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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. that's exactly what I've experienced too. Basically full awakening is mahasamadhi. You can realize your true nature and be an avatar or however you want to describe it. But to fully release ALL suffering, ALL, its mahasamadhi, or leaving the body. I'm sure Adyshanti, Rupert Spira, and others are highly enlightened, but I do not think they are completely free of suffering. If they were, they would have left their bodies. They are highly likely to have micro suffering, little annoyances and irritations that are too small to worry about, but are there. Its possible to fully not be a human. The ego = maya. Its not just sense of self. Its all of Maya. Its the physical world, your perceptions of food and cake, your bed, a house, etc. Its possible to fully leave the physical universe completely. DMT machine elves are ego. All meaning attached to sensations IS ego. And its possible to fully morph into a bird and completely recontextualise every attached meaning to BE a bird. I've done it, and there are shaman techniques for it. You can go further into DMT realms and even further into mahasamadhi. Nothing wrong with keeping those attached meanings. But you can go a lot further. Like literally, if you didn't have an ego, you wouldn't know what a house is. Birds don't know what houses are. They don't even know what the physical world is. If you know what a house is, its through ego. THAT IS EGO. YOURE STARING AT IT! Time and memories is also ego. DMT machine elves don't know what time is. Go ask them. Its possible to stare at a hot woman, and not tell whether a bird or woman is hotter. Its possible to see them as an alien life form. That's because 'hotness' is relative and purely attached meaning. If you know what a hot woman is, that's ego. If you really wanted to, you could completely recontextualize all of the physical universe, and shape shift into a DMT land. There's so many possibilities if you try. Its extremely hard to do, but its possible. And being a monk and trying to transcend and recontextualize attached meanings is how you get there. Its very hard to get there any other way IME. In retrospect, maybe I'm talking about the occult. If so, enlightenment (self realization) + occult is an epic combo.
  2. @DualityTheory yeah in hindsight I got it backwards. The 'spark' does exist, but everything else doesn't. The beauty of a woman does exist, but the beauty != a woman. The beauty is God, and woman is delusion.
  3. That sounds good in theory, but practically speaking you're gonna grow a lot more in the jungle. If you're trying to loose weight, its a lot easier to do that when you have no junk food in your pantry. As opposed to having lots of junk food in your pantry and being tempted to eat it. Once you are off the cravings, you can go back to having junk food in your pantry. But until then off to the jungle! But that's hard to do, you need to work on it.
  4. It doesn't really matter if you're an avatar or not at that stage. If you're an avatar, great. If you did mahasamadhi great. But if mahasamadhi is the way for you, enlightenment means you accept that and allow it. You've got absolutely no stakes in the game of life. If you would like to call god's will impersonal desires, thats good. But at that stage, there is no desiring, because there's no sense of ego or self. And God doesn't desire, God just does. That's the way of the will. The will manifests so fast that there's no time for the desire to set in. God's already doing what he wants before you've realized. There are lots of things that we do because of interpretations of reality. These interpretations are ego. Ego isnt just sense of self, its all of maya. Its the physical universe itself. You need to be careful thinking enlightenment is just realizing oneness. It goes well beyond that, every sounds, sight and smell has to be recontextualized from a non human standpoint. You can't see food as something you need to eat otherwise you will die. Because you're not a human. You need to recontextualize what food is. You can't see your family or sex the same way aswell. Many spiritual teachers like mooji have sex scandals even though they are apparently enlightened. You don't normally do this with a new recontextualization. But you could id there is still ego lingering around. I've personally done the work to recontextualize food, and through inquiry work stripped away its meaning so its just raw sensations. Eating happens spontaneously and just by allowing consciousness to flow. You really need to do this for everything to fully relieve all suffering. And this is why celibacy and living as a monk has its strong points, because every time an unenlightened person has sex(for pleasure) eats(for pleasure), etc. They reinforce those old, human contextualizations and meanings of being a human, and ego. Every time you have an urge or craving, you need to question it severely and strip away its meaning, or recontextualize it. You don't really do this by binge eating or by having sex IME. For people who are enlightened, it doesnt matter either way, there's no skin in the game for them.
  5. Even if you had a million cakes every day, you'd still be depressed. Desire literally is suffering. Gratification is suffering. Letting go of gratification and desire is happiness. Developing visualisation abilities to that extent would fuck you up even more than the strip. Gratification would be ridiculously viable. Thats why virtual reality is a sleep machine. The world wont know what sleep is till everyone is using VR
  6. @bejapuskas you need to live it at least once in your life
  7. some eye opening articles: https://theconversation.com/coronavirus-lockdowns-effect-on-air-pollution-provides-rare-glimpse-of-low-carbon-future-134685 https://www.newsweek.com/scientists-cite-pollution-decrease-calls-flatten-curve-climate-change-post-coronavirus-1497430
  8. There is no more need to eat a cake than it is to eat a rock. Having an ego mind makes it so though. In my experience, to truly rid yourself of all suffering, mahasamadhi is necessary. The rest is just delaying suffering for short term gratitude.
