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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. You're God so you have the free will to believe whatever you want If you want to believe that delusion is God's free will to experience everything, the you go for it! Look you're using your free will to believe that crap now! You think this spiritual stuff is some truth somewhere out there in the world that you've got to discover? Some profound truth out there in some trip about how God is deluded to experience itself? Lol no! God is you! God is now! God is extremely obvious. Hello you're being deluded because you want to! Obviously! The truth is now, its exactly what you're feeling now. If you want to believe that you're suffering is necessary because of some story about god wanting to experience itself, then thats your idiocy.
  2. Yeah but just because you become attentive to whatever you werent attentive to before, doesnt mean you can change it to whatever you want. You might see that it was different to what you thought it was, and let go of paradigms, but that's not changing it to whatever you want, as suggested by LOA enthusiasts. If LOA is actually about letting go of old paradigms and bringing on new ones, the LOA is very misleading, because its advertised as the ability to change the content within a paradigm just by visioning and thinking about it.
  3. Well if you win the lottery, a LOA will say its from your LOA practices, while a western scientist will say its a coincidence/random. Contrary to popular new agey opinion, its not correct to say the lottery was won through LOA, but ALSO its even less correct to say that you won the lottery through coincidence and random chance. To find out, contemplate it.
  4. For actualized.org Beige: "where's the food? Where's the drink? Where's the water? I need to lye down. I need to sleep" Purple: ohhh, actualized.org, hmmmm. ok. We use these pebbles, and we draw on the rocks, like actualized.org, we write what our ancestors did. how they lived, how we hunt, how we have sex. They are part of us, our ancestors. They are us and we use the rocks to remember. actualized.org is like that for you too. Its a way of remembering how your ancestors are. What you did. How you lived. How you hunted. How you talked to spirits. How you have sex. The spirits in actualized.org, is 1 for each member. Each member has 1 spirit from the dreamtime. Like the wombat, and the goanna, they live inside each member. It came from the past, when actualized.org was made, and the world. The world came to be through sun coming down and breaking up into each member. You write down sex in the dating post section to remember who you are and what you do. It helps you remember how your ancestors had sex. It will help your generation in the future too. Red actualized.org are for all the pussies that grew up with weakling parents and don't have any balls. They hide behind the forum like little scared kids. Look at the dating section, full of beta males that can't get laid because their strength and courage is that of a fly. They need to grow some hard balls and start whipping women into gear. Just get out there, start grabbing them, literally grabbing them. Show those women whose boss. That's how you make 'em wet. What's the effective alturism crap on the life purpose section? Were you raised by some deranged feminist? Take those competitive companies down! What are you waiting for? Make a pyramid scheme, do whatever it takes to get rich, that's how you be a real man. This site is full of suckers that don't know how to live. Blue: Actualized.org, yes interesting. We don't believe in actualized.org we believe in puddhism. Our saint, called the puddha, he is our God. He lived many years ago and created yoga and meditation as we see it today. It all came from him. In our scripture we sit down and meditate for exactly 4 hours, this clears our mind and soul. It the scriptures it said to be careful of those diverting from the scriptures. Diversion leads to wrong doing and confusion. Be careful of actualized.org, it doesn't follow the scriptures. It doesn't know the proper ways to meditate as set out by puhhha. It cannot be proper if it doesn't follow the scriptures. It wasn't approved by puddha and therefore its wrong. Those who follow actualized.org are transgressors who don't believe in the puddha, and therefore are followers of the devil. The puddha warned of this in sec 4 "those who don't follow the scriptures are doomed for satan's fate". Orange: Everyone has beliefs that they want to believe in, because no one can handle the fact that they don't know what happens. This site is no different! Look at the latest thread: synchronicities. There are no synchronicities, see the human mind creates patterns in its brain from coincidences and then starts drawing imaginary conclusions from those patterns. Because we can't handle the fact that its a coincidence, we need to give it meaning. The fact of the matter is, there are no patterns! Its just random! But this site is full of delusional fools who think otherwise. They don't respect the scientific method, they don't understand science and truth. Because they don't want to, because they are delusional. Where are the scientific papers to prove synchronicities exist? Exactly, absolutely none. What research papers don't tell the truth? Utter bullshit, of course they do, they are held up by massive, well respected institutions like MIT, how can you say such nonsense. You're just a guru trying to get lots of money by scamming people like all other gurus, you're nothing special. Green: I like to do dick measuring in the meditation section, talk about how women/men suck in the dating section, talk about how people are misusing spiral dynamics in the actualized.org section, and talk about how my chakras are activating and killing me in the serious emotional problems section Yellow: Well actualized.org is a personal development system to help society at large evolve and grow so that we can ensure that human beings progress in their development in a healthy and sustainable way that suits environmental, sociological and all other ological needs. Turquoise The collective conscious yearns for spirit and love in our ever evolving world and the beautiful beings on actualized.org are a connected collection of beings with various, but complimentary levels of energetic frequencies that, all together form a cohesive movement towards more harmony, love, peace and truth. While we are all already in harmony, we must not forget that there is still work to do to align all of ourselves together to ensure that we as a whole are emerging towards the light in the most unitive way possible.
