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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. pickup and a long term relationship, is as different as the night and the day. This person is also 0.01% of the population, if she exists at all. You have to first attract a girl, and then you can do stuff that makes a relationship successful. Like girls wear makeup for a reason. I could tell a girl on here "Don't wear makeup, you'll attract all the douchebags who only care about looks" but you know as well as me that high quality guys also care about looks. And I'm speaking from experience. I'm in a relationship now, and I go there from using certain tactics, and then stopping those tactics after the relationship got serious. Just because you're a decade older, doesn't mean I have no xp with women.
  2. Be ok with being an asshole. Read "the art of war" surprisingly appropriate for the issue you'really going through.
  3. @Emerald It makes sense from your perspective that you 2 would know how to attract women more than us. But that's not the case. Just because you guys have awareness of what is happening inside your skull, doesn't mean you guys know, or are aware of why those things in your skull pop up in the first place, let alone have full awareness of the techniques guys pull, and how that effects your thoughts and desires. This leads to a lot of projection and misleading information, and honestly thinking you know more than you do, hence why guys don't usually want to ask a girl what attracts them. Sometimes it is useful, but often times it is not. The other point you're forgetting is that, to teach someone to attract a girl, you need to be able to organize information in a palatable way, and give him a certain perspective so that he can dualistically think of a way of attracting them. This first person perspective from a woman doesn't even provide a slight tint of this. But guys who have tried these techniques, like Leo and RSD Tyler, have observed things from a dualistic, scientific perspective, which makes it much easier to turn that info into techniques for getting girls. This is a well known problem in cognitive psychology, and is the reason why cognitive psychology was made in the first place. Science and duality is a made up framework. And its not compatible with truth; your first person experience, for it to be useful. The reason why scientists didn't ask Einstein for a reason as to why he was so smart, is because from his first person perspective, he couldn't provide a scientific reason for it, no matter how good of a scientist he was. That's why scientists looked at his brain after his death, and found the centre of it to be 2wice as big as the other parts. The reason why guys don't ask girls for what attracts girls is because their 1st person perspective isn't useful for our dualistic understandings., and hence our techniques. What you guys say(assuming your as aware as the buddha) is more true than what guys say, but our murky beliefs are more useful than your observations. From your perspective, you don't like bad emotions. But the problem here is then you go and assume: - bad emotions makes guys less likely to get a girl - that bad emotions are useless - women will ditch a guy because of bad emotions. Yes you might know more about whether a certain thing we do brings up bad emotions, but let me tell you, guys know more about how those bad emotions make you react. It doesn't even matter what's happening inside your head, as long as we know what behavior yields what, we've achieved our goal.
  4. Say someone, a random hunter from Argentina, wants to see a Lamborghini for real. You could draw the Lamborghini on a piece of paper, from all different angles, with different shades and colours. You could even take a real picture of it. But that will never be that same as seeing a Lamborghini in reality. In reality its in your awareness, produced on a slate of consciousness. The Lamborghini in the drawing you made is made of pencil colours and ink, produced on a paper slate. And the argentinian will never understand what its like to see a real lamborghini in real life just from your drawing, because the actual material's properties are just not the same as a real lamborghini. The pencil and ink, and paper fundamentally are limited in what they can show you. Concepts are like the paper and pencil. Its fundamentally limited, by its pure essence. You can produce whatever concept you want for why we have measurement, and it will bring you no closer to understanding the truth. Because concept is the problem here. Anyway the reason why you have to contemplate this question, is because there isn't even a conceptual explanation for what you are asking, even if you are ok with concepts. You're pretty much asking "Why does a picture of a lamborghini kind of look like a real lamborghini?" What drawing is going to give you the answer to that? I'm not saying everything is god -> that's just another concept. See you're looking for a concept and interpreting my answer as a conceptual answer. My answer isn't. My answer is a calling you to go on an adventure within yourself. Its a message saying there is a princess needing saving out in the darkest areas of the woods.
  5. can you see 5 feet long using only your visual field? If not your making BS up and believing in your own BS. And don't think getting a random plank, with a bunch of lines on it justifies 5 feet long as something real. A bunch of lines put together is no real than a word. Evidence???? Who says there even is an objective? Whatever the fuck that is. First real major assumption: There's a difference between what's in your head and what's in the 'external world' Youre assuming there is an external world in the first place. Who says other people are creating thoughts in their head when you look at them? Are players in GTA creating thoughts in their head as well when you look at them? Or are you smart enough to realize that a mind, person, body are all concepts in your head, and what you're really looking at is god, and god only? Your question here isn't about measurement or the physical universe, its about consistency. Heaps of people on this forum have already asked it, confused as hell as to how the world can be so consistent. The fact of the matter is, there is an answer to your question, but you need to contemplate on it for at least a week. No one on here can give you the answer you want. Its not conceptual.
