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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. @Cesar Alba the ego = you, your family, the laws of physics, objects, materialism your mum, your dad, and most scary of all... spirituality. Everything related to spirituality. No ego, no of the above. The only thing left is, something that cannot be told to you.
  2. Hry guys recently I've been going through large fluctuations of bliss and depression. One part of the day I would be in absolute bliss and egolessness the next day my mind would be extremely depressive, bringing up the meaningless of life, and other things not worth mentioning. And there would be just a state of depressive Ness like the void would inherently contain sadness in it. This has repercussions for school work, normal work and social relationships. While I don't have bipolar disorder, it would be equivalent to a void version of it. Has anyone ever read anything about this issue and what they did to calm down the fluctuations?
  3. @kwax check out the wakeup project They have a forum on the 17th through to the 19th which will contain people who are not necessarily successful, but are deeply wise. Go to their events and connect with those people through your podcast. I have and its what keeps me going
  4. @Hero in progress the actual book is written in mandarin
  5. like @ajasatya Associate professor part time/student full time of computer science major artificial intelligence and compiler theory. If anyone wants to collaborate on research, I'm here. There's a lot of research to be done in the domain of non physical matter, and how that idea can be used computationally.
  6. are you seriously enjoying what life has to offer? or are you just hooked on an unfulfilling dopamine rush. awakenings or even the smallest perspective change is more fulfilling then what life has to offer imo.
  7. as others have said the conception that being an entrepeneur or a ceo is a life of freedom is an illusion. your ceo is your boss, and if youre a ceo then your customers are your boss and if you are a small startup with heaps of customers your angel investors are your boss. and if youre an investor... wow you dont have a boss congratulations, but you lack every freedom you were once looking for. the closest you can get to not having a boss is to either be a musician director or professor, incredibly creative professions that kind of mask the boss like constraints into a pure creativity. or being a preist.
  8. @MM1988 enlightenment isn't the brain, it has barely anything to do with the brain. Your entire premise is wrong, you think the brain exists. Where's your proof? Have you noticed that all empirical evidence is 'inside' the brain? I mean all evidence goes through your eyes or ears or whatever not. And it does that with everyone, biology scientists, neuroscientists. You're playing with fire assuming the brain exists. You're looking at this screen right now to read this are you not? Are you actually looking at a screen, or are you looking at a hallucination made by the brain. According to science, due to light transferring to the brain, you're not looking at a screen but a bunch of light put together. You're looking at electric impulses in the brain. We don't actually know scientifically if the world exists. We just know how brain impulses work, and patterns around that. And these brain patterns are inside this hallucination. Think about it. A concept is an impulse in the brain, so a concept about the concept about an impulse in the brain is also an impulse. Its circular and a strange loop. There is no brain, or if there is there's no way to access that information. Enlightenment doesn't touch the brain, its awareness, its everything, matter, air, its all of it at once. And spiritual practices change awareness, not the brain. So if you remove a part of someones brain like a memory, that memory will be removed, experientially 1st perspective speaking, the content will be different, but the realization will still exist. If you want to remove the realization, you need to get some sort of awareness bomb and explode that. You wait. People are gonna begin to realize that consciousness isn't apart of the brain, but apart of everything. Its an underlying fabric beyond time and space that has the potential to change and become more aware of itself. While the brain (and all of matter) interacts with this fabric, one does not affect the other.
  9. Why aren't spiritual people more kind? Here's an undeniable fact: I don't know who is reading this piece of text right now, but whoever it is, its actually me + different brain programming. Whoever wrote this text, whoever electrobeam is, its actually you + different programming. Of course this is the case. Imagine Ricky(or some crazy scientist) replaced all of your memories with Leo's memories. Now he replaced your values with Leo's values, now he replaced your body. Literally transferred your body to Leo's body. You would literally be Leo. You're still you, you didn't change. But you went from whoever you are now to Leo. Just visualize and pretend that who you think your parents are was actually just a dream, who you think you are is actually just a dream, and what you really are is Leo. Envision his parents, his body, his values, his videos being yours. You're still You, you that thing that exists is still there, you the real you hasn't changed, only your mind has, and you're actually Leo. You can apply this to everyone and everything. You are still you, no matter whether you're a bird or hitler. You're still you. And the reason why you think you're not Leo is because of what? A fabrication of reality, memories ideas and dreams that don't have any more basis than the boogie man. When you watch Leo's videos, all you're doing is watching yourself, from a different reincarnation. Its kind of like your 20 year older self(back to the future) came into your reality and started making videos about how fucked up you are. Except in real life its not your 20 year old self, its your 20 reincarnated generations of yourself. So why aren't enlightened people more kind? Why aren't they more humanitarian than they are? Why do yogis isolate themselves from civilization and not help and try and stop pollution. Can you imagine the amount of suffering is going on in the world(that is, the suffering you will/did go through). Why does Jann Esmann not care about how fucked up everyone is, why do all of the best yogis hide themselves from society(their self ironically) instead of helping it?