  5. Nah you couldn't have made it more healthy Red on Trump: Trump is a slimy, fat, little filth with no integrity or skill. His entire parade is a facade that he invented to cover up his weak and pathetic little self. He puts on a show, but he's hiding something big, something he doesn't want the world to see... well we're gonna get over to his mockery of a house, kidnap him before he's even got a chance to run, and show the world what that is. He thinks he can just blow up our country with his drones and technology while hiding in his little white house... shows how little courage he has. He aint like us, we the first ones to step foot in battle, and we do the skinnin' of our enemies with our bare hands. And that's what we're gonna do to him. All of our country will be watching, and they'll be cheering us on in admiration, from the moment we step foot in the US, to the moment Trump's head is on our pike. Sex Education from Orange: I'm torn man on whether sex education is good or not. On the one hand I think sex education is good because it teaches us new ways to have sex, like through condoms and stuff, which gives us way more options and opportunities. And there are some sick sex ed teachers that even go over like best techniques to have sex, which helps you become a better man, more of a real man and develops your character to be a great human. And who doesn't want better sex anyway you know? Better sex, more fun! But like I think the social justice warriors go a bit too far in the whole nanny stuff like making sure partners are saying "yes" all the time... like that just makes sex lame ya know? And it just ruins the fun. And then there's like all these silly rules they put into it like asking the woman how she's feeling and stuff. Like dude if you wanna make your woman squirt, you gotta just pump her man, none of this girly how are you feeling shit. Its about making her squirt, not reenacting a chick flick dude like wtf. So yeah I don't know man. But I tell ya, regardless of sex ed, I'm gonna be banging all the chicks in my year and making them all squirt HARD. Purple on Science oooooo science is very good la. You just plug in the tran... tran... tranzizta... how you say? Ahh transistOR. Ya just plug the transistor la in and then woooof! It lights up, comes alive! Starts moving very fast la. "how does it work?" wo-work? Hu? "how does it work"? What you mean la? "understanding of it" aahh the understanding, comes from the sky la, the spirits from the cloud in the west. The spirits come into the ground and into the transistor. "how does that relate to the transistor coming alive" ahhh the spirits, it makes it move la. "are you sure" yes la that's what happens la. Come la watch <pulls the transistor so that it stops working> see la spirit left. "how do you know the spirit left?" oh la it just did la. See?
  6. Well id argue trying to be in the top 10% is healthy orange. Saying its not i think is a judgement from green. Green should embody competition, its just highly fair.
  7. Well you're not orange if you're not competitive.
  8. @7thLetter thats not unhealthy. Thats a great attitude.
  9. @Preety_India woooooow, are you stage red? You couldn't have written that.
  10. I was gonna do green for most topics, but then I realized its me already Although pickup I disagree with green. Green Pickup: There are many problems with pickup in society. For starters its enforces the patriarchy. It assumes that men are the ones who have to ask out women, but this is not true, women have just as much of a right to ask out the man as the man does for the women. Its highly biased towards men. Where are the pickup stations showing women on how to ask out men? 2ndly pickup teaches men manipulative tactics for how to have sexual relations with women without explicit consent. This causes women to have emotional traumas, feel like their safe space has been invaded; if women can't even maintain their safe space, then how are they going to feel emotionally secure? Feel like they are objects, feel like society doesn't care about them or listen to their needs, feel like they just got exploited. Pickup is void of teaching men how to get in touch with their emotions and feel what the woman wants. Pickup is also void of teaching men safe consent. Men are taught to have sex with women without an explicit "yes" giving the man room to sneakily manipulate women into having sex without actual consent. Its rape without consequences. Women aren't listened to enough by men and the pickup community. The pickup community goes ahead and creates manipulative tactics without asking the women first on what they want. This is deeply irrational because women know what women want more then men. If these men really cared about having a good relationship with us, why don't they consult us on what we want and how they should approach? Also pickup is too masculine focused. It makes men toxic levels of aggressiveness and this leads to domestic violence.
