal mind. Its important to make this distinction because if you keep looking for things in the body, you have an inaccurate perception of those energetic sensations. Plus the 'body' and mind are connected. If you keep thinking these energies are in the body, you will have a tough time seeing that the mind and body are 2 sides of the same coin. Like energy felt in the heart chakra = emotional problems in the mind... They are the same thing but perceived to be located differently. Once realized these 2 things are the same, you get a union of body and mind which is powerful.
  2. My problem is complex, my problem is, Im curious as to is life purpose and creating and finding your niche a form of ego maintaining itself. The 2nd problem is, i dont enjoy marketing, is this dislike a form of ego maintaining itself Then the 3rd problem is a mix of the 2 above. To be successful in life you need to be a master of 1 particular skill. Im not doing that, Im being a jack of all trades by learning about all aspects of business. Is segregating yourself into a little box(1 skill or set of skills to master) a form of ego maintaining itself(for example being an AI engineer highly specialised in 1 particular branch), and therefore being a jack of all trades a good idea. Or is honing 1 skill not a form of ego maintaining itself and its fine to do that and you should bevause a jack of all trades is a master or none. I don't enjoy being a jack of all trades because i only like business and marketing a little bit. But I love being an inventor. But is this just ego maintaining itself? Or is this a wise way of making a good life for yourself because mastery leads to prosperity. Do you get the question now?
  3. thats a pet project, my startup and part time jobs are completely different. I cant sell that because it would be illegal, and if shrooms werent illegal i would probably look at planting or cultivation tech, not harvesting in the wild tech. Something like low cost robotic device for shooting spores in a syringe or tools and techniques for interpreting agar plates and different bacterial infections. And i wouldn't do the marketing. I know enough of the marketing for figuring out market size, customer segments, execution strategy, but the actual marketers would be hired. @mandyjw So in summary you think the resistance is just BS? What if you really love whatever it is? Have a passion for it? And the survival is not resistive? Is that a form of ego maintaining itself? I sense the problem of "who is killing who" I guess though going out of your comfort zone does expand you a bit which reduces suffering.
  4. business, marketing, and then some sort of passion like singing, acting, art, engineering.
  5. yes! When you connect with a woman, you're connecting with yourself, just not realizing it. And people think relationships are a distraction hahaha.
  6. I don't think spiritual people say that. Lots of orange stage people say that because they are obsessed with their careers. Look at the show La La Land, perfect example of an orange stage show that emphasises career over relationships. Ultimately, life purpose (if done right) is more reliable than relationships. A woman can leave at the blink of an eye, and you will have no way of stopping that. But you have control over your life purpose. You dictate how passionate, or burnt out, you are. Life purpose can give you things a relationship cannot, such as alturistic and creative satisfaction. On the other hand, relationships can give you things that a life purpose cannot, such as having deep intimacy and emotional connection. Both things are deeply rewarding if done right. I don't agree relationships are a distraction. They aren't if you get them righ.
  7. Hey guys I'm just trying to get my LP in shape (been struggling with it for past 3 years). Would you guys be able to write down any 'spiritual technology' that has been effective for you or that you've seen. Spiritual technology is technology used for accessing different states of consciousness. Examples include the dhyanalinga (temple), psychedelics, DMT machine elf technology, neurofeedback machines, new age light machine, tibetan prayer wheel. Basically any device, tool, machine which has the specific purpose of alternating your state of consciousness.
  8. hahahahahhahahahaha sounds like you're talking about yourself.
  9. Don't speak of things you are ignorant of.
  10. Once a teacher becomes enlightened, they realize they are imaginary. To show their students how legit they are about thinking they are imaginary, They all start auditioning to be santa clause. The most imaginary/santa clause looking teacher is the one that's woke the most.
  11. Plants go through just as much pain as animals when being killed
  12. Great symbol of enlightenment!
  13. https://www.theguardian.com/science/blog/2011/jun/21/scientists-make-lsd-from-microbes
  14. "Do some research and critical thinking instead of sucking on sciences tit for studies and proof" ~ Mr Shroom 2020
  15. Thats me hahahahah. I've been diagnosed with schizophrenia and have taken psychedelics in the past and have no qualms with doing it again in the future.
  16. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/pkeqd8/what-happens-lsd-overdose?utm_source=vicefbus Good on ya Norway https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/ne7m4m/lsds-health-benefits-norway-possession?utm_source=stylizedembed_vice.com&utm_campaign=pkeqd8&site=vice Gosh when psychedelics become legalised the human race is gonna skip green and go straight to turquoise or beyond in a decade... if they choose to stay on planet earth.
  17. @Nahm Fair enough, being blunt doesn't work with everyone. It works with me though, so in the rare chance he's like me, the comment will be of good use.
  18. hahaahahahahahaha I could be wrong, but the advice might have been "stop seeking enlightenment" and just BE. You've become waaaaay too attached to your techniques, methods and ideas about enlightenment, that you've forgotten what enlightenment was actually about.
  19. Also usually face to face or video by mentors is really powerful. If you want to do it as a profession.
  20. Leo has spent 5 years now making videos on how to overcome the ego's survival mechanisms. Zen monks spend 40 years figuring out how to go meta on their survival. Don't worry, if this dude is a newbie, he will pussy out waaay before he gets close to death hshshahaha. Where you do need to be careful giving advice is suicide - because suicide is actually a survival mechanism, and psychedelics - because once it's down the hatch there's no turning back.
  21. Living 2 past lives at the same time isn't cool...
  22. @fridjonk Hey, at least try not to be dogmatic. Instead of blatantly spouting your dogmas. Everyone has a perspective, and thinks their perspective is the one and true perspective. You think combining meditation and contemplation is lazy, that's just your perspective, you think dehydration dangerous, that is also just your perspective. For some, your perspective will help them and mine wont, for others my perspective will help them and yours wont. It depends where we are on this journey.