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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. I've gotta feeling Leo may have some clarity on this. The situation is I had a trillion questions that I wanted to answer an hour ago, just out of deep curiosity. Real juicy ones like "why do we suffer", "how do we live a principled life", "what should I be doing with my career", "what will I dream after the body mind dies", "why did I dream this specific dream right now, why am I this specific physical avatar" and a whole lot more cool ones. But now, I've forgotten how to contemplate. Whenever I ask a question, the answer is "Love", for every answer. And that answer isn't some alias for some structure, its the fabric of reality itself. It has no form to it. All the answers are formless. Its not concrete and its not an 'insight'. The answers are no longer insights. Insights as in an 'aha!' And I think this is because, all questions rely on assumptions. For example the question "why do pawns move forward and left" requires chess to be real. But what if it isn't? Then all of the questions about chess just end up being "there's no chess". And I think that's what I've been doing for the last 4 years. I thought I was getting somewhere, hardcore contemplating reality, but all I was doing, was answering questions within a context that didn't exist in the first place. And I got a lot of profound answers, which made sense until the context dissolved. I had a trillion insights under my belt, now I feel like I know nothing. Back to where I started. I look at the content of this forum and its like I'm back 4 years ago looking at this stuff for the first time. I've also forgotten what isn't love. I can't remember what isn't love. So the chess board has dissolved. But as Leo says 'there's deeper!' cool well lets go deeper then! Sounds fun and its what I want to do. I still feel like seeking hardcore and am still deeply dissatisfied spiritually. And contemplation has been by far the most powerful technique I've used. It really suits this physical avatar's personality type. I would love to feel the present moment/reality on a deeper level more and contemplate more deeply into it, but as said before questions aren't working anymore. I need a questionless contemplation. Would love some clarity on this, thanks!
  2. only if you 100% remember yourself. Clearly forgetting is a real thing. You wouldn't be talking to me if you truly remembered yourself 100%. You wouldn't know who I was or what this forum is.
  3. @Preety_India I'm forgetting myself to create you!!!!!!
  4. Interesting thanks for the share. Althought don't see why you think tech types getting into spirituality is a big deal. I've been an engineer for a while now and have been into hard core spirituality as well. I've got quite successful friends who have invented every day products that are into spirituality (albeit at a basic level).
  5. I'm the best at learning my lessons. In my previous life I changed from a man on the streets to an enlightened millionaire, but then I reincarnated into the fool I am now.
  6. "Look I'm not afraid of dying, but I am afraid of being forced to endure suffering and indignity of being totally dependent on other people while I'm dying" Fuck she's a brave woman! I'd be scared of the opposite.
  7. You realize Frank, that if you truly had it your way, you would be enlightened 24/7? God would never unenlighten if you truly had it your way. Why would you unenlighten yourself? And yet Frank at the beginning of your journey you weren't. So clearly you haven't reached the highest state, because if you did, you'd see the value of unenlightening yourself. What's the point of staying stuck at some sub par state of consciousness? Maybe the point isn't locking stuff in, chasing happiness, scrambling to keep a particular state for as long as you can, maybe the point is simply to see the truth itself?
  8. Right, psychological addiction Like my original point was, if you have person A who meditates for 30 minutes a day and person B who vapes a 20-30 minute DMT trip every day and meditates while on that trip, person B will probably get enlightened 1000x more likely then person A. So taking psychedelics every day and doing it properly(not just fucking around on them but doing hardcore meditation and concentration on them) that sounds way better then just meditating. Of course not literally because your lungs will die, but if there was a healthy way of administration, sounds like the fastest way to get enlightened. Also the hardest because you'll go insane a lot. If you meditate and do sober stuff I dont see how psychological addiction can become a problem. Definitely can if you dont do sober stuff. based on your videos, the only thing I can infer as problems with doing this every day is going insane or misinterpreting your trips and getting deluded.
