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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. that sounds like egoic projection onto a bunch of mystical experiences. There's no such thing as 'prisoner' or being 'stuck', those are ego mind constructions. There's no such thing as 'boredom' or 'loneliness', etc.
  2. I was a philosophical nerd in 1st yr of college and started looking at philosophies like skepticism, idealism, Christianity, and stoicism. I fell in love with stoicism, and started reading books like the obstacle is the way. I then stumbled upon this video: That was a great explanation of stoicism, then went to his more spiritual videos and started falling in love with experience, insight and mystical experiences.
  3. @mandyjw yep good insight, awesome. @Roy I think in the 2nd relationship I didnt focus enough on expressing what I wanted, and so when I tried to please her and do what she wanted I wasn't really passionate about it. Like it would have been impossible for me to sincerely eat her pussy like it was the last meal on earth, because I wasn't really enjoying myself.
  4. Yep let the thoughts of normal go sure. Just be you sure. Not sure if that q was rhetorical but trying to avoid negative experiences of the past. Im not sure if just being myself and being authentic will guarantee a good experience. It didnt in the past. But of course I can always see what happens... I think what I'm looking for is ehancing what I already authentically am so that I dont have the negative experiences of the past.
  5. Lol that's one of the biggest loads of bullshit that humanity has ever dreampt up. "opposites attract" stops outside the bedroom
  6. We were about to approach after 8 years planning, but then suddenly freaked out over the possibility of having a successful mission. We then postponed the mission for another 4 years to give us time to watch Leo's video on how to have sex, and practice it in a simulator.
  7. Survival and reproduction are true lies and yet here you, and enlightened teachers are eating, sleeping and fucking.
  8. I personally think that you need to take the MBTI with a grain of salt. The way to know your personality is to contemplate, meditate on who you are. MBTI comes after you know who you are to a certain extent, its like the icing on the cake, but its not the base of the cake. MBTI can further clarify and solidify what you've already discovered through contemplation, yet its a terrible tool (as with all models) to use if you haven't done any contemplation or meditation on who you are. If you don't feel like you're 80% sure of who you are, I wouldn't touch MBTI. You'll get different answers, you wont resonate with what it says, etc. As with burnout... burnout happens no matter who you are and what personality you have. I'm a mix between INTP and INFP, and have burnt out a dozen times in the last 3 years because I went too hard into engineering. When you're burnt out it starts to feel like the thing that got you burnt out isnt truly for you, and that it was a mistake. Yet as you take a break from that thing, you rejuvenate and start feeling like that thing was for you after all. I'm an INTP yet managed to burn out over engineering. As an ENFJ its totally possible to burn out over socialising too much... if you went hard core and did it too much. Instead of getting hasty, I would try to have a break and see where you are in a month. Burnout is a sign you're doing something too much and need to take breaks... regardless of whether you're an ENFJ, INFJ, etc.
  9. “Trust in God, but tie your camel. Because Allah has no other hands than yours”
  10. Maybe because what's a dickhead is relative. A dickhead for you is a cool guy for me, and a cool guy for me is a dickhead for you. There are clearly differences between people's interests, values and inclinations. Introversion vs extroversion, interested in science or art, leading people or being lead, are real differences you can actually spot. What's a cool guy for you is an Elon Musk smoking bong out of his ass, what's a cool guy for someone else is a shakespear or poet or famous athlete like ian thorpe. Just because you're a cool guy at the end of it doesn't mean its bullshit. Maybe everybody is a cool guy in truth? Maybe athletes are cool, poets are cool, scientists are cool, politicians are cool, everyone is cool, and the reason you don't think they're cool is because you have judgments and hatred towards those groups that you don't resonate with. The fact that you're a cool guy at the end of it means the MBTI is accurate, not the opposite. We resonate with who we truly are, because we love ourselves beyond belief. That's why we strive for truth, honesty, love and being 'right' or 'just', because we love our true selves. The 'cool guy' ness at the end of it is just a 'hint' from God that you're discovering something deep and valuable about yourself and that you're on the right track. The problem with the MBTI, along with every concept, is getting dogmatic about it and taking it as the gospel. The MBTI is wrong in a lot of areas, the truth is covered in nuggets of shit, yet the truth in the MBTI is valuable and useful to use.
