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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. Make sure you have sprinklers running surrounding your house to reduce the damage as much as possible.
  2. Just realised that the 'useful download' method can be, and should be, applied to all fields where you're exchanging value with a human. The general principle is: 1. Get into a flow state, or high level of consciousness. And develop your consciousness so that you have a very deep existential understanding of consciousness and have embodied a wide array of rich and deep experiences. 2. Spread that flow state/high level of consciousness through learning how to work with the people you're trying to spread it to. If its your career, learn how to spread it to logical, mathematical scientists and engineers through technical writing, illustrations and presentations, etc. Or to business people through charisma and simple but easy to understand slides, etc. If its dating and sexuality, learn how to spread that state to women through pickup and charisma and high emotional intelligence and masculinity. 3. Enrich (1) through getting an exchange in value from (2), to make it a loop.
  3. Attitude to have in relation to research and discovery: All research is worth it if you're sincere in your intentions for why you're researching it. You may not get the result you want, or achieve what's needed, you may end up screwing something up, etc. But if its with the right intentions, its an unforced, unavoidable error. There's something to learn from everything given the right intentions, doesn't matter what it is. And those learning experiences are extremely valuable for your life even if they aren't even remotely related to the current task at hand. Note on Motivation A gigantic vision is required to move through life in the direction you want/towards God. But you must also not get attached to that vision, because being attached to the vision can cause you to get sucked into the vision, have unrealistic expectations (which causes bad planning errors, depression from not achieving your goals, lack of motivation from the vision seeming too impossible and a pipe dream, causes you to be too rigid in your direction in life, instead of flowing and adapting to changing dynamics, etc). Get the vision, feel its power, and chuck away the contents of the vision and just keep the feeling, to the point where the contents no longer exists. Use the feeling (rather than the content) to power you through the day. "The content is like the raft, the island is the feeling. Once you reach the island, chuck the raft away."
  4. Yeah I think I was saying it in the context of myself. The lifestyle in which I'm in love with, is the sort of lifestyle which repels girls. I'm in love with the same lifestyle that Niels Bhor, Leonardo Da Vinci and Einstein are in love with. And so that's why I treat these points as a very specific skillset for getting laid, rather than something that generalises to other areas of your life. But sure for the average guy, the sort of lifestyle they like would be the sort of lifestyle she likes.
  5. Then the next step is rating which one of those are the most effective for getting laid... because its not wise to invest your times in the ones that has high input, little output.
  6. Yeah so in relation to girls, life purpose work isn't really applicable to attraction or short term relationships, its more valuable for keeping someone long term (maintaining her). But also life purpose relates to status building, which relates to attraction. Sounds a lot like having a child like mind, or "crazy wisdom", the story of sages and their attitudes and life is very adventurous in essence, which is also super applicable to creative careers. Although there's a correlation between having a good career and having an adventurous mindset. To have an amazing career and impact the world, you need to be very adventurous. For example making a high risk startup and travelling all over the world to get it working. Or forging a career like Martin Luther King, or Ghandi. Even nerdy INTP careers like Physics or Maths you need to be adventurous to have high impact. Going against and challenging the scientific establishment takes an openess and engagement with adventure, an attitude to risk things and allow things to not go your way for the sake of growing and trying to change the world you're in.
  7. This goes against your advice that you should have a strong life purpose and be self determined to be attractive to women. You're basically saying "life purpose" has nothing to do with getting a girl to fall in love with you. And how can you take girls on adventures if you haven't got enough money(from not having a job) to take her on them? Surely that's relative to what you value. If the girl values children, she'd probably look for a guy whose stable. If she's a party type (like a lot of stage orange are, especially in Vegas) then yeah having fun is what you look for. But the hippies I hang out with, the girls there repetitively and consistently don't go out with "deadbeat, douchey asshole" guys who will just give them fun and good sex. They all seem to date and go for the guys who do yoga and defend the rainforest and are vegans. So what girls look for is actually relative to what they value themselves. Like none of the hippy girls I know are after the fun and playboy type of guys. Neither do I know any deeply conservative, islamic women looking for the playboy guys (the ones I'm friends with in developing countries). It only seems to be the British descendent type countries (UK, US, Australia and some parts of Canada) that seem to be into fun, playboy types of guys. Like no girls I know in China intentionally want to date the playboys. They all go for the super stable, super rich, super social status types of guys. And the islamic women go for the deeply conservative islamic guys. I think the idea that women are looking for playboys who give them good sex and fun is deeply specific to a type of culture (the orange stage liberal types of places).
  8. Yes you are better than Jesus, because you're God. That's obvious. The replies are just the result of lack of God consciousness realization. And possibly a reaction of feeling hurt from someone claiming that they are better than them.