  9. You said in another thread that psychedelics increase your consciousness by 1%. If you do psychedelics every day or every week, sounds super beneficial. Therefore after 100 trips you could go from normal person to enlightened. (jks) I have found personally that you only grow from powerful psychedelic trips, not non powerful ones. The sort of trips that really shake you up and make you a bit insane. Are you talking specifically about just mid dose trips? The ones that feel good but nothing else? Or all trips are bad to rely on regularly? And why is it bad to rely on if it increases your consciousness probably more then lots of meditation sessions?
  10. haven't read all of it but: https://us.humankinetics.com/blogs/excerpt/the-four-primary-types-of-yoga
  11. Spiritual work != politics. If I wanted to know how politics works I wouldn't say "yeah Barack Obama might have more experience with politics than Elon Musk, but does he know how to make money off rockets? No! Therefore because he doesn't know how to make money off rockets, he knows more about politics then Barack Obama" Spiritual work is what politics is made of, not meddling around at the surface, arguing over the seemingly existent patterns(that aren't actually there) and being good at arguing over what patters are better then others. I've met a significant number of his followers over the years as I've done a few of his courses and went to his weekly programs for a while. All this "just accept it without questioning" business is a narrow angle at tackling spirituality called jnana yoga or in the west called scepticism or Pyrrhonism. You can get enlightened as fuck, way more then 99% of people on this site, without questioning reality and just doing kriya yoga, or bhakti yoga or karma yoga. Shamans out in the Amazon are absolutely shit at thinking, yet their level of enlightenment is massive. The idea that jnana is superior to the other types of yoga, or that somehow questioning reality and thinking properly is necessary for enlightenment is your bias because you're a thinking based person and because you've surrounded yourself around thinking based people. You're no different to those hindu supporting spiritual people who advocate for their way of tackling spirituality. They say sadhguru and his practices are the best, you say questioning reality is the best. So what. Actually the most advanced spiritual people don't question reality at all. They just have a natural intuitive feeling for what's right. Its us the thinkers that are the handicapped ones. And yes they do understand it, but just because they don't show it in the way you (a jnana type) shows it, doesn't mean they don't understand it. They aren't gonna rave over endless philosophical debates about it, they will just embody it and live their life by it, like a lot of shamans. If you question them, they will switch off, because they can't see the connection between the embodiment they are feeling, and talking about it. Some of them don't even realize talking about it is a thing. They feel it, know it, but keep to the scriptures because that's what works for them. You would then mistakenly think they don't know shit when they may know way more then you.
  12. You need to factor in your personality type. An Enneagram type 7 or an ENFJ would say "most spiritual people are just into mental masturbation, go ask on Leo's forum how many people actually embody the mystical insights they love talking about rather than just talking about them. Unlike Sadhguru's forum where the people there don't talk about it much but actually embody it". I've found that people who are not intellectual/jnana types (more bhakti, kriya or karma types) are way better at embodying the truth then the jnanas. But they don't talk about epistemology because they think talk is cheap. And there's a lot of truth to that. Real spirituality is <1% experiences and >99% embodiment. You can talk like a parrot about all these concepts, have thousands of experiences, sound super intelligent, yet embody nothing. These are the sorts of people who take psychedelics but don't do the practices. Like how well they talk about epistemology is not a good indicator of spiritual growth. How much they embody it is way better. Everything is one? Great now go read a book about hitler's life and have compassion for him. Go to a poor place in Africa and see the oneness in them. You can feel oneness while meditating or when things are comfortable. Go live on the streets after getting fired and then see the oneness. And there's lots of people on forums like Sadhguru's who don't talk much but when you're around them, the act and do things indirectly which implies strong growth. You can feel the love they have for the poor, and the understanding they have when talking to others. You have to remember talking and epistemology is a enneagram 5 specific thing. There's all those other enneagram types that approach spirituality in a totally different way, still just as valid, but different. I agree though that 95%(or more actually) aren't into truth. Even this forum isn't really into truth, I don't think its massively truth oriented compared to other groups. I've written posts on here that alienate lots of people because I'm willing to go through heaps of suffering for the truth. My account got banned partially because of that reason, people even here don't get why someone would go through heaps of suffering for the truth.
