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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. Personal development -> Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, Maslow's hierarchy of needs, etc. That's what personal development is all about, developing the biggest, grandest ego on the planet.
  2. @AleksM Now you know how spiritual schools are invented, by a desire to show everyone how they got enlightened, and making the completely arbitrary assumption that everyone is like you, and will get enlightened by this technique just like you.
  3. buy a test kit btw, just so you know, this thread will be locked soon...
  4. There wouldn't need to be this set of rules/contract called a relationship if it wasn't egoic Relationships are designed for people who are trying to get something. There is literally no other reason for having one. Have you noticed that cells in our bodies aren't in relationships? Have you noticed that ants and bees aren't in relationships? It's because they arent individualistic.
  5. Hu? Heaps of people go through failed relationships, yet the population definitely isn't enlightened. That's a strange comment ton make.
  6. I would advise you to not believe in ditties and that reality is a dream. You're gonna fuck yourself up big time by mistaking your beliefs for actual reality. Even if you think youve got it all sorted and that you arent deluding yourself. Talking from experience. What if I told you actually that you don't know if deities exist or not? What about reality is all a dream? Is it really? Do you really believe that bs? Like look around you? All of that isn't a dream mate, its real. Stop being silly. Did that above paragraph trigger you? Do you have an urge to set me straight aftet that? If so you may be holding your spiritual beliefs as a belief system rather than actually knowing it.
  7. When you try and answer those questions, you run the risk of doing the World turtle issue. When you say what is a pen? And you come up with for example a bunch of colours formed together, or maybe a bunch of plastics put together, or whatever else, you're not getting to the bottom of truth. You are just replacing your initial beliefs with new ones. If you mean staying skeptical of the existence of a pen, sure, or the beliefs you have of it, fine. But there isn't much further you can go with deconstructing a pen. Like there is no answer to what is a pen? All there is, is a pen and thats it. There's no hidden meaning secretly underneath a vail of self enquiry that revealed this amazing hidden network that the Egyptians used. That's preposterous.
  8. RSD resonator. Fucken good course. Teaches you how to speak properly. This way you can form social circles easily.
  9. @Dan Arnautu Well... if your goal is to have sex, lucid dreams give you that minus the problems relationships give you. Ultimately egoic relationships have the same problem as everything else, where it cannot fulfill you. So it's not like one is more of a mature decision to make. It's just that society has bad connotations around people who aren't in relationships. They are perceived as nerdy antisocial and weird. Take that away and lucid dreams are a perfect substitute for someone looking for sex.
  10. @Dan Arnautu careful! You can become easily addicted to a real relationship! But your effort into enlightenment instead. @Jhonny
  11. Is believing in deities and paranormal activity, which there is very little evidence of, really making your life any better? Is believing reality is a dream really making you more happy? Life can be described by logic very very well. It does seem to follow logic rules. If you drop a pen now, there is a 99% chance it will fall. Its not just some 'illusion'. Its a fact that there is a 99% chance it will fall. How is denying that fact, helping anyone?
  12. you're reading out of context here... the actual quote was “If someone doesn't value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it? If someone doesn’t value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic?” Logic isn't his religion. But truth and evidence is. Anyway the point of that quote was actually about dogmatism. How will you make someone not dogmatic, if they aren't even going to consider they are wrong? That's the point harris was making. Well of course not. Human beings want flashy cars, big houses and shiny jewelry. They don't want the truth. That's too honest. @Shanmugam I think its a very good book. Very insightful.
  13. back in high school. In the library I was scrolling through scientific books trying to figure out the connection between our theories and reality, and I stumbled upon a study that showed that 'we', our core self, wasn't localized anywhere in the brain. It was scattered so to speak. This led me to studying epistemology, which led me to one of Leo's videos.
  14. the science, history and philosophy section is a good substitute. That's a really good idea blazed. After leaving the forum for a week, it might make them realize how much they have allowed the forum to rule their heads. It might act like a spiritual retreat haha.
  15. @Loreena the reason why a lot of academics say rape culture exists on university campuses is 1 example of how society thinks men are rapists. It's right in front of your eyes.
  16. Yes. Please stop using it to demonize a gender. Thankyou have a nice day.
  17. You said it in one word. You think it's ridiculous that I think a man is stereotyped as being a rapist. Even though you conjectured that If you want to solve the world's problems, you need to stop assuming (as you clearly showed above) that its impossible to be raped by a woman. Not make smart ass comments about who the majority gender is. Why is that smart ass comment above important? Because it shows you clearly care about who the majority of rapes are from, it's just there to stereotype. It doesnt matter who the majority is. Rape is rape no matter who the majority gender is. That just causes division.
  18. I'll call you a dude if I want to lol. Is it disrespectful because men is a name for a dude, and dudes are bad according to you? So you're ok with a woman raping a man, and then the man going to jail for it? Don't think it doesn't happen, it does. And you're the reason why. Women who think that rape doesn't happen both ways. It does. That's why gay men have gone to jail for rape before. You are a feminist if you think falsely sending men to jail for rape is ok, you're just being a wolf in a sheep's clothing.
  19. @Loreena dude you're forgetting this is a male dominant channel. Go onto Teal Swan's channel, and you'll see heaps of male hating threads over there. It's definitely not a social norm to allow men to have problems. Infact men are always considered the bad one in domestic violence, even if the guy didn't do anything. Men are always bullied for breakups, its always because men are assholes who only care about sex. Men are disposable, we are encouraged to sacrifice ourselves for the wellbeing of women, be it going to war, or anything related. Men are the ones who are suppose to be the bread winners. If we don't support a family we are losers. If rape happens its the man's fault, even if the women was the one who raped him. Especially with feminism, its becoming the social norm to attack men, not women. This thread was made here because 90% of people in actualized are men.
  20. What is consistency exactly? Of course you can't answer that question using language, or over thinking about it, but how would you go about discovering that answer? Consistency isn't just some abstract, theoretical word, its the heart of existence. Our life is built upon things being consistent. This has been observed by humans for 1000s of years. Whole paradigms, like the physicality of the universe, and the scientific method are built, in essence, upon consistency.
  21. ohhhh, things aren't as consistent as what we make them out to be, its our perception that makes it seem consistent. Thanks!
  22. Are you protecting yourself though? You're just doing the good old classic playing hard to get. IF you do that, you will eventually get the guy to do what you want him to do... for a while. But do you really think this strategy is sustainable? You really think you can keep him doing what you want him to do for the rest of his life? If he doesn't want to do it naturally?
  23. If you're with a 'high quality' guy, be warned he isn't going to fall for manipulation tactics. He probably has plenty of friends, other girls, and money to turn to. And if he isn't a guy of high quality, is there really any point in being with him?
  24. @Michael569 the whole point of the book is that, to win people over you need to make their egos feel secure, powerful and proud, while you behind the scenes get what you want. Honestly I found the stuff in the book to be pretty obvious. If you want a real book on manipulation, try out 48 rules of power by Robert Greene