  11. Replace the people in wall street with people of mainly green values. What decisions would they make? What deals would they propose? What would their goals be?
  12. let me rephrase that: “lol that’s literally me intp (virgin) and my superior intj cofounder (pretends not to be a virgin who fucks girls every night but is actually a virgin) at our company”
  13. Yep that's right What's practical and not practical is relative to your beliefs and who you are. I find MBTI and enneagram far more effective at describing a person's behaviour than SD. You wont because its a model, you also wont see the distinctions SD, 10 ox herdings, concepts leo introduces make either if you look closely enough.
  14. Criticising and deconstructing STEM is important, but do it fairly and justly. Saying that mathematicians are making research that reinforces anti-black racism, or technologists are creating technology that are "routinely weaponized against black people" is an extreme exaggeration at best, and a vicious lie at worst. You're not going to get STEM professionals on board and sympathetic of your position by telling them that the job they love, the job they've spent years and thousands of dollars on to take, a job they believe is impacting the world, is 'weaponized' against black people without them even realising it. They wont buy it, and all it will do is make them hostile and angry against your movement; and rightly so, because as far as I'm concerned, rarely do I see technology researchers in university contributing to the discrimination of black people through their work, let alone intentionally. Neither do I see mathematical theorems that when released through the press, contribute to anti-black racism. Mathematical research should not even be mentioned in this movement if you care about being fair and just. Mathematical departments as a constitution... another story, but that's not what's #shutdownstem are talking about. Liberal arts students can criticise or deconstruct science on a metaphysical level, but they need to understand that telling scientists who have dedicated their life, 60+ hours a week and a load of criticism, pandering to authority and years of low pay, that their scientific foundations are shoddy, is not a nice way of deconstructing science. Its careless, reckless and disrespectful of the people they are talking to. Especially when humanities researchers put their own agenda into it, such as feminism or anti-black racism. If you want to go deconstruct science, go for it, but don't push your deconstructions onto other researchers. Allow the right researchers to come to you. And don't politicise it, or skew it with your own agenda. Be fair to everyone. @Leo Gura I don't have an attachment to STEM, or care whether it exists or not, but what I see is people in STEM being unfairly criticised for stuff they aren't doing, and being conflated with the politics of anti-black racism. The black lives matter movement have consistently, and repeatedly conflated and included groups and organisations within their criticism who don't deserve it, and you see it just leads to collateral damage, like the responses in the videos above. I'm all for changing the world and making it more just, and that's actually why I'm pissed with their conflation, because I see that they are shooting themselves in the foot and just regressing their vision.
  15. I agree partially with the sentiment of #shutdownacademia, because promotions and job prospects do have racist elements in them, I was more focused on #shutdownstem, which as far as what the website suggests, is the idea that basic/pure research and applied research in science, technology, engineering and mathematics kills black people. It potentially does on the frisks of applied research, for example, fingerprint systems that incorrectly mismatch white robbers for black robbers, or facial recognition systems that mis identify whites for blacks, but the majority of STEM research is not perpetuating harm against blacks. I'm pretty sure that's what the movement is saying because I read a passage about facial recognition incorrectly identifying black people.
  16. There could be systemic racism in the study of economics, liberal arts, business, sales, sociology or psychology, etc. But saying there's systemic racism in quantum mechanics or atomic theory or particles or the periodic table is nonsense. Its relative, sure, but its not racist. Or mathematics, saying Pythagoras's theorem is racist against blacks is nonsense.
  17. Nah ya wrong about that. Its as partial as the 10 ox herding, ideas on enlightenment, and the concepts Leo introduces... yet you're still here.
  18. that's got nothing to do with the inital argument that science = racism
  19. lol that's literally me(intp) and my cofounder(intj) at our company.
  20. What's that trap? Ive never seen Gods face before
  21. illusion doesn't mean something doesn't exist, it means its different to what you think it is. A mirage looks like water, but its actually just heat reflecting off the ground. The water doesn't exist, but that doesn't mean the heat reflecting off the ground doesn't exist. Personality is the heat reflecting off the ground, and ego is the water.
  22. yep agree, but personality is not ego, so isn't the body (yet the word body is a very loaded term with lots of illusion and falsehood attached to it)