  13. Why is it when you google "white dick" and then google "black dick", the black dicks are bigger? Google so bias! Trying to reaffirm the the colonialist past of breeding bigger and stronger black men so they could do work more efficiently! Google trying to take down the black man! https://kottke.org/16/02/a-history-of-the-slave-breeding-industry-in-the-united-states
  14. Hold on, I've seen more of the opposite happen. People are deluded before spirituality, but then after doing the practices, they start developing compassion and understanding for different people, including different political ideologies and stages of development. The idea that you can still be deeply deluded and practice spirituality doesn't hold true. How can you still hate Trump after realizing trump is infinite you. If anything you'll develop compassion for Trump. Yeah there are spiritual people who believe in conspiracy theories, or psychedelic people who are stuck in the mind, but are these people doing the practices seriously? Not in my XP. You surely can't be doing serious practices of loving the universe and then still believe in conspiracy theories that hurt the universe.
  15. One time a women fell asleep without realizing it. She dreamed she was in a dark alley way getting home from work. A shady, disturbing man was at the end of the alley way looking at her. He walked up to her before she could run. The woman asked "what are you going to do to me?" the man replied "I don't know, its your dream isn't it?" So what are you going to dream up the AI can do?
  16. @Nahm I'll buy ya a red button that voices out "use a dreamboard", it'll sell like hotcakes.
  17. Well stress is a way of sweeping a deep fear under the matt. Take note that I didn't say stress is a way of getting rid of fear. You can run javfly33 but you can't hide. I know you're some high flying delivery man now, but you still ain't fast enough to get away from those deeply seated fears that'll stay locked in your head desperately trying to get out. You gotta do what the cool alpha males do: sit down and dive deep into the heart of that fear. Just contemplate it, expose yourself to it and dive deep into the feeling of it. Deeply feel it, so much so that its like you're realizing or manifesting it now. Don't think, just feel and accept, accept that fear deeply. Give up on trying to avoid it, and just befriend it. After all its just an experience, how bad can it get?
  18. Sorry to hear that, its tough when you go against the mob when you're just trying to help. I trigger shit loads of people on here too just because I have a very different view and perspective and approach to spirituality on here(like getting banned ) and because I'm a bit of an idiot too, but fortunately I don't get abused.
  19. Not saying people go looking for abuse, I'm trying to say that I am not discounting that there is abuse on this forum, there may be lots of it, but because I don't look for it, I may not see it. I wrote that specifically because I thought people would get offended by me saying there's no abuse on this forum. I think people just have different levels of sensitivities and triggers and get offended more easily then others, and maybe the edgy ones are just less aware of that because they themselves don't get offended that easily. I don't see many people genuinely using this forum as a way of trolling and hurting others. But I'm open to the possibility that there's shit loads of abuse going on. And I'm saying that I'm right. EDIT *not *not, better write that before getting my ass kicked.
  20. @Martin123 What are examples of abuse, I'm curious? I haven't experienced abuse on this forum for like 3 yrs and pretty active on here, but I don't go looking for it either. There are one offs, like that other thing you picked up on, but these are rare. And people on here are mildly edgy(no where near as edgy as face to face contact with ordinary people) but I don't see that edgy stuff coming from a desire to hurt others, but rather than a different form of expression, a form thats more direct and to the point, definitely a form I like because it gets right to the chase. Its perfect for striking the ego at the core.
  21. No way they give you physical and mental predispositions
  22. How do you know whether jumping into that state is wise/not dangerous, if I can't trust you, my fantasies, or anything. For example, I have had several psychotic episodes in the past, just because jumping in that state is great for you, it might not be great for me, it might send me into eternal salvia. How do you test whether that state is safe before jumping into it?
  23. is this the point of enlightenment work? To Be that?