  6. @AstralProjection you just made 1 billion assumptions, and justified this magical 'distinction' using those 1 billion assumptions. Contemplate, then come back to this forum.
  7. @AstralProjection contemplate for a whole day on what measurement is, and see if you believe the same thing
  8. @AstralProjection What is a measurement? You do realize centimeters and inches are mental constructs right?
  9. By becoming a doctor, you're choosing to destroy viruses and diseases. Destroying viruses and diseases is no different to destroying human beings. You're resisting life either way. @Edvard No matter what you do, you're going to be living a life opposite of self actualization. Whether you join the military, or become a doctor, its gonna be a career in resistance to becoming your true self. Humanity's core function is about destroying the already perfect universe. Its almost as if, that's what it was here to do, and no career is going to stop that. In my opinion, join the military. You will learn how to get close to death, and still be ok with it. Which is perfect for the later stages of self actualization.
  10. Girls aren't robots, cloned and made by one company like a product is. They are all different. Most girls DO care about social status A LOT. For some, the only thing they look for is whether you have a $10000 watch on your wrist, and whether or not everyone loves you. Of course stuttering matters (Oh No! A random person on the internet just triggered my insecurity! I'm scared now!) But what matters more is whether or not you understand that being insecure about you stuttering is even more of a problem than your stuttering. Girls are trying to figure out if you're confident, not whether or not you stutter. You're not going to get through life by worrying about your insecurities. You get through life by accepting and pushing through them. Yes you will have to, ofc you will. I would suggest that you stop demonizing being social. There is nothing wrong with it. good. No pain no gain. How about you stop asking random neurotic people on this forum for figuring out what your intuition will give you for free. Even if we tell you, that you should look for girls now, will that stop you from being anxious about the situation? You've already asked this question on here... I've got some bad news for ya. You have a very bad case of what we call 'controlphobia' . No matter how well you plan out your life, your life isn't going to go the way you expect it. Sorry, but let go of that need for your life to go the way YOU want it, because it just isn't. You don't have control over it, and stop getting anxious over that fact. Regret is a bad emotion to have, but fearing regret is even worse. Stop fearing regret and just get a girl now. Everything else you do is just bickering with yourself, like an old couple.
  11. If a screen can play everything, why can you only see one image at a time? You aren't everything. You have the potential to be everything
  12. Do any of you guys feel really really lost in life? If so what do you guys tell yourself to keep yourself from feeling unlost. I have completely lost my sense of time. I understand what time is, but I don't feel it anymore. I can go to bed at 7 and wake up at 3am, because I literally do not care what time it is anymore, only for communication purposes with society. Also most of my desires I've had are almost gone. Not because I don't want them, but because they are all illusory. And this makes you feel so lost, because your desires were kind of your street signs to where you need to go. But now I've realized most of them are made up, like a prankster drew them to troll you. Or the incentive was illusory, like bad self esteem for example, which has nothing to do with the outside, but only the inside. I'm currently doing a degree in university, and I work part time, but my interest in uni is diminishing, because my degree, and work feels like a dream to me. I don't get how all of my classmates are so passionate about something so made up. I use to be the same though 2 years ago. I'm completely lost, im not sure what next steps to take. Every direction I point to, ends up leading you off the edge of reality, into a never ending space of holograms and emptiness. I want to aim for something, but I want to aim for something meaningful, something real, but I can't find anything that is. Enlightenment is pretty meaningful, but you can't do that 24/7. Any advice? EDIT: just to clarify, im not depressed, I am happy, but I'm not sure on how to deal with society, while being conscious.
  13. I've been in personal development for a while. I've always had this airy fairy idea of PD. Something like you're a blank photograph, and PD is like the liquid that develops you. And I've been very proud of my developments in the past, all of the work I've put into myself to improve my being and character. But I've never questioned exactly how I've improved, or what exactly has been improved of myself. And what I came up with, after contemplating for 8 hours straight, is that PD is a total joke. All those lofty concepts, like becoming a better communicator, better at pickup, better at <put something else here> is all just ideas. Makes me laugh. Even if self development is real, and you do learn some real skills in it, what are these skills going to achieve for you? Honestly developing a new skill seems exactly like buying a car, or some other materialistic thing. Like what exactly are you guys investing in, when you say you're investing in yourself? Are they real? Or do they just sound cool to you, and you don't really know what it truly is. And what's the point anyway? From my perspective, which of course is probably totally stupid and inaccurate, but anyway, it seems to me that the only developments you can make to your well being only happen right NOW. But maybe I'm wrong, what exactly are you guys trying to work on? And Why? What is it going to do for you?
