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Everything posted by DMM710

  1. It's hard to say this early, but I exercised and have set an intention to fix my sleep schedule tonight. I also feel so much more appreciation for being alive. Na, for me it made me realize a root problem in my life. I avoid things that are uncomfortable, it's why I'm so isolated and don't often set out to do the things try to do. In this case I was stuck in a situation, and there was no way out. My normal tendency when something is uncomfortable is to get away from it. This was more about physical pain, and a storm in my mind. It just felt really brutal, and I was reaching for some way out. So in this case, I would rather have been DEAD than deal with something that was uncomfortable. That combined with that vulnerability experience makes me really fuckin motivated to face my fears.
  2. So what’s your opinion on enlightenment? That’s not something that can be proven scientifically. Honestly most of the stuff discussed on here isn’t provable through the scientific method. You make a interesting point though, definitely something to think about. Fair enough
  3. Did you watch the entire video? He addresses every question here with lots of detail. Check it out. This is a good point, but what’s the alternative? I feel like something you experience directly is more credible than a belief, no?
  4. So I’ve done 2 grams of mushrooms twice at this point. I plan on doing 3.5 tomorrow, but there’s a bit of an issue. They were improperly dried, and most likely lost some potency in the process. Would it be foolish for me to take 4 grams to try and make up for some of that potency loss? Like is that way too big of a leap if it turns out they didn’t lose that much potency?
  5. Gonna stick with 3.5 just to be on the safe side. Thanks
  6. Don’t think we’re allowed to give sources (could be wrong in that though, but I’m too lazy to check the rules ) Just google it if you’re set on doing it. Check reviews on any site that you find and be careful..
  7. Be careful with research chemicals though. It’s kind of a grey area. The sites I’ve found only accept bitcoin, and people have gotten in trouble for purchasing them apparently. I considered it, but it seemed a little sketchy.
  8. Do you guys chant Om like he says in the book? (Ong with a long o) or some other way? There are a lot of different ways people do it on YouTube. I kinda like how Ohm feels more, but I don’t wanna tweak something that I shouldn’t.
  9. I mean physically your body is existing right now, but “live in the moment” is more about your mind. It’s more about being aware of what’s happening In the present moment instead of getting lost in thought stories about the past and the future.
  10. I like shadguru with the exception of this video. what do you guys think of it?
  11. But if life has no inherent purpose or meaning, and you simply create one for yourself; why should it be mandatory? I think it’s entirely possible to work a job that is decent and be ok with that. How can we know for sure that life purpose is something written into the fabric of existence? Isn’t it just an opinion or perspective? How can you make a definitive statement like “It should be like this.” To me life purpose seems like a belief, not really something that’s irrifutable. Or maybe I’m fooling myself because I haven’t done the work to try and find one. Idk, maybe once you have one it doesn’t feel like a belief anymore.
  12. Lately I’ve been using to find meditation or other spiritual groups. A lot of the people there have “spiritual enlightenment” listed as an interest. My first meeting is on Sunday, but I’m thinking this might be a good way to meet like minded people.
  13. Is that true? I took mushrooms twice, got some really great insights but zero visuals either time. My sense of self hasn’t been solid for years now, I don’t even know who I am at this point lol. I do still feel like some sort of entity, but it’s not as solid as it was most of my life. That’s interesting though, I’ve never heard that.
  14. The only thing i’m not a fan of is how Leo presents life purpose as being completely mandatory to your success and happiness. I’m sure it’s extremely effective, and if you’re completely lost and are working a 9-5 mind numbing job it’s probably just the thing you need. But if your circumstances don’t allow you to buy the course and drop everything you’re doing; the whole “mandatory life purpose” thing makes it feel like you’re not on the right track, and that you’re missing something. I love Leo’s videos, and if I had the funds I would have no problem straight up donating to him. He’s helped to transform my life so much. That said, I don’t really buy into the mandatory life purpose. I think it’s great, and if that’s the path you chose then fuck yea, go for it. I’m sure you’ll get EXACTLY what you’re looking for. But I also think you can have just as good of a life without it.
  15. What benefits have you gotten from journaling? How long have you been doing it, and how long did it take before you saw the benefits? What do you journal about exactly?
  16. If you’re completely present in the moment you won’t find a self in your direct experience. The only time the notion of a “self” exists is within thought. Thought is temporary, the “self” changes throughout your life, your self is not the same now as it was when you were a child. What you are is not temporary, and is not a story.
  17. I’m never sure if I’m doing concentration correctly. It says to imagine you’re looking from the back of your head to brumadhya, and that the chakra is actually in the middle of your head. Apparently a lot of people mistakenly focus on the surface point. I find my attention flip flopping between physically looking in the direction of brumadhya while focusing on the outer point, and the back of my head. I’ve never looked forward from the back of my head, I’ve only ever looked out from where my eyes are actually located. I find it hard to visualize it. I can visualize the back of my head, the front of my head, but I can’t imagine actually looking through my head from the back. Like am I supposed to picture my head as being transparent? I don’t get it lol.
  18. He was last seen on wednesday,so no. Lol Probably checking tech support questions like he mentioned
  19. Mindfulness is trying to take the imagination out of how you perceive objects and sensations, no? And do nothing is just understanding how your awareness works while kind of purging your mind. There isn’t really a one size fits all when it comes to stuff like this, at least in my opinion. Maybe some people have a difficult time with just “being” meditation, and get better results from just focusing on the breath or the third eye.
  20. Anyone ever meditate in a sensory deprivation tank? I kinda wanna do this , anyone here ever try it?
  21. Switch your meditation method. All meditation is not created equal, nor does it benefit you in the all the same ways. I’ve never been a fan of just focusing on the breath. (Pure speculation here) but I think focusing on the breath would probably increase your concentration more than anything else. Do nothing could be good for purging your thoughts and understanding how your awareness works. Mindfulness could get you more in tune with the present moment, and becoming aware of sensations/objects independent of any meaning/judgement you assign to them. Or you can just sit and be aware of the present moment. Which I find to be the least painful, and actually quite enjoyable. Sometimes I mix a little bit of mindfulness, breath focus, third eye focus or what ever in there. I find that it doesn’t have to be extremely rigid to produce results. Mindfulness, breath focus, third eye focus or other similar techniques are similar enough that switching between them feels quite smooth to me. I usually feel very present and sharp after doing this. But i’m no expert on meditation. I’m still learning, and what I said about each method is purely my own opinion. I think all meditation probably make you more mindful/aware etc. but I believe that different methods produce higher results in different areas. I’ve tried meditating many times in the past, the biggest mistake is to just keep tying the same one over and over again. If it’s painful to do, then don’t do it. I think meditation should at least be somewhat enjoyable. And the last thing I’ll say that’s really helped me is this mindset - Don’t start a meditation practice with the mindset of “I’ll do some meditation for a little while and see how it makes me feel.” No. It has to be more like “This is something I’m going to do every single day, no matter what. Without missing a SINGLE day under ANY circumstance, no exceptions. Look at it as a life style change, and not an experiement or temporary thing. Oh and one thing that definitely will happen is less suffering in general. If you stick with it long enough, you’ll naturally live in the present moment more often. You can’t have anxiety about the future/self doubt/regret/loneliness when you’re not lost in thought. None of that shit exists when your attention is completely outside of your head.
  22. Oh I was talking about your responses in his message you quoted. But thanks for the music suggestion