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Everything posted by StardewValley
The Truth Contest book.
It sounds like you went to the Turqoise page on spiraldynamicsintegral.nl and are using the terms you saw there. "putting things into perspective" "balance being with doing"
I don't know the answer, but I am on the same path. "I discovered the way to move into turquoise in my own contemplation now and it all seems very legitemate after a few mystical experiences." "it isnt like I have to choke myself to do all these things like not pursuing certain desires and having bad emotions. It just became natural." "I feel like I am helping people just for the sake of increasing their consciousness. When I was a victim few years ago, I wanted to help, but it was all manipulative and self-destructive for me, I didnt even know how to truly help, I was just a doormat. " These three quotes especially.
Basic Psychedelic Rules: - Set and Setting. Look this up and read all about it. You should be in a good place in your life and you should be physically in a location that you feel safe and with people you trust. - Use a testing kit. A testing kit is something you can use to test that the MDMA you buy is actually MDMA and not something else sold to you as MDMA. - Have a trip sitter. This should be someone you trust and feel safe around.
I disagree. I think that the difference between green and yellow is that green wants to make the world a better place and loses sight of its own self-expression. Green is so focused on helping people that it does not express its own potential. There is a lack of life purpose and passion because it is lost to helping others. Yellow have a sense of purpose in life such as beauty, truth, or possibly helping people but only because they truly want to.
When I watched it, I basically forgot all about it the next day. I then watched it again a few months later and forgot about it. I could not be bothered to do affirmations or really contemplate on what he was saying. However, one thing in that video stuck with me: where he said that people's opinions are random. When he said it, it didn't help me, but then I realized it in my own experience. I realized that people's opinions are random and meaningless; people might like you because how you look or dislike you because of your ethnicity or because you look like their ex-boyfriend. People might have low self-esteem and hate you because they're insecure around you. People are generally dumb, in my opinion. They're driven by petty emotions such as wanting to preserve their self-image. Anyways, hearing Leo say it didn't help me, but when I discovered it for myself, I remembered I had watched Leo say it a few years earlier. The stuff that Leo and other teachers say won't help too much until you discover what they say for yourself in your own life. At least, this is how it is for me. I never did do the affirmations. Also, a fun fact: that was the video that introduced me to Actualized.org.
I was a fundamentalist Christian at first, which you could say is blue. Reading psychedelic forum posts and listening to Alan Watts changed this for me, especially the first time that I heard Alan Watts's interpretation of Jesus. Also, I hated the idea that Christians went to heaven and everybody else went to hell. What about all the devout Muslims and stuff who worship God and do good? Why do they have to be tortured forever just because they picked the wrong religion? At one point I cared about my looks and girls' looks while disregarding personality, and I looked down upon "losers." I wanted to be a celebrity for the same reason that everybody else wants to be a celebrity: for attention. You could say this was my orange phase. This changed mostly when I had my first genuinely scary experience in my life. I started to care about everyone and making the world a better place. Since I want stage green to conquer the world, it probably means that I am a stage green. However, no stage made me say "yes Leo, that's exactly how the world is" more than his yellow video. I am indeed a lone wolf who likes new ideas and is triggered by closed-mindedness.
I second what @Arkandeus said.
I recommend you read "Fifteen Lessons" by Pook. It's not a book; it's a short piece of writing that you can find on the internet. I also recommend you listen to Nick Sparks's speeches (not to be confused with Nicholas Sparks the writer; I'm talking about the blond man who teaches men how to interact with women). Stop calling yourself autistic. It's a limiting belief. Also, you will most likely fail with her, but that's okay. You need to learn to forgive yourself for your failures with women.
I am obsessed with it. Most of the time, I can't go more than a few minutes without thinking about it at least once. It's been like this since April, with a small break in May but it came back when Leo did his spiral dynamics series. I am constantly trying to fit myself and other people into a stage (i.e. I am probably this stage and that person is probably this stage). I see people in terms of what stage they are at, similar to racism or something. I can't help it. I am always trying to work out what constitutes what stage (such as religion and charities). My mind always does this. It always finds something to obsess over and then it's all I think about it for months, until I find the next thing. Most likely you can help me by finding me a new theory to obsess over that will replace this one. I'm getting tired of thinking "am I stage green or stage yellow?" about two hundred times a day.
