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Everything posted by JTL

  1. Do you have any sources/name of the studies? been searching around abit, but did not finding anything. Here is good youtuber that I respect, she looked at a study witch mice.
  2. @Leo Gura I am drinking alot soda with aspartame, would it just be better to drink regular?
  3. @Leo GuraHow? Leadership, humor etc. or something else, I dont understand quite what women are attracted to. I remember you wrote on the forum that if lowerd your integrity or became more jerky that would help get laid more. ?
  4. Hey, @Leo Gura when are the understanding liberalism video coming out? I hope today, I have been sick since friday with a bad covid. so looking forward to listen
  5. @Leo Gura I have abit of a hard time understanding epistemology, I know the definition but what it really is have not dawned for me yet. But would you say that the best epistemology for a human to have, is being non-biased with their direct experience?
  6. What??? What does he think, he is saving the world from? Bots ?
  7. Clearly twitter is going to become a missiformation super haven and undermind democracy around the word. Do you think this is an deliberate effort by musk?
  8. @Leo Gura He’s become a right-wing nut job. I left when he let neo-nazis back to twitter.
  9. I agree with you, what does this white supremacy look like? And why are so many white republicans going along with this ? @Leo Gura
  10. Look at kanye west new friends of intelligence, creativity and character!! I sure they love him, smh
  11. A respectable news source shared this. I knew this weekend would be north Korea light
  12. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/03/tech/ai-art-fair-winner-controversy/index.html
  13. I see. I have a hard time to deicede how I should approach the culture war ( Iam a progressive)….. not debate thats clear, but what to do when fasiscts are knocking on your door.
  14. @Leo Gura I just re-saw Understanding War & Conflict - Part 1 and just wonder if you could elaborate, about why culture wars are necessary for progress?
  15. @Leo Gura are you thinking about removing the vid you have about him on youtube?
  16. ohh, I thought you should talk as much as possible til you reached hook point?
  17. @Leo Gura do the same apply for other feelings aswell, e.g sadness, ?
  18. “Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” — Benito Mussolini
  19. This is also the labor of fox News, trump and the white nationalist in chief Tucker Carlson.
  20. @Leo Gura opposining facism does not make your life misarble. JP is a nazi apologist.