  10. There is no point. What's the point to growing? Give an answer that isn't vague and flowery. What specifically is the point to growing? Do you have strong evidence that the place you're going to be is a place that will truly make you happier? I'd you havent been there how do you know? Do you even know if a life purpose will get you there, assuming you're a fortune teller and you know the goal is worth it? Growth is like chasing money, fame, fortune, <put whatever other materialistic item you can think of> if you're doing a life purpose to get to some 'point' you are terribly mistaken.
  11. Hey guys. I'm very frustrated was wondering if someone could help me. People say that awareness is made out of nothing, is endless/infinite and apparently not hidden from sight but is the thing that produces your sensory experience. I've tried to find it for ages now, and cannot find it! I'm getting to the point where I'm very skeptical that this weird awareness even exists at all. It's almost a fact for me now that sensory things like sound and vision don't come from awareness but just exist out of no where. That's it. There is literally nothing behind it, it's just there. I don't see it being infinite. It has the potential to be infinite, but it's not at this present time. The sensory experience is not being projected on this canvas called awareness, the experience is awareness that's it. I cannot see this void or awareness at all. I have a strong longing for the truth and its killing me to hear people talk about stuff that is literally impossible to see. If anyone has seen this weird mystical awareness that is somehow endless and somehow is creating sensory experience. Can someone point me in the right direction. What about the color of a chair makes you think that there is some mystical thing in the back creating it that you obviously know is infinite how do you know it's infinite and how do you know it's creating the blue chair.
  12. the whole reason why leo made the life purpose course is because youre too neurotic to just sit with silence all day, being with yourself. the life purpose course was made as a way for you to deal with your neurotic dislike for the way things are right now. it is itself a cure(or really a distraction) for your neurosis.
  13. I'm not sure whether I'm just retarded, or too shy or friendish when it comes to dating women, but warm approach is an absolute fraud. Firstly, when friends choose certain women to go socializing with, they usually choose attractive, taken women, or women who are either neurotic or unattractive enough, that they would be willing to hang out eith my retarded friends anyway, but are not attractive enough to date. Secondly, even if you do manage to find a friend of a friend who is quite delicious looking, and has a cute, cuddly personality, friends make it awkward as hell to approach her, because they expect you to just be friends with this person. Thirdly, you just dont find enough women to socialize with, if you choose to rely on your friends. You probably would meet around 3 or 4 women every 2 years who are date worthy material? Now if you choose cold approach, not only do the amount of women you could probably date increases by 100 fold, you also increase your social circle by 100 fold too. Its like a chain reaction, date worthy girls who friend zone you, generate new interactions with their hot friends, who you can also ask out! How awesome! Plus you dont even have to pay to get into a club, or a movie ticket, like what you have to do in social events, all you have to do is awkwardly walk up to someone, and nervously start talking to them. I personally suck at cold approach, but it is such a superior way of meeting new women to date (and increasing your social circle) compared to warm approach. Unless you have 200 friends, and somehow maintain a decent friendship with all of them, warm approach just doesnt cut it. Any of you agree? Warm approach gets me absolutely no where. To be completely honest, 80% of the reason why i go to social events is to meet new women, and im left completely disappointed everytime, feeling like i would have been better off approaching the cute girl at the mall and screwing the time taken to go to the social event in the first place. Unless the friends you have are girls, or pickup people, or gay guys, there's no point in going to 80% of the social events you're invited to. Its just a waste. Ive spent the last 2 years going to parties every 3rd weekend, and social events every other weekend, in hope to increase my dating opportunities, and its done absolutely 0. No exaggerations. Do you guys agree, or is there a secret to warm approach that I dont know?