@NoSelfSelf I think he means that he wants personal development stuff that's focused on accepting who you are and your life situation. Instead of stuff that's about working hard and overcoming stuff, he wants something about how to accept what you have and improve it from there.
"Resting into being" stuff, maybe? Look at the people in the turquoise examples mega-thread; they seem to have feminine teachings such as "relax as you take in the universe" stuff, such as Matt Kahn. The book "Loving What Is" by Byron Katie.
@lmfao Yeah, I demonize stage orange and view myself as superior to it. I view it as the "I just want to get drunk, laid, and money" stage. Yes, I know that that's just the excesses of orange. Orange is supposed to be about reacting to blue's dogmatic oppression. It's supposed to do this by giving everybody freedom of speech and freedom to pursue whatever they want.
StardewValley replied to Psyche_92's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I don't like to say "I love you" because I don't know if I really mean it or not. Will I still love you when you're no longer young and beautiful? Edit: I will say it anyways. I love you too. -
It appeals to my brain so much, to be able to put people into neat categories like this.
Truth Contest, or now it's Global Truth Project It has one book you read online called The Present globaltruthproject.com Or perhaps this is Yellow thinking. I'm not too sure on the difference between the two yet.
You might also be unreal.
I agree with what you said.
@GorlovI also got an anxiety disorder from psychedlics. For me it was two low-level psychedelic trips, probably lower dosage than the one you described. I still have anxiety every day after two years. Do you have any advice for me? You said that yours went away after only one year.
I would describe it more as being in my stomach than my chest. I once meditated and felt that my soul (I'm using the word soul for convenience) was screaming in agony. I know that my every-day self is doing okay but that my soul is screaming. Sometimes if something triggers me to cry then I start to scream. I can't cry without starting to scream, so I don't cry at all. So, I've been repressing this darkness within me for two or more years. I know that if I don't get it out myself, then it will eventually force its way out. I'm scared.
For me, it has been emotional pain.
I don't have a solution to add but I have the same concern. The only time I really feel at peace is when I'm in a mystical mindset (which happens once every month or two) where all my anger towards them disappears and all I want to do is save their souls.
Maybe narcissism can be cured with community service and trying to make the world a better place. Find some way to add value to society. Even showing saying "thank you" to store clerks and waiters/waitresses is a good start. I would stay away from art because that would inflate your ego more (i.e. my book/youtubechannel/music is clearly superior to his/hers!)
@Serotoninluv I think this might be my problem, that my mind is okay with meat-eaters but my body is very much not okay with them. I understand that people have their own perspectives that are not their fault, but my body still gets angry. @exhale Yeah I agree with this method, of approaching people in a non-confrontational away where both of our opinions are respected, and of leading them to their own conclusions about animal rights. I disagree with the method that the vegans in the video used, but I still used the video because of how cold the fishermen responded. This is how I do activism; I stay relaxed with my fliers and let people ask me questions if they want. I try not to force my opinions on them. I know that if I try to force opinions on them, then it will push them away. It's annoying that I have to hold back my anger, because from my point of view people are letting animals suffer if they don't convert, but I have to hold it back to actual keep people open to my words. @sgn Yeah, the way she described it in the video (vystopia) is good.
Videos like these make me angry because of how the animal rights people is labeled a "nut" and all of the comments are sticking it to them, saying that they're crazy and the problem with the world. The animal rights people are clearly the right ones, from my perspective. In general I've become angry at people who treat animals poorly and don't care about slaughterhouses. I'm having trouble moving forward because I'm stuck on being angry at such people. I want to make my peace from this so I can actually go out and do something to fix it. I am expecting an answer such as "meditate more" or "good luck transcending stage green," which I would accept.