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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. just keep in mind that contemplation (the most masculine thing you could do) leads to love awakenings.
  2. Love the techniques @Fran11 I (along with a couple of others) didn't initially see the value of noticing distinctions between the energies even though they were the same (all ultimately feminine/love) but after practising noticing the distinctions, there was a dozen or so instances of a re contextualisation of certain appearances that I would very minorly reject for a few milliseconds (like say seeing a murderer on television or seeing a fat guy eating mcdonalds) into seeing those rejections as actually masculine energy, and then the distinction between masculine and feminine collapsed. Didn't even realise you could release rejections by noticing distinctions, then going full circle and collapsing them again. I'm personally going to continue diving deeper into this, and definitely think that just because you are in a state of mind where everything is Nothing (like neo adviata vedanta stuff) or in a state where everything is Love (like the love awakening stuff) feeling and clarity on distinctions is still very powerful, because it allows you to break down very sneaky judgements that you may be vaguely labelling as Love or Nothing, but are actually resistance and rejection. Thanks again Fran11 for introducing us to this stuff! Really loved it. Hopeful that more people get on board with it, regardless of the seeming limitations of the practice.
  3. ask women for advice, not men Men can't see their blindspots.
  4. I really feel for you man. Its such an isolating experience to have. I've also got autism and only got into personal development at the age of 19-20. I just wanted to let you know that there are others out there who have had the same issues, really feel your pain, understand what you're going through, and deeply empathise with you. What you're going through is tough, even if others don't understand. And you can and will get through it. I really wish I could help, but I don't know how. I'm so glad to see that there are other posters above who have amazing advice and are helping you along with your journey. And just a little side note, these issues are temporary, always are temporary. In the end the only thing that's permanent is seeing that every situation possible, whether its being far behind, or having autism, or being an ugly uncool guy, etc. the issue in the end IS always divine infinite love. You end in the same place as everyone else, no matter what happened in your life. Truth and Love are believers in egalitarianism, and don't discriminate between different ways of life unfolding, that discrimination only happens while you have a mind.
  5. @randomguy123 I don't know what's going on here, even though its profound and fascinating. So I'd encourage you to take what's being said with a massive grain of salt, as I really don't want to confuse you or anyone through projecting my own delusion and lies onto your situation, and I've got a lot of fear about doing just that with this post, having said that, what I can definitely feel is so much humility in this post. This post feels like a waterfall just spraying it out in all directions. Humility in being sensitive to Leo's wants and needs, humility in being open to not knowing what's wrong with you and the possibility that others know more then you do (like the doctors in the psyche ward). Humility in being honest with what you feel and how that's bothering you, and humility in being open to being 'low conscious' or 'not connected with everything' even though I don't really know what those terms mean. And especially, humility in noticing that 'everything is so unpure'. If you're open to it, and I know this is tough to do, maybe its time to give yourself slightly more credit then what you've done? Maybe its time to recognise just a little bit, that everything "merging" into one (or as you call it, a slit in your head where things blur out and go to a monochrome) IS "connected with everything"ness? Maybe its time to recognise, just a little bit, that this blur IS a noticing that you're not a standard kid that's tall and skinny, and is a thinker? I think there are several problems going on here, but if I'm allowed to blatantly, and deludedly project my past experiences onto this post, I'd bet my money that your in a psyche ward right now because you've tried to be so humble, so damn humble, that you've allowed your humility to prevent yourself from recognising your true being. The fact of the matter is, you are not a skinny, thinking human, but actually a beautiful, perfect, awesome white light that does blur everything into 1 monochrome. Its ok to recognise you're awesome sometimes. Even if you just do it a little bit. And its ok to recognise that, being awesome means you may need to let go of the many distinctions between your emotions and the "3D world" and just admit that they are 1 thing. They aren't turning into 1 thing, you're not going insane, its not like now that this has happened you're going to be mentally retarded and cannot do maths equations or homework or work anymore, you're just recognising what's been happening since your birth. Try letting go of the need to make distinctions. And just see where that leads you. Forget the thoughts that tell you its not a good idea, and just focus on what feels right.
  6. awesome topic! Thankyou a lot for sharing, the work here is amazing. Do you have any exercises for getting in touch with the 'Love' energy? For some background, I've tried kriya yoga, but it was too mechanical and complicated. I felt like I couldn't really control my energies with that technique because it was too forceful and had too many steps, making the energy clunky. Do you have any not overly forceful energy 'mastery' or techniques for growing and getting in touch with the love energy (or feminine energy if that's what its called in this context?). Also do you have any books you'd recommend?
