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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. Yep thats what i meant about my sleeping issues when i first contacted you. Buzzing to the point that its hard to sleep.
  2. @Poop it will end when you die if anything else
  3. If you see a ginger demon in the next couple of weeks, you know whose showed up! Well that sounds a bit lame tbh. I dont wanna be doing all this work to just turn into my crappy chinese made ip cam. Haha Yep, when i say I'm in deep sleep now what i mean is im in the subtle body state now. I was sort of pointing to the fact that the subtle body is happening now, not just when sleeping. So you probs already know this but for others on here, its possible to rest in the subtle body all the time. Trance as far as i can tell based on the descriptions is just basic enlightenment work where you recognise you're the non-doer, unless thats not true.
  4. @seeking_brilliance nice! Yeah ill give the sleep work a break. Once i can astral project into your house at will and see what you're up to secretly without you knowing, ill take that as mission accomplished and move onto dreams at night. For me specifically, its way easier to have mystical experiences and change states of con. During the waking state then sleep. Sleep is fucked. Its hard to remember and its just a blur in the end.
  5. Wow i knew you were calling me without even opening the thread! If you want to base your advice on purely my experience specifically, I'd say its definitely safe. I've even taken RIMAS with it without problem(not that i recommend you do that, RIMAS are the stuff you take with ayahuasca). But there are side effects(as with any allopathic medication) which can range from feeling groggy throughout the day, to fatigue. It can also fuck up your sleep pattern depending on what's going on with you. An issue i had was i tried to use it to sleep when i had anxiety, and i ended up just waking up at 3am anyway(when it wore off). The side effects get worse the more frequently you use it. Ultimately its always best to sort this shit out without medication, to reduce long term side effects, but of course if its your only option, its better then no sleep at all and worth it considering its safe.
  6. @seeking_brilliance nice that is what in into thanks! I read IQ and thought you said i dont remember my dreams because i have a low IQ, for a split second
  7. @Leo Gura Relationships dont have to be survival oriented. I'm not sure why you insist of labelling entire activities with a general brush as survival vs not survival. Like celibacy can also be heavily survival: doing celibacy to uphold your survival agenda of Buddhism and your religion. Lets face it, thats a big reason why monks are celibate. To maintain their religion and rules and ways of doing things. And relationships can be done in a completely detached way, to the point where you dont even care about the outcome... sure you may grieve or mourn at breaking up, but you can do that in a detached way just like how enlightened people will mourn of a loved one dying in a detached way. I dont see whats so survivalish about that. Why not do pickup with the mindset of exploring new phenomena of reality, feeling more of how the world works, and having sex with the intention of getting to understand and deeply feel how the chakra and sexual system works. Focus relationships on exploring the universe instead of dysfunctionally focusing it on the physical avatar of you or a woman specifically. Like thats not survival at all, and its definitely feasible for men to do this, i know several. And the toxic/cruel elements you highlight, aint like that everywhere. Hippy circles still want value of course, and relationships are still conditional, but it aint as cut throat as what you're making out. As long as you focus on understanding the body and feeling, and how different energetic centres work, lots of high value girls are open to that... and that's not even beginning pickup work.
  8. What causes no dreams at night dream shaman
  9. ohhh so what you're actually asking is, how do I fall in love to lose myself To elaborate, you can only suffer from neediness or emotional attachment if you have yourself. Let yourself drop away then there's no one to get needy or emotionally attached, you can't be attached as pure emptiness. And being pure emptiness just means to dive into and fully immerse into that love you have for the other person, while dropping all thoughts and beliefs and ideologies and concepts and ideas about what that love is, where it comes from, who you have it for, what it says about yourself, how to get it in the future, why you got it, when you will or did get it, how it compares to others feelings of love, etc etc etc. Just fall into the pure abstract love/feeling of it without all the thoughts describing what it is. Just drop all those thoughts like you're playing a game of whack a mole.
  10. I'm actually "in a state" now where I'm constantly in deep sleep all the time. Not sure how that relates to false awakenings.
