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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. there's nothing 'human' or 'kangaroo' about form, you're free to interpret form however you like.
  2. Wanted to share something interesting. all of the spiral dynamics stages now feel baseless. Feel grounded in nothing. The preference for 1 stage over the other, or for things that a stage supported over the other stage, came from valuing the core elements or essential source of what that stage represented. Stage blue for example, has lots of loyalty for a particular group over another, and a deep respect for that group. Those features emanate from a blue essential source or core element. If you're a blue oriented person, you will feel a strong passion or beauty for the features of blue (loyalty, respect, etc). That passion is what makes you prefer blue over other colours. That's what I call the essential source or core element of blue, its that passion for the features of blue. That passion feels like a ground or solid base for your world. It distorts the relative value of all other features from other stages. Same thing with orange, you can feel a sort of grounded passion for certain features of orange. With green, you may have a passion for saving the environment, and that passion makes you view other features of different stages as being bad or you may have a bit of disgust towards it. The passion is so overwhelming that all other features from other stages get washed away, or treated as foreign. I had the experience that the entire universe is essentially groundless. There's really no ground to anything. There's no ground to your feelings, no ground to the chakra system, meditation techniques. The world is all very empty. Its like a completely empty jug. There's no substance to absolutely anything. And that's quite a full circle sort of feeling, because its like you're back to square 1, back to where you were before constructing anything. And this gels well with the spiral dynamic stages. All of those essential sources, or core elements, of each spiral dynamics stage, is essentially groundless. It feels like you're back to a blank canvas, back to where you were before having preferences for any spiral dynamics stage. You went full circle and are now back at the beginning. What spiral dynamics stage you prefer is really what essential source or core element you choose to create and value. There's nothing fundamental about the universe (apart from consciousness). Whether you're blue or orange, just depends on the way you've constructed your reality. There's no construction that's universal or better than the other construction. They are all just different structures, like different sculptures. Each spiritual path is not better than the other, as everything is groundless, but just different and beautiful in their own way. The chakra system, for example, is completely groundless. You constructed beauty, but you also constructed ugliness in your construction. The ugliness is like the ugly parts of a sculpture you created. This could be suffering, neurotic behaviours, dysfunctional behaviours, obesity, etc. And so to fix these, you created other constructs to balance them out or repair them, but these were also groundless, so you essentially fixed nothing, but you fooled yourself into believing you did. And within your groundless structure, you did. That's essentially what the chakra system is. And while each structure is groundless, its still possible to make different levels of beauty in those structures. Within the structure, each component means something relative to the other components, and by combining them in certain ways, you can build beautiful things.
  3. 1:50:50 "if you do this, if you become infinite love, you will take everybody with you" Did anyone else have a massive freak out when you saw that part? shiiiiiiiiiiit. That's like being an ultra mass murderer. Of course, not because you're dysfunctional, but because that's the point of life. Idk I felt a massive responsibility for the whole world when he said that. Its because if you're aware that you are everyone, if you're conscious that you're living all of those lives, then that statement was like you're killing everyone simultaneously. Like for real. That's not imaginary, that's real. You're living all of those lives simultaneously right now, and you will kill them all at once. Like a murderer.
  4. @Rilles it is, otherwise why are you trying to rise to turquoise?
  5. Lol I knew the chakra comment was gonna piss some people off. hahahaha. Why I put it in there tbh
  6. wow, I never really liked personality tests because of how inaccurate/non descriptive they were, but that one seems to be right on the mark! My ex girlfriend would always have this obsession with needing to feel loved. She loved dogs because dogs gave her love, and she was a teacher and she would always always talk about how she loves her job because this kid and that kid gave her love and said nice things about her. Anyway, I thought she just had a mental or psychological disorder from acting this way because it was weird as fuck to me. I prefer to be a hermit and stay locked in my room so I didn't get it, but there she is! Perfectly described in type 2! Yes 5 resonates with me very well.
  7. nice thread. Mine are: - Truth, omnipresence/shakti/substance of dream/channeling/telepathy. - Invention: designing cool technology and making breakthrough innovations. - Minimalism and nature living: Living life with minimal materialistic possessions, and feeling the earth and plants and trees and being one with them.
  8. Yep, already moved houses. I've got unfinished business to end first(finishing/exiting a startup I made) which would be unfair to my cofounder if I left now, once that's out of the way, off to find a cave
  9. Nope - I'm an engineer earning over 200K a year without a college degree. Not needed. But the path I took is not for the faint of heart, you need to put your heart and soul into your profession, and rely on God's grace to get you through.
  10. I was literally just looking at this 2 hours ago! Because I want a way of growing 5 meo dmt at home like shrooms. I think this fungi is a long shot - however, you should research using MAOIs with psilocybin.
  11. I don't know, there are highly effective techniques out there like kriya yoga, and wim hof method, and whenever I try and do them I feel very little to no results. And I do them very rigorously and with a lot of seriousness for long periods of time. I've got a fear of missing out, because I see people having so much results with those techniques and I just can't seem to get any. However, during meditation for me its very easy to feel love and bliss, and during contemplation you can inquire into infinity quite easily. Sometimes I think I'm missing out by limiting myself to just meditation, but other times just doing meditation feels more right and in sync with my intuition, and it feels like I don't need other methods because meditation is already working well and I just need to do more of it, even if I've been using the same one for the past 2 years lol. Maybe psychedelics will help with this? Tell me what techniques I should practice and whether my fears of missing out/limiting what I practice are warranted And based on what you've said above, I feel like actually my neurotransmitters are upgraded on average, yet my baseline is very low on average. Because inquiring into mystical states is quite easy(like infinity) yet there is lots of neurotic stuff in this state of consciousness. Although this doesn't really make sense because I've only meditated and not taken psychedelics before. But to be honest, I don't really care about calmness of mind or peace or whatever, I just care about omnipresence and knowing what the fuck is going on. Although calmness of mind is usually a prerequisite to omnipresence.