  9. You practising push pull PUA techniques on the forum? Guess you fucked up this one pal, you're gonna have to try another forum user.
  10. @flume Yep, very effective, direct and straight to the point. That's the advice I love. Thanks for that!
  11. During a large portion of my 'sets' I experience the situation where women are just simply confused about me approaching them in daylight. I sense a sort of confusion or lack of clarity from the women of why I'm talking to her. Its like she's not use to this, she's confused and that makes her feel awkward. I'm generally not sure on how to reduce that confusion and awkwardness properly. How to make day game seem 'normal' in a sense. At times there can also be a bit of fear in her too. Like she's worried I have bad intentions. I'm doing day game in a 3rd world country, and some of them think I'm trying to rob them. What are ways of expressing non stranger vibes, to strangers? Building trust and a sense of safety and comfort like within the first 5 seconds of meeting someone? What are ways of handling this situation?
  12. Specific clarifications for LP The audience you want to work with are other engineers. You want to provide science, research, frameworks, ideas and systems for other engineers to use to enhance their ability to create impact on the world. You want to reach out and impact millions of engineers and companies so that they can solve more problems more effectively. You want your ideas to impact the world to relieve suffering: help people with health conditions, help people in poverty, lack of access to water and hygiene, etc. Job titles: Applied Mathematician. Contributing to areas of computer science, biology, topology, chemistry, etc.
  13. It should be more socially acceptable in 2020 then in the past. Going into the future, we should be more open to a variety of different wants and needs in a relationship. If some women want to be the provider, rather than the opposite, now is the time to be accepting of it, instead of resorting to judgements derived from cultural indoctrination and dogma rather than acceptance and love. Those women might be the provider, but in a lot of cases the guy is providing her with something that she personally likes, that you can't see because you've let your dogmas cloud your judgement. Be open to the possibility that there are more ways a relationship can benefit a couple, then the traditional gender roles.
  14. I very very slowly developed this insight about reincarnation over the past couple of weeks. I haven't read any spiritual literature in the last 2 years, and I don't watch any videos. Mainly because I honestly don't feel they add any value to me, and I progress on the spiritual journey way better when I just contemplate instead of reading. But as I had this insight (shown below) it triggered a few thoughts I remembered about buddhist philosophy. I can't remember where I got them from (books or seminars or videos) but I do remember reading about it. As I don't read much books, searching for any teachers pointing to the insight below is really hard to do, was wondering if anyone who is much more familiar with non duality philosophy could read my insight below, and then point me to some buddhist or yogic or whatever resources that talks about this: Also of course, I'm aware that some will think I'm deluded, which is totally fine, I accept that. I'm not trying to start a non duality war. But I'm simply drawn to the idea of reading what other philosophies or sages have to say about the above out of pure curiosity. It make me light up when I remembered some buddhist thing about reincarnation, remember reading about how bullshit it sounded back then, then years later having a very similar insight derived purely separately from any buddhist teachings or philosophies or ideas.
  15. Insight over the last few days about what karma actually means: Physical suffering doesn't come from the pain and discomfort of the present moment (such as picking up an extremely heavy object and holding it, or having a cold shower, or getting kicked in the balls). It comes from resisting the present moment (resisting the pain and discomfort) if you don't resist you don't go through suffering. End of story. Why do you resist? Because you have shadows, and shadow work to do. You feel guilty about something you did, you don't feel right about your future direction in life. You feel like you made a wrong choice somewhere. You worry over something (like your mum dying) etc etc. These shadows are the exact opposite of surrender. They are 'clinging on' ness. Your guilt from not correcting the cashier when he gave you an extra 5 dollar note, while doesn't seem like much, is actually very deeply preventing you to surrender your ego, let it go and drown and just dissolve in infinite love. In your daily life, you might be going fine, but there might be this slight sense of I ness. Or this sense of suffering, or this sense of limitation or this sense that "there's something more". And it doesn't seem like a shadow. It just seems like some sort of limitation. But when you inquire deeper, you realise this mere sense is actually a shadow. You inquire more and unseemingly out pops that not correcting the cashier of that 5 dollar note that you did a decade ago, that you haven't let go of yet. That was what that sense was, yet it seems so different to that on the surface. If you had a life purpose that was true to you (instead of what your parents, society colleagues told you to have) if you never did anything to anyone that would make you feel guilty if you always said what you honestly believed you should have said if you always made those decisions that felt right, rather than the decisions that were exciting or titillating(for example, choosing to save money for a house instead of buying a fancy computer that doesn't provide very essential value to you) if you always thought about how to give, rather than how to get if you always chose to believe in yourself at the cost of losing financial, social or economic security if you always chose to stand up for what was right at the cost of losing financial, social or economic security if you always treated others how you truly feel they should have been treated, rather than what your anger, hatred, judgement, friends, family, society said how you should treat them if you were always honest with Yourself if you always sincerely loved Yourself Then, you'd have no ego. If you followed