  9. @LfcCharlie4 you can live without desire. You can eat, not because of the desire to eat, but because of God's Will. Because of surrender and allowing the stream of consciousness. Desire is a human thing, you can be constantly aware that you are one, but you're not truly enlightened if you've got desires. If you are afraid of dying at the cross, then that's not enlightenment. I'm not saying to take a vow of celibacy to get enlightened. That's like saying to be a politician you need to wear a suit. Ridding yourself of desires is different to vowing crap. But make no mistake, desire is an egoic thing. And yes to be fully enlightened, the body will be destroyed. That's called mahasamadhi.
  10. you don't have a choice. It will eventually be done, if not this lifetime or the next.
  11. If you're not gonna bother unwiring yourself from sex then you're not really serious about this work. Sex is not deeply wired in you. Sex is your ego interpreting sensations and attaching meaning on it. There's no such thing as hormones and the like. Sex is ego. The intensity of your sex drive is relative to your ego structure. If you can't even bother yourself to adapt your ego to minimse sex drive, good luck getting enlightened. Minimising sex drive is kindergarten. That goes for all cravings including food, family relations, money, etc. Nothing wrong with sex and having it, but sex adds karma to the Universal Mind whether you wanna hear it or not, and that karma needs to be undone for enlightenment. You cannot enlighten if you have cravings. All cravings must go... otherwise you're just bullshitting yourself and you aint enlightened. No where near close.
  12. maybe you should look at his username first before asking that
  13. I've tried very instruction based techniques. In my experience, very instruction based techniques are not effective for me. Because they force rather than let consciousness accumliate energy. If you are like me, try golden flower meditation or loving kindness meditation. For example: 1. Sit down and relax. Take very deep breaths, at every exhalation, feel your entire body expand, as if it floats away and dissolves. 2. Once you feel like you've sunk into the ground you're sitting in. Imagine a close family member suffering. Imagine that they are trying their best but failing. 3. Visualise a beloved deity or a symbol of God that you resonate with, or just remember a trip of Love you had, or a time you felt deep love. Wrap that suffering family member in deep love. 4. Do this for strangers. Try and see them suffering and trying their best. 5. Now do it for dictators and tyrants. See how their decisions caused them lots of suffering and they did it due to mental illness or because they were hurt from childhood
  14. Talking about mirror exercises, look what i found:
  15. So decided to try sleeping by crossing ma legs and meditating. Just saw some things that induced lots of fear. Became conscious that the entire physical universe is a thought as expected. So there are helicopters that always fly around at night because I live near an airforce base... became conscious that this was an entire thought story, and the only real thing going on is the sound. And the mind is making up the rest. Became conscious that sleep was imaginary This is where fear started occuring. Just as an experiment to see how false the physical world is, decided to try and replace the thought story of helicopters flying around with a story of helicopter aliens abducting people. Started actually hallucinating that this was actually happening. Literally started hearing people screaming and started seeing flashing lights coming from the window. Started hallucinating that I got up from my room and exited the house and saw alien helicopters abducting people. Existential fear of being abducted was very real, because it was a hallucination. It was deliriant. The only reason why I knew it was a hallucination was because it was different to the physical universe... but thats the thing, this literally was AS real as the physical universe. And thats why it was scary. It could have easily have been as real as the physical universe, and it could have changed the world as I knew it. No doubt in my mind I came close to permanently living in an alternative dimension for real. Next fear: As the physical universe faded, and as sleep faded, as the mind entered deep sleep, the entire universe went to a void. A massive void. Much bigger than a typical zen void. I felt like I was going to a place, completely foreign, and would never ever come back to physical reality. The I was dying rapidly. Again its super scary because all of maya, rven beyond the physical, seems to dissolve, and there's a strong existential fear of not knowing if you will come back. As that happened I pulled back into this dream. And went into my bed. I don't think these experiences are excuses to not do the practices. I'm sure you guys go through this on psychedelics. How to overcome such fears?
  16. there is no such thing as enlightenment, yet you must enlighten to see that.
  17. Look that all makes sense IF you're a human with a daughter. But IF you are the rapist, and the entire universe. And you are the creator of evil and wrongdoing. If its done and created by you... that's different. That's when you will love the rapist that rapes your daughter, because you are the rapist. You've been reincarnating as a person for millions of years. The question is, how long are you going to before you take the plunge and accept that you are the rapist, and your destiny is to Love the rapist, no matter what the rapist does?