  11. Homosexuality is a problem because most of society's functions are built on work that requires aggression, power, both physical and emotional, order and dominance. Take for example labour work. Labour work requires physical power (a masculine trait) order to get stuff done on time (another masculine trait) and emotional rigour (willpower to get hard work done). Homosexuality confuses men at a young age so that these traits are not developed within them and therefore society's ability to source these requirements gets weaker. Trump is good because he reinforces the patriarchy so that we can maintain healthy functioning of these aspects of society. New Age teachings are a problem because they muddle the water between what's good and what's bad, allowing the devil to use the grey area to infiltrate deception, lies, devilry and confuse its followers. By keeping to the bible, there are clear, black and white rules for what's good and what's bad. These rules are great because its clear and easy to see what's good and therefore follow goodness. Don't question me on why its good because that will muddle the waters and cause the above problem. I think in this day and age racism is intolerable but we must consider that there are clearly distinctions between races and their intellect and good will. If you look at the last 2 centuries, the white race has clearly produced the best medicine, best engineering, best art compared to other races and therefore there must be a correlation between those things and race. Its important to preserve the white race so that we can preserve intelligence, medicine and art. The leftists don't understand this somehow, which is crazy because its so obvious, and they too are white. Its nuts. Gender is clearly not a social construct. You have a penis or a vagina. This is clear evidence. EDIT: this was meant to be blue, but I think I've muddled it up with red and orange... oh well lol. People aren't straight 1 colour anyway. The stage is someone who is centred around blue/orange with a bit of red.
  12. The biggest mindfuck is when you realise you're not looking at the map, the map is looking at you.
  13. You should try that on psychedelics, the fleas come at ya and start eating your face off.
  14. Love that! That's hilarious! And admirable in a way too. It reminds me of Xi Jin Ping: Both Jon and Xi take honour in doing "what's right" for their people, and see opposition to them as being evil. There's lots of parallels between chinese nationalism and american nationalism, yet they are at odds with each other. Same values, but fighting each other. "China will never try to dominate or conquer" oh yeah, wait till ya get to orange English domination all over again.
  15. Its not other though. It really really really isn't other though. Saying its other is insanely absurd. Its psychotic/schizophrenic. People early on the path use such terms to help them on their journey, but you drop that shit real fast because you begin to see how absurd it is. Again you're not going far enough, probably out of fear of going insane. Leo will disagree with me on this, but it doesnt matter how deep your trips are. Your trips aint truth. Truth is being. You're not going to get anything I write in my journal just through psychedelics, you gotta get to psychedelic levels sober. Correct Completely absurd. electroBeam IS imagination. That's the TRUTH. Its not an ego narrative, its the TRUTH. ElectroBeam is made of the same stuff as the unicorn you're imagining in your head. Saying I'm different or made of different stuff to the imaginary unicorn in your head is nonsense. I'm no more real than a unicorn. My entire creation is of the level of a unicorn. Saying you want to connect with me is the same as saying you want to connect with a unicorn. It feels different to you to say you want to connect with a unicorn vs connecting with a human because your survival mechanism skew towards connecting with humans and not unicorns, if you reincarnate into a unicorn in your next life, you'll be deeply offended by me saying I don't want to connect with unicorns anymore. Your eyes can see the light, but cannot see the darkness. You got here because you wanted to. You have infinite free will, and you can use that to divert yourself from the truth if you want. And clearly you have. But you don't have to divert from the truth, that's your choice. But isn't that obvious, when you get angry at your girlfriend for something that was your fault, you got angry at her because you chose to. You didn't have to, you could have been more mature, but you used your free will to be a dick. That's your entire suffering in a nutshell, you using your free will to screw yourself up. Its not a god thing, or a truth embracing thing, its a you being an idiot thing. Without free will/infinity you couldn't be self aware, so free will/infinity is necessary. Your ability to use it to be an idiot is an achilles heel of free will that's unfortunately necessary to allow waking up to happen.