all of the above, then when someone physically kicks you in the balls, you'd have no suffering. Because the kicking in the balls prompts pain. Pain that makes you think you're gonna loose something. You're gonna loose your beautiful state that you're in now, and enter some hell hole state, or possibly die. Possibly disappear, possibly go to hell. That's really why being kicked in the balls hurts. Its all about being worried about loosing something, and being worried about a truth, that you don't like, being revealed. It has almost nothing to do with the pain itself. Its all about what that pain could possibly mean in the future (note NOT what that pain means now, its always a hypothetical, future state that causes the suffering, what things may turn into, not how things are now). And note the thing you're losing is that sense of "grasping" or "holding onto something". It feels super important. But thats a trick. On the outside it looks like a heart, something which keeps the universe together, but on the inside, its shadow. Its guilt, or shame or whatever else. The kicking in the balls, prompts guilt, sadness, depression, wrongness, concern, regret, shame, embarrassment, again all these emotions that the kicking in the balls prompts has nothing to do with kicking in the balls, its got to do with the shadows it reveals. Kicking in the balls prompts that guilt from the cashier. And the pain is coming from that guilt, not from being kicked in the balls. This is how karma works. All those little things where you're living life not to how you KNOW deep down you should be living life to, but living life in-authentically to yourself, all that stuff gets tucked away, and comes back to bite you when the possibility of loosing your sense of self, or some state you're comfortable with, arises. Like getting kicked in the balls. Indirectly, if you had not done that guilty act with the cashier, and told him/her that she gave you the wrong change, that would boost your pickup results, and increase your happiness and reduce your suffering during getting kicked in the balls. Because where is all that fear of pickup coming from? Its coming from the cashier guilt incident, shame, not feeling like you're expressing yourself enough, etc. Its incongruence with your authentic self and your authentic actions. And your incongruence seems so small at times. Like stepping on an ant. Oh boy, if you think your fear of pickup is not coming from the guilt of stepping on that 1 ant back 5 years ago... then you're kidding yourself. Start living congruently with your authentic self. Be extremely strict about it. Don't let yourself feel guilty, shameful, embarrassed about anything. Don't step on that ant, correct that cashier, wave and say hello to that down syndrome kid when he walks up to you and tries to communicate with you, be loving to that poor person on the street, don't let anger or dogma make you hurt others, even if they are in the wrong. Don't blame others for mistakes you made and don't judge others when you don't know the full picture of their lives. Just don't do any of it because all that stuff will make you suffer more when its time to grow, when its time to die, when its Gods time to change. And it prevents you from letting go... which is ultimately the point of life. Useful Download About Work Each person has unique and extremely revolutionary discoveries/inventions/ways to impact the world. These revolutions are covered by social conditioning, indoctrination and dogmas, low EQ, low IQ, lack of consciousness, fear, shadows, traumas, lack of moral development, etc. To fully get in touch with your discoveries and inventions that you are to share with the world, you must do shadow work, consciousness work, explore other perspectives, have diverse experiences, shed ego, indoctrination and dogmas, etc. You must also contemplate, put attention on, love your passion, curiosity and child like nature. This passion isn't necessarily tied to any particular medium (like mathematics, or music or software code) but could be tied to anything. The point is to put attention and focus on it, engage with it, contemplate it, get more in touch with it. It feels good the more you do it. It feels blissful and sometimes loving. Follow your bliss and love. By product of the above, you deepen and get more in touch with your unique, True Self, which is ripe with creative potential, and has unique insights, tendencies, ways of looking at things which are beautiful. When looking at problems or any sort of phenomena, your deepened state instantly sees that problem in a unique way, and therefore develops a unique solution/perspective that expresses extreme bliss, love and joy. But without the ability to express that joy, you cannot share it. So you must also learn how your mediums that you express your unique perspective work, how the entities(probably people) you want to transmit this unique perspective to work, how they understand the world, what they accept, what they reject, what makes sense to them, what they want and don't want, etc. And then you must use this mastery over mediums to express your unique perspective on the world as effectively as possible. You ultimate career goal: Get paid loads of money to express your best, authentic Self and unique worldview through mediums that you enjoy working with. Your unique medium is mathematics, technical writing and illustration, and software engineering. You also specialise in medical devices specifically, but can of course branch out to other areas. You also specialise in intelligent agents (artifical intelligence and making things smart) but again can branch out into other areas from that passion. The more you spend your career time on those mediums, the better your life will be. From this perspective, value = sharing your unique worldview/Self/Way of understanding the world + through mastery of a particular theme/field (being artifical intelligence/agents, mathematics, software, technical illustration and writing). Goals: 1) increase your career mediums by the above. Because the more you do your mediums, the more joy you will have because you're doing only what you love. 2) master your mediums to make expressing your unique worldviews extremely effective. 3) do consciousness and shadow work, explore other perspectives, follow your curiosity, shed ego and dogmas, increase your child like mind to deepen how in touch you are with your unique perspective, worldview and Self.
