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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. what's the difference between knowing and not knowing the truth?
  2. You need to also consider that suffering is lack of Love. Its literally the definition of not actual. If light is love, then darkness is suffering(lack of light). Infinity includes everything, but it includes every actual thing. Infinity cannot include suffering because infinity does not know what suffering is. That doesn't mean that you've never suffered before, you have, and suffering can be horrible, really horrible, but its not a given that infinity must explicitly include hell, hell is a choice that you choose to enter or not based on your free will. Like Trump (if we assume he exists) didn't have to suffer, he chose to, same for Jeffrey Epstein.
  3. There is no 'psychedelic'. You can't separate 1 aspect of reality from another, its why everyone says we are ONE... it really is all completely connected. The question isn't how do I use psychedelics as a tool to reach enlightenment, the real question is, how do I use life as a whole to reach enlightenment?
  4. i have terrible communication skills and have gotten further then a good 70+% of the population. There's 2 sides to every coin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. I don't take san pedro with anything actually. Just pure san pedro.
  6. I see where our friendship stands mr I'm not real. I'll have you know I'm deeply offended.
  7. The star from mario kart + covid test. No. Stop bitching and eat/drink it already You're only worthy of the great and masterful san pedro if you can drink it without vomiting.
  8. ...Back to the delusional times when you weren't enlightened
  9. @Nahm awesome advice thanks for the guidance and reminders! Its simple but feeling over thinking is really it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the word 'misunderstood'(misunderstood as in not able to be understood) felt great because it represented letting go of pointers if you know what I mean, but apart from that agreed with everything else you wrote, absolutely spot on.
  10. I haven't had the chance to take psychedelics yet because im just too busy at the moment but these are the 2 questions ill be forcing them to answer to me. But until then maybe there could be some pointers? 1. I've heard Leo say that God fully unifies and then disunifies in cycles. And a full unification is something like white light formlessness or something. I can't find evidence for this in my direct experience anywhere. It feels to me that God can unify more and more and more forever. And it never ever stops. What is 100% unification? 2. Related to the 1st question, how is it even possible to disunify? We are constantly trying to get happier and happier. Always growing more and more, its literally impossible to ever want to suffer. We always want to not suffer and to get happier. Even me asking these 2 questions is a product of wanting to get happier. Its impossible for God to not want to get happier. And so AFAIK disunification IS God wanting to get less happy. Its going from perfect unification to less unification which is deliberately going from happy to unhappy. What the actual fuck, I can't find any evidence in my experience of this happening. Of course there are highs and lows like for example you might get good meditation results then fall into a depression, but the overall trajectory is always going up(getting happier) and disunification has never happened in my experience. How does disunfication happen? I want to know how I would deliberately want to reincarnate into Jeffery Epstein (as leo said in his experiments video). I'm fine to reincarnate into him now in the state im in how because its all love, but disunification is literally seeing it as not love, how does that maximise happiness? And how is it even possible for God to want to do that? How does cycling into unenlightenment actually happen, how does forgetting knowing actually happen and what triggers it?
  11. @Nahm actually, there is one problem with staying with feeling I have noticed. And its something that I think is important to consider. 'my' feelings are not consistent. Consistency is important for life. For example, If I look for my life purpose by following feeling, I jump around alot and don't stick to 1 thing, which means I can't specialise and master my craft. If I follow feeling for spirituality, I'll jump around a lot with different meditation and yoga techniques and not stick with 1 and develop the discipline to master 1, which means I wont get any results(or even if that statement is bullshit it doesn't seem right that jumping around is good for spirituality). If I follow feeling with relationships and friendships, I start acting very inconsistently, sometimes I'm very loving, sometimes I'm a bitch. Things get very inconsistent. And when you interact with human beings, they like consistency. Because it makes them feel like they know what's going on. Acting inconsistently produces sort of confusion or disrupts their sense of knowing what's going on.
