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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. How do you properly tackle your girlfriend when she's jealous of a girl you're talking to? Say you have a really good friend whose a girl, that you talk to and get along with really well. But your girlfriend starts to get jealous of that girl, and starts to believe a secret affair is happening. Or how do you handle a situation where your girlfriend gets worried that you are hitting on girls at a bar or club, because she took you the wrong way one day about that event. You can argue and try and convince her that her beliefs are wrong, but usually the girl doesn't buy it and just acts more suspicious and jealous. How do you calm down that threatened ego, and make it feel safe and secure? What rhetorical techniques would you use, what actions would you take to resolve the situation nicely? Thanks.
  2. no, says the universe. there is no 'me' in your experience. If anything its more accurate to say there are pixels on the screen that you are interpreting meaning from. Stop assuming there is a me. You are talking to god/yourself, definitely not me. Me is a figment of your imagination. There is no outside world out there, with me in it. There's just god and god. Look for yourself, can you see me anywhere? Where am I? I'm sorry to tell you, but it is. Everything is mysterious. Its unexplainable, that's why everyone tells you to stop conceptualizing. how thick are you? Of course it comes through an empirical portal. All you are aware of is a thought appearing out of no where in awareness. I.e. an empirical portal. Again, you're acting like logic's little side kick. Stop looking at logic for answers and start looking at what's around you. It sounds like a religious fundamentalist who keeps bringing up the quote of god making the earth in 7 days. I don't believe in that silly book, and I don't believe in logic rules. here are some to start off with. But with a philosophy degree, you should know them. I have a maths degree, including studies with the philosophy of maths and epistemology classes, and still I wish i put all that effort purely into inquiry. You should be open minded to the possibility that logical fallacies and logical rules don't confer with reality. If you want to understand the truth, otherwise you're no more closed in than a religious fundamentalist. You don't want to let go of argumentation. That is dogma itself. I'm willing to believe there is an I, but I will not assume that "I" am judging something, because if you look close enough, there is nothing judging anything. There are judgments being made, but its not by you. That's a lie that take literally 5 minutes of contemplation to figure out. How do you know you are judging something? Can you literally see your ego produce a judgment and then spit it out into consciousness? Or do you just become aware of a judgment that pops out of no where? The latter is obviously true. You're assuming that just because judgments exists, it was produced by some 'you' as in a you that is discriminant from god. Why? Why can't a judgment just pop out of no where? Like how a colour pops out of a screen? There doesn't need to be any entity present to make Leonardo's face appear in a movie? All you need are pixels. Why does there have to be an entity making judgments occur?
  3. wtf is a judger? Empirically speaking? There is no judger is consciousness in my experience. It doesn't matter how enlightened you think you are, that's just ego. That's a trap. You're right, you are judging yourself Is it? You got any evidence of that? You're confusing logic with reality. The mechanics of logic is different to the mechanics of the universe. Just because it makes sense within logic to say 'you' are coming to that conclusion, doesn't mean it makes sense in reality to say 'you' are coming to that conclusion. Its actually consciousness coming to that conclusion, but that doesn't make sense to you, because you think the mechanics of logic is reality. Also contradictions are possible in reality. Again confusing logic with reality. You need to let go of the assumption that there is a you judging. You don't have any evidence of that. the universe. Yeah, everything. And I guess Leonardo DiCaprio's face doesn't come through an empirical portal called pixels on a screen in titanic either That's just silly!! His face is obviously made by your brain actually seeing him in real life. How could it be any other way?
  4. @onacloudynight if you honestly feel unmotivated, and feel satisfied with your life, why even post this question? Why? Where is that source of motivation to post this question coming from? What is it? What does it desire? You do feel motivated to do stuff, except this time its not the empty, hollow, shallow stuff you've been chasing for however long, its stuff that will actually make a difference to your life. Stuff like being in nature, connecting with the universe/you, being compassionate, and all other things that you can't gather and put in your ego like sex, and getting good with x y or z. Its transcendent to human beings.
  5. @jsh32298 I wish I had such an interesting life. I had a sad life, but no where near as interesting. Always something to look at positively, your story is one of the greatest on this planet.