  16. Go and actually practice non duality instead of preaching it.
  17. DISCLAIMER: I had no intention initially of writing this trip report, but I just had to because of how interesting it was, and for personal documentation reasons too. This post is admittedly crazy, outlandish, bizarre and just plain weird. And I don't want this to start a non duality war. I also don't want this post to invoke judgement on the 'electrobeam' physical avatar (it will happen anyway by God's design (how else is duality possible ) , but I'm just pointing out my intention is not to troll or invoke such a response). I fully appreciate and embrace anyone who believes I'm deluded, crazy, zen devil, etc. I love you all and embrace all opinions that may come of this. I almost know nearly no one will resonate with what I'm about to write here. Maybe one or 2 yogis out in the jungle somewhere. But this post might strike a chord in 1 or 2 of you. Who knows and lets see. Why I wrote this Trip Report During the trip, I wasn't that surprised or valued this trip with any importance. In a weird way, everything that was happening was just normal. After coming down though and reflecting on it again, I just went "hold on, that was actually insanely crazy" I started to feel the significance of what just happened. I felt absolutely no significance, no surprise, at all during the trip. Absolutely no reason to feel alarmed. I even talked to people around me completely normally, and talked to them genuinely with what I was becoming conscious of as if its a normal talking point with people. But afterwards I went "what in the hell was that???". And I regretted sounding like an unusual guy to my flatmate. I was extremely shocked. This humbled me on the come down. And here I am, recording it. Also I dont claim to be enlightened(far far far from it), but I will use enlightenment terms to help with explanation. Intention for the trip So I awoke to infinite love some time ago, and after that I saw the universe completely differently. I basically realized that all suffering, evilness, etc was actually designed to give me a massive loving awakening. It was all done out of love. Just imagine your mum said "sorry I can only give you 20 bucks for your 21st birthday" and then you chastise her, attack her, then on your birthday she said "just joking! I actually gave you a million dollars!" And you find out later that she gave you that million through working 90 hours a week. Can you see how lowering your expectations by saying she can only give you a little, is actually better than if she said "i will give you a million dollars on your 21st birthday"? By lowering your expectations, when you actually get the gift, its a massive gift. Well thats why god invented world war 2, trump, etc. Because he's lowering your expectations so that when you do realize infinite love, you get extremely excited. That's why there's so much self deception, it all increases your surprise. And people on here asking "why is there torture, rape, etc" is like the child chastising her mum saying "why do you only give me 50 bucks for my 21st? You horrible mum!". And how would you feel once you realised that all those judgements of trump was like you chastising that mother? Once you realised trump was you? How sorry would you feel? Knowing all those judgements you did was pure stupidity and ignorance? So for the san pedro trip, I wanted to repent all my sins (all my judgements and hatred) because I felt so fucken ignorant, sad, arrogant and stupid for judging God, myself. And also my intention for this san pedro trip was to simply ask God for how to embody and live a life fully immersed in infinite love. BUT I'm not your typical seeker, I'm extremely/radically open minded, and I'm an extremely curious seeker that loves to 'understand'. I love omnipresence. Absolutely love it. A scientist's/INTPs dream is 100% omnipresence. Its philosophical nirvana. That's what us scientists get wet dreams over. We aren't like other seekers that just want to feel happy, or get over suffering, or just care about feeling good all day. We want to 'KNOW', 'UNDERSTAND' we aren't just satisfied with feeling good, we want to consciously know what's going on here. We want to go meta, again and again and again and again for absolutely no reason at all except because we are curious. And so, I had my intentions for the san pedro trip, but honestly, God decided to reveal some juicy secrets instead, so I just went for that. Drinking San Pedro I drank 30cm of san pedro juice I made up (getting pretty good at this brewing shit now, also my body must be getting use to san pedro because it didnt vomit this time, woohoo!) Trip Report - All the normal stuff that most teachers on here would agree with I think So I came up extremely slowly. Again just like the other san pedro trip report I did a while ago, I did not realise how high I was getting. I was getting waaay higher than I noticed. For me I thought what was happening was just a slight buzz. Nothing serious. Infact I was convinced I did the brew wrong, and I microdosed on this stuff (until later ). So I started questioning, how do I completely eliminate all hatred and judgement so that I can be infinite love all the time. Because I'm 2000% aware that I'm jumping from 1 to 2 and back to 1 again, and I'm doing that due to hatred and judgement. Once judgement and hatred is gone, and I embrace everything, that's it! Game over boiiis! I won! But then of course, being the highly meta, and scientific/INTP mind that I am, I jumped to questioning "wait, why am I even trying to eliminate judgment and hatred all together?". Like a curious question I've had for a while is, why did I, God, jump to duality in the first place. And then I became aware of the play. How we are all actors just pretending. The level of pretending that I became conscious of was insane. We pretend so much that its incredible. Matt Khan is pretending to be a spiritual teacher, that's the level. He's so conscious yet he's still pretending. And of course he isn't actually there and there are no 'others' but what I'm saying is God is capable of pretending to such an extent, that you could be as deeply enlightened as Ramana or Matt Khan and you'd still be pretending. Those teachers aint free of pretending, trust me. They get sucked into the thought story of being a teacher, and don't even realise they are getting sucked into that thought story. You can be deeply enlightened and yet still dogmatic and still believe in stuff and confuse truth for falsehood. This is how insanely large self deception is. Its unbelievable. I became aware of all of my lies (and this was necessary for repenting my sins of judgement and hatred). I had to let go of all lives to fully surrender to god. Then I became conscious for the first time of True omnipresence. I felt exactly, ex-act-fucken-leeee why everything was the way it is (and there is a ridiculously mind twisted answer below in the "off the deep end" section) but for now lets just say that I became aware that God knows everything about me, and before reincarnating as me, he knew exactly what was going to happen to me. Every single bit. He knows why I suck at meditation, COVID-19, my reincarnations of past lives, every-fucken-thing. Because the Godhead is a land where you know fucken everything. Its insane. And so when you think you're struggling with meditation and it sucks, and how everyone is better than you, or some other hardship, God KNEW all of that precisely! (to the nearest millimetre, nanosecond, micro moment, including the devilry) before deciding to reincarnate as you. Like in ego consciousness, it really feels like you're here for the first time, and God's doing something new and your the first. That's true. BUT! At the exact same time, God also knew everything that was about to happen. Its sort of like, imagine genes are the Godhead and the phenotypes are your life. Yes the phenotype is happening for the first time, But you knew everything that was gonna happen from the genes, just the knowledge from the genes is different to the experience of the actual phenotype though. So that's sort of what omnipresence is like, you dont experience everything but you fucken KNOW! The image I had of omnipresence was heaps of clouds out in the sky, and a dragon flying through it just looking down. Don't know why but there ya go. I decided to go for a walk because I was convinced I took a microdose and whats the worst that could happen (should have learnt my lesson from the last san pedro trip I did, but I'm God's son, so not learning my lesson is in my genes ) And again, just like the last san pedro trip, I didn't wake up, here I am 100% conscious as God. Just happened without realising it. No ego death, just here it is. And see at this point this is where doing trips to better or improve your life or spirituality goals starts to break down, because once you're fully conscious that everything is God's plan, you realise all your deficiencies are God's plan too. Even what I'm writing now, God knew all of this before reincarnating as me. And so improving spirituality from that state of consciousness doesn't make sense, because its already perfect. Your failure is perfect. At that point its just like, everything is already done. There's nothing to do, or improve on. And you realise, you entering this trip with an intention is itself a persona. Like you've got an intention because you're an actor pretending you're going through a spiritual journey that isn't actually there. But once you take the acting clothes off, there goes your intention. There goes everything. The intention's meaning requires acting as a basis for it to make sense. And so at this point its like, ok well, I'm at the beginning, where I'm trying to arrive at. Now there's no need for an intention...... now what? (meanwhile nearly got hit by a car because I stopped in the middle of the road just to recognise what's going on... oh the irony of being highly micro and macro at the same time) But then consciousness changed its tune. No, I'm gonna pretend again. And when I pretend, we need to change. I need more love. This story has gone through too much suffering, and not enough love, and the story's course needs to balance back to love again. And then I remembered total 100% omnipresence and perfectness. But then I went I know! But I need more love! That's gotta happen! Then God reminded me of 'the beginning'. Where I was before this entire, multi incarnation, multi universe world began. And reminded me that, you've known infinite love all your life. For eternity. This dualistic world you're in now, its new. Its never happened before. And that's amazing. Instead of rushing to where you were when you began, enjoy what this world has to offer. Trip Report: Off the Deep End: This is where I'd imagine the teachers on here reading this like wtf?? Insanity started here (if it didnt already hahahaha) Like stop rushing, and appreciate duality and form. Duality and form is a gift. Its not horrible. Its a gift. And I resonated with that godly message to a certain