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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. Or maybe its because people aren't allowed to express their true feelings about things, even if it is divisive, because the 'enlightened' left side of politics believes that demonizing and calling everyone who has a different opinion as them, as racist, and consequently forcing people to repress their true desires is somehow the best way to deal with the situation. I would much rather trump be in the white house, than Hillary, at least now the American population can stop hiding their true feelings about things, and let it out, where everyone can see it. Things have to get ugly before they can get better. Hillary. Obama, and the entire left wing side of politics, were basically a massive dam, trying to hold in the water of racism/fear of terrorism, by neurotically not allowing people to be authentic, and demonizing them like little children who hear an opinion that they didn't like. Thank god Trump is in, now the American people are allowed to show their true colours. Because lets face it, if Trump didnt get in now, he would have gotten in 5 years down the track. @Arman There are some real benefits to VR, particularly in making people more empathetic, making people healthy, and connecting people from around the world.
  2. I could say that I started spirituality from seeing a god while on mars one day. That's no less real that my actual history In fact, your memory is at most 5% accurate anyway relatively. It goes deeper than that. It would matter for some viewer, it wouldn't for others, based on their mental makeup, frequency, resonance, etc. Teal swan isn't even a real person in your experience, its just apart of the illusion, and all your beliefs about her are attached to that core belief like octopus tentacles. You could say that your belief that she exists, shes a person, etc etc etc is information. Its a puzzle piece. And that information may integrate well into one's web of beliefs really well, without the credentials, or maybe the puzzle piece for another person's mental makeup requires the credentials(that is to help get closer to enlightenment). Its not like a computer program: if(spirituality == true) { credentials(matter) else credentials(!matter); its more complicated.
  3. @Annetta Teal is very metaphorical, you have to remember that. And her background doesn't really matter. Can you find any existential evidence that her background exists? Or yours? Youre basing your answer based on a fantasy that doesn't even exist? There are flaws with Teal, but she has a lot of amazing content. The 2 people in the video criticizing her, are clearly stuck in a paradigm. Particularly one where death is seen as demonic(why is death demonic?) and one where your imaginary background matters. Leo said 2 years ago that he had just begun his enlightenment journey, and even though he had just begun, he would teach spirituality to people. Reason is because of his lack of experience, he would resonate with people of the same frequency, and people would understand his teachings a lot better than Echkart Tolle. Life contradicts and overlaps in many different ways. Sometimes credentials matter, sometimes they don't. When Teal said that her patient should commit suicide, because she wanted to, that makes a lot of sense to me. I wouldn't advocate it, but there's no universal standards on what your opinions on death are. Favoring condemnation of suicide over advocating it as if its some universal law, is no different to ISIS wanting to kill everyone for their imaginary god. Funny thing is that, the 2 in the video say that people who follow Teal are ideological crusaders(which some are), yet they can't even see that they too are ideological crusaders, holding the belief that death is evil, that credentials matter, that judging other people's teachings is a good thing, that there's only one way to do spirituality(and its their way) that contradictions exist, that she is being literal when she says that she is an enlightened guru, that and a billion other things. Those 2 in the video are as sucked in by Satan as Teal is, yet they are sucked in by society's standards, and not Teal's standards.
  4. When cold approaching, how do you deal with friends of girls who get jealous that you didn't hit on them, and only hitted on their hot friend? A scenario like this is very common: "Hey I love your jacket! What's your name?" "Anne, what'should yours?" Jealous friend: "umm shouldn't you be walking the other way" *I do what pickup people do best and ignore any bad situations* "Jake, did you just come from the same pubcrawl I just did, the college one?" Jealous friend: "umm we're not interested" "You mean the science one?" Jealous friend:"We'really going to leave now," *pulls arm of girl away*
  5. @egoeimai women are less scared of you when they are in groups though. Common, classic pickup artist knowledge.
  6. Bit hard to ask for the girl's number, if her friend keeps interrupting.
  7. What gives you a drive to keep moving forward? - Money is just an artificial perception, and always will be. You'll never touch the essence of money in awareness, it will always be a pot at the end of a rainbow. - Likewise with good grades. Its just a perception, floating around in the background of your head, without any substance to it. - Hot girls are also just a hollow thought. You'll never touch, and bask in the essence of that feeling you get when seeing a hot girl, because its a hollow thought, without substance Everything is just a hollow, empty, murky pot at the end of a rainbow. Nothing has substance really, the future is just an illusion, 'getting somewhere' is just imagination playing out from a yet, deeper illusion. What is there to truly do? What isn't a pot at the end of the rainbow? What keeps you on track towards obtaining some hollow, empty goal? What drives you?
  8. @Shin it actually is bro, without theorizing. Go, earn money, see how much fulfillment it gives you. And it's not just with money, its with everything.
