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Everything posted by Tal

  1. Here in israel crude oil arrived to the beaches. I helped cleaning it because I'm working in the nature reserves. After 3 days of breathing it I feel a headace and stuck in my head. Day after and I still feel headace. Hard for me to think, focus, feel. I'm agitated. what do you recomend me to do? I don't think I breathed in alot but I feel like it caused harm to my brain and body. I read that the brain detoxifies itself in sleep and exercise makes the process faster.
  2. I was wondering Because I am but cause he is not so shy now and seems like he is not processing everything deeply and gets emotionally overwhelmed. So I think he is not HSP. But maybe he is and he is just using this gift in a good way where he knows how to live with it masterfully.
  3. Thank you nahm, I will try to use your technique as well.
  4. Highly sensitive person is a term I brought from Elaine N. Aron's work. You can use it other ways, but that's what I meant. @Nahm There is what is, ok, no beliefs. But- my situation is that I am very overwhelmed by people and situations and I really have social anxiety and fear of being harmed. I am very stressed and my whole body hurts. my mind is very foggy, can't think clear, see clear, percieve clearly, I don't feel GOOD! I am willing to do whatever it takes for feeling GOOD. So I am getting advice from what resonates and going in that direction. By levels I just meant that your answers tell me to recognize the truth but in reality there is a path you have to go through to get there. You told us your story and it didn't just happen one day, you had a process. I feel like you know this already, and we understand each other, but I am just expressing myself to help myself and others who resonate. Love to everybody here
  5. @Nahm You keep speaking at your level:), There is value in the books and courses on HSP, and it is a generalization so you can resonate with only some things, and you can let it go if that is what you wish( will be useful in the END)
  6. Hi, I am 20 years old and i started meditating at 15 y/o, and became interested in enlightenment very early. i had many mystical experiences. two years ago i felt like i am dying and losing myself when i was sleeping. i was very frightened and and i became depressed and i was so hopeless that i accepted to take psychiatric drug to to deal with this. This drug completely suppressed my spiritual development and lowered my consciosness by a lot. Now after stoping the drug i am so fearful that i will die , i am very afraid of letting go and allowing myself to heal. i have traumatic memories of being so helpless and so confused and feeling that i am losing myself and disociation of my body. like i cannot feel safe inside myself. i wanted to ask for advice if anybody knows or had a similar experience. How do you heal yourself and develope spiritualy if you are so panicked of letting go ( because in the past i have let go and that led to very good experiences and also hell of experiences which freaked me out and made me traumatized).
  7. @Nahm I feel special, with spiritual abilities that few others have. But I DON'T know. This is true but there is also value on working towards self actualization( the work). And how does it feel to not care about anything? I'd like to hear your perspective. YOU ARE SPECIAL
  8. Hi everyone, I was wrong, I'm 100 percent sure Leo is sensitive. I just rationalized why he isn't.
  9. @Nahm Ok I understand. If you know CBT is all about recognizing the relationship between thought, emotion and behavior and changing your feelings by changing the thought. What you are saying is like to fake it until you make it, so you express the higher emotion and then in accordance with that your feeling, thought and behavior changes. By expressing you are referring to visualizing or to physically or could be both? you try to let that emotion 'pop' up by 'controlling' it? Ok maybe I am asking about the small details but I want to hear your perspective You mean you thought the sensitivity was bad thoughts and feelings? I am also very sensitive and I have learned coping mechanisms from middleschool but I was thinking it was only me and I thought I was special. Now I know you and others exist We have to be spiritual because of the sensitivity.
  10. @ivankiss Thanks, not to rush and go gradually is so important you are right. Because if you rush you have the backlash.