  11. Maybe if you change this: to this: Heaven may be clearer. Instead of hive mind, maybe its an imaginary structure. Instead of a multiplayer video game, its a gigantic, intelligent, creative, beautiful, loving minecraft structure that you (not Dodo as a person, but Dodo as consciousness) created. You didn't create it in the same way that humans create stuff, it was created spontaneously, by instinct, just by being the way you are, because that's what you are, a creator of magnificent structures, just like how you don't have to think to go shit in a toilet, its just what you do by instinct, without thinking, you shit just naturally by being. And there aint hive minded stuff going on, but rather just intelligent creation as one. And I better preface this with, one fear with dropping the hive mindset is "why dont i go murder people then if they are just creation"? Well if that is a fear, then that intelligent creation is not separate to you, it is you, its consciousness. Its made of pure beauty youness. There's no need to murder people when the people you're looking to murder are pure beautiful youness, just like a magnificent scultpure, and the amazing thing with this perspective, is unlike the hive mind perspective, you don't need to hold onto moralistic beliefs to not murder someone, you can just not do it by recognising what that thing is, just not murder someone naturally, just by being you. No need to think or hold on, 100% letting go of morality is allowed and works perfectly.
  12. Just felt like sharing this for fun. Just verified that the present moment is a belief. The present moment isn't real. Contrary to popular opinion, there is actually stuff outside of the present moment, and that's best described IMO as infinite formlessness. Which may seem obvious to some, but its not, because it also partially explains how reincarnation works. The present moment is just a perspective of many. Which means the stuff outside of the present moment (formlessness) stays constant/eternal, but the present moment can die and morph into something else, something other than a present moment. Which is hard to understand for us because we only know the present moment, but it definitely can die and morph into something else. In other words, experiencing things from the 1st person isn't an absolute, its relative. Its possible to experience things from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person and beyond that to things that a human mind is incapable of imagining. This also explains how sleep works. Sleep is a morphing of the present moment to something else, or to a present moment of a different entity. What stays constant through out wake and sleep is that formlessness outside of the present moment, and the present moment itself morphs.
  13. Wow! Thats crazy! Yeah wtf. I like that description, very technical like a maths formula.
  14. @Anderz wow holons, what a beautiful concept. Perfect for describing non duality(God in human form) thanks for sharing! Leo has a valid point about comms, but i dont see over specialization having anything to do with it, that's all.
  15. sure is recontextualises what infinity is capable of
  16. nope, the present moment is happening within all these experiences
  17. He'll leave after he tries all of the legal avenues, that act is consistent with his worldview and opinions of his most loyal republican counterparts. Getting the military is an absurd and ridiculous hypothesis that misses a lot of stuff. The most dangerous part about what's going on is Trump may use his powers to make rash political decisions while in power. And his fanbase may somehow get radicalised before Jan 20th. Which could cause some serious upheaval, but nothing close to a civil war.
  18. It sure is but compartmentalized relative to what? From the POV of a bird(an animal that gets its own food, builds its own house, travels by itself, raises kids by itself) normal life for a human is extremely, ridiculously compartmentalized, we get food from others, travel on aircraft run by others, get others to build houses for us and a lot of us get others to raise our kids by others... so from the POV of a bird, the bird thinks none of us are even close to holistic, not even polymaths. At what point do you define someone as being holistic and someone being a specialist? The bird says when you do everything yourself! You and Leo say when you study more then one field... a scientists says, well I am pretty holistic because within my narrow field of study im connecting far and wide pieces of knowledge within that field of study together. When scientists get 100x more specialised in 100 years(at the rate its going) the scientists of today will look like holists. So clearly you have no actual objective, absolute basis for defining when someone is a specialist, and when someone is a holist/generalist. Its relative to time period and even whats considered holistic(like for example the bird's POV). Discovering what truth is(the spirit of science) goes beyond trying to objectify relative notions such as whats a specialist and a generalist, and should be aiming for the absolute which transcends such notions. And even on a relative level, science should be taking into consideration the limits of arbitrary relative notions, and keeping an open mind to multiple interpretations of such notions. So what i was getting at in that objection was over emphasising the need to carry out work in a holistic way rather than in a specialized way ironically misses the bigger picture that there is profound wisdom in both doing things in a highly specialized way and in a holistic way and a better approach would be to take into account and include both, rather than aiming for one over the other.
  19. Context dependent to him specifically, for you I wouldnt have answered that way. Although keep in mind you could get a profound answer to what a unicorn is too... doesn't mean contemplating what a unicorn is, is worth your time, neither does it mean that answer to what a unicorn is, is as fruitful as other answers from contemplating different things could yield you.
  20. You'll regret that statement once you have a trip or meditation experience that shows you your bed is just as real as that boogeyman. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  21. but what you're not seeing is you're creating the duality between conscious vs unconscious. Go and try and verify an actual difference between something conscious and something unconscious. Sure you can say a rock is unconscious and a human isn't... but where's your evidence for that? How you know people are not philosophical zombies and as a corollary how do you know rocks don't feel, see and hear you in the same way you feel hear and see me. Shamans can access the spirit of rocks, so its definitely not wild speculation.