  18. Sometimes living through your deepest fears, is actually a good thing.
  19. have you noticed that all of your friends are like that? And not just friends, but family members? Your mum only cares about you so long as your her son. If you're not her son or don't meet her expectations of what a son is, you're disowned. Your friends only care about you so long as you provide them with what they need. If you stop, they stop being your friend. Your girlfriend only cares about you so long as you provide her with her expectations and needs. If you stop, she divorces you. Leo's followers only care about Leo so long as he produces videos that meet their expectations. If Leo stops, Leo's followers start complaining and asking him to go back to 'how he was' or his 'old ways and self'. This is human nature, face it. This is what bondage is. People care about things because they get attached to ideals they have about a particular person. As soon as that ideal starts to fade away, so does the relationship and bondage.
  20. Its total when you realize there's no such thing as total. infinite layers is part of the dream, the spiritual dream.
  21. The way self sufficient old men and women on the hill did, and the way yogis in cave did, sounds pretty enticing.
  22. It can feel like, you're finally choosing the thing to do, that you've always wanted to do, but was too afraid to do it because of your parents or girlfriend's opinion, fear of being broke, being rejected by society. Even your own ego: you could have built up an identity based on past experiences and deep rooted beliefs of who you are, and to live your life, you've got to dismantle it and live by someone or something that you think you 'aren't are'. For example believing you're a scientist but your true purpose is to be a soccer player. Even social status. Choosing to be a monk rather than a famous, successful businessman or teacher can feel like you're going low and turning into an incumbent. But once you take the plunge, and finally choose to do what you really really wanted to do all along, there's a feeling of great release, great weight off your shoulders. There's a feeling of synchronicity with the world around you. There's a feeling of natural conscious flow, like consciousness is a river, and instead of 'doing' stuff, you're just letting it naturally flow into place, and that happens naturally. And it can feel like you've re-birthed literally, like you reincarnated into another person, as your previous career, life, relationships, etc die off.
  23. Once consciousness raises to a certain level, different ways of perceiving the world becomes accessible at ease. Different ways of perceiving the world leads to bending the rules of the world in ways that it cannot through a traditional materialistic view. This is what I generally see as the occult. You could say its engineering on another dimension. I haven't looked, as its not generally an interest to me, even if it does exist and leads to many possibilities. But there is undeniable suffering in the world at large from the survival of the human race. And with no particular moral intent, I wish to reduce that suffering as much as possible by bending the rules of reality to allow me to survive on less food, and cause less suffering. I have a strong urge to use as little, if any of this earth. I want to consume way less, food, natural resources for tools and equipment, house materials, etc. Its not really a logical or preemptive thing, its just a desire or something I'm drawn to doing. I've just heard of certain yogic techniques for living off very little food, for sleeping less, and for surviving in very cold climates by using kundalini energy to produce temperature to make the body survive, rather than consuming from the earth and making blankets and stuff. I don't know why, and I know it must sound very stupid and strange, but the idea of consuming less, having barely any possessions, and bring all survival back to the body (through the occult) sounds very beautiful to me. Maybe a way to describe it, is karma. All possessions and indulgence has a karma to it. Nothing wrong with that, but it does, and by exiling those possessions and indulgence from your life, you are purifying yourself from karma. If you view karma as a mental or intellectual construction and limitation, you can see how relying on blankets adds karma. The subconscious, hidden fear of the blanket being taken away from you is always there, adding suffering. You need the blanket to survive, and as survival is a source of suffering, the blanket adds suffering. The blanket also reinforces the sense of being a human. To be a human means to need a blanket to survive, otherwise you freeze to death. But see this is not your true nature, and there is no need to limit yourself in this way. You are not a human, and you can use the occult to warm yourself up in a superhuman fashion. You can see how all materialistic possessions add this karma. Houses are more than your shelter, the fact that you need a house defines who you are, and adds karma to your life. The fear you get of losing your house is because your house isn't simply some objective thing where if you lose it you die, no. The house on a metaphysical level IS the ego. A house is part of an ego. Without an ego, there is no house. For me personally, stuff like these realisations have fuelled this new lifestyle I want to live. This is why the thought of it endows me in Love. The possibilities from taking these steps is awe striking. So much karma can be freed from living this way for a few years. It sheds the identity significantly and adds so much bliss and love. Just imagine barely any material possessions, and all survival that was outsourced to these possessions are embodied within you through mind training and the occult. Its a very blissful way to live. The more you do this, the more you also heal others. The less you take, the more you give to others. So it works to help you and others. And the compassion and knowing that you're not taking, makes you feel like you're not hurting anyone, not hurting the wildlife, other people, etc. There's also a lot of subconscious suffering from taking if you're sensitive to it. When you take food, there is a lot of karma in that even if its not visible. It adds suffering. You relieve it by taking less. I'm not saying you must change your life to the extreme I want to, to free yourself of this karma. You probably don't have to. But not only is this a way of freeing myself, but I also want to do it and am drawn to living like it. So I'm simply going with the flow.