  16. LOA is absurd, but coincidence, randomness and chance is even more absurd.
  17. Others don't exist. Literally. It seems like this may be triggering you somehow. You don't know yet what 'life' is. Well I've had many friends in the past, great friends, but they didn't fulfill me. All of those friends I had deeply healthy relationships with. That's your bias, there's people more enlightened then sadhguru who sit in a cave all day in the himalayas trying to reach mahasamadhi. And besides that, you've misinterpreted what I've written (because I wrote that post for me, not to communicate to you). On the outside I'm still going to seem like I'm connecting with others. I'm still going to go to parties, still going to socialise with work friends, still going to hang out with my friends who do psychedelics, but I'm going to do it from a place of solitary. And you'll never understand what that is, until you're God realized. When you get God realized, and actually realize there are no others, then this post will make more sense. Well this is a very good thing to bring up... I've gone so deep into this stuff now that even pretending to connect with others cannot work. Like you just need to think logically, if there's no ego, how are you being triggered right now? Clearly my post (and this is obvious to anyone who has done awakening work) is triggering ego defence mechanism within you. Particularly around connecting with others. Connecting with others is such a deeply held social programming instinct(because its needed for survival) that you can't recognise its not truth. And besides, how I seem to you (and how you seem to me) is ALWAYS delusion, because you're not seeing the real me, you're seeing your own projections and biases. The real me is infinite love/formlessness. Everything else is stuff you're creating as God. And most of it at your stage of the journey is bias. It embraces everything except for delusion. Because delusion isn't actually there. And connecting with others isn't actually there. Its delusion. Because there simply isn't any others. Go take 10 grams of mushrooms and see how you're all alone in the universe if you dare to understand what im saying here... but clearly you're not. Again you misunderstood me because you aren't clear on what others are. You invented others, you're imagining others. As God you're free to stop imagining others at the flick of a switch. You aren't aware of how radical this work is because your ego survival mechanisms are kicking in. I'm not saying that I wont talk to someone again, I'm writing to you right now, but in my universal mind, you are not an 'other'. You are something I'm imagining, and I have no intention of 'connecting with you'. I just have the intention to get lost in the feelings of this post, minus the content and connection bullshit. To talk to you from a place of solitary. You can't understand that unless you go very deep in this work. You're free to have your own opinions one of the beauties of living from solitary is it doesn't matter what others think, so long as you're happy within the universal mind. And everything that's satisfying comes from solitary anyway. So you can't go wrong. Solitary is all there is, so its with you all the time, you can't get disapproval from it because its You, and yet it was the only thing that fulfilled you in the end. How fucken amazing is that.
  18. Just became 100% conscious that approval from others, and connecting with others, even tiny bits, will 100% not fulfil me. I just saw an alternative reality where I had 0 care about approval for others, I had 0 care about connecting with others... I just cared about getting lost in reality/love/myself, and I just saw that this is the point. To drop the need to get approval or connection of others and to just focus that energy into letting go and getting lost in yourself. Man what a fucken beautiful/powerful realisation that is for being happy. Just completely give up/surrender on everything to do with 'other'. Derive all of your satisfaction and enjoyment from your inner world. I think the biggest insight here is contrary to popular opinion, sharing insights or love is NOT the way to be happy. Which is very very contrary to popular opinion because all teachers talk about giving love to others... but no. I now have the self confidence to state with certainty that sharing love, insights or wisdom leads to suffering. Because the only reason why you share them is because you expect or at the very least hope that those insights get through to imaginary 'others' and changes them and makes them better. Who can seriously argue that sharing wisdom is not conditional? Even advanced spiritual teachers, who can seriously argue that? None of them. They are playing the game by pretending to be the spiritual teacher. And that game is great but its finite and conditional. There's no guarantee that you will touch someone with your wisdom. And it mostly doesn't happen anyway. Most of the time people are just too close minded, arrogant, ignorant and trying to help them is just disappointing, a waste of time. Its like playing a poker machine, 9 times out of 10 they are too arrogant, 1 time out of 10 they are very touched by it, and its just a toxic game of hoping that you provide value to them. And lets face it, you don't even actually provide value to them, because they are imaginary. They aren't actually there. The only one that's actually there is You and you are already enlightened, you can't be helped. You've been helped and are at the destination. Its complete. Instead you can just share if you feel like it, but minus all the expectation and hope crap. Minus everything to do with result. That's all dualistic bullshit. It doesn't