  12. @Leo Gura Alright yeah so an avid psychedelic user will know many things about the universe, things which a meditator for 40 years wont know, deep things, but will have chunks of ego in tact, not as calm mind, less focus, etc. Of course that's relative to the person, for some, meditation will do lots and wim hof will do no neuroplasticity, and for others wim hof will do lots and meditation will do nothing.
  13. What do you mean by that? You mean the ego's layers shed permanently, is that way rewires brain means? Do you mean consciousness itself slowly looses its rigidity? (like the keyboard and mouse turns from a solid, to a hologram)? Is that what rewires your brain means? So you're saying rewiring = consciousness changes form? You must be talking about something else, because all of that stuff happens in contemplation, and I could only imagine if you did contemplation during a psychedelic state, it would supercharge the contemplation, a bit like how kriya yoga's spiritual state supercharges contemplation. In my experience, its not kriya yoga which changes your consciousness. Its the contemplation done during a kriya yoga state. Kriya yoga is just the doorway. If you continue to do kriya yoga without contemplation or letting go of the kriya yoga techniques, then you'll get no where, maybe just get better at getting into that state (for sitting or contemplation). Alan Watts quote of (paraphrasing) "hang up the phone once you've got the message" applies to kriya yoga. Stop doing the techniques once you're in the right state. Then in that state its contemplation or still sitting time. I would assume psychedelics would be a bit like kriya yoga where it gets you into the right state to go hardcore in contemplation, and that would increase your baseline more than contemplating in a non psychedelic/kriya state. My current understanding is, psychedelics are a easier form of kriya yoga. Instead of doing all those poses and breath work, you just take the psychedelic. But that's my fantasy. I'm yet to try them. I'm just hoping I went through spore syringes and getting a glove box and flow hood not all for nothing haha.
  14. riight, that distinction isn't awfully clear to me tbh. During meditation I find I take back wisdom, lessons, purification. Probably because my meditation is largely contemplation and inquiry oriented. I would assume if you have embodied more wisdom, that's increasing baseline consciousness.
  15. Yeah, so what did you mean by you can take things back from psychedelic trips in your what are psychedelics video? That's not related to increasing baseline? And do you know anything about the effects of increasing baseline with microdosing? Could microdosing over prolonged periods of time help with increasing baseline? Last question is, what value is there in psychedelics if it does not increase the baseline? Isn't anything not permanent not valuable? Taking things away from a trip (like a message from the Gods or knowledge in how you should heal to me is permanent because those messages persist after the trip).
  16. Well that's exactly what I did (and the people I posted a link to) did and we are all going well. Finding other things is part of working with the abstract passion.
  17. You can have interests in other things, but focus and being a specialist means having 1 passion. Sure you can have hobbies and passions in other things and be a bit of a renaissance man, but to truly get results, you need to focus heavily on 1 thing only. I think you said this in your LP you're contradicting your earlier work now lol. That's a bit of a weird statement to make.
  18. That takes work, and faith and a lot of balls and courage to do things other people will think you're crazy or schizophrenic for doing. Its very hard but very rewarding. Here's an example. Here's another Not its not too abstract, you're just too afraid and scared to live by what you want, rather than what society has conditioned you to do. If you were Ghandi's father, you would have said "revolutionising India is too abstract and risky, you're better off trying to be a professor son".
  19. I never said not to follow your passions, just not to try and manufacture a passion that doesn't exist, because that's not how passions work. With a passion of being or accessing total omnipresence, knowing, consciousness, then after enlightenment, you will fucken stare in awe at how that wood is being created, where it comes from, how it works, and how it fits into the big picture. That in itself is enough to leave you in pure love and joy. But if you must keep taking the game seriously to be happy, then do whatever you want, make a book about how that wood actually works, create scientific studies of it using your telepathic omnipresence and knowing of what it is. Revolutionise science - even if that means being the crazy crack pot that no one listens to. I'm sure the right people will listen. Keep being more and more omnipresent of the world forever. I don't know sounds amazing. Much more amazing than 'cultivating other passions' fuck that, that aint worth it.
  20. fucken damn it! Not again.
  21. I'm actually after the opposite. I don't care about peace and even detachment from thoughts that much, or reducing suffering or even healing, or even feeling good/bliss. What I'm after is infinite intelligence and omnipresence. Knowing what reality is. Although the things above are usually needed for omnipresence. @Leo Gura do you find that psychedelics help maintain permanent states of omnipresence and infinite intelligence/knowing? Or you still need meditation and yoga for that?
  22. What's so bad about worse, really?
  23. In other words, I would challenge you to cultivate other distractions @WhatAWondefulWorld I'm the same, I only care about being conscious of reality - that's why I became a scientist/engineer. If I were you, I would start a meditation/contemplation habit ASAP if not already done, start deeply questioning reality to the levels you are passionate about. Follow your bliss. There's no joy like being real intimate with reality. If you're passionate about reality and understanding, then that's what you're passionate about. No faking other passions is gonna make your life happier. You're not going to thrive and enjoy other things if they don't make you happy, you will just feel like you're wasting your time and are living a depressed life. Don't worry about survival for now, just focus heavily on your passion, survival will come once you've got that sorted - that's what happened with me.
  24. @Leo Gura Its not mental masturbation its contemplation. And it works for some people so be a little more compassionate.