  7. Thanks for acknowledging that, I wasn't trying to be a non dual snob though. I'm talking purely relative. I understand what you mean. Totally disregard this if it doesn't resonate but... when you're on your deathbed, is focusing your time on good rates and bad rates for your definition of amazing women going to be something you'll wish you did? And at the end of the day, is thinking about what you believe an average woman is, and what an amazing woman is, really related to what you truly want which is to feel deep love from a partner? Is this thinking really valuable? Even if you think the people you hang out with are below your standards, isn't the learning opportunity, the opportunity to explore new perspectives, the opportunity to connect with another human being, way more productive and enjoyable then thinking about what your standards are?
  8. @ColeMC01 is there really such a thing as an average girl?
  9. that really really sucks. Sorry you had to go through all of that Admit that you can't get over him because you love him too much
  10. the snake that eats its tail, starts off with a tail
  11. @r0ckyreed Have you tried having a certain attitude towards life? Such as developing humility for yourself, developing genuine love for other beings, developing gratitude for what you have? Compassion and desire to help others? Awe for nature? Compassion and love for insects and animals? Joy for a creative art like playing a musical instrument?
  12. throughout the spiritual path, through all the insights and awakenings, crazy episodes, I was never the seeker, I was the one observing the seeker. I've never had an insight before, or an awakening, or a crazy episode. I was the awakening, the insight, the crazy episode, I was the entire path itself, all at once. And the entire path was for love. Omg, what do I say? Thankyou? Who do I say it to? How in the hell will I ever say enough thankyous to this? How can I make up for what's just happened? Its too much. I don't know how to help.
  13. what have you tried?
  14. it doesn't matter, what matters is how you feel, and getting over any discord or issues that you face. I'm not a teacher, and suck at helping others, but if you would like any help or advice with anything, I'll try my best. @Rilles congratulations on getting to no mind, that's an amazing achievement. There's more to go, God can't wait for you to go home, keep going.
  15. Its really tough, because time is a precious resource and the fact that you may loose time on something you don't like is even more unbearable. But really, if you want to master health, or any one of those subjects, there's no getting around the fact that you'll have to take a risk and spend your time practising or doing the exercises necessary for that field. If you're willing, try letting go of those scary thoughts telling you that you're wasting time. Put more feelings of inspiration, love, enjoyment into the thing you're doing if possible, through visualisation exercises. You could even try walking in nature, feeling the awe and inspiration from the beauty of it, and then carry it over to the exercises that you've got to do. If you keep going, you will get there, and you will master whatever field you want to. good luck, hope you get what you want
  16. making a loving universe means helping healthily No, good job to you, it was all your idea. I can't thank you enough and I don't know how. And its killing me.
  17. It wasn't a trick, it was Love. Its not crazy, its Lovely. I wasn't pretending, I was making the most Loving universe possible. Let me know if you need anything, Love to you
  18. @OBEler let me know if you need help with anything
  19. I just want to help everyone. this isn't an insight, and its sober. And I doubt this could ever be not sober. gosh not getting any sleep tonight. I can't believe it was a movie all along and not a game, I can't believe it was all just for love. Not just the path but everything.
  20. Not to boast or anything, just for another perspective, I got onto this path in college, dropped out of college, had 2 jobs (a very stressful startup part time and a very stressful full time job) for 3 years straight, and did this path hardcore. Then realised my college and 2 jobs and everyone around me was me. And if it wasn't for my job, my spiritual path wouldn't have taken off, because it was the experience of my very stressful job, breaking up with my long term GF, which pulled the inner demons out of me. I nearly committed suicide 3 times after dropping out of college, 1 time my startup nearly failed, girlfriend broke up with me, and I lost my job(was living by myself because parents were disappointed that I dropped out of college and kicked me out). A day after that experience, I had a huge awakening, and was very very receptive to a whole new way of looking at the world, and also to a certain new teaching that the mod above exposed me to. There's no better opportunity to really see what hidden karma you have inside of you then to go through demoralisation, ridicule, nearly loosing your job, depression, anxiety and loads of fear. This path has never been a separate thing to my career or relationships, and I've never understood why people see it that way, maybe there's a very good reason for it, but your career (if it really pushes you) just compliments your practices and helps you deconstruct yourself. If I didn't have a very stressful life, I'm over 9000% sure my spiritual journey would have been 3 years behind it is now. Because I wouldn't have had the opportunity to really test what I'm made of.
  21. @Lews Therin From my POV, you're trying to dream up imaginary characters who know what the real you need more than the real you does. Which came across to me as being counter productive, and I was trying to point to that. If you're coming from another perspective though, then I'd definitely recommend yoga, its an amazing tool for self transformation, regardless of how enlightened you are. Enlightenment never ends in this particular context.
  22. What's the difference between doing yoga and not doing yoga? What's the difference between asking me and asking you? When it comes to spirituality, maintaining a duality of other people have the answers that you seek, will not work after 'enlightenment' depending on what you think enlightenment means.
  23. @Leo Gura im trying to express a feeling that there's an evolutionary/societal importance to the birth of physics but maybe thats just bullshit.