matter whether they are touched or offended. And it never did matter anyway. And connecting with others... the white elephant in the room... Another thing contrary to popular opinion. Connecting to others is dualistic and leads to suffering. Getting lost in the present moment/God/Love/Yourself IS a trillion times more valuable then connecting with others. And what really nails this in the coffin for me is... if I deep down ask myself what I TRULY want, what I truly want has nothing to do with connecting with others, or approval of others. What I truly want is 100% solitary. Not physically going in a cave, but 100% solitary when I'm working, when I'm in relationships, when I'm hanging out with friends, when I'm in nature. I just want to be all alone in my universal mind. No need to share what's going on to get a kick out of the reactions of others, just fully immerse and delve into the feelings that arise within me. There's nothing that satisfies me beyond solitary, and solitary has everything I could possibly want, and more. It was the only place that satisfied me. Just cut all those subtle dualities out, all of the ones about others. Just focus on the feeling within universal mind. Your entire life revolving around solitary. That's what you want. And the best part about the solitary, is its infinite. Everything beyond the solitary is finite. You can't loose the solitary, just all the stuff beyond it. The lower self wants to connect with others and approval and material possessions. But the trick is its not what your higher self wants. Its not the MOST fulfilling thing to do. When you ask whats the MOST (not what is fulfilling, what is the MOST fulfilling) its solitary.
  19. You're waiting to be in the present moment? I don't have a lot of energy to argue with ya actually thinking about it, good luck dude. I just thought that comment was really funny.
  20. Death = enlightenment, awake = seeing all of creation, being yourself = truth When are you going to put away your silly concepts of the path and enlightenment and just live your "enlightened" life already?
  21. Beautiful Insight About My Suffering And Struggle Over Procrastination And The Implications of Specialisation vs Generalisation Preface Procrastination has been a huge one for me in this life. I just couldn't seem to crack it for a long time. I tried many things to overcome it from diet, discipline training like putting a rubber band on your had when you procrastinated, apps that would hide facebook and youtube, meditation, yoga, visualisation and vision boarding, etc. None of it did the trick and I was just left grating on my low self esteem over how I couldn't crack this to the level I wanted. It was a massive massive burden for me, I had low self esteem because of it. I didn't feel right about myself and about the effort I was putting into my work. I half cracked it about 2 years ago, but even still it was no where near the level I wanted. The other problem I had, which was related to procrastination, was I genuinely wanted to be a polymath like Leonardo Da Vinci, but everyone around me told me I had to specialise. This deeply deeply depressed me because since I could remember I use to just love to follow my curiosity wherever that took me, and that took me all over the place. From culture, to politics, to art, to biology, to understanding relationships, to physics, to engineering, to humanities and history... I jumped around subjects a lot in high school from it. Couldn't pick a subject. Insight I genuinely don't care about specialisation, and I'm willing to sacrifice survival for it... that's it. And that is because (and this is the insight) it takes an ego to specialise. God doesn't, God cares about absolutely everything, from sport to fashion to design to media to engineering to science to cooking to health to politics to gym to emotions to relationships to friendships to outer space, and everything inbetween. It is letting go of the need to specialise, or the need to like X more then Y or to like Z and not P, which is what you want. It may seem like that means embracing stuff that doesn't feel good, toxic stuff, etc. If you believe some things are toxic, but the other beauty with fully letting go of the need to specialise or like something over something else, is finally, you develop the ability to see the beauty of everything, and to drop or dismiss the toxic stuff or stuff you don't like about that particular thing. You can watch sport, which is largely toxic, and just see the love and Goodness of it. It is fundamentally egoic to like and dislike, or to specialise. To say I like X but not Y... by liking one thing over another, you carve out an egoic identity about what you are, and what you aren't. What you like, and what you don't. And yet the problem with that is you're always going to be missing something, feeling a lack, not have a deep understanding or a deep knowing or a deep being of the universe if you cut some part of the universe from your agenda. It feels good to specialise, because by specialising you can form some expertise and some definition about knowing or developing yourself. If you carve yourself out as the scientist, you've got some special knowledge about science that others dont have. If you carve yourself out as the pickup god, you have some special knowledge/skill about pickup that others dont have. By being the music artist, you define yourself as a hot singer and thats what makes you better then everyone else. It makes you feel like you have something valuable that makes you important and worthy of others. And by defining yourself you form a sense of clarity about who you are which makes you feel real. But what's even better then specialising yourself, is to