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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. We need an actualized.org red carpet for all the people who got enlightened. We should also get enlightenment trophies and have a showcase day to celebrate all the people that got enlightened and we can hand them their trophy.
  2. My university has been debating a lot of racial stuff lately. But recently someone posted this photo: Which was a balsy move because my university is a purely prestigious engineering university (no arts courses like MIT) and it got 1000 likes, which is interesting because most of them there are asian international students and have the attitude of "arts students dont contribute to the world and are a waste of space while engineers provide all the value" the comments were supportive of this picture. I'm not from the US, how interesting.
  3. yep, you're going against the herd that way but I guess that's a requirement of this work.
  4. universities divide the 2 by saying an arts course is an arts course and an engineering course is an engineering course The renaissance was the time period where arts and science were combined (like leonardo da vinci's work). And universities will keep it that way until they wise up, and the engineering and arts departments stop spitting on each other.
  5. I've got a super curious question for Leo's direction and path for enlightenment. So Leo's path atm is basically: at the end of this whole waking up process is an infinite love white light that collapses everything (mahasamadhi) and Leo's using dmt to untangle himself from the matrix and dissolve into it. I'm super curious about this because this is NOT how my spiritual path is going. And I'm wondering if there's a new spiritual avenue that's about to open up to me that I'm not aware of or have experienced yet. So for the past 3 yrs I have had several awakening experiences/mystical experiences, etc. About 4 months ago, through talking to some mods on here, started to realise there was no difference between mystical experiences and 'normal' life or normal experience. That's when life became a dream 24/7 and not just during a mystical experience. I then had a mescaline trip (first proper psychedelic trip, I wrote it on here). And on this trip I saw everything. This closed the book on all of my questions. The biggest thing I experienced was there were 2 Is, a small I and a big I. The big I had no fears, was completely loving, had no preferences, was 100% optimistic, positive, completely satisfied, completely wise, etc etc. And this big I's biggest want was to help the little I overcome its challenges and grow. The 2 Is are the only Is in the universe, and all of the external environment is literally a means for the small I to grow. Its all imaginary, like a simulator, there's only the 2 Is as crazy as it seems.... BUT time doesn't exist. During the trip I realised there was not a single point in time where I had ego death or 'woke up'. I was already awake for eternity, I never woke up. At the exact same time, there was not a single time I wasn't waking up. I am always waking up, and never wake up. In other words, there's no time so I am simultaneously the big I and the little I at the same time. And that's how its always been, forever. Forever its just been me waking up, and me already awake for eternity. And I saw a bunch of other stuff for WHY it was that way, which is too much to go into here. So after that trip, I was pretty fucken satisfied spiritually. I saw exactly where everything was the way it is, and had no burning questions, just simply felt like enjoying life. So WTF is Leo doing?? Where is he going? There's no time? The spiritual path is an illusion? He's already that white infinite light no? How will he wake up? WTF is this whole you're gonna dissolve into infinite white light forever shit? Its just so not my XP in spirituality.
  6. Everyone is different, Leo's style is autistic for autistic people, Matt Khan, Eckhart Tolle is for pussies, its just different teaching styles.
  7. Go watch your take back authority video Once you have psychedelics, you dont need authority figures, you think for yourself on everything. He didnt say that, he said society takes away psychedelicz that can transform our lives.
  8. does 6th sense count? Saving private ryan
  9. idk, I don't know anything about bolton, but just by his irrational hatred towards the democrats + can't handle being called naive when its warranted, are both massive indicators that this guy is a dickhead lol.
  10. because we're starting to realise we are all human?
  11. Once you have an awakening experience, you'll see the point of life is to live a life you want. Not a life others want. You'll see there's no other but yourself, and waking up means facing your fears, choosing God's wants over society's wants, and honouring those wants. Its to live a life you're truly happy with. 99% of people are living a life others want: what their boss wants, what their friends want, what their partner wants, what their family wants, what their society wants. Go look up the biggest regret elderly people have before death: its regretting doing the things everyone else wanted, and not doing the thing they truly wanted. If you're serious, and inspect deeply, you don't want 99% of men. God's telling you not to be with 99% of men. There's so much to life in the form of mystical experiences and self development, that 99% of men are a distraction. They aren't good enough for you and you're not giving yourself enough credit and love if you think you're only worthy for 50% of men. Are you really going to spend time with them when you could be giving time to God? Or one of the top 1% of men? And that's ok for the world, because 99% of women are at the same level of 99% of men. They'll find a match. But by choosing to be on this path, you've chosen to believe in, and to serve that inner godly voice. You've chosen to aim higher than 99% of the population when it comes to happiness, love and wisdom. You've chosen to do things and be things and face fears that 99% of the population wont, and with that comes the need to date the top 1%, because the other 99% are so disconnected with this stuff, don't care about it, and wont give you a meaningful time.
  12. That's excellent, that's what this game is all about, will you choose the inner eternal truth over all the tempting, convincing outer falsehoods.
  13. test said INFJ/INFP
  14. that's the ultimate test, can you choose Love/Truth over the forum, spiritual teachers, people you looked up to, everything you believed in?
  15. Another perspective is, mind = insight, realisations, division, while heart = embodiment, integration, unity. The mind chases enlightenment, makes crazy fantasies about it, thinks about what it is, makes a mission of it, discerns and divides, inspects, separates what enlightenment is. The heart embodies it, the heart is humble about it, the heart puts it into context with everything else, the heart sees the bigger picture, the heart integrates the non dual with the dual, the heart unifies, the heart accepts it, the heart embraces it, the heart loves it.