level, because this world is beautiful, and I am rushing too much to the enlightenment finish line, without enjoying the process. But honestly, from God consciousness, from a non dualistic standpoint, I rejected it. For the first time I witnessed God rejecting his own advice. Saying no to it. I said (extremely sincerely and genuinely and deeply) (as God) I know but, its not fun anymore. What's the point if its not fun? Its getting boring. Its getting too suffering intensive. I want a change to this world. Then an extremely subtle "snap!!!" happened in my brain. So subtle that the devil tried to cover it up. But it felt like I had just communicated my sincere plea for help, for love, to an extremely alien form of my higher self/God. Ridiculously alien. Expressing a need for change to the story I'm pretending to be in. And this is where things start getting trippy. Mind you, during the trip I thought all of this was completely normal. Only after the comedown when I remembered all this did I go, what is the actual fuck was all that about? So God said to himself in a monologue (as I AM God) "you really reject this dualistic life? You're seriously fed up with it? Its seriously not quenching your thirst?" And I thought about that, and honestly the answer was "yes". If I'm extremely honest with myself. I don't give a fuck about being a spiritual teacher, helping others, engaging with anyone in this world, all I want to do is know thyself. I'm super curious, and just want to know what the truly fuck is truly going on. I dont want bliss, or even love suprisingly, I just want to KNOW. To be as One as possible. Fuck the world. (this is in god consciousness, depression and human disorders are so long gone by this point I can't explain. So this is God saying it, not depressed electrobeam). Then God said "if you truly want to know all this stuff, then there's only 1 way". "what is that?" Then I got shown shit that I remembered. It didnt suprise me at all(until I came down). I remember this very very well. I knew this before the big journey. God showed me what true awakening is and said "all of your questions wont be answered, and what you truly want wont be discovered, until you truly awaken. There's absolutely no way to know the answers to your questions without 100% awakening" And what's the cost of 100% awakening? Completely and utterly forgetting everything that happened. Like completely forgetting when you were born, where you were born, your reincarnation's births, dmt machine elf incarnation births, your parents, the entire massive journey. Full on Universal Mind dementia. You'll know exactly what you want to know, but you'll need to completely forget your life to truly get the answer. Complete dissociation and never ever remembering it again, you wont even know this life happened. You (god mind you hahahaha, like the highest of the highest) wont even have a slight clue whether this journey happened or not. (like thats insane). And I went "hmmm that's right, I totally forgot about that" (now that seems insane but yes that happened hahahah; because im a good pretender. lets be real). So there I was walking around the park, contemplating (as God) whether I should completely and utterly wipe out this entire universe and multiverses to merge with True infinite love. Completely forget. And I walked back inside to take a sit on my sofa, because, you know, this is a pretty big decision, I need to think this through. and my flatmate asked if I was feeling ok, and I said "yeah I think I screwed up the brew because I don't feel anything". And I said that genuinely, I literally didn't feel like this san pedro did anything except for a slight buzz. But then I remembered I'm contemplating whether I'm gonna wipe out the entire universe. So I said "actually, I'm contemplating wiping out the entire universe, so maybe it did have an effect". But then from this level of consciousness, psychedelics are completely and utterly imaginary and everything is happening because of God, got absolutely nothing to do with psychedelics. So I'm like, wtf this is weird, I dont usually act like this off psychedelics, but at the same time psychedelics are completely imaginary, wtf... I'll come to that another day if I dont choose to wipe it out. The Absolute/Final/Total: Not Infinite Love, but infinity itself!!!! Mindfuck, radical open mindedness alert woo woo. I don't mean to offend anyone, but through the process of contemplating True awakening. I became conscious that all of my awakenings (no self, infinite love, everything/nothing, intelligence) were all just 1 dimensional, or all just apart of the matrix! Like I became conscious that the next big journey CAN and possibly WILL journey towards God completely differently to all of my awakening experiences. Like there are infinite different types of awakenings. And all of my awakenings were just 1 fucken type. Like I mean, non duality, and wave in the ocean, its all just 1 type of being. Non duality is just 1 type of being out of an infinite number of beings(at the same level of consciousness. Of course there's lots of types of beings, but I'm saying there's an infinite number of beings with the same level of consciousness as non duality), used to journey towards God. non duality is just a tiny sand spec in the beach. I've experienced infinite love, non duality many many many times before. I know those states very very well. I'm not confusing non duality for something else. I mean it when I say non duality is just 1 type of being, and there are completely