  6. This hypothetical scenario I posted above is a cultural issue, not a personal issue. It breaks social norms.
  7. @Pinocchio NTO-Dingu this question was a hypothetical scenario that doesn't require advice but just an answer.
  8. @Pinocchio NTO-Dingu so what does non manipulation look like? @SFRL so would you sacrifice your value of freedom for a relationship? I remember Leo saying in his 30 red flags video that you should be exposed to more women otherwise you'll be too needy for the one you have. I think that's a good point.
  9. I value freedom. Not sure if that's problematic or not.... And she's very good at the career im in. She's a very valuable asset to my career.
  10. @Pinocchio NTO-Dingu I see manipulation as an act of changing an environment to achieve a certain mindstate. What else can manipulation be? And I mean internal not just external. So PD is manipulation too. And some forms of spirituality is as well. No I don't understand the problem with treating manipulation as a separate entity, apart from the problem that it doesn't mix well with your authentic desires that much.
  11. @Spiral with the level of consciousness of the human population, I think it's wise to find ways of dealing with the current social norms, rather than try and find that perfect girl who doesn't exist. But I agree, talking about it may be the best solution. I see really successful people, happy gurus, and a lot of them are masters or manipulation. Take a look at sadghuru, ghandi, even Einstein, they are all great manipulators, and so I can't help but think that manipulation is a good skill to have. @Snick I agree. Spiritual answers sound cool on a hippy forum like this, but in reality they just don't cut it.
  12. @Pinocchio NTO-Dingu I'm just pointing out that its illogical to advise me to end my relationship and be celibate, all because im manipulating, when manipulation is unavoidable as long as we are in a society. There's nothing problematic about relationships. Many people have successful ones that last for decades happily, and I know someone on here can advise me with great advice.
  13. @Pinocchio NTO-Dingu I just want to point out that if you think you're liberated from manipulation, think again. The reason why you have a phone or a computer is because you manipulate the fuck out of your life. The reason why you have money is because you manipulate the fuck out of life. The reason why you are alive right now is because you manipulate the fuck out of life. The reason why you found spirituality was to manipulate your happiness levels. Unless you decide to go out into a deserted forest, and live there without human contact, you're manipulating no less than me. And even then, killing an animal to feed yourself is still manipulation.
  14. Tackling your girlfriend is fun, especially when she gives you cheek. You should try it. And I think handling a relationship is a valuable skill to have, even if it does involve manipulation. Hahahahahahahahahaha You sound like a diehard hindu. I get what you're saying though.
  15. @Dodo Yeah I have, 2 people. This forum is a cool place to meet people, but don't forget, the quality of people you get from regular buddhist/spiritual events yoga events etc are just as good.
  16. Anyone else think this song is a quite a beautiful metaphor for a transcendence experience? Just be mindful that the song has been tailored to persuade an audience to be Christian, so the lyrics aren't perfect, especially the "when fear comes knocking, there you'll be my guard" part is especially problematic. But apart from that it seems pretty cool to me.
  17. @kieranperez how about you spend your entire weekend getting to the root bottom of why you love competing so much, contemplate the core of it, and then use that as a way of being a creator, and getting rid of that desire you have to be a hamster on a hamster wheel.
  18. Over the past 2 years, I made it a goal to go partying/a social event 3 times a week, and ive been fairly consistent with that goal over the years. Though I feel like my social intelligence has barely increased from doing this. My goal is to be very social, so that I can carry out career goals, and be a good leader. What are the best ways tof increase your social intelligence? Apart from pickup.
  19. @Shin I mean, is there anything for socializing like how there is for pickup? Like will just being yourself teach you how to persuade people to join your company, increase their morale when they realize how crazy your vision is, teach you how to make people feel better etc? Yeah you're right, I do feel tired and drained all the time though. It's a big relief to not have to socialize much a week.
  20. @Veggies your desire to post this question, comes from a deep down desire to enlighten. You don't have a choice, you want enlightenment whether you realize it or not, and its not up to you to decide how useful it is to you.
  21. Systems thinking is so weird and out there, that its very hard to find resources that specifically target what systems thinking is, and how to use it, so if anyone has any resources, including your own experiences and ideas please: - very brief description of the resource - rate the information out of /10 -> pros and cons if possible - share the resource, link if possible.