  11. I exercise, do yoga before sleep( with breathing). Actually I started to work in nature cleaning reserving cause I need to move my body, have routine and end lazyness. It's so beautiful there But I can't see the beauty of it( like I used to). I used to practice mindfullness in the day so I can incorporate it to the work for now. I am focused on feeling better now, in the future LP. The problem is I feel strong fear being around others, and feeling good for me means being alone. I don't know if that's a good idea cause I can go crazy. Something interesting also is I realized after I change like in the 5 last years my family say what's wrong with you are you ok? They think because I don't smile and I am serious I am wrong. No! I am just "progressing in the work", and feeling better. I myself now am part of the "come and suffer together" society. I know I don't belong there. People "enjoying" when other people suffer with them, they don't feel alone, but they pull down the ones who try to "get out". By the way are you Highly sensitive? Cause you have to be! Will love reading your upcoming book. I am just talkin:)
  12. I am planning to go to a rebirthing session with a therapist( it's like shamanic breathing, for aprox. 1 hour). Iv'e done shamanic breathing at home a couple of times but my family worried for me and I myself got affraid as they were highlighting the dangers of it. Actualy later Me and mom went to a rebirthing seminar and experienced it together. I was feeling no emotions because I was on the psych drug but my whole body was vibrating. Now I am Kinda wanting crying but don't cause of social conditioning, But I cry Quietly in my room everyday. That's why I want to go there to cry and release. yup I got it.
  13. @Nahm I already read the article in the website, that's why I was askin. I understand it's as simple as being mindful of the feelings and thought and recognizing your current emotion, letting yourself with allowing and letting come and go and spontansly lift your thoughts to more positive and your emotions up the scale. Or are you analyzing it with the rational mind, and rewiring to a more acceptable functioning self image?( I know it's not, but it's the psychological regular therapy)
  14. but it is shutting down your mind and emotions and can help if you are willing to suffer the sideffects. Then you can take the time to heal while feeling calm and good.
  15. @ryuzaki I took it and experienced vision loss, fatigue, headache so I would not recomend it.
  16. @Ensho I reccomend TLC( THERAPUTIC LIFESTYLE CHANGE) for dealing with depression: 1. Omega 3 EPA 2000mg every day with meal. 2. Exercise- best aerobic every day 3.Engaging activity/stop rumination 4. sunlight( personally recommend being in nature) 5. get quality sleep 6. social connection with loved ones here's the book:https://www.amazon.com/Depression-Cure-6-Step-Program-without/dp/0738213888 you can use a psychologist also. good luck! my most practical lesson I learned from the book is "Don't think, do". tell this to yourself whenever you are ruminating. You can transform, you are capable of anything! Never Give up!
  17. @Nahm can you please explain what you do in the emotional guidance scale exercise cause maybe I did not understand? sorry for the separate messages.
  18. @Nahm I read it and it sounds like what you do is like meditation because you let go and allow good thoughts to come. you don't do a psychological therapy , because you are not resolving your problems, you are just feeling in the present moment. I know it is good, but I think because I have 'deep' stuff I also need other therapy( you can't boil everything down to this...)
  19. " Isn't that just letting go of your bad thought and replacing it with a good thought? How does it heal your trauma? cause it is very deep and I am not even aware of thoughts, just of bad feelings, like my thought is subconscious. And it happenes in social situations.
  20. @Nahm Finished reading your story, your'e really special and I can feel your love , wierd
  21. @Nahm wow! good video. I am not familiar with the work of Abraham Hicks but seems like you have been influenced by him a lot. I like this approach but I know that from ken wilber's work he says that meditation alone and in Hick's language the practice of feeling good will make your response to a situation where you are neurotic worse. The thing is when you ignore all the bad feelings and focus on the good feelings you certainly change a lot for the positive but sometimes you are becoming very very neurotic and with toxic psychology. At least that's what I have experienced, because I was in this path for a few years, and I reach a very 'good ' feeling consistently and saw beauty all day long and I was like you said "feeling refreshing, clearer, looser, not so ‘practical’, more wavelike, flow, naturally concentrated & energetic, a mellow yet strong vitality of life". But the thing is I was having bigger social anxiety and thus because I was focused on feeling good I stopped almost entirely to interact with people. I was all day with myself, basking in the good feeling and doing my work, which was at that time a degree in computer science and playing the piano. But It all backfired as you can see. I was bullied in school and I was having trauma from childhood and I was really suffering in the social environments and I just found a way out for a couple of years, but I still didn't heal fully. Life is just so complex