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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. @zeroISinfinity dont you get bored of saying the same boring shit over and over?
  2. definitely not. Go ask them what happens after death, they all have an answer. None think they cease to exist. I remember my very unenlighted grandma use to tell me that I should never reincarnate into a fish in my next life (after showing me a documentary on fish conservation). My mum told me not to laugh at her when she's in heaven. No one actually believes you cease to exist, all of us have an intuition that its not true.
  3. well right before posting that message to you, I had a thought of Leo, and Leo somehow showed me that all of us partial aspects (Nahm, electroBeam, our parents, etc) have free will, but our free wills are influencing each other. And Leo also showed me how the thought of Leo is no different to the physical manifestation of Leo.
  4. Matt Kahn might not be awake to your standards, but he's got a lot of shit figured out. Psychedelics aren't a magic pill though. There are trillions out there who take psychedelics (probably 5 meo too) who dont know anything about Love or God. I know plenty of psychedelic enthusiasts who actually think that being one with the universe is a completely different place to sober. Like sober and that oneness are separate. And those are the most awake ones, the majority think that dmt machine elves run the universe. Buddhists might not know as much shit as you, but IMO buddhists are more spot on then alien and dmt machine elf enthusiasts, at least they cut through the ego story crap. That 'ego cutting' is really missing in psychedelic communities. They have loads of amazing experiences, yet are too immature to cut through the bullshit and see what the universe actually is. So if you want to make an accurate comparison between the 5-meo school(psychedelic community) and the buddhists, you need to more fairly weight the pros and cons of each. You aint awake if you've taken a trillion psychedelics either. Infact you're way less awake then a buddhist IME. If you can't see that there's no difference between oneness sober and oneness in a psychedelic, then you're way behind a buddhist and zen monks. Really, you can't say the 5 meo school is better then the Buddhists. The answer is both, and if it can't be both, then IMO the Buddhists are more effective.
  5. actually, looking at it more closely, I don't think people are scared that they will die when the movie dies. I think they are scared about what the movie will play after this movie stops. If you go ask atheists what happens after death, they say just a black rectangle will occur (which is a little bit true). Go ask Christians and they say heaven and hell. Go ask Asian people and they say reincarnation. No one actually thinks they will stop after the movie stops. Or that they will cease to exist (except for a few esoteric western philosophers). Everyone knows the movie keeps playing after this movie stops. The question that everyone is worried about is, what will that next movie be, and whether they will like it.
  6. We've demonised the Nazis as sort of a cultural norm. Its just indoctrinated into us to hate the nazis and to view that time in history as evil... not because we are thinking for ourselves and have deduced its evil, but because society has indoctrinated us into the idea that nazism is evil. Lots of people who agree that hitler was an asshole and that nazis are bad, actually have a nazi mindset. It takes a nazi mindset to vote for trump. Even though a lot (definitely not most lol) of trump supporters agree that nazis are evil. Also people with nazi mindsets are not evil, or bad. They are a lot of our parents. They just have a less expansive view of the world, that's it. Cave man mindset, animal mindset is waaay more evil then a nazi mindset. At least nazis cooperate with each other and care about their nazi tribe/country. Animals are even too evil to care about that.
  7. @Meta-Man Yeah when mathematicians say that their class is highly abstract, what they are actually saying without admitting it is my class is highly "I don't know what the fuck im doing"ness
  8. interesting thanks! I've been feeling lots of entities from lucid dreaming recently. Its like lucid dreaming summons ghosts in your house lol. Yep, that's great clarity thanks! Definitely all this paranormal stuff is a projection, but its very powerful types of projection. It does really fascinate and captivate you. Wait you know what an abstraction is? Abstraction IME is another word for "fuck you distinctions and knowledge and knowing".
  9. What you worried these quotes are gonna kill ya?
  10. perfect example for those who think waking up relates to growing up.
  11. Why is the hand the centre of attention? Why not make it your genitals. FYI this technique really boosts your sexual self esteem.
  12. “Good programmers metaphysicians write good code posts. Great programmers metaphysicians write no code posts. Zen programmers metaphysicians delete code posts.” ~ John Byrd
  13. You are not going through an awakening, or changing. You are the awakening itself. You don't change at all. Completely changeless.
  14. Even if you measured light one way, how do you know its the same speed during that one way?
  15. No shoulds or shouldn'ts, no will's or wonts includes shoulds and shouldn'ts, wills and wonts
  16. Well you're from iceland where the average person is green, so you couldn't imagine it even without spirituality. Try getting your awakenings to somehow show you why hippies(green) are problems and will cause issues in the future(in 100 years or something). No amount of awakening will show you how yellow is important. Only study will. Green is much trickier then blue because green is extremely loving. Although blue is also very loving, just for their own race, yet its hard to imagine for us because we are millennials/gen zs
  17. @fridjonk consider the possibility that homophobia and racism IS love, and your insistence that its not IS dualistic and NOT what enlightenment is about.
  18. this is where the sharing dreams lesson comes in
  19. couldn't disagree more. Yeah, you're not doing enlightenment for truth, hence why you can't see how enlightenment could be more important then actualization.
  20. valuing one over the other = illusion. the only limit is, there are no limits. A lack of letting go. A holding onto an existing contextualisation at the face of suffering.
  21. A) Stomach ingestion issues: some people have guts that don't absorb psychedelics (and food in general) as well as the majority of people. Try smoking. B) powerful trips where you see DMT machine elves and fancy stuff usually happens to people who have average to lots of karma. Your karma may be smaller than the average and instead you may have trips that are valuable but are more mild and soft. @cuteguy thanks for the share. I have autism too and usually need to take 10-20x the dose of the average person to get the 'same' effects. Interesting.
  22. Last night my parents told me there's a big red wave coming to woop our new agey asses. I told them that I only see blue waves at the beach but they didn't listen. So you new ages better watch your asses.