fully let it go and be completely generalist. The catch is you wont have any valuable skill or knowledge to cling onto that makes you worthy and important. And you wont know who you are, as the universe you'll be 100% mysterious. Never know thyself. But you'll be free from the egoic need to maintain your definition and the rat race to keep building up that expert knowledge. You'll be free to follow your intuition instead of thoughts. You can research and try whatever you want. Be whatever you want, without any limits. But the most important advantage of this way of life is, you'll finally be free to fall in love with yourself/the universe, without limits. You could fall in love with yourself over and over. You wont be blocked from falling in love with a particular aspect of yourself (like sport) because its not in line with your definition that you've carved out, you'll be free to do it. But the even BETTER, BEST, BEST part about this new way of life, is its infinite. That definition you carved out... that'll end one day... its finite. But dropping out that definition and just following your curiosity and being completely free to research, explore, try out and be absolutely everything this world has to offer(at the cost of not being anyone and not obtaining valuable knowledge) is you can't loose it. Because its not something to grasp onto or obtain, its just being what you are. And that doesn't even mean that you need to chuck away your career that you've been specialising in for so long. Because by being everything (infinite) it INCLUDES specialising in a particular field of work... it just doesn't limit to that. You've got a field of study AND passion and perusal of other fields like cooking, relationships, health, etc. And I don't know why, but this insight really brought me to tears. I just saw that my procrastination issue was actually just a desire to be everything, to fall in love with all aspects of myself, instead of a deranged little part of it. And it was my desire to be worthy, valuable and to hold onto skill and knowledge that was causing me to label such activities as 'procrastination'. In the end I just had to let go of the labeller, not the labelled. And I never had to drop my desire to be a polymath, because you can do both: be a polymath and specialise in your field of study. The best part about life, is when you finally realise the problem wasn't the world you were born in, the people you're around, the genetics you had, the misfortune you had, the unfairness of society... but rather it was you. It was your beliefs and attitude and agenda. And the solution wasn't to change your genetics, or change your environment, or change yourself to make you a hotter or better person... but the solution was to drop you, your beliefs, agendas and attitude, because life already had it figured out for you, already 100% completely and utterly loved you and wanted the best for you and gave you the best, it was just hidden because you were in the way. The biggest battle, the most horrible battle, the toughest battle, is fighting you.
  22. Yep, I use to be apart of skepticforum before entering this one (back around 2013-2017) and found them to be pretty darn open minded for rationalists, and a great way of introducing yourself to the practice of questioning. I jumped ship from them and went here though because they don't question absolutely everything and still assume stuff. They don't go as far as leo and others go on here. Although if you're new to this work, its a great place to start. The other great thing about them is they are more rigorous with contemplative investigation then we are on here, on here there's lots of beliefs that go unchecked. Its just they aren't willing to question beyond a certain point. So you'll get much better contemplative training on there then here if you're starting out.
  23. If you somehow never learnt language in your life, how would you know what others said? Would you even know if they ever thought about you at all? Whose the one converting the sound waves into meaning? Is it them saying you're irrational, or you saying you're irrational? Especially when you're talking from a hypothetical thought experiment at this time.
  24. I havent yet lol just Taoist energy techniques as of now. I did start feeling super dissociated with my body when the buzzing started and im starting to remember now that there were milliseconds where the present moment sort of left the inbetween the eyes position and offsetted a bit forward to the left and to the right but i just palmed it off as weird phenomena. That could be related to this work analysing it deeper. Maybe should just try astral techniques and see what happens.
  25. You're not going to find someone on the spiritual path... because they rarely exist, and the ones that do exist you won't be compatible with. At the same time, being in relationships with people, not just sexual but family and friend ones too, who dont support you will only drag you down. So the wisest thing to do is to accept that every relationship you enter is a temporary thing, and to acknowledge straight up that you will break up with this person, and to see the beauty of that. You'll break up with this person, break up with friends, work colleagues, some family members, and even yourself, if not now, definitely at physical death. Breaking up is a deep fundamental principle of the universe, its the mechanics that allows you to evolve to a more aligned, more loving, more healthy version of yourself. Without breaking up, you'd be stuck at the current version of yourself for eternity. How do you evolve without letting go of the old and rebuilding the new? Breaking up is a gift, not a burden. And its here to stay.