  12. Excellent observation, thanks! Yeah I'm very very slowly starting to realise that think isn't working maybe in another 10 years it will dawn on me This is related to the above point. I don't think its wrong, but I think I've severely misunderstood all the pointers. Well you know what I'm saying... not making an excuse to think about the pointers. Feeling is important. I've just casually noticed that whenever I experience what was pointed to, I realise I misunderstood the pointer.
  13. @Nahm sounds good. I wonder why I keep touching the stove... such a fascinating question... SLAP!
  14. I agree with you of course that meditation is the way and talking on here isn't. I just write on here to increase the space or vocabulary of recontextualisation, so that 'contextualize the shit outta it' can happen as powerfully as possible. Reading increases the depth of what I feel, the content doesn't really matter, just feeling the energies of who posts to me is what's needed. The content isn't even there anyway. just playing around honestly. sounds good, see ya later electroBeam.
  15. Yep totally get that. "You" went through the entire path, even though you never really went through it, just so awakening to infinite love would be a trillion times more impactful. The part im stuck on is, I as God, at this point, does not feel like forgetting that realization. But that doesn't make sense, because it was forgotten to allow that realisation to happen. I'm trying to understand what mind/body death is before it actually happens... even though on a semantic level you could argue that there's just now and mind/body death is an illusion, blablbla. I'm aware that I already am jeffrey Epstein/infinite love and that i cannot die because there is no difference between life and death through electroBeam's finite mind or physical avatar. But knowing the infinite/love through electroBeam's finite mind is a massively different situation to actually adopting Jeffrey epstein's finite mind and not knowing any of it. Yep got a taste of that before but it wasn't big enough. It was super overwhelming to realize, yet i didn't give birth to myself because the physical avatar was already electroBeam. Maybe psychedelics will show me what its like to actually be so overwhelmed that you actually give bith to a totally different avatar that's completely ignorant. And i can bring that back to this state here(being the infinite through electroBeam's finite mind) and then finally say i know absolutely everything there is to possibly know.
  16. contradiction? Sure more meditation is the answer, of course is the moral of that story. Although if i were that someone else, which is you I'd be sure as hell unsatisfied if i didn't feel like i 100% knew why I would reincarnate into electroBeam at some point, and for things TO ACTUALLY BE much of a story. Why would you put yourself through that? You can see its bullshit and you're trying to help electroBeam see that bullshit, why would you reincarnate into someone who couldn't see the bullshit? That doesn't sound fun. I'd be awfully curious to know why. You may not ever reincarnate into electroBeam because electroBeam doesn't exist, but eventually there will be a getting lost in the dream, and not knowing how that happens is deeplg dissatisfying.
  17. So basically eventually you're going to get pissed off that no matter how hard you try to get us to wake up, we don't because we're too lazy, so you're going to reincarnate into one of us and do it for us EDIT: also I'm getting a sense that enlightenment in this plane isn't true enlightenment, its a pseudo enlightenment, the only real oneness/enlightenment is mind/body death. Like technically you're trying to get 'others' to experience oneness by being a teacher, even though we aren't actually here. So functioning in the material plane must be 2 ness(duality) no matter how enlightened a spiritual teacher thinks he is.
  18. I created characters that told me not to come home and that isn't my fault psychedelic time!
  19. but you didn't know they were imaginary once(well if your character is normal ) and thought they were real, or its at least its possible to pretend they are real, and then it sucked real bad, why would you be such as masochist Do you have low self esteem issues? Hate yourself? These 2 quotes together makes me feel very warm and comfortable: Sure I don't have any actual evidence that I ever thought the dream characters were real... and maybe I'm just somehow making that up because I'm crazy But that seems a bit far fetched, I don't think I'm that crazy.
  20. but this is what i mean by you trying to be happier haha. You never want to not return and go back out again AFAIK? So how did it happen in the first place? Why would you deliberately choose to separate? And if you say you would never do that, then how did you get here in the first place? Why would any god in his right mind deliberately separate to the point of severe suffering. And if he wouldn't, then why did it happen. Why so much suffering in the world, so much suffering on your path. When was the time that you deliberately chose to do that and why. Anyway psychedelics will give me the answers soon enough.