  24. @Preety_India in school, there are 2 types of kids, the ones who memorise the maths formulas and dates of figures in their history class. The others were the ones who were genuinely passionate about their classes, and were genuinely curious about how the maths formulas worked, or what it was really like to be that figure in history, and why the date was so significant. Yeah the memorisers managed to get good grades eventually through all that discipline. But heck they had a shit time. And studied a hell of a lot of hours. Meanwhile the passionate ones didn't even know they were studying. And the memorisers got a good enough job to survive, but every day they had to battle a slew of motivation issues, they had common sense issues because their level of depth of subjects is just memory, not a deep understanding. Meanwhile the passionate ones(had other issues) but always were motivated to learn more, and had a great time at work. And had great common sense and knew their subject with conviction. The poster doesn't feel good about learning pickup techniques. It doesn't gel with his personality type. It feels forced. He's just like the memorisers at school, not feeling right in their body, but doing it anyway. That's not really the right angle to go about pickup. You should really feel aligned with it, it should feel natural to you. You need to feel morally ok with it, you need to feel physically ok with it. You need to feel like its right. Just doing pickup to get girls without it feeling right is a quick way to end up in disaster. And yeah like the memorisers you'll get somewhere, but it will be a horrible road to getting there, and you wont get the fulfillment or results you truly want. And so to make those techniques resonate with you, align with your morality, sense of self, who you want to be, you first need to start with the foundation which is how you feel. You need to feel in your bones that seduction energy. You need to feel in your bones that you're attractive. The feeling of the word 'attraction' needs to spark you. Before the talk, posture, body movements, eye contact, etc. You need to feel it first. Then once you feel it, you can then allow that feeling to manifest into the specific techniques. You'll go through pickup courses feeling and deeply knowing the technique, putting your own spin on it, because you're not memorising it, you're deeply feeling it. And once you feel it, for the first week you'll be so happy that you wont be desperate for women and probably will just chill because for the first time you've just realized that happiness comes from within. The poster wrote that pickup techniques doesn't gel with his personality. That's not true. He doesn't feel attractive or seductive in his bones, and that's why the pickup techniques aren't aligning with his mind and body. Its like when a 'realist' or pessimist says that they just can't be positive because its not 'them'. Yeah take some shrooms, feel positive, and then we'll see if its still who you are. And that's the poster's problem. He doesn't feel the right shit. If he did he would learn pickup without issue. His problem is with learning pickup. He doesn't want to. That's why he doesn't want to, because he aint feeling right. And that EFT Tapping is the perfect way to start feeling. EFT tapping is an amazing resource for feeling and energy release. For me its more powerful then kriya yoga. And wow there's one for attraction, epic!
  25. Lol literally thestarguitarist14 gave you the holy grail of an answer that you need. And that answer was the only answer that was ignored in this thread. That answer was far more effective then the rest, because its the foundation thats needed for the rest to flourish. To learn seduction, you first need to feel the right energy of seduction, so that you can sync and really feel the seduction content and learn it and embody it. Everything will just fall into place if you do that EFT tapping 4 or 5 times a day. The real problem here, isn't that you're not getting women, its that you feel bad and desperate by the fact that you can't get women. You've got low self esteem and the suffering is coming from there. I bet you if there were 2 scenarios, where magically tomorrow you got heaps of women but still had all your self esteem issues, and scenario 2 where you were put on an island somewhere with no women, yet all of your self esteem issues were gone and you felt vibrant, great, blissful, estatic about yourself and your body, but no women, you'd pick scenario 2. And to solve that problem, go and EFT tap for gods sake. Your suffering has nothing to do with women. What you want has nothing to do with women. You're confused. You don't know what you want. You don't want women, you want to change the way you look at yourself bro. You hate the way you are right now bro. You want to change the way you look at yourself bro. Placing so much emphasis on women is just diluting and confusing the problem bro. Go tackle the real problem. Then women will naturally come after that. Its amazing how we act like we need a lot of help and our lives are so hard, yet when the perfect answer comes, we aren't willing to take on that advice, we just ignore it.