  14. @Damir Elezi I think you're gonna think about other girls, no matter which girl you end up with. There will always be other girls out there who are more attractive, seem nicer on the surface, seem more similar to you. With relationships, finding the right partner isn't a definite process, its indefinite. I don't have any advice on your particular solution. I never know what to do in those situations, but just wanted to caution you that thinking about other girls is never going to go away.
  15. @AstralProjection If you were born right now, what would you know and not know? If you are completely honest with yourself, you would admit that you wouldn't know anything about the 'brain', 'time', 'space', 'birth', 'death'. and 1000000000000 other things too. You would just see a bunch of colours, sounds, feelings and sensations, and you wouldn't just assume that they came from senses, because you wouldn't know what senses are. To figure out what you know and don't know, pretend you decide to teleport to a totally different universe, different laws of physics, different consciousness workings, etc. If a computer screen makes up the game GTA, then a totally different universe to GTA would be space invaders. Pretend a dude from GTA goes to space invaders, that's what its like to go to a different universe. EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT. Now pretend that has happened to you, pretend that totally different universe, is the universe you're in. What is actually going on? Where are sounds coming from? Hint: not from your ears, that is total bullshit. The sound feels like its coming from space/awareness if you are completely honest, if you pretend you were born right now! But where? From this framework, Leo isn't getting crazy, he's just getting honest. Its crazy to think that death is real hahahahaha
  16. @Will why don't you meditate while lucid dreaming? Or contemplate while astral projecting? It is a great way of exploring life. When you astral project don't do it for fun, do it for truth.
  17. Not being able to find dmt and being ready are completely independent of each other. You can be ready and also want to message people to find dmt. Just because you live in an area that's easy to aquire dmt, doesnt mean others do. And reaching out to people is a perfectly normal way of trying to search for dmt. All you need to do is download a crypto messaging system and communicate over there. It actually means you are ready, otherwise you wouldnt be reaching out in the first place.
  18. @Mike Bison awareness is consciousness looking at itself. Ask yourself "am I aware?" If the answer is yes, how do you know that EXISTENTIALLY like assume nothing at all except for what is empirically there. So saying because you have a brain is an assumption. Pretend the world is just a bunch of colours and sounds. If you answer honestly to how you know, you will get your answer. Hint, it involves consciousness. Why are we not aware of subconscious thoughts? Why doesn't a movie play every scene at the same time? And every sound at the same time? Because for it to be a movie, it needs to play one thing at a time. Why are you not aware of your subconscious thoughts? Because foe you to be aware, it must be possible to not be aware, which means you cannot be aware of everything at once. That would make being aware impossible
  19. @hundreth I miscommunicated. Everything you say is correct. I mean the desires you dream won't existentially become a reality. Like say you get heaps of money, the reason you do that is so you can feel whole and complete, but that feeling will never come, because money is just an idea in our head, so that attribute is just imaginary. Same with a lot of things. Going to a good university for example, might be a desire, but what is a university? A building. What is a building? A set of planks of wood put in a certain way. What is that? Keep contemplating, and you get pure illusion. So the feel good vibes you get from going to a good university is just a dream. It's like a pot at the end of a rainbow. And it's not limited to just 2 things, its for everything. Good family, good house, even personal development is a pot at the end of the rainbow. Even yourself is just pure fiction to a certain extent. Yes I was one of those people who placed career higher than getting a good family, but ultimately everything I aimed for wasn't real, when I thought it was. Seems trivial to be so pedantic, but to those who did place so much importance on getting rewards from life, its a good caution. And some people need
  20. @Nahm haha you don't owe me anything, you're always welcome to have my input , and my mean zen slappery wherever I can help. Funny you say that, because for the past 5 weeks I've been fixated on the idea of going out into the woods for a week, and just contemplating my life, its like im drawn to it like a magnet. Can't wait to do it after finals are finished. @hundreth thanks dude! Good advice. I need to get use to the fact that my desires will never become a reality... for real.
  21. Thanks, needed that. I'm letting my realization that my desires are never going to fulfill me, get in the way of living happily. I wish you well in letting your true, perfect self flourish, and I look forward to growing with you in the future
  22. Would you really though? Could you pay for that sexy camera, the black background, and all of those barber costs needed to make your head into a bowling ball if you didn't make 1000000 dollars from your zero sum game marketing business? And would you be mature enough to realize that money wasn't the answer, if you didn't try and get it in the first place? As @Huz wrote above, a lot of enlightened masters do real unspiritual businesses. Not saying its the most glorious way, and its definitely something I'm not attracted to/don't want to do, but isn't it practical?
  23. @Afonso The entire world is hollow. Not just you...
  24. Well... I think improving your social skills, and your sexy bed skills, is a little better than training up your thumb muscles, and your eye muscles... But that's just me. I've never done pickup, but if I didn't have a girlfriend, I would so do it. Its one of the greatest self improvement things you can do in your life.