different "big journeys" that probably happened in the past that uses completely different types of being equivalent to non duality but completely different. And of course, I had to ask the question. What's infinite love? Is it final? Is it absolute? And God made it clear, to truly know, I need to merge into infinite love and completely forget everything about this big journey. Even forget that non duality is a fucken thing! Because when I truly forget, even non duality wont exist. True awakening is beyond non duality, and the next being might be equivalent to non duality in terms of states of consciousness, but it will be completely different. And this sort of realisation of forgetting, made me realise, that Love also, is just 1 type of being. Its just 1 type of the highest state of consciousness. There are infinite states of Being equivalent to Love, but different! In other words, each big journey uses an equivalent state of consciousness, but one that is completely different to Love. But for you to realise those different states, you need to completely wipe out this big journey and completely forget and dissociate from it. What is God really? But see this is the thing, what is god really? God is pure unlimited-ness. Its not divisions, or energy or even fucken Love. Its pure, utter pure, unlimitedness. Like Ramana Maharshi is 0% aware of how blank the canvas really fucken is. Its extremely blank. The canvas isn't fundamentally made of love, no, no, no. You haven't reached the highest awakening if you're not aware of that. That canvas is made of pure unlimitedness. You can dream up any fucken thing, so much that its terrifying. That's what God is. Its not Infinite Love, that's not final. I know that sounds off, but I know 10000%, Infinite Love is not final. Final/Absolute is pure unlimitedness. Pure dream up whatever the fuck you want. Yes God ultimately wants to merge with itself, to unite with itself, and it does a dance between duality and non duality, but keep in mind, that's not what God ultimately is, beyond that is pure unlimitedness. That's what God actually is behind the scenes. And at this point of the trip, God started sweating a little. Because he just remembered what he actually is, and its terrifying. Electrobeam was fine. He was high, happy, low heart beat. But God was having a bit of an existential crisis. And God wasn't surprised, or shocked, God was like "oh thats right". And a bit of terror. At the fact that he's pure unlimitedness. Because the scary part is not that God is pure unlimitedness. God can do everything. Can dream up anything, but the terrorising part, is the fact that the one thing he can't do, is kill himself. Eradicate himself. Stop himself. You have no choice but to dream everything that you're capable of dreaming because you can't kill yourself. Holy fuck if that doesn't scare you, then I didn't imagine you and duality was real all along. Are you aware that your ability to create horror is unlimited? Youre a fucking supernova on repeat! And your job as God is to control yourself! Woah and I thought I had it tough doing my day job. What is Omnipresence really? Yeah we like to think that omnipresence is knowing stuff. unravelling stuff that's hidden. Omnipresence at the lower levels (in this dimension) is western science. Discovering microbes and stuff. The next level higher is awakenings, like everything and nothing. knowing what God actually is. The next level is revealing devilry and self deception, the next level is total omnipresence, knowing everything about why everything is the way it is... but that's not the highest... the highest level of omnipresence is, accepting, or being fully conscious that you created everything. Literally everything. I used the gene phenotype above in the normal section of my post about what 100% omnipresence feels like. The highest level of omnipresence is realising you made that entire thing up on the spot. You're so unlimited, your canvas is so empty, that everything you could be 100% omnipresent of, is there, not because God planned it, but because God created it on the fucken spot. god doesn't need to bend to any rules to make things appear. He doesn't have to plan. God doesn't have to plan the laws of physics. God is so unlimited, and his canvas is so empty, that he just makes it up on the spot. Your entire life, infinite love, waking up process, etc. Wasn't planned. God made it NOW, by saying "this is what I want NOW". Nothing else needed. Just now. Just this is it now. He doesn't even need intelligence, its beyond intelligence. Its pure unlimitedness. Everything that is to be omnipresent of, is literally just accepting that what you create is what is. In its purest form. And at this stage of the trip, I started questioning "wait, did I just create duality because I was worried about how unlimited I was and I needed to rein myself in?" I felt like God was a wild gorilla, and duality was the cage. Then further I questioned "did I just create infinite love just to rein myself in"? Because its 10000% clear to me that infinite love isnt final. Then I came down from the trip. And reflected on what happened and went wait, what the fuck? I failed to get takeaways for that one, I need to do more trips.
  18. @Consilience yeap im working through it too, thats awesome! Above I was asking about a specific skillset, has a lot more to do with deep emotional intelligence work rather than pickup tbh, but agree that James Marshall is great. And he really suits my style because I'm an extremely low energy/nerdy guy.