  16. Hey guys, I've had 2 relationships in my life(1 for 3 months during 2nd yr of college and another for 3 yrs after the first one(2 yrs apart)) the first one was a eurasian. She was a very chilled, artsy, submissive, very feminine, soft spoken, introverted INFP type. She took weed. The next was a highly dominant, horny, extroverted, highly scientific(was a doctor) latin american. She was also much more masculine than the first one. I'm naturally very laid back, chilled, less thoughts in my head then average, dont over think much, easy going, and naturally artistic and philosophical and impractical. I dont care about money and just care about experiencing the world, mystical experiences and scientific inquiry. I've had sex with both. The first one loved sex with me(I broke up with her because we went to different states), she said she felt a deep spiritual connection with me during sex(back then i was an athiest and thought she was a freak for saying the s word(s = spirituality)) she cried during sex, it lasted at least an hour, and we both thought we healed wounds and grew deeper with the sex. The 2nd one liked sex much less with me. The 2nd one complained that I wasn't masculine enough during sex, I took forever during foreplay( spending 30 minutes during foreplay is important to me) and complained that I traumatized her because I didnt suck her pussy(oral sex is not a super important thing to me tbh. I dont care either way). So i said ok, I artifically tried to be 100x more masculine with her and I gave her oral sex. She said it was better, but still not masculine enough. She wanted me to pick her up and throw her or some shit. She wanted me to be super wild and super dirty. So i kept trying to please her and just tried to be more and more horny, but it wasnt enough for her. It also made me feel like shit, because while she was getting more satisfied, I wasn't. I was getting less. It didn't feel natural to me and it wasn't what I desired. I also felt uncomfortable with how dominant she was. She couldn't surrender a great deal and this made me feel uncomfortable. I spoke about all these things but she wasnt willing to change. After we broke up, I reflected on the sex we had and the sex i had with my first girlfriend, and how they were so different. What I'm aware of is most guys are actually what my 2nd girlfriend wanted. The are usually super dirty, love oral sex and super horny and masculine. Most girls want this too. But I'm different. I tend to value intimacy, spiritual connection, emotional connection, love, romance, caringness, "experiencing her soul", etc. During sex. I like to take things super slow, super relaxed and chilled, super deep emotionally, make her cry, make her feel really loved, make her feel really cared for. And the pleasure adds to that. My favourite part of the porn section is the 'romantic' section. The dirty section turns me off. It doesnt feel right to try and be more horny, dirty, if its not who I authentically am. yet at the same time most of society are horny and dirty and not like me. So how do I go about satisfying the general population? Given 'the cards I've been dealt with', I'm gonna ask the age old question, how do I fit in when it comes to sex?
  17. He would say books are evil and we shouldn't be reading them, then shit his pants when he sees the internet.
  18. Yeah that's what it was like with my first gf. Yet at the same time she wanted it, and had the maturity to receive it and be ok with me being a bit feminine and intimate and loving. yep, I've got no issues with being dirty. Too much of it really doesn't fit my character and comes off as inauthentic. Because I don't get much gratification from it, the part I look forward to and get excited about is the emotional connection and love (in a sexual, physical way). I'm slightly concerned that this means I'm a bit feminine and a bit of a woman, which I would imagine is a turn off, but I am what I am and no pretending will change that. Yep that's good advice, find someone for you rather than try to fit with someone else, even if it means many more dates, trials, etc. Gonna have to do the hard work.
  19. Actually I don't take that position. But in the grand scheme of things, egoic consciousness is a mechanism to allow us to 'wake up'. Its not the truth. Its not the ultimate destination, and its not even leading up to the ultimate destination. Its a dead end part of the maze which you'll run around in for a while before getting back on track. I'm not saying a dead end is inferior or unimportant, in the grand scheme of things its allowing you to get to the end of the maze, but running around in it too much is needless suffering, and its got nothing to do with truth or getting to the truth. You'll get to the truth once you realise these projections are not important, are distractions and are not leading you to truth.
  20. I notice within myself that stress really affects more horniness levels. If im stressed from work, I can not fap for a week and get by. Diet too, if you have IBS, that can reduce horniness. I also find that going to the gym increases horniness, and if you sit on your ass all day with no exercise, your horniness reduces significantly. Meditation work does reduce horniness for a period of time, but then it comes back after you've integrated what you've learnt into your life. In other words riding the ox
  21. I can imagine enjoying it with someone I feel a deep connection with, and if that person is highly feminine and vulnerable in bed, because seeing someone I have feelings for enjoying themselves turns me on, but if its a stranger (like in porn) Its not something I enjoy. I wasn't that attracted to her in bed because of how dominant and bossy she was. It was more of a choir than something I looked forward to. I got more gratification from porn then sex with her. I liked her for things other than sex and that's why I stuck around. Possibly, others have told me that, yet if I don't masturbate once a day, I can't concentrate, so I'm not sure. Yeah as long as I can be who I truly am, and not hold myself up to some ideals I don't connect with, getting more masculine aint a problem I reckon. I think I need to somehow get more masculine but do it in my own unique way, to balance what I want and what others want. @Onemanwolfpac I liked her for things other than sex lol.