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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. there is no such thing as powerless.
  2. This is a recollection of a previous experience. Its more for others to sort of try and reveal my blind spots, rather than to share and inspire. Despite this, enjoy. Caught a glimpse of the big bang today. Funny that the big bang happened 4.5 billion years ago, yet its happening right now. As I was meditating, just allowed awareness to do whatever it wanted, and it wanted to really focus on the I today. What is this I? How is it separate to God or the present moment? What exactly is this boundary. Well its of course a story. Lots of people on here talk about how they are God. But it doesn't make a lot of sense to me to be honest. Yes you are God, but God isn't a human in space and time. God is eternal, beyond space and time. And to literally BE God, based on my humble observations, is to literally not identify with a human. But not identifying with a human is a lot more than not identifying with a body or soul. Its not identifying with being within time and space! Its not identifying with the physical universe! So when I hear very wise spiritual practitioners, walk around saying "I AM GOD, YOU ARE GOD, that tree is God, I'm walking on God"... and then carry on to do things within space and time... it feels a bit off. Like God is, not a human and doesn't have human qualities. God IME is more akin to a universe. As God, IME, you don't do things like think, eat, walk, drink, play. What you do is UNIVERSE. What you do is purely ARE. Maybe this is getting too presumptuous now... but you can think of it as what your 'role' is in a sense is to keep the universe going, not to eat and everything else. Its not some dude in the sky that talks to people and eats etc. Its creation. What you actually are, is very radical. And its so radical that even saying "I AM GOD" is too much, because that's said within the physical world. The most accurate way of explaining you are god is SILENCE. Because during a God Realisation experience (IME) there is no saying I AM GOD hahahaha... because that is totally false. That only makes sense in a physical universe. Go to some completely different salvia or DMT universe and say I AM GOD(I haven't done Salvia or DMT or psychedelics, but can imagine from trip reports). Doesn't make sense... Anyway. The title of the thread is There's only 2 and that's because, when awareness was honing in on what the ego is, realising its a story. I saw how the story was being created. God revealed itself as literally infinity, pure void and undefined. Its prior to everything you can dream up. But this sense of 'counting' or multiple objects, is actually illusion too. Its just God, and Story. Not God and multiple stories. When the big bang happened (in experience) there was no multiple stories. It sort of doesn't make a lot of sense now, but 'multiple stories', 'many' and counting are within the dream too. At the big bag, the whole concept of multiple, many, little, wasn't there. It was totally beyond that, and again this is hard to explain, but God was The Story (not multiple stories), and that Story was infinite intelligence. And that's the last point, is that maya, illusions, thoughts etc are not 'bad' or 'evil' or 'a distraction' or random or dumb. Stories are infinitely intelligent. Meditation is a story, yet its a story that wakes you up? What a powerful story. Anyway it was funny that, this big bang didn't happen in a 'particular state' or at a 'particular time' or under 'certain conditions' your washing machine is a big bang. Anyway there ya go. Can't wait for the day I finally get my hands of psychedelics and let it blow away all these confusions. Can only be hopeful the hard time getting them is infinite intelligence's way of maximising love.
  3. @LfcCharlie4 love doesn't have to matter to BE, that's why its so miraculous EDIT: i see matter as psychological bondage. You may see the word differently.
  4. This is a great question, with a counter intuitive answer
  5. What about the depression of knowing what's leaving?
  6. I've got a very different perspective to the other posters. What enlightenment is truly about, is not the ideas, enthusiasm and fantasies about it. Although it seems that way at the beginning. Its really about appreciating what's already going on. And on that note, what's already going on is work, career, relationships, money, family, etc. Instead of shooting for your ideas of enlightenment, maybe shoot for the source of where the ideas are coming from.
  7. +1 this thread is a good example of the forer effect most of these insights shared are general and could be applied to anyone. Having said that I'm sure there's are good deal of synchronicity happening on the fringes of this.
  8. do you look at the dream board and visualise and imagine it every day? Is keeping it constantly in the loop important?
  9. if nothing matters, that means your promotion as a nurse doesn't matter, your video games after work, your racist beliefs, etc. All that's left is to follow the moment - which just happens to be giving love to patients because that's what the world is.
  10. that's what the ego said on the first ego death Maybe after going past that point you'll realise all of your previous awakenings were barely awakenings at all and you'll make a video about everything you taught in the past 2 weeks was completely ego and wrong and for now on you'll be making different teachings that transcends life is infinite imagination.???
  11. for only a few days
  12. All psychiatrists and psychologists who treat schizophrenic patients should try datura at least once
  13. Highly creative types tend to go through a phase of trying out heaps of unorthodox stuff that seems to work in the beginning but fails. I'm one of those types. Keep to the tried and true methods and don't deviate into highly unorthodox things IMO, but it may take you some trial and error and wasted time to realise that's the way.
  14. @EnergyGem your profile pic really reminds me of infinity.
  15. @Patrick Lynam You need to be careful to not miss the point when taking psychedelics. Sure you can have radically deep mystical experiences, but if its 'you' having them, then the point has been missed. This is what legit teachers are concerned about with psychedelics. This point is valid not just for psychedelics, but also meditation techniques, yogic techniques, and other spiritual techniques. Especially in the kriya space, people can get very attached to the techniques they use, and the highs from the techniques. But the magic, and growth, is not in the technique or the state you get from the technique, its in the acceptance, surrender and ultimately embodiment of what the technique opens up for you. And that usually means, dissolving the 'you' so that its false to say you are experiencing a meditative state, but rather, you are the meditative state itself. By seeing the psychedelic, and mystical state, itself as the treasure chest, rather than just the doorway to the treasure chest, you block yourself from really reaching self realisation. The magic isn't taking psychedelics, and its not the highs from the psychedelics, its in the embodiment and acceptance, gratitude and surrender of the experience. This is something which is quite tricky, because the ego really latches onto mystical experiences. Because its the ego's last chance at persisting. If it can latch onto and trick you into thinking you're experiencing a mystical state, as if its somehow separate to your ordinary state of consciousness, it will have a really good chance of keeping you stuck chasing states, because to drop a powerful mystical experience is harder than dropping fame and fortune. Plenty of teachers talk about the dangers of 'chasing' states of consciousness. Psychedelics are different in that they are ridiculously powerful compared to meditative techniques, meaning the risk of chasing states of consciousness is dangerously high.
  16. That's a very rational way of explaining Infinite Intelligence! Should show that quote to some family members when they question why I meditate.
  17. Thankyou, really appreciate the response!
  18. Thanks What's a good trick to know whether the ego is using surrender as an excuse to resist (surrender to do something urgently needed to be done around the house), and vice versa when the ego tricks you into thinking you're not surrendering, when you actually are (for example meditating and surrendering to the discomfort might make the ego think you are not surrendering to the desire to move to change the discomfort).
  19. @FoxFoxFox What is the distinction between surrender, and I AM. is I AM a state of surrender? Is God's will a state of surrender? What is surrender? Great advice btw on the psychedelic response. +1
  20. That was a great opportunity to break the line between 'mystical experiences' and 'normal reality' and to see them as not separate, but the same, and the separateness is an illusion. Glad you had the experience, have a good day btw that ranger looks like Raptor 13's brother