  9. @Prabhaker so what keeps you motivated?
  10. @Vaishnavi thanks! Great advice
  11. I've been struggling for almost all of my life, to somehow motivate myself to study more, I've tried the sadona method, the wave method, various meditative methods, but no real luck. I recently had an insight, and realized that the reason why I can't push myself to study, is because my brain just isn't cut out to intellectualize at the same level everyone else's brain is. - I get confused very easily. - I make a lot of silly mistakes. - concepts seem fuzzy in my head. - there is pain and suffering whenever I think of something complex. - its boring. Like I'm very good at learning things that aren't in an educational setting, but I struggle to learn stuff for tests. Are there any ways to change this that you know of? Thanks guys!
  12. Anyone else finds being in the present as being genuinely peacful, relaxing and fun? I'm finding that I'm starting to really enjoy the present moment, and in a lot of cases, would prefer to just sit and do nothing instead of doing work. Though this is reducing the amount of work I can complete, and is reducing my work's quality. The present in a sense is distracting myself from doing the work I need to do around the house and also for work. Anyone got any insights on how to deal with this, thanks!
  13. yes I have tried picture learning. My problem is my RAM isn't big enough hahaha. I.e. my temporary memory.@jjer94 does diet affect learning in your xp? My diet could be better. Its mainly vegan but I have 1 meal a day on average, and snacks inbetween.
  14. @eputkonen I know but you can more easily get sucked into things while doing that, which is ultimately painful. Like doing hard calc homework while being present is hard as.
  15. @username its hard to explain, my mind feels pain whenever it has to conceptualize. Its a weird issue haha. I tend to make mistakes because I'm not good at keeping concepts in my head for a period of time. if I try and add say 20 + 35, my brain will forget the 20 before I even attempt to add the 35 haha weird qualitative issues. You're second piece of advice was really helpful thanks!
  16. @username yeah those are good sources, thanks dude, though unfortunately my situation is a little more complicated. Im already aware of Carl Newport, scott young's note taking techniques. Its when i do practice excersises, it takes me twice as long to do them, and it feels painful, i make a lot of mistakes, etc. My problem is that I'm a holistic thinker, and education is annoyingly not holistic. They just rip a piece of information out of no where and teach you the contents of that, rather than teaching how it interconnects with everything else. And education doesn't teach with a lot of example, they teach abstractly. Im not an abstract thinker, i learn by example.
  17. @Shin bring your childhood teddy bear with you into the dark if you're afraid of the scawy boogie man coming after ya
  18. @Leo Gura Wouldn't that mean not doing college though? Which is a blunder young ones make. @Shin thanks shin! I swear Koi has a video for just about every topic.
  19. @LifeandDeath no i do notice regeneration quite distinctly. I think it is physiological rather than psychological
  20. @username from my xp, conserving your sexual energy actually is important for energy work - but not to the extent that the east makes out. You don't need to conserve heaps of sexual energy, but if you want to really get into the flow of the Dao(the way) or if you want to maintain kundalini awakenings on a weekly basis, chances are, you're not going to be able to have sex with a random girl every night. There's a balance, you have to keep mindful of it. Retaining your sexual energy is unnecessary. There's a certain point where energy work plateaus, and retaining any more energy is pointless, but you do need to conserve it to a certain extent. The exact amount is up to you to discover, for me fapping at max 3 times a week, conserves just enough for maintaining energy related activities.
  21. yes more about ego death. Basically from what I see, Kundalini meditation is what crazy, experience driven extroverts use to get to ego death. Kundalini awakenings are about relaxation, but its more about controlling energy. Not necessarily keeping your mind quiet. If you want that, go to zen buddhism not energy work haha. And sexual energy is where the energy comes from, but this whole thing where you have to ejaculate, from my experience, is just bs. Its not about shooting sperm out of your dick like a ray gun, its about destroying your worldview.
  22. @username golden flower meditation my brain particularly resonates with daoism, just remember that you could be completely different.
  23. @LifeandDeath It sounds to me, based on my kundalini awakenings, that you didn't go all the way/you didn't build up enough pelvic energy. After having a kundalini awakening, your whole worldview should shatter into pieces, you should go directly into a void like state, kind of like what I would imagine dmt being like. You got close, but you didn't open it up. Practice building up prana energy on command, so that you can feel those 'jolts' rushing up your legs, whenever you feel like it. Then you'll be able to kundalini on command. That's when the real work happens.
  24. @EmilyCook26 The worst thing you can do, is feel bad about it. In the willpower instinct Kelly Mcgonigal said the number 1 reason why people cannot control their willpower, is because they feel bad about it. YIIKES! 1st step, try and let go of all of that guilt you have. Work on that for a few weeks, and then you'll be grounded and ready to start your pd journey. Baby Steps.