  19. Nope. "socially witty" is just the silhouette of a deep energetic state. its very limited. its because you're not aware that everyone is a projection of your inner state, and you can't actually manipulate anyone. Thinking you can is coming from a misunderstanding of how reality actually works. This is another counter intuitive part of reality. You're actually encouraging bad karma from what you wrote, rather than the opposite.
  20. Found this interesting question on stack exchange: https://philosophy.stackexchange.com/questions/76047/does-science-require-the-exclusion-of-the-infinite This is a good example for studying how foolish scientists are. I think the questioner was onto something without realising it. He was onto the fact that science is a dream, and can never grasp God. The 2nd answer ( by nielson) said "It is then the job of the physicist to uncover what is missing, and add it in." clearly describing how science is a dream machine, rather than a truth seeking machine.
  21. Is there any field of study or course for practising specifically this? I've got a feeling that transferring energy would be super effective of overcoming this: Like I'm imagining something where you can instantly invoke psychedelic like vibration at will and then make her feel super high by transferring it to her or something. Or change mood at will (change to different emotional states) and do it pragmatically to increase a connection with the person you're interacting with. I know how to get into psychedelic like states at will, but don't really get/understand the part where you transfer it to her or whoever you're talking to. There's something missing in my approach and I can't put my finger on it. Something about directing it onto her, I can't seem to figure that part out. Like I can feel super high while talking to her, and she of course feels a bit of it, but its not as effective as it can be, if I somehow learnt how to intentionally/consciously transfer it to her it would make things a lot more effective.
  22. It doesn't really matter 'what's better' but rather 'what's best for you'. Even if you come up with sound logic that its better to change the system from within, if it doesn't suit your personality type, you wont have what it takes to pull it off. In history, systems have been changed from the outside and from the inside. Science usually changes from within, numerous examples like Einstein, Edward Lorenz, etc. Social change usually comes from the outside. But there's plenty of examples of where changing the system from within (in science) has failed. Like with Hegel, Robert Lanza's theory hasn't really been accepted yet (even though he's spent hours on it), while Rupert Sheldrake (who started within the system but then left) has his own journal which while its not within "the system" its within "a system", one he created himself. And the main reason why is because when revolutions happen, they don't usually happen solely by the actions of 1 particular guy. Unlike what humans have been led to believe, revolutions happen because significant chunks of the system as a whole collectively starts to feel the same 'pain' or 'suffering' and then the collectively as a whole begins to form common questions or peaks of interest in particular areas. And then there's this 1 guy(from that chunk) who takes the lead, and starts to rally people, or concretely solidify solutions or frameworks for those particular 'questions' or emergence of 'suffering'. To create a revolution, you need more than just 1 guy. The system needs to collectively start feeling the same suffering and a desire to change their worldview; and this cannot be caused by 1 guy, it spontaneously emerges as part of the evolution of the system. Its like a wave. A wave of common desires, suffering and questions from the collective whole, and then 1 guy catches that wave by quenching the desire, relieving the suffering through leading and defining frameworks which the people in the system were originally looking for. Martin Luther King jumped that wave. Blacks already were feeling the desire for change, the suffering collectively and were already questioning the system (from world war 2), Martin just solidified or did the final push to actualize that collective suffering/desires/wave. Same with Niels Bhor. Quantum mechanics was a collective wave/revolution, originally caused by 100s (if not 1000s) of scientists collectively feeling the same desires for more than just newtonian physics, questioning the same areas, dozens of scientists were all feeling the same suffering and problems with their worldview and as a whole wanted to change it(they just didn't know how). Niels Bhor (and several others) just did that final push, resolved their suffering, served their desire, and through that, caused a revolution. He did it through giving the scientists what they were subconsciously looking for, in a language that they could understand(his theory was sort of a bridge between the classical world and a non dual perspective of reality). The 100s of scientists were the customers, while Niels Bhor was the seller so to speak. If you jump the wave too early, you end up being a crazy psycho wacko (actually a genius though), whose only recognised hundreds of years into the future. If you jump too late, someone else has caused the revolution already, you have to jump at the right time. And that right time might be never in your lifetime(for your chosen field or area of interest)... it all depends on what's happening on a collective level. Ken Wilber is an example of someone who jumped too early. ^^^^ In other words, approaching this question with the mindset of "I want to change the system, how do I do it?" isn't the right way to go, because the system doesn't change by you, it changes by itself. Your rationale is sort of like a cell asking "how do I make this person smarter?" That's not up to the cell, that's up to you as a whole (all cells collectively). So just do what you love first and foremost, and don't worry about changing the system, but by just being the best you can by yourself. If you're lucky enough to catch a wave, then good on you!