  14. Hi Being so called 'enlightened' and being egoic are not mutually exclusive. In fact being egoic and being enlightened is perfectly normal. Realizing the ego is a fabrication doesn't magically stop egoic processes. You could realize that you don't exist, and still get angry or irritated with someone for saying something silly or stupid. The only difference is that you realize those egoic processes of getting angry aren't coming from you, but out of no where. There are people who have visited this forum(most have left, which I understand) who are highly insightful and amazing individuals, yet act like complete assholes, and get mistakenly interpreted by the less experienced on here as 'lower consciousness' or egoic. Don't be so robotics in your analysis of seemingly assholes. All of my growth, ALL hasn't come from the nice guys who have high reputation, and similar writing styles to Leo's overly conceptual, abstract, idealistic theme, but to privately messaging those wrongly labelled individuals about myself and my problems, and man I wouldnt be the same without those harsh but required insights. Imagine if this forum thought more critically about what is said, rather than robotically dismissing anyone who doesn't represent Leo's holy grail of what a 'high consciousness' would look like, whatever the fuck 'high consciousness' means. This forum is great, but when nearly all of the accounts that have had the most impact of my life have either left, because they have noticed growth on here isn't the main focus of the forum, or have gotten banned, something isn't right, and it has to be brought up.
  15. How do you deal with people who are: - more witty than you/are quicker on their feet to insult you. - who insult you in passive aggressive ways i.e. that effectively lower your reputation or self worth, but at the same time the behavior is not resisted by peers because it's funny or seems harmless due to the very subtle or indirect nature of the insult. For example, say you're a vegan, and the user makes a joke like "a vegan restaurant is another word for a grass field". This is targeted at you due to you being the only vegan, the individual not being a friend of yours, and everyone else are meat eaters, or sly comments that aren't noticed as insults by peers consciously, but unconsciously negates their reputation of you. - Who when you raise the issue that the insults are not appropriate, respond by saying its a joke, or that you are too sensitive. Basically every response is countered by another subtle insult or rebuke that is too indirect for peers to notice it's an insult. - Or destructively criticizes you on a very regular basis. For example, your work is too sloppy, you suck at sports, we can't have you on the team you're a liability for the whole class, not just our team, you lie all the time, etc. - Who is too witty to try and overcome the situation by insulting them back. I'm not against jokes and banter, but when the individual does it on a regular basis, and does it deliberately to lower your self worth or reputation, it becomes an inhibitor for the victim facing it.
  16. @Ragib Ashraf what about other people's perception of you being damaged? For example, if you talk crap about a company, the company takes that seriously as it has deep potential to stop customers from going to them. The term legally is called libel laws or defamation. In a personal context it's called slander. From my perspective, insulting someone's self concept has the same negative consequences as ruining a company's reputation: you may be less likely to be promoted, you may be treated or discriminated against in the workplace, due to this lower reputation that one individual is giving you.
  17. And its a good thing that people are skeptical of you. It would be terrible if we all just believed you as gospel, because then you wouldn't be raising high consciousness people in the first place.
  18. You're assertion here is circular. You're saying the absolute truth is everything is relative, yet that assertion is a solid proposition. To put it concretely, how can you know that everything is relative if reality cannot know itself. Reality is Unknown with a capital U. That doesn't necessarily mean everything is relative. That's just the green stage going crazy. Do you have any direct proof that it is relative? Plus you keep saying reality is a hallucination. But normal hallucinations are not permanent. Yet idealistic reality cannot be escaped. Being will keep being no matter what. That's not a hallucination. It cannot be unreal if it cannot be escaped. Being stuck in a virtual reality game for eternity would mean that the virtual reality pixels are real. They would have to be.
  19. There could be. You cannot know for certain that what you experience is true. It might feel like there's nothing beyond awareness, but that doesn't prove there isn't.
  20. im aware that pacman is a hallucination, but that doesnt mean people go " oh pacman is a hallucination! im going to run into the ghosts because it doesnt matter"
  21. Hey guys, I have a really silly issue. Conscious work ungrounds me to a certain extent, after contemplating for a while, and my brain uses this to its advantage to just plainly piss me off. One way is it says "wow you truly don't know whether or not the laws of physics are real, like theres a high chance but you have no idea. That's a fact. That means it's perfectly possible for an alien to pop out of no where and kill you. That's perfectly possible" This scares the shit out of me, particularly when I'm home alone trying to go to bed. This issue is ridiculous but any advice? Thanks
  22. Fucking, Austria
  23. What philosophies have you found to be the most practical for increasing your awareness? Examples of practical philosophies: - advaita vedanta (my favorite) - Zen buddhism - Taoism Examples of impractical philosophies: - Christianity, Islam, Judaism - stoicism (it's practical for having a good life, but not for increasing your critical thinking skills) Also add any egoic pitfalls that you fell into while embodying the philosophy, if any. And if you would like, highlight any particular reason why you think its a good philosophy(like for example, Taoism has the golden flower meditation technique which is amazing). I made this question because there are millions of philosophies out there, and it would be more efficient to use the knowledge of more experienced guys on here to narrow that search down, rather than spend an entire lifetime seriously trialing each one out. Please no debates on this